digital storm

Chapter 109 Returning to Hanjing

Chapter 109 Returning to Hanjing
This attack of the mecha troops has partially achieved the strategic goal they transferred to the Dishan base: to curb Moya's offensive.The Dishan defense line originally used a small number of troops to resist the enemy's attack and make room for the large army to launch a campaign. But now, with Rui'an City becoming the new focus, the campaign objectives of both sides have changed.

Moya mobilized a total of 9 divisions, including an ace division, to join the battle, but the strategic duty force that the Federation has been recharging for a long time is waiting for it?The federal troops, which are superior in equipment, personnel quality, training, and overall tacit understanding, had a great time fighting the enemy around Ryan.Liao Chang personally came to the front line to set up a campaign headquarters, and truly realized what he said at the military meeting: Let the Moya people see what airdrop is!
The rapid transfer and delivery of large-scale troops at the beginning was only part of it.Liao Chang's understanding of air-ground integrated operations is really overwhelming.The Air Assault Division, Airborne Division, Heavy Airborne Division and other units have been fully revitalized in his hands.The combination of large-scale air raid suppression and small-scale harassment made the enemies who tried to get close to Rui'an City want to smash their heads to death.Often the troops fought normally in the front, and were stabbed by the air-dropped troops from the rear for no reason.Or simply after fighting a lot of messy skirmishes, they found that their troops had lost [-] to [-]% of their combat power before they knew it.Not only is he flexible in dispatching airborne troops, armed helicopter troops, and mech troops temporarily assigned to him, but as the head of the strategic duty force, his relationship with the Air Force is not generally good.The clever combination of air strikes and raids has repeatedly worked.

In any case, the participation of mech troops is always the brightest color in this series of operations.Originally, what Liao Chang lacked most was a surprise soldier capable of attacking fortifications, which could be used to attack important targets such as radar stations, logistics transportation centers, military depots, ammunition depots, oil depots, and maintenance yards.These targets, as long as the opponent has a little brain, it is impossible not to guard against them, but it is impossible to maintain a heavy defensive posture all the time.In the past, when using special forces to attack such targets, the tactical preparations and surrounding feints were all in place, but it was still inevitable that they would suffer considerable losses. Bullets don't have eyes, but people are so fragile.But with the mecha unit, as long as you think it’s worth a try, you can airdrop it directly to fight with a little preparation. You can even let the mecha cling to the outside of the armed helicopter and shoot directly at the target’s head with light weapons. No need for rappelling.Tactical flexibility has been increased several times.

The mobility and flexibility of the mecha unit itself, combined with Lieutenant General Liao Chang's extremely coquettish and occasionally gorgeous and violent tactics, can be said to complement each other.The mecha troop's record soared, and Lieutenant General Liao Chang had a great time playing.Perhaps the only one who was a little bit lost was the special forces that General Liao Chang relied heavily on.The officers and soldiers of the special operations force were basically reduced to the staff of the mecha force.

Not all mecha troops originally came from the special warfare system, and some people lack experience in this area.Encountering such a good opportunity and encountering such a large number of indoctrination and education of special warfare experts, they are all growing rapidly.

However, Lin Wenfang has fully seen the beauty of tactics and how tactics blend with a person's personality and emotions.For the first time, he had the idea of ​​studying tactics seriously.

It's good to have this idea.Zhu Zhi was waiting for Lin Wenfang's words.He said a little bit, and Zhu Zhi immediately said that he would be able to make his wish come true.Within a few days, a temporary transfer order from Hanjing came: Lin Wenfang is leaving for Beijing today.

Although he was still paying attention to the developments on the front line and reluctant to learn Liao Chang's command style, the injured Lin Wenfang still accepted a temporary transfer order to Hanjing.

The transfer order didn't write too much detail, but he was allowed to carry the mecha, and the guard who also carried the mecha was allowed to travel alone.It is almost the standard equipment for Lin Wenfang and Zheng Taicheng.Since Lin Wenfang's mecha was close to being destroyed, in order to prevent Lin Wenfang from staying on the front line, North Industries Corporation directly produced two improved mechas and met them at Hanjing's airport.Lin Wenfang could only sigh in response to the many actions of everyone, including Zhu Zhi, who were focused on driving him to Hanjing.Who made every time he fights a big scene?Who made him get into big trouble this time?There is a price to be paid for mobilizing the whole army to wipe your ass for you.

Lin Wenfang returned to Dishan, and found that he was actually enjoying the treatment of a high-speed jet plane equipped with two fighter jets to escort him.

"Don't be surprised, you are now on Moya's blacklist. What the enemy wants to kill is what we want to protect. It has always been like this when the two countries go to war." Zheng Taicheng's words are really not reassuring.

Compared with a few months ago, the atmosphere in Hanking seems to be a little more dignified.There was no such a luxurious atmosphere that made the soldiers returning from the front line very uncomfortable.In those cities on the front line, all kinds of slogans and slogans can be seen everywhere, but in Hanjing, even the recruitment posters are so artistic.Lin Wenfang saw his famous poster, which was not only hung in the Gemini Building, but also appeared in various places in Hanjing.The smallest pair is probably the face design of the newly released Hanjing City Traffic Card.

