digital storm

Chapter 106

Chapter 106
Under the rain of bullets, few officers and soldiers of the 11th Division could survive.When they arrived at the site of the 29th Division, they naturally gathered together. It is impossible for the officers and soldiers of the 29th Division to let the people of the 11th Division run around.This made it easier for Xiao Zhiqiang who was shooting.

"Xiao Zhiqiang, don't stand." Lin Wenfang reminded: "You must not stand. Run."

Xiao Zhiqiang understood, and immediately accelerated his speed and rushed forward.The shooting effect is almost fine, but it is not fun to be aimed and shot by the opponent.The mechs rushing into the enemy group were like a fish in water, and quickly wiped out the remnants of the 11th Division.Several people hid behind tanks and armored vehicles.Zhu Zhi ordered: "Instructor, I'll leave those few to you. Let's retreat immediately after a few more minutes of trouble."

Zhu Zhi's judgment was very timely. Although the 29th Division encountered a surprise attack and the people of the 11th Division were slaughtered under their protection, they responded quickly.Although the battalion commander died as soon as he came up, the battalion who played the vanguard responded in time. Tanks and armored vehicles drove directly along the road while suppressing and firing.They are protecting each other very well. As long as the mechs want to get close to any armored vehicle or tank, the surrounding vehicles will mobilize their firepower to support them, leaving Lin Wenfang and Zhu Zhi somewhat helpless.

Seeing the response of the Vanguard Battalion, the commander of the 29th Armored Division, Dwyane, nodded and ordered decisively: "Advance in dense formation. Pay attention to protecting each other, and the infantry does not need to follow closely."

When fighting mechs, infantry not only cannot accompany the attack and prevent the opponent from destroying the function, but also affect the firepower of the armored troops.Dwyane's style of play is very simple: armored units, heavy machine guns and machine guns can't penetrate tanks anyway, so it's okay to just sweep at places with your own people.This is more extreme than the Vanguard Battalion's tactics, but it is also more effective. Finally, the mechs dare not approach casually.

Tom frowned and reminded: "Master, that's Lin Wenfang."

"Oh?" Dwyane became interested: "Are you sure?"

Tom nodded and said, "It's him, there's nothing wrong with it." Lin Wenfang's mecha is slightly different from the model used by the rest of the mecha unit, it looks more complicated and refined, and he is wearing a very characteristic digital camouflage paint It's more like his battlefield identity card.

"Let Luxon go. Anyway, it's a credit." Dwyane said with a dark smile, "It's a credit for sending it to your door."

Tom nodded.

When the following tank troops pressed forward and conducted the first round of cluster shooting, Lin Wenfang and the others retreated immediately.They ran left and right along the mountain, and the tank guns were difficult to aim.

Luxon is Dwyane's most valued subordinate, and the 559th Tank Regiment he leads is also the most important assault force of the 29th Division.Luxon, who was entrusted with such a heavy responsibility, became a little annoyed when he saw the mecha running away and bypassing the intersection ahead.He had just come up for the first round of shooting, and the opponent just ran away.He didn't expect the first round of calibrated shooting to be fruitful, but it was going to lead to an engagement anyway, