digital storm

Chapter 178 Great opportunity

Chapter 178 Great opportunity
In terms of the current battlefield situation, the Federation has gained a certain advantage in this wave of offensive. Although Kahn is organizing troops to turn the tide, it is not so easy.The mecha master's ability to fight beyond everyone's imagination, coupled with his extremely sharp breakthrough, made Moya feel helpless.

Although the mecha division discarded a lot of things during the breakout process, Moya's urgent follow-up troops collected all kinds of discarded equipment, even the mechas, and sent them all to the rear, which gave Moya a better understanding of mecha technology and tactical opportunities, but not for this campaign.

However, Kahn was not too much of a failure. From the perspective of the battle goal, although the mecha master's breakout was far from his expected elimination of the mecha master, after all, the mecha master threw away a lot of things to break out of the siege lightly. Going out, it seems that Kahn has still completed the campaign goal, so it cannot be regarded as a complete failure.Afterwards, when checking the results of the campaign, Kahn just discovered that, in terms of losses, although the Federation broke into the Moya border crossing, it also paid a considerable price.Even counting the disastrous situation of several divisions ravaged by mecha divisions back and forth, the loss of the Federation exceeded that of Moya.This made Kahn's face look a lot better.

Moya's politicians have enough content to spread the word that Mecha is no longer invincible.They will fight, they will die, and of course they will run.Seeing this, the morale of Moya's soldiers has improved a lot.But in the final analysis, the flames of war are still fully burning on Moya's land. After the series of transfer base battles are roughly over, no matter whether it is the eastern, central or western fronts, the Federation has completely suppressed Moya on the side of Moya's transit. In other words, the political and diplomatic pressure suddenly increased.At the same time, the two countries also secretly reached a tacit agreement, and the warring troops began to gradually withdraw from the battle.A brief peace is about to begin.

After completing the conversation that day, Lin Wenfang, Zhu Zhi, and An Lian headed north all the way, bypassed several Moya's small troops, joined the headquarters of the 17th Army, and returned safely to the federal army Inside, and then quickly sent to the Dongli base.The mecha division looked very miserable. After this battle, there were less than 200 complete mechas that still maintained combat effectiveness. Almost all the fire support vehicles were destroyed, and a division's equipment worth billions was destroyed in the battle. In the middle of the war, it was destroyed on the road, and the army faced the dilemma of having to re-equip within less than a month of formation.But the Eastern Front Army Command, and even the whole country knew what kind of battles they fought and what miracles they created, and no one felt that they had fled back after losing the battle.For the mech masters, this breakout seemed to just give them some material to laugh at themselves.

After returning to the army, Lin Wenfang and Zhu Zhi followed the instructions of the front army headquarters and announced that the whole division would be on vacation for 20 days except for the necessary personnel on duty.As soon as Zhu Zhi finished speaking, Ula Ula's cheers resounded throughout the Dongli base.From the formation of the mecha division to the end of the battle, almost every second has been growing and improving. Zhu Zhi and Lin Wenfang knew that every second counts, and even every soldier's daily sleep and toilet time have to be compressed and compressed. Only maintain the minimum, to ensure the recovery of energy and physical strength, and to ensure the standard of health.After a month of continuous training and continuous combat, everyone's nerves are tense, and they are already on the verge of their limit.Only Zhu Zhi, Lin Wenfang, Tai Qingyuan, Huo Di and other very senior veteran players felt the joy of it.A not-so-long vacation can allow the mecha master to relax a little bit, and when they reunite energetically, they will be equipped with brand new equipment, and the mecha master's combat power will be improved to a higher level.

Zhu Zhi understood that even if she didn't have a holiday, she had no other choice.Not only are the mecha masters working overtime to train and fight, but several factories of the North Industries Group that produce equipment for them are also not idle.Mecha production has not yet formed a standard, and the production efficiency is not very high.In addition, after this battle, Lin Wenfang had new requirements for mechas, including some adjustments to the background drivers. Before these changes were fully understood, the factory would not rush the production progress.Otherwise, once something is wrong, it is causing trouble for yourself.Fortunately, everyone is not in a hurry. With the record at the transfer base, the mech master is already showing off enough. Zhu Zhi wished that the equipment would be in place later, so that the mecha master could rest for a while.

But from that day on, An Lian and the two of them spent almost every day together, inseparable.Seeing that An Lian had been accompanying Xiaoxin all the time, laughing and laughing at her side, Zhu Zhi knew that she wanted to mend the tense relationship between the two of them.After all, it was a handkerchief handed out for fun, and Zhu Zhi felt a little embarrassed by An Lian's actions.

An Lian and Zhu Zhi continued to train with Lin Wenfang in mecha operation.Seeing that Lin Wenfang can make all kinds of dazzling movements with ease, the two of them are naturally very unconvinced, and they have to spend a considerable amount of time every day to practice.It's not a good idea to practice on base, though.It is true that the Dongli base has allocated ample space for the mecha division, but the division commander, deputy division commander and the captain of the shadow demon troop train all day long without vacation. How dare the following team members relax completely?The left-behind troops of the mecha division and the shadow demon troops have been tense.Their fast-response and powerful combat troops do not rest, and those other troops think that there is some big action, and those who seek war will not be idle if they secretly step up training and material reserves.This gave Qin Ya a headache.Qin Ya knew that this battle would not be fought in a short time.In order to allow most of the soldiers to have a good rest and truly rest, Qin Ya sent them to Tianquan Port, a seaport city 400 kilometers away from Dongli Base, in name to give patriotic education to the local second-line troops. , give a report on the war situation, urge them to make persistent efforts, and be ready to take up arms at any time to defend the federal land... As for the fact, Qin Ya asked his adjutant to send them several sets of musicals staged at the Tianquangang Art Center Tickets, of course, meant to let them relax and not be an eyesore in front of him.

In fact, this kind of communication activities within the army are generally carried out by mid-level officers of the ace unit.Tianquan Port is the residence of the Third Squadron of the East China Sea Fleet. When did patriotism education lack?Most of the exchanges between the reserve forces and the military are carried out through the navy.After seeing the order, Zhu Zhi knew what Qin Ya meant.She could hang up a phone call to Qin Ya, and express her dissatisfaction in a coquettish manner. She and Qin Ya are no strangers, and they understand the subtext of this kind of military arrangement.But An Lian was so angry that the Shadow Demon Army was never good at dealing with the outside world. Qin Ya made it clear that you should stay away and don't make trouble for me. Do people who aim for the future feel cool?

However, there are policies and countermeasures.It is precisely because they want to give lectures and performances to the local reserve forces, the three of them naturally have to bring mechas.Through local Fosun Group members, An Lian has contracted a stadium, where she can also train.The three of them asked an armored division to borrow a large truck, installed the three mechas, and headed for Tianquan Port in a dusty journey.

As soon as the truck left the warning range of the Dongli base, a pair of eyes were fixed on them.Lyons sneered in front of a light curtain more than 2000 kilometers away. Through the satellite, he could try his best to keep a close eye on the three people.Needless to say, An Lian was the leader of the revival of Hefner. Although she was still a young woman, no one dared to underestimate this decisive woman who was raised as a leader since she was a child.Over the years, she has led the revival of Hefner, that is, the Fosun Group. Although it has not taken much action in forming its own military force, and its penetration into the government has also declined, the Fosun Group has a worldwide presence. The control of the technical system is increasing day by day.A large sum of profits is withdrawn from all over the world to support the large-scale research and exploration work of Fosun Group.The moon city Yuanwangzhou alone is a bottomless pit of burning money.According to the analysis of several economists of the totalitarian Hefner, Fosun Group has provided Yuanwangzhou with at least 5000 billion yuan of unconditional financial support in the past ten years, helping them improve the layout of the lunar city and build a new city on the ground. Several bases were established.By last year, Yuanwangzhou had basically maintained a balance of payments through the development of minerals and energy on the moon. If there were no deep space explorers planning to burn money, I am afraid that Yuanwangzhou would become the most profitable per capita in the world. entity.However, only a few people know the credit of Fosun Group behind the scenes.

Zhu Zhi, the commander of the Mecha Division, and the granddaughter of Zhu Zheng.After this battle is over, I am afraid that this 26-year-old woman will be promoted to major general.In the history of the Federation, there are only a handful of female officers who have passed the hurdle of a general solely by military merit.There is only one woman who can lead the ace unit of the ace unit.I am afraid that these records will be kept on her in the future.Now, Mo Ya's army hated Zhu Zhi deeply.

Lyons knew that it was because not many people in the Moya military really realized that the soul of the mech master was not this smart and strong woman, but an engineer who had only been in the army for a little over a year.His old enemy, Lin Wenfang.In fact, we have only been fighting for a year, and there are only a few times where there are intersections before and after. It is a little bit reluctant to be called an old enemy.But Lyons knew that if they were still in friendly competition before, after Han Jing's earth-shattering explosion that almost killed Yue Yuyin, they would never die.It would be good to kill Lin Wenfang one day earlier.

The ability to have satellite signals now also depends on both countries feeling that the war should end, at least for the time being.After the war, everyone took pleasure in destroying each other's satellites, and the Federation could still launch satellites every day, intercept and kill Moya's anti-satellite missiles, and ensure that at least 12 satellites could be mobilized in the sky.Except for two military communication satellites and four reconnaissance satellites, Moya was almost totally blind.Many battles were aggrieved, and this is definitely part of the reason.However, now that everyone has reissued a large number of satellites and rebuilt the surveillance network, and the anti-satellite missiles have been missing for a long time, Lyons was finally able to mobilize a satellite under Kane's instructions to use To monitor this sniper operation.

An Lian, Lin Wenfang, and Zhu Zhi actually acted together.Except for the bodyguard named Zheng Taicheng who followed in a pickup truck, there seemed to be no defense force left.This kind of good opportunity to catch everything in one catch does not come at any time.Lyons is currently limited to making program adjustments and tests for Moya's mecha, so he can't go there in person. He feels very sorry.What a joy it must have been to see three incomparably important people die together.

(End of this chapter)

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