Compared with a few months ago, Lin Wenfang's temperament is a bit stronger, and his body is much stronger. Wearing a pair of sunglasses, he will not be recognized when he goes out, and it will be difficult for him to move an inch.After settling in, Lin Wenfang almost left and set off with Zheng Taicheng to find Yue Yuyin.

A few months ago, before he went to the front line of Dishan, he had handed over a series of procedures to Yue Yuyin, asking her to find ways to manage it.The start-up capital, in addition to the more than 3000 million yuan that was planned to treat Yue Yuyin's legs but was useless in the end, Lin Wenfang also exchanged some of the military merit points he earned for more than 1000 million yuan, making a total of 5000 million yuan.Tianyao Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established in this way.If Lin Wenfang and Yue Yu display their names now, it is almost impossible for them to open any company without making money, but they are still very low-key.At first glance, the registration information of Tianyao Information has nothing to do with Lin Wenfang and Yue Yuyin. It uses Yao Le's name, but Yue Yuyin holds 90% of Tianyao's shares.Anyway, the federal commercial law and the company law stipulate that the company's shareholding structure can not be announced, and no one can see this kind of trickery.Lin Wenfang and Yue Yuyin are very famous, but Yao Le is not.Except for the Tianchi Mountain base, not many people knew about this dead house.

The first product of Tianyao Information is the identification software "Mark 2111".This software is based on the software developed by Lin Wenfang when he was in Tianchi Mountain to protect Huoyu from misuse by unknown people, and it adds many interesting functions.Identifying identities through keystroke habits is much more reliable than entering usernames and passwords.Mark 2111, in addition to simple identification, also has a very considerate buffer function.Sometimes when I need to use the computer urgently, I just grab someone's machine and use it, regardless of whether it is my own.For functions such as general inquiry and web browsing, the mark 2111 can be completely released and operated temporarily, even if you are not the owner of the machine.However, once you operate the files in the confidential area set by the original user, or use the software that has been set to prohibit or limit the use, then I am sorry, the system will lock the machine after prompting.There is also a more dark function, that is, it seems to allow you to operate, but it will give various system prompts. It seems that the program takes up a lot of resources, runs very slowly, and the file cannot be opened, and secretly connects to the security. The computer of the system sent people directly to arrest them.

There is also a fun feature that can be used on computers in public spaces.As long as the user enters a paragraph of text according to the prompts, the system will remotely access the user's full set of settings and software, and load them into the machine, so that each computer in the public space becomes the user's own settings.

This software has only been on sale for two weeks, before Yue Yu found someone to spend a lot of energy on the software interface design and advertising promotion.It sold 2 sets within 7 weeks of its launch, which is a very good start in the software field.These are basically individual users.In fact, Mark 2111 is a very typical software for group users. When a company or group discovers the excellent functions of Mark 2111, the sales will immediately explode.

Yue Yuyin has been hiding behind the scenes, and has not attracted attention because of this small software company.She still has to do a considerable amount of recovery training every day to adjust her walking posture.Walking, running, etc. are no longer a problem, but to walk well and run smartly, you still need to exercise.Every day from 2:5 to [-]:[-] pm, for three full hours, she would come to the physical classroom of Tianhan Academy of Chinese Opera, and practice hard under the guidance of the teacher.

Lin Wenfang wanted to surprise Yue Yuyin.After arriving in Hanjing and settling down, he borrowed a military vehicle and came. At a little before 4:[-], he arrived at the gate of the Academy of Chinese Opera and parked his car directly opposite the gate.

Not long after, famous cars, luxury cars, or carefully refitted special vehicles with very attractive appearances came one after another, extending along both sides of the road, like a small auto show.

Zheng Taicheng shook his head, and said with some amusement: "After so many years, this scene is still the same."

"They're all here to pick up pretty girls from get out of class?" Lin Wenfang shook his head. He'd heard about it, but it was the first time he'd seen it.In Shenhai City before, this kind of situation was absolutely impossible.Shenhai City doesn't have a dedicated art school at all... Except for the Shenhai City Branch of the Little Yingxing Art Troupe.The men who have come out of Shenhai City, who take advantage of technology and rationality, will always lack romance and artistic atmosphere, and never have so much leisure time.

Zheng Taicheng nodded and said, "Yes. My wife graduated here."

"Huh? Didn't you see it?" Lin Wenfang teased. "Talk to me later?"

Zheng Taicheng smiled and nodded: "No problem."

The place where their car is parked is the most golden location on this street.Many people glared at them, but they didn't dare to come up and say anything.First come, first served, everyone understands.Both Lin Wenfang and Zheng Taicheng were dressed in military uniforms, so they were not easy to mess with.

At five minutes to five, a red sports car pulled up beside them.The backseat of the roadster is stuffed with roses, which is romantic.The owner of the car was a well-groomed young man in a black suit, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses.Seeing that the best seat was occupied, he hesitated and got out of the car and walked over, carefully knocked on the window, and asked with a sad face: "Brother, please help me. I'm a little late for roses. Today It's very important to me, can it be convenient?"

(End of this chapter)

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