digital storm

Chapter 135 Two-pronged approach

Chapter 135 Two-pronged approach
Xia Nianchang became more and more uncertain about how to deal with the countermeasures from the federal technical team headed by Lin Wenfang.In order to attack different targets, the massive nano-programs distributed by the Bloodstain Organization in the Federation have been compiled into more than 20 different signal response groups, which work in a unified manner according to different signals.Because these nano-programs have very single functions, it is basically impossible to find them if they are not specifically searched for. In order to further enhance their concealment, they did not add more complex one-time use and then self-delete codes.Because, they have no way of estimating network conditions, a one-time start may actually allow a large number of programs to self-destruct before they can function.As a result, these nano-programs responded one after another after receiving the signal again, and Lin Wenfang immediately grasped the characteristics.Nano-programs need to be effective through accumulation and aggregation, but Lin Wenfang certainly wouldn't give them such ample time, basically he caught the signatures, and would have further measures within a few minutes.

40 minutes after the first emergency patch was updated by several major federal antivirus software companies at the same time, the second mandatory update came.And this time, there are 3 sets of features recorded in the patch.

When Xia Nianchang saw the second patch, his eyes were completely wrong.Lin Wenfang began to find the right way, and understood the characteristics of the signal system?So what should he do?The Bloodstain Organization's layout in the federation lasted for a long time, with a span of two years.Although this attack on the power system is very grand and well-planned, due to the spread of massive nano-programs, the ability to adapt is slightly weaker.What if Lin Wenfang approached him every step of the way, if he misunderstood those nano programs that had not been activated yet?
Thinking of the consequences, his sweat dripped down.

"Boss, what's the matter?" The curly-haired boy saw Xia Nianchang's nervous expression, and his emotions were infected.He could see that the current situation suddenly became complicated. "They seem to be holding on to the signal system. We can't wait like this, or all the years of hard work will be in vain."

Yes, several years of painstaking efforts contain an ambition that the Bloodscar Group has continued for many years: the ruling standard.The Federation is the forerunner in this regard, whether it is the IEFE Standards Association, or those companies that have never declared it, but have become a fait accompli standard. At the beginning of the establishment of the Bloodscar Group, it was considered a shackle that hindered the progress of human technology.They never forgot to break those shackles, and now is their time to act.

Xia Nianchang said to the curly-haired boy: "Hehe, I didn't expect them to realize the key points so quickly. The advantages and disadvantages of the nano program have been seen through. However, they haven't lost yet. Tell me, if it is You, what will you do?"

The curly-haired boy thought for a while.He is Xia Nianchang's apprentice brought out by himself. Although he is only 15 years old, his computer attainments already have 8% of Xia Nianchang's level.Xia Nianchang himself knew his own situation. He had to be distracted from managing the Bloodstain Organization, arranging operations, managing the Bloodstain Organization's industry, and contacting outside collaborators. In addition, he was getting older. More and more powerless.The curly-haired boy is the hope he tried to bring out, ready to take over his mantle in technology and let himself turn to pure leadership and management.The boy never let him down.This boy's name is Ishtar.

Istar thought for a while, and said: "Continuously activate the programs we arranged before, and enter the decisive battle in advance. Or... use other means to confuse the public, so that they can't concentrate on clearing the nano program. We have reserved it and haven't used it yet. There are 7 groups of nano-programs. What they are activating and clearing up now are all previously exposed. They may have understood our signal rules, but they want to list the models one by one and try out the 9 groups of nano-programs. This is The probability is high, basically unlikely. Even if we are lucky, if we destroy one or two sets of programs, it will not affect us much. However, we cannot let this situation continue. The further we go, the possibility of being cracked It will be bigger, after all, the possibility is so small, and the brute force method can be used. Within 3 days, no matter what, a general attack will be launched, anyway, the preparations are almost done now, and it is not suitable to delay for too long."

Xia Nianchang nodded and said, "You're right. However, the current situation is that we may not have the final say on this matter."

Yista frowned, raised his head, looked at Xia Nianchang sadly, and said, "Should I report this to that Lyons? But the situation is very dangerous now, although I haven't seen if the other party has the means to understand The location of our partners, but no matter what, if it continues, it’s hard to say whether their physical location will be detected. That would be bad.”

Xia Nianchang nodded, he didn't have much to do. "Get ready, be ready at any time. I'll talk to everyone and see what everyone thinks."

On the phone, Lyons, who had a phone call just now, said in a playful tone, "You use your method, and I will use mine. It's this Lin Wenfang again. This time, let's see if we can solve it." He's gone. You don't have to worry too much, let it go. I will cooperate with you in other actions. As long as you can destroy the federal power grid, our agreement will be valid."

Xia Nianchang sighed and said, "I understand." Is Lyons ready to do it again?It sounds like he has no intention of solving this problem in a technical way.But Xia Nianchang was immediately aware that he didn't seem to have it either.Can Lin Wenfang, who has never seen him face to face, make himself so vigilant and afraid?
Without hesitating for too long, he put on a pair of special earphones.He directly turned off the computer in front of Istar, and said to him: "You wait for us here. Once Hanjing loses power, you can drive to point C to pick us up. Don't go online unless I call you directly. You are our last guarantee. I have done all the intrusion steps of the relevant systems in the computer. Do you understand?"

Istar nodded solemnly, and said, "But...boss, I want to do it with you."

Xia Nianchang shook his head and said, "Next time." Istar wanted to say something more, but seeing Xia Nianchang's stern expression, he still nodded.

Xia Nianchang ordered his subordinates to start their own actions through the headset, while driving to the computer laboratory of a certain university.A large-scale war requires an ideal position.

But just as he was driving to the university lab, the third patch was released.Seeing such a message displayed on the light curtain of the car, Xia Nianchang's teeth were almost gritted.Lin Wenfang's actions were really fast and ruthless.

After releasing three patches in a row, Han Cen and Luo Fengmian became more and more nervous when they saw the huge amount of feedback.

Although Lin Wenfang obtained a batch of reliable signal analysis through Huoyu, he still tried to come up with one signal after another in a fake manner, but his "luck" was really good, and he guessed one of them within a few tries. .Then the second, the third...

Han Cen and Luo Fengmian both agreed with Lin Wenfang's idea of ​​forcing out the bloodstains through this trick.But now, nearly 2 hours have passed, and the Internet is still quiet. Apart from the number of killing nano programs for each of the 3 patches listed on the large light curtain at the side, there seems to be no other abnormalities. .

Where are the opponent's countermeasures?

"You guys should take a good rest. Bloodstain must know that we are intervening now. Let's see how they show up." Lin Wenfang smiled.Monitoring a large amount of data is a very laborious task. After several hours of fighting, his face is also a little pale.

Luo Fengmian was so nervous that he almost growled and said, "But... what if they start the program directly?"

Lin Wenfang shook his head and said: "Then in order to avoid losses, we can only cut off the signal completely. They must be unable to catch their people. But... I think they have arranged for such a long time, judging by the style, it doesn't look like The one who colluded with Moya from the beginning should have something to get. Moreover, I think we all have a certain understanding of the character of technicians. Although people who engage in technology can be very powerful, sometimes , even so strong that others cannot understand, but, in the final analysis... rationality dominates them, hehe, maybe it is us too. Until the last moment, I should not go to such extremes. If I were the leader of the other party, I should... I will try it out and see if we can stop their attack. If we can stop it, hehe, then it will probably be the end of the game, and everyone will let the winner go. They have fully activated all programs, and our side is fighting for the chaos of the national network. Hours to stop it ... If we can't, it's a matter of time."

Han Cen patted Luo Fengmian's shoulder and said, "Now, wait for the result."

Lyons drove into a factory, and the iron gate was quickly closed.

The machines in this printing factory are still running, and the highly automated workshop only needs four or five people to print various promotional materials with little effort.Now, what is printed is the latest issue of the "Professional Army" magazine that the federal military will distribute to every soldier.The cover of the magazine is impressively mecha-the soldiers love this image so much, and all kinds of stories on this subject.The mechas performed well on the front lines, and there were so many heroic deeds that the magazines never had to worry about running out of stuff to write about.In addition, the shining metallic armor, the majestic way of rushing into the enemy group and trampling a large number of enemies under their feet, and the heroic female commander, the photos look good too.

Picking up a magazine casually and flipping through it, two guys now wearing printer's clothes walked towards him. "Mr. Lyons, we are ready. When is the action?"

Lyons sighed and said: "The situation has changed, the action must be advanced, and the goal has also changed."

He ignored the two workers, took out his phone again, and dialed a number he had never used since entering the federation.After the call was connected, he asked bluntly: "I want to know the status of the federal countermeasures."

"You've gone too far. I can't let you destroy my country."

"I have a man with a detonator in his hand. As soon as he lets go, the air filter in the Shengjia Department Store will be filled with VX. You know what that is. In just one minute, there will be a blast from The largest shopping mall in the Federation has become the largest cemetery in the Federation. What do you think?"

"You... isn't that how wars are fought?"

"When did I say this is war, it's just revenge."

(End of this chapter)

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