digital storm

Chapter 147 Investigation and Research

Chapter 147 Investigation and Research
In any case, Lin Wenfang became the second in command of the information security committee, the person who actually decided what the entire team did and how it was done.This decision will not be announced to the public. In terms of rank, this is also a very strange arrangement.The rank of major, among all the people, his rank is the lowest.However, after all, this is the trust he won through his own actions, so there is nothing to worry about.However, Lin Wenfang also knows that this kind of trust can only last for a period of time. How he will do things in the future, how far he can achieve, and how to get along with these guys with higher ranks than him will determine whether he can secure this position. key.

Suddenly, Lin Wenfang became super busy.Every morning, Zheng Taicheng would drive him to the military academy for class.After finding a place to have lunch with his classmates at noon, he had to go to the office that looked more and more like a Fortune [-] company to deal with the information security committee.Since the people he dealt with were mainly non-military personnel, he had to put on a suit and tie, and even Ding Tian had to do the same.Most of the people who come and go in and out of their offices are elites in the field of information and electronics dressed in this way, even if they want to communicate with each other, they have to do so.

To everyone's surprise, Lin Wenfang seemed to be the only one who didn't work overtime.It's not that he does few things. In terms of workload, his next work is almost equal to that of Han Cen's entire team.In almost one day, Lin Wenfang conducted a comprehensive analysis of the signal system of the power grid and came up with a solution.It is also an extremely low-cost solution. He added a counting system and an analog calculation system to the entire power system.The power grid is undoubtedly a key national construction system. Sufficient budget allows a huge margin in the capacity of the computers and network systems that control the operation of the power grid. Without purchasing a new computer, Lin Wenfang can complete the update of the entire system.In the future, as long as the simulation calculation finds that there will be safety hazards within 12 hours according to the current operating conditions, the system will immediately call the police and notify the special maintenance department to come forward to solve it.

As for those potential safety hazards on their own physical networks, it is up to the grid experts to solve them themselves.All the signal chips are updated. Although a lot of manpower and material resources are involved, it can be done in a few months at most.The workload is less than expected.

In fact, since each system of the power system itself has detailed formulas, power consumption, heat generation, etc. can be calculated. In fact, Lin Wenfang handed over all the formulas to Huo Yu, and within 2 hours, the He came up with a plan, but he still delayed handing it over for a day, so as not to be too surprising.Now the company is full of experts, Lin Wenfang is very careful in using Huo Yu, anyway, send the materials and requirements to Huo Yu through the Internet, and then communicate with Huo Yu through an encrypted channel.

Lin Wenfang's excellent work efficiency put the rest of the committee under great pressure.Unknowingly, everyone accelerated the pace of work, and for a while, the aggressive posture of the Information Security Committee attracted more and more people's attention.And this is exactly what Lin Wenfang wanted.

What Zhao Zhenduo asked him to do was like giving him a spoon to challenge a giant.He didn't know if he could really meet the giant, or if he hit the windmill and had to retreat.He had to figure out who he was going to deal with before he could figure out how to deal with it.

Lin Wenfang didn't disbelieve Zhao Zhenduo's investigation, but he still let Huo Yu collect a lot of data.It is not difficult at all for Huoyu to understand the relationship between various enterprises and the ownership of various technical standards. All kinds of news surfaced.Zhao Zhenduo did not lie to him. The Zhenxing system enterprises have become a state that cannot be lost. Not only do they have a huge influence in the Federation, but they also have considerable industries in other countries, and they have connected each other with a strict control system for technology.

From Lin Wenfang's perspective, we can see something else.

Zhenxing System's control of technology is not limited to core technology, but also has derivatives of related technical standards.For example, in terms of mobile phone technology, in addition to the core MCE communication protocol, it is also involved in storage technology, battery technology, dedicated LCD screen, touch technology, input and output, etc.The most exaggerated thing is that in addition to the communication protocol, even the three most mainstream smartphone operating systems in the world are actually directly and indirectly controlled by Zhenxing system companies.If Zhenxing Group is relatively weak, it is probably because of its penetration into traditional fields.Zhenxing Group has been involved in traditional business fields, such as mining, agriculture, biology, pharmaceuticals and logistics, etc. these years, and its investment in the mining industry has not exceeded 20 years since its inception.Although it has been rolled out quickly due to the advantages of funds, due to the relatively short time, these fields are still in the stage of exploration and research, and none of them have started to make profits.But even in traditional industries such as mining and agriculture, the R&D investment of Zhenxing companies is very exaggerated. Some companies' R&D funds even account for more than half of the total current expenditure. If it were not for the funding support of the Zhenxing Group, they would have closed down a long time ago. Good luck.

