digital storm

Chapter 113 Dangerous Breath

Chapter 113 Dangerous Breath
Lin Wenfang did not expect to experience such a conversation in the car.Zheng Taicheng has no malicious intentions, but by occasionally mentioning things in the game, it is obviously premeditated to reveal the true purpose of the "Humanity" game.Such conversations, if not in the car, are happening somewhere else.It's too easy to talk about something related to games now.The two around Lin Wenfang are senior players, both of whom are the pride of the Silver Wing Governance District. They chat about anything casually, and they will naturally come to the game under the guidance of Zheng Taicheng, and then this kind of conversation begins.

In fact, Lin Wenfang did not reject this kind of dialogue.It's good to be able to see something that you have overlooked before.But, have you seen it all?Lin Wenfang was not sure. MARS, this is an affectionate and distant name.

Far away, sometimes it has nothing to do with time or distance.At the beginning of this year, Lin Wenfang thought that he might have to bid farewell to MARS, which he had devoted himself to for several years.From now on, the most I can do is look at this mastermind who has been portrayed as a perfect woman in a word game.Unexpectedly, now, a copy of MARS is entangled with his own life and future in a more cutting-edge, cutting-edge, and even somewhat incredible form of Huo Yu.Huo Yu allowed herself to survive battle after battle. After she had self-awareness, a complete self-awareness, she chose to stay by her side.Maybe it's to observe and learn from herself, maybe it's because I can provide her with a future.

Yes, the future.What is the future of artificial intelligence?Is it the omniscient and omnipotent role played by MARS in the game, the role of the mastermind who controls most of the universe?Or is it the demons who dominate humans and enslave humans in movies, TV, and novels?Ironically, it may be someone with the same writing and creative skills who also portrays AI as humanity's closest companion.It, really, could be anything.

But, what will the fire feather beside him look like in the end?He was looking forward to it, looking forward to it, so that he was a little excited, and he trembled a little with excitement.

"Since you have set such a great goal for MARS, you should know that there is an area in the game that the master brain cannot control?" Lin Wenfang asked.

"How do I know. I'm just a player." Zheng Taicheng curled his lips, not feeling at all that it was strange that he didn't know.He needs to know and let him know, that's fine.Whether as a senior guard or later as a mercenary, being cautious in his words and deeds and indifference has always been the guarantee of his survival.

Lin Wenfang sighed.He is now a little curious about "Humanity".Experiment to deduce the social structure of human beings in the future?That was a joke.A society mainly composed of young people cannot talk about social structure.It is very interesting to simulate possible future fighting methods, tactics, etc. Based on Lin Wenfang's understanding of the game, at least in the scripts that the developers of the game refer to, the main form of war in the human world in the future will be mecha warfare.The user interface of the mecha battle in the game was designed by myself, so the operation method of the power mecha later changed to what it is now.So whether it's Yue Yuyin or Zheng Taicheng, their experience in operating mechas in the game can quickly be transformed into the ability to use the actual mechas.From a purely Russian point of view, the "Human" game is a success.It even does something it hadn't thought of before: training mech pilots.

Lin Wenfang wants to go to the game to have a look. He knows that there are some ways to open the communication window with the mastermind, and then he can have a series of communications with the mastermind. Maybe he can see a person who is constantly learning and developing in an environment like a game. What MARS looks like.At least, it should be completely different from Huo Yu, but the data accumulated by MARS is of great significance to Lin Wenfang and the mecha system.The experience accumulated from the same source of intelligence core is extremely precious to Huo Yu.

"Let me also open an account to play together. It's too boring to just use the game system to practice the mecha operation. It's good to kill people and grab guns anyway. With you two high-playing players, it's impossible not to block me, right?" Lin Wenfang said with a sigh.

Both Yue Yuyin and Zheng Taicheng were overjoyed, so naturally they agreed without a word.With the two of them, one as the commander of the Third Legion, and one as a military officer, it is not easy to arrange a golden road for Lin Wenfang.Besides, with Lin Wenfang's IQ, reaction, and real experience in operating mechs, it is impossible to remain unknown.

After having dinner together, Lin Wenfang and Yue Yuyin discussed the development of Tianyao Information before entering the game.

The irony is that Lin Wenfang, who is involved in the development of the game, has not entered the game many times.When I was in Zhice Company, I frequently entered and exited the game to check whether the linkage between the somatosensory operating system and the game was smooth.Later, he devoted himself to the development of MARS, and he hardly touched the game. At most, after returning home, when Yue Yuyin happened to be washing dishes or taking a shower, he played the game to help her hang up, or met someone he knew. It's just a few words.

