digital storm

Chapter 149 Overall Improvement

Chapter 149 Overall Improvement
For the time being, using programs to describe feelings is beyond Lin Wenfang's ability, and also exceeds Huo Yu's data accumulation.After Lin Wenfang communicated with Huo Yu, he decided to put the development of this part on hold.However, Huo Yu was actually able to roughly judge the feelings of the target she was observing.Human beings have done a lot of research on facial expressions and behavior. Combining expressions, eye changes, and unconscious movements of people, etc., Huoyu can easily judge the emotional state of the target, marking such as: anger, calmness, repulsion, doubt, joy Wait for a single or compound emotional state as the basis for action.

Whether it is cognition and memory patterns or the ability to observe emotions, they are all needed by Huo Yu's core program.After making such supplements, Huo Yu's communication is much smoother than before.Humans usually use vision as the first source of information, accounting for 70% of the total daily information.In the past, due to the problem of the processing mechanism, although Huo Yu already had a basic human-like observation ability, he only had visual signals in some fixed places with cameras, unless Lin Wenfang ordered Huo Yu to carry out a large-scale inspection. Video signal retrieval.But even in that case, the time will not be very long, most of it is a few hours, and it will be over when Lin Wenfang can complete his goal.

Now, when Lin Wenfang comes up with a plan for a 1000-meter warning circle, it basically assumes that Huo Yu can actively obtain video signals and other data support by default.Huoyu can always see all kinds of things, combined with the long-standing behavioral database, and the newly installed data on emotions and expressions, she has grown very fast.Not long after, when Huo Yu communicated with Lin Wenfang and Yue Yuyin, his tone became more natural than before.The citation of some literary works or film and television works is also more accurate and skillful than before.Lin Wenfang did not expect such a huge chain effect once the threshold of visual and emotional observation was broken through.

Lin Wenfang's attention was not fully focused on this aspect.Instead, continue to enrich the functions of Fire Feather according to the original framework.Before, he had divided Huoyu's functional modules into four branches: standard, network warfare, off-camera, and combat according to their different tendencies.After the core functions are strengthened, the performance on different branches has improved to a certain extent, but the utility is different.Judgment of facial expressions is completely useless in the cyber warfare mode, and there are no visual signals to use at all.In combat mode, although the mech has a camera, as well as infrared and night vision and other modes to strengthen the visual signal, in general, there is no need to load the enhanced visual analysis module into it. It takes up too much system resources.The performance of the computer installed on the mecha is very good, but after all, it cannot be compared with the server cluster and so on.Lin Wenfang intends to assist in the development of computer systems and improve computing efficiency, but for him now, this aspect is just a matter of thought, beyond his reach.

In the network warfare mode, since a large number of cameras need to be controlled to ensure the bandwidth of video signal transmission, Lin Wenfang has developed a sub-module belonging to the network warfare mode: the monitoring and intrusion module, especially for the needs of the construction of the security circle.In addition, he did not add too many other functions in this field.Recently, he has experienced several large-scale cyber warfare, especially a big battle with the Bloodscar organization who has developed the theory of behavior based on nanoprogramming, which greatly increased his confidence in cyber warfare, but correspondingly, those who developed before The procedures, as well as the offensive and defensive methods used, also have a completely different understanding.If he had to rewrite the entire module according to his new understanding, it would not be a matter of time.He doesn't have the time.

Lin Wenfang focused on strengthening the off-camera mode and combat mode.The off-camera mode originally only allowed Huoyu to find various ways to restore contact and re-establish a stable communication channel when he lost contact with Lin Wenfang, but now, due to more complicated situations and threats, Lin Wenfang had to Think more.Not long after, Lin Wenfang ordered new vans and trucks directly after the mechas that Lin Wenfang specifically applied for for Yue Yuyin's "test" arrived.Zheng Taicheng and his mecha were loaded in the truck, always following the two of them.He also specially hired bodyguards and a driver for Yue Yuyin, so that the van loaded with mechas was always nearby.Once encountering any problem, Huo Yu will directly operate the mech to rush to them as soon as possible.In that short period of less than 1 minute, Huo Yu actually had full authority over the mecha.Regarding Huo Yu's ability to operate the mecha, Lin Wenfang needn't worry at all. The biggest problem in developing this function is not Huo Yu's ability, but whether he dares to let Huo Yu have such a great ability.Being able to control the mecha with full authority means that Fire Feather is actually capable of harming other people: almost everyone.

However, this level is not so sad for Lin Wenfang now.Huo Yu already has self-awareness, has saved Yue Yuyin in her way, and has proven countless times that she is excellent and reliable. Moreover, he has already allowed Huo Yu to freely enter and exit various monitoring systems. It has been tacitly accepted that Huoyu can control many things, and most of the things created by humans can actually hurt others with force.