After roughly calculating the income and expenditure of Zhenxing system companies in the past 20 years, and calculating the possible amounts involved in their R&D, mergers and acquisitions, etc., Lin Wenfang was very surprised to find that the overall profits of Zhenxing system companies are not as high as he imagined. .It can even be said that the group as a whole does not make much money. For a corporate network of this size, the average gross surplus in the past 20 years is less than 1000 billion federal currency, which is really not a lot.

Zhenxing Galaxy also has various contradictions because of such and such situations.Those companies that are in the leading position in the industry obviously don't like the traditional industry companies that suck blood from them.Those core companies in the Zhenxing system compete fiercely with each other, and sometimes they can even be said to use bad methods, repeatedly challenging industry rules and moral bottom lines.It can be seen that they are all fighting for real fire.And at least on the surface, Zhenxing Group has little interest in mediating the problems between these enterprises.With these two groups of contradictions out there, Lin Wenfang felt that maybe it was not impossible to start.Especially for the three major systems of mobile phone, network, and computer, Lin Wenfang can start from the peripheral technology, continue to go deep into the core, and make the Zhenxing Group give up control of the technology system by boiling frogs in warm water.

Zhenxing Group and Zhenxing companies seem to be most concerned about technology. After thinking about this, Lin Wenfang was a little puzzled to draw the technology systems mastered by all Zhenxing companies into a pedigree chart for research, and found that they not only consciously control the technology system , and always has a clear purpose in technology research and development, the timeline is very weird.Still take the mobile phone as an example. When the GSM network entered the MCE network, in just one year, various new technologies came one after another. Use more playful serial techniques.All kinds of large and small companies all over the world are doing this, and the results continue.And several mobile phone manufacturers have spared no effort in developing MCE network mobile phones, it is like crazy, as if everyone is sure that MCE mobile phones will replace the original GSM mobile phones.Now it seems that they are not sure, they just want this to happen.

It was precisely for this reason that Lin Wenfang saw an opportunity.Now, Chixing Telecom, the most eye-catching company in the Zhenxing system, is promoting a new network communication protocol based on the MCE network, and establishing a more intensive communication system that integrates network and communication.Several companies led by Chixing Telecom have completed the entire core structure of the communication protocol named UNCE, and it will be trial run in three cities in the Federation.Chixing Telecom's allied enterprises have launched as many as 20 mobile phones.The whole posture has become more and more like the time when they were going to replace the GSM network with the MCE network.Lin Wenfang felt that finding a suitable time to intervene might not be able to leverage the core content of the vibrational galaxy technology.

However, before that, Lin Wenfang still has one more thing to do: strengthen Huo Yu.

He now firmly remembers that no matter who the enemy he wants to fight is, you must first think of them as despicable enough.Lyons had given him the fullest demonstration of what the enemy was all about.Whether Lyons will make a comeback is unknown, but the Zhenxing Group he has to deal with is not a good bird.They can do everything they can to their internal allies, and it is conceivable what attitude they will have when dealing with an enemy like him.

If it wasn't for Huo Yu's first independent control mecha rushing to Yue Yuyin's side in a very short time, the consequences would have been disastrous.Lin Wenfang thought about it carefully, and felt that it would be better for Huo Yu to be in charge of the long-term security circle for the two of them.Although the Security Bureau has strengthened their protection, after all, it is impossible to not relax all the time.But when Huo Yu came to do this, she definitely did her best and could take care of everything anytime, anywhere.

Huo Yu asked calmly: "Are you sure? You let me be in charge of the 1000-meter security circle, no problem. It is nothing more than a combination of visual surveillance and other technical means. But, what about in the future? Your status is higher, you A warning circle of 5000 meters, 10000 meters or even larger will be needed. If you can become the head of a country after many years, will I monitor the world's Internet? I thought you were against me ruling the world. "

Huo Yu's speech now has a very cold joke tone.

Lin Wenfang smiled wryly and said, "Let's just look at what's in front of us."

However, it is not so simple to achieve a 1000-meter warning circle for two people.Basically, this means that Huoyu has to monitor more than [-] cameras at the same time, and at the same time, monitor a large amount of network information.There are extremely high requirements for processing power and information discrimination ability.This made Lin Wenfang extremely entangled. He could afford the hardware, but in terms of software, these were not simple programs that Huo Yu could write by himself, and involved too many learning and cognitive theories.

It was the first time that Lin Wenfang had the thought: If he continues to develop step by step, Huo Yu will really become a human being in the future, a complete person with three souls, seven souls and five senses.Can he do this?

(End of this chapter)

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