digital storm

Chapter 197 Ability Demonstration

Chapter 197 Ability Demonstration
Hearing what Lin Wenfang said, everyone's first reaction was not confusion or shock, but disbelief!

A young lieutenant colonel came up and said with a smile: "Major General Lin, you are alarmist. You have seen how our security work is carried out this way. It is absolutely impossible to mean anything against you."

Lin Wenfang smiled, and said calmly: "Isn't it normal to deploy snipers on the commanding heights? I didn't say that you would be harmful to me, so don't feel guilty. Although, in fact, this is not unfounded. I want to kill I have a lot of Moya soldiers, has Marshal Kahn's killing order for me not been revoked?"

This matter is a bit embarrassing, Sarah did not dare to point it out to Lin Wen before.Marshal Kahn's influence and prestige in Moya are too lofty, no one dared to say to him: Did you withdraw the killing order for the peace talks between the two countries?Marshal Kahn failed to save the situation. This is the reason why Moya had to negotiate peace. Although the Marshal was helpless, he felt responsible for this. His temper has been getting hot recently. No one dares to make irresponsible remarks to him. , and provoke his temper again.

Lin Wenfang continued to say nonchalantly: "It's not without reason for me to say that. If you don't mind, I'll explain it to you."

Lin Wenfang took a deep breath, and at that moment, he even closed his eyes.The lights of the entire banquet hall slowly dimmed, as if to add atmosphere to his statement.No one knew how he did it. He didn't have a minute to get close to the electronic facilities in the theater today. Although there were some whispers in the venue, there was no panic.

When Lin Wenfang opened his eyes, only the warning lights above a few passages in the entire banquet hall were still on.

"You have arranged a total of seven snipers, and the selection of the location is very interesting. Starting from the north, counting clockwise, the situation is as follows: the 29th floor of the International Finance Building, a straight line distance of 1700 meters, KA9 14.5mm caliber heavy-duty anti-aircraft Equipment sniper rifle; 12mm KA440 anti-terrorist sniper rifle on the 06th floor of the Escalade Building, 7.62 meters in a straight line; 22mm KA720 anti-terrorist sniper rifle on the 06nd floor of the Metal Industry Building, but the sniper changed the gun himself Tubes and sights; the top of the bell tower of the Compassionate Cathedral is a 7.62-story building. The straight-line distance is 7 meters. The 270mm KA7.62 rifle family is a sniper rifle. It can be seen that this sniper is very confident in his skills; Mo Ruiange Real Estate Group headquarters building, 08 floors, straight-line distance 17 meters, 1010mm Thor sniper rifle, imported from Dresden, presumably this is a very special special force, so you can choose weapons imported from abroad; Hang Seng Information Building 12.7th floor, 29 meters straight-line distance, sniper rifle modified from 840mm Besser rifle; Moya Ministry of Finance Building, 5.45th floor, 14-meter straight-line distance, 690mm KA7.62 anti-terrorist sniper rifle..."

Lin Wenfang's explanation was very slow. When he mentioned which building, the lights of that building would go out instantly, and then towards the side of the banquet hall, eight windows would light up, forming a square. The darkest one in the middle is naturally where the sniper is hiding.Lin Wenfang had unknowingly controlled all the power supplies of those buildings?How did he do that?However, as far as the demonstration is concerned, this move is really cool. He completely exposed Moya's subordinates, not only made the security guards a little bit embarrassed, but also the special forces snipers lurking upstairs were also nervous. abnormal.The lights around him suddenly dimmed, and then the lights at the top, bottom, left, and right positions of him turned on, framing their own position. The snipers were so nervous that they pulled the trigger almost immediately.

In the radio communication, several Moya officers repeatedly told everyone to hold it down and not to go off.Lyons was already very angry, and couldn't help cursing in the channel: "What's going on? Didn't Lin Wenfang never touch a computer? How did he break into the building's system?"

Lieutenant Colonel Marcus, who was in charge of coordinating security matters in the Moya Capital Sertig Garrison District, also got angry, and said abruptly: "Shouldn't you, Lions, be better at computer technology than me? You Do you understand it?"

Lyons cursed: "Marcus, don't fucking blame me for your incompetence. Is that something I can be responsible for?"

Realizing their gaffe, the two immediately shut up.But the hustle and bustle in the entire channel lasted for a long time.The positions of the snipers were immediately adjusted. Although they felt that Lin Wenfang still knew about it, they would feel at ease anyway.

How did Lin Wenfang know this?How can he be omniscient and omnipotent like a god, and bring the entire area with a radius of more than 1000 meters into his control?Especially when he was able to do it so silently and seamlessly. When he stood in the middle of the banquet hall and pointed at the buildings, many people present were terrified.

He waited for everyone to recover from the shock, and then smiled and said: "This is obviously not a show that everyone likes to see. I believe that with so many loyal and capable Moya warriors around me, I will be very safe of.

I don't know from which corner, I don't know who started to applaud first, and then, dense but feeble applause rang out in the entire banquet hall.Lin Wenfang smiled and waved his hands, leading Vivian to sit down together.

"How did you do it?" Yu Zhen was also very surprised. Although he had told Lin Wenfang before that he had to show a tough stance in order to ensure that the members of the mission would be safer in Sertig, and not because of everything. The inexplicable "friction" killed him, but he didn't expect Lin Wenfang's methods to be so intense.This is basically a slap in the face of Moya's security force, but it is also a declaration of his confidence in the most powerful way.If it is said that Moya has never revoked the order to kill Lin Wenfang, it is to maintain a kind of pressure, indicating that we can kill you at any time; then what Lin Wenfang did just now seems to be responding: "Kill, kill!" Look".After Lin Wenfang's statement, I'm afraid Moya's security forces would not dare to let any accident happen, otherwise, it would not be a matter of slapping the face.

Lin Wenfang didn't intend to explain the complicated technical issues to Yuzhen, but just shrugged and said, "It's not difficult. Who made Moya use such a messy communication protocol in order to keep inconsistent with us?" He also couldn't explain clearly to Yu Zhen that all of these were actually done by Huo Yu.Although the server is far away in Hanjing, due to the relationship of the global network, Huo Yu wants to invade Moya, and it is not difficult to parasitize in some servers for distributed computing.Moya's current mainstream network communication protocol is a whole generation behind the Federation, and it is not a problem for Huo Yu at all.As for controlling the position of those lights, that's even simpler.Now, there are almost no buildings without intelligent building systems, and as long as there is such a system, Huoyu can easily control every aspect of a building.

Lin Wenfang continued to chat with the people around him on light topics as if nothing had happened.He is also very interested in many anecdotes from today's performance. There are two protagonists present at their table, and they can provide a lot of gossip and gossip that people like to hear.His indifference as if nothing had happened actually made those interested people nervous and startled. They didn't know where the limit of this guy's ability was.

Vivienne looked at Lin Wenfang with a look of admiration.She knew that Lin Wenfang might be the key to whether she, her father, and others could go to the federation smoothly. The more omniscient he was and the stronger his ability was, the more reassuring she would be.Moreover, I have to say that just now with a smile, Lin Wenfang pointed to the surrounding buildings and pointed out the positions of the snipers, which was incomparably handsome. Wen Fang's side.

Lin Wenfang's performance at the banquet afterwards was very quiet. Except for chatting, he did not dance in a show of shame, nor did he have the consciousness of wanting to know too many Moya elites, but no one dared to ignore him anymore.At the end of the banquet, it can barely be regarded as a happy ending.

When leaving, Lin Wenfang first sent Vivian to the car politely, and then bid farewell to various dignitaries with Yu Zhen.It wasn't until the end that he asked Cable very politely: "Mr. Cable, I had a great chat with Miss Vivienne today. I know it's a bit presumptuous, but can you please arrange for us to chat later? Of course , it’s better to have a relaxed and comfortable occasion, and today’s formal dinner is really breathless.”

Cable was about to cry. He believed that there must be people who were out of breath today, but it was definitely not Lin Wenfang.Lin Wenfang's request was not too much.Before major diplomatic negotiations, both sides are very cautious about who they contact with each other. Even if there is a personal interest in some people, it is always arranged through the official.Whether the other party is willing to contact, whether the official agrees to contact, and to what extent they can contact are very delicate things.Cable couldn't make a decision, so he just replied respectfully: "I'll talk to Miss Vivienne's agent later on. I'll give you an answer later. Look, is this okay?"

Lin Wenfang nodded and said, "Okay, take your time."

For Moya's intelligence, diplomatic and security services, this is not a big problem.Vivienne's background check is absolutely solid, but she doesn't have any channels to learn about state secrets. She is just a lively and lovely idol star.The young people in several departments were the ones who had the most complaints about this. They couldn't help but gnash their teeth at Lin Wenfang for being so open-minded about the goddess in their hearts, but this kind of thing is beyond their control.

Moya's intelligence department talked to Vivian once.Vivian's attitude showed no ill feeling towards Lin Wenfang, but she couldn't say she had a good impression either. It seemed that she agreed to accompany Lin Wenfang on the day of the banquet just for the chance to participate in the performance of the strongest lineup of the day.

However, the intelligence department asked her to establish a friendly or even close friendship with Lin Wenfang as much as possible, and then report the various exchanges between the two to the intelligence department for analysis and archiving.Vivienne was very dissatisfied with the intelligence agency's hints.The intelligence department always tends to promote and facilitate this kind of thing. Most intelligence officials believe that no one can perfectly keep secrets in bed.Their thinking was correct, but Vivienne was not an ordinary person, she was the illegitimate daughter of General Henkel, and her status was extraordinary.

Vivienne reluctantly agreed to meet Lin Wenfang again after being persuaded by several department heads of the intelligence department.Anyway, she also said that she would not intentionally use stereotypes, but it is not a big problem to report the general content of the chat every time.Anyway, it is impossible for her to remember what she said, at most, she can remember all the memorable content.The intelligence agencies were already very satisfied with this, and of course they readily agreed.

Vivian and Lin Wenfang's meeting and communication channel was established in such a twists and turns in an instant.

Cable quickly called Lin Wenfang and said: "Major General Lin, Ms. Vivienne has arranged to meet you in a cafe in Borlo Square tomorrow afternoon after finishing a business promotion event. can you look?"

"Of course." Lin Wenfang readily agreed.Said: "I will go in casual clothes. In order not to cause too much trouble, can you arrange a humble car for me?"

Cable naturally agreed without saying a word.Lin Wenfang secretly thought it was funny, and it was obvious that Vivienne had a tacit understanding with him on how to deal with this issue.He couldn't help being a little curious. This time, he could learn something important from Vivienne.

(End of this chapter)

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