The strengthening of the combat mode is mainly in the tactical aspect.The mecha operating system developed by Lin Wenfang was mainly concerned with the convenience of operation and the greatest flexibility of movement.This point is still the standard for all those who develop mechs until now.But he himself felt the difference through practice inside and outside the game.There is absolutely a difference between having tactics and not having tactics.Lin Wenfang couldn't put it down because of the various small plug-ins that suggested tactics in the game. Now, he can also try it on the real mecha.Based on the military data link, Lin Wenfang has developed a tactical component that combines functions such as target indication and distribution, multi-machine armed information sharing, queue position mini-map, virtual tactical schematic diagram, etc.Now Lin Wenfang, Yue Yuyin and Zheng Taicheng can also try some basic tactics. Everyone also has a very high evaluation of this thing developed by Lin Wenfang.After developing this component, Lin Wenfang generously sent a copy to Zhu Zhi and Yao Le. For what they are doing, whether it is on the battlefield or on the test field, this component module will play a huge role .

After such adjustments, Huo Yu has undergone a radical change.Now, occasionally, Huo Yu dares to appear directly on the screen in the office. Whether it is Lin Wenfang or Yue Yuyin, who occasionally pays attention to the business status of Tianyao Information, they will unscrupulously pretend to be chatting with a friend for a meeting, and open the chat with Huo Yu. Feather's dialogue window.Huo Yu will also slightly change the beautiful face created for MARS and use it.It's almost like a video conversation with a few old friends.Huo Yu's taste is also constantly changing as he observes more and more content and has more and more frames of reference.

At the beginning, most of the screens she showed were wearing the clothes in the game: military uniforms, combat clothing, protective clothing, or decorative clothing developed to be purely beautiful. Although the game "Humanity" is rich and nuanced, it is developed by a group of nerdy nerds. All the clothes, especially women's clothes, are always a bit exaggerated. Wearing these is like playing cosplay all day long.After Yue Yuyin's persuasion and observation of other people's attire, now Huo Yu is an out-and-out fashionista.Unlike those fashionistas outside, she not only brought the latest styles of clothes and accessories, but also simulated all the effects before changing the clothes, and even took into account all kinds of light and shadow in all directions. A set of clothes is on fire Yu's body, demonstrated in the video, is simply impeccable.Soon, Yue Yuyin began to ask Huo Yu to give him various suggestions on dressing.Although this was not Lin Wenfang's original intention, it was a bit strange to see Yue Yuyin and Huo Yu as a pair of girlfriends, but this was also the only way to let Huo Yu gradually surface without causing too much backlash and suspicion.

Since Lin Wenfang has made up his mind to build a protection net for himself, he is much more active in earning and spending money than before.Yue Yuyin used to stay hidden behind the scenes and never showed up in the company, but now she also broke this habit.When everyone in the company learned that Tianyao Information was invested and established by Yue Yuyin, they immediately understood that the software results that this beautiful proprietress brought out must have been written by Lin Wenfang.It is their honor to be able to serve such a promising federal hero. Without promotion or salary increase, everyone's work enthusiasm has been greatly improved.

What Yue Yuyin brought out this time was a series of network security products developed by Lin Wenfang, especially a new type of firewall that can monitor and judge nano-programs, and can isolate signals that adversely affect the machine and network status.The second is the visual discrimination software that assists the work of the monitoring system, which can accurately identify abnormal objects of various shapes, and conduct summary retrieval of data users to filter out those that do not require alarms.For those who have obvious problems with their actions, whether they are holding weapons or not, the surveillance personnel will be reminded to strengthen observation, and it can also automatically track between different camera surveillance ranges.Once this set of software named Magic Eye 1.0 was released, it immediately attracted the attention of all parties to Tianyao's information. In addition, Yue Yuyin was in charge of the company, which made it clear that Lin Wenfang was the biggest guarantee in terms of technology. The software is very confident. After two consecutive weeks of free trial by several companies, after verifying the excellent recognition performance, it immediately began to sell well.All of Hanking’s smart buildings basically purchased a set of software. This set of software is not cheap. The basic price is 26888 Federal Dollars. It only includes support for 60 cameras, and it is only suitable for general medium-sized enterprises.If there are more than 60 cameras in the entire surveillance system, an additional 488 yuan will be charged for each additional camera.But what is the situation of the general Grade A office buildings in Hanking now?300 to 500 cameras in a building is a normal number.

This product alone earned tens of millions of profits for Tianyao Information in just two weeks.There is almost no cost for the company's internal research and development. This is independently developed by Lin Wenfang.The R&D department just ran about the compatibility of the software, and then designed a software UI.Those researchers with high salaries were ashamed, and one of them almost didn't have the nerve to receive his salary this month.

But even then, they weren't completely satisfied.Everyone in Tianyao Information knows how big the market for this software is, and there are some people who offered to help to promote the software.The one who bears the brunt is actually one of Lin Wenfang's bosses: Feng Changqing.

(End of this chapter)

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