digital storm

Chapter 180

Chapter 180
Seeing Zheng Taicheng unfolding the mecha first, the soldiers of the Moya Special Forces lurking on the road didn't feel anything, but Lyons, who was commanding by remote control on the satellite, already knew that the situation was over.

The firepower of the special forces is very strong. After two rockets in a row at the beginning, weapons such as heavy machine guns and grenade launchers opened fire in an all-round way, trying to overwhelm the opponent all at once.But another incomprehensible thing happened. Lin Wenfang's mecha directly opened the roof of the truck and jumped out, shooting repeatedly, exploding the rockets flying in front of him, and attacking Moya's special Troops formed to suppress.The mecha jumped to the front of the truck and turned into a shield. No matter how powerful Moya's special forces were, except for the 30mm explosive shells fired by the grenade launcher, other calibers had no effect on the mecha at all. .Even if it was a 30mm explosive bomb, it would only damage the outer armor of the mecha.

However, Lin Wenfang was clearly still in the cab of the truck.It took Zheng Taicheng nearly a minute from parking the car to deploying the mecha, but Lin Wenfang didn't have this time. The mecha that jumped out just showed one thing: it can be controlled remotely.Everyone understands the complexity of mecha operations, otherwise the mecha troops would not need more than 1 days of intensive training to allow soldiers to master only basic tactical moves... What are basic tactical moves?It's nothing more than walking, running, jumping, shooting, and basic punching, chopping, and so on.Moya has encountered mecha troops many times on the battlefield, and he understands that the power of mechas is directly related to the level of operators.Even before the expansion of the Jijia division, it was almost a few people who led the troops.The status of an excellent commander and an excellent fighter is especially prominent in the mecha unit, and because of the protection of the mecha, these excellent pilots can always survive as long as they don't encounter any particularly difficult situations, and then become getting stronger and stronger.

Because Lyons was testing the mecha, he watched almost all the collected videos about mecha masters, and he could estimate how difficult it is to jump out of the cargo hold and shoot accurately immediately.His pupils constricted, and a possibility popped up in his mind: What if this is not a remote control?

Now that he knew that the special forces were useless, Lyons naturally wouldn't pay any more attention, just sighed, stood up from the console, turned and left.

But on the other side of the road, Moya's special forces have fallen into a desperate situation.

"Polo, suppress the firepower. Caskin, take the others and evacuate me immediately. Quick, if you are targeted, you will be finished."

"Captain, add two more rockets."

"Detonate... let the Federation cubs suffer a little bit."

Amidst the anxious shouts, the Moya people pressed the detonation button without hesitation.A series of dull explosions sounded in the tunnel, and a large pile of smoke spewed out from both sides of the tunnel, mixed with the fragments of people and vehicles that were in the tunnel just now.Looking at the situation of the explosion, it is estimated that the loss of dozens of people and a dozen vehicles is the least.Once you feel that you are in a desperate situation, you don't care who the target is.Zheng Taicheng's mech only had an assault rifle on it, and he rushed straight up, facing the firepower of the Moya people and kept shooting. Although there was nothing he could do about the Moya special forces who were at the commanding heights, the powerful suppressing firepower was enough to prevent the Moya people from attacking. Take full advantage of firepower.

They have already called for air support, and an attack plane has set off from Dongli Base, and then drove towards this side with afterburner, and the Coast Guard and Navy have also mobilized.The opponent's special forces are definitely not prepared to perform death squad-style missions, and they must have means of evacuation.It will be easier to rely on surrounding troops to blockade.

"Lin Wenfang...your mecha..." Since Lyons felt that there was something wrong with it, An Lian, who was more familiar with mechas, would naturally not be indifferent.

"Short emergency emergency program. Under my command, it can be used for emergency response for 15 seconds. After that, it can only be controlled remotely... This is part of Huo Yu's offline mode." Lin Wenfang explained calmly.

"This, you have to put it on for us later!" Zhu Zhi was also indifferent, and then she went through the passage of the truck cockpit, got into the back cabin, and jumped out with her own mecha.An Lian giggled, and said, "I want it too." She went to the machine armor as well.

Lin Wenfang was helpless at this time.The cockpit of the mech can only be opened from the front, and he ran to the front now to seek death.However, there are already 3 mechas in battle, so he can be more conservative and hide in the driver's cab to enjoy the benefits.Lin Wenfang was somewhat upset, he hadn't troubled them yet, but the other party came to his door relentlessly.