Before entering the game, Lin Wenfang carefully scanned the entire new client.Because Huo Yu and MARS are of the same origin, and this client has a direct relationship with MARS, just in case, Lin Wenfang did not let Huo Yu do this kind of analysis work that she is very good at.

As expected, Zhice Company carried out extended development later.This new client is quite different from the previous client in terms of graphics and other algorithms.The client integrates quite a lot of local functions, and backs up a large amount of user information on the server and the local machine at the same time.There is also a small, extremely simplified intelligent program in the client to help users filter information, prompt tasks, and so on.But this client can also be regarded as a branch of the main brain system, which will aggregate various information to the main brain.After being screened by the program in the client, it is much easier for the mastermind to process the information gathered by all parties.

Lin Wenfang became more and more vigilant.The technical team of Zhice Company is still very strong. The software integrated in the client shows that Zhice Company now has at least one expert who is proficient in data structure in charge.Lin Wenfang didn't dare to easily let Huoyu load it into the client and run the game together.He hasn't fully figured out how well the well-designed client end collects those data and detects the local users.However, from the design composition of this client, he smelled a hint of danger.It appears that the protection on the client side is well done, very sophisticated and sophisticated.Let the client only read the necessary information, but in fact, relying on the intelligence integrated in the client and the information aggregation and coding tools, once someone masters the mastermind in the game, it is easy to obtain the user's information.

Before completely cracking the client, Lin Wenfang didn't ask Huo Yu to help him.Enter the game easily and comfortably.The somatosensory operating system was developed by him, and he would naturally not have any discomfort with the game operation.Soon, he took the full set of equipment sent by Yue Yuyin and started leveling.Now the general level in the game is around 100, and the top players like Yin Chenxue and Apocalypse are between 110 and 120.The highest level in the entire game is a player from the Principality of Eton, reaching level 127.Lin Wenfang has a long way to go if he wants to catch up with the mainstream level.Not to mention the career settings and ability training settings in "Humanity", which are detailed enough to make any novice player vomit blood.

While leveling, Lin Wenfang was specifying a plan to completely crack the client.In the past few months, he has relied too much on Huo Yu. Basically, as long as any business related to computers is involved, Huo Yu will be involved. He only needs to grasp the general direction, set strategies and steps, and then wait for the results.Trying to crack the system again gave Lin Wenfang a pleasant sense of familiarity.He wrote down his thoughts on the entire software of the client in detail, and wrote his feedback after careful trial and error, and then regarded cracking this delicate system as some kind of challenge, just like dismantling a ticking system. A ticking time bomb in general.There is a great pleasure in pulling a wire and cutting a wire.Also for the sake of challenge, when he cracked the client, he didn't even disconnect the network connection.Knowing that the client has an alarm mechanism, but he has such confidence that this thing will never affect him.

Lin Wenfang spent the whole day on this.He stripped the cocoons, removed all the data on the client software, put aside useful and useless functions one by one, disconnected from the system core, and finally locked the only one from the client software with a capacity of several hundred gigabytes. 2 megabytes of core function modules, including simple artificial intelligence, information analysis and summary, and, as Lin Wenfang expected, remote control software.He quietly removed this part of his client, without touching the program's alarm settings at all.Then, decisively according to my own ideas, I rewrote a core function module and implanted it.

Lin Wenfang's core function module is somewhat similar to the original one in all aspects of its functions.However, the algorithm of artificial intelligence is more optimized than it, and at the same time, a special interface is reserved for Huo Yu to intervene at any time.Lin Wenfang didn't have time to look at the entire client, whether there were any other dangerous small programs loaded in countless program packages, or even Trojan horses, this interface was enough.This interface will make any strange things appear to the system as the decision of the artificial intelligence in the client.Lin Wenfang was quite proud of this kind of stealing trick.

After finishing these, he was a little relieved.It took a few more hours to disassemble the core function module into the program line state.Reading an exquisite program line by line is like reciting a beautiful poem. This is a unique feeling that only top programmers like them have.Lin Wenfang smiled when he read a passage... How confident is a programmer to leave his signature in the program?Not a few lines of comments, but a "Flower of Evil" commented in a programming language...a poem.A sinister beauty, together with the program line, comes alive on the paper.

Lin Wenfang was right. There is really something wrong with this client.

(End of this chapter)

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