Judging from the current situation of the two countries, is there any sincerity for peace?And if one considers the relationship between the totalitarian Hefner and Fosun Group, then the other party's behavior is too ugly, so unrelenting, and this action is actually very hasty.Although the other party had their eyes on the three of them, they didn't expect what would happen if the action failed.If Lin Wenfang was the commander of the opponent's special forces, once he was discovered, he would evacuate immediately first, and never take the risk of attacking the superior enemy.Perhaps, the other party felt that the mecha was not invincible, but where did this certainty come from?The weapons used by the opponent, and the number of people who came, all showed that it was just an ordinary special forces unit, and they didn't even make targeted preparations.Of course, if the other party really succeeds in waiting for Lin Wenfang and his party to enter the tunnel before detonating, such doubts will disappear.On the other hand, thinking about it, the other party was able to tamper with this busy road, but it actually took a lot of thought, and the problem of road safety hazards was highlighted.

For Lin Wenfang, this kind of battle is really boring.He put on the headset and started talking to Huo Yu directly.

"Where's your security circle?" Lin Wenfang complained.

"1000 meters...the enemy is more than 1600 meters away from your current position." Huo Yu replied unhurriedly.

Lin Wenfang sighed, Huo Yu really can't be blamed for this, it seems.He made the rules. "You have heard the conversations in the past few days. Can you perform data analysis and retrieval based on the existing information?"

"It has already begun. The totalitarian Hefner organization exposed two people, one is Lyons and the other is Kane. Searches have been made based on the basic resumes, communication records, professional records, etc. of the two people to find cross-correlations However, due to the cumbersome system of Moya, the synchronization of each database is not strong, and it takes more time to form a basic judgment. Based on the information currently available, it is confirmed that 80% of the individuals who may be members of the organization have There are 17 people and 29 companies. You can expand this range by lowering the probability benchmark." Huo Yu seemed to be a little complacent, and his speed of speech accelerated a little bit.

Lin Wenfang laughed and said, "Good job. Give me the list, I have to find their bad luck anyway."

Huo Yu suddenly reminded: "According to the information provided by Ms. An Lian, I compared the technology tree in the "Human" game, and found that the technology tree is largely a simplified version of the so-called aerospace technology development pedigree. "Human" game Can provide quite a lot of information, if possible, I hope to try to contact with MARS, or go further, integrate the MARS system.”

Lin Wenfang didn't say anything.Logically speaking, this is a good idea.However, Lin Wenfang was always cautious about Huo Yu's expansion requirements.After thinking about it carefully, he still rejected Huo Yu's proposal. "I can find a way to break through the peripheral system of MARS and let you come into contact with MARS. However, due to Fosun Group's own research and understanding of artificial intelligence, I do not recommend that you replace the MARS system. That means you have to transfer a large part of the The computing components are put on their servers, and then I can't guarantee your safety."

Huo Yu replied immediately: "I agree with your statement. For the integration of MARS, it is no longer one of the alternatives."

Lin Wenfang breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "In addition, I want to know about the technical pedigree of Fosun Group and the comparison with Moya's technical system."

Huo Yu was silent for a long time before replying: "The former, from the current relationship between you and Ms. An Lian, it is very likely that you will get an answer if you ask directly. As for the latter, from the systematic research on Moya, Maybe Moya himself doesn’t have the answer. If the analysis and research are done only through the Internet, it may take more than a year. Are you sure you want to proceed?”

Lin Wenfang shook his head and said, "Forget it. I just don't want to let Moya go so easily. They are really fucking too much."

"In addition, judging from the current situation, the totalitarian Hefner has branches in the federal territory. Tianquan Port has one, and it is very likely to be related to this attack. Do you want to conduct further investigation?" Fire Feather reminded.

"Does the Federation know about this situation?"

"Using your confidentiality level to conduct investigations, it cannot be confirmed that the federal intelligence agency has knowledge of this. The name of the organization is: Golden Pond, which is a nightclub-type entertainment organization. It has appeared in the local public security department, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Firearms Management Bureau. in the database. But in the intelligence agency’s preliminary database, the name could not be found.”

"Then you can go and have a look." Lin Wenfang shrugged and said, "Have you finished the fight before? When it's done, let's call it a day." He was speaking to Zhu Zhi and An Lian.

There is no doubt that this small-scale battle ended very shortly.However, since Zheng Taicheng shot first and the distance was relatively far, he still let the opponent run away a few times.Lin Wenfang frowned, but he didn't tell An Lian and Zhu Zhi about the golden pond. He felt that it was better to pretend it was an accident.Otherwise, how would he explain Huo Yu's overly powerful intelligence analysis ability?
(End of this chapter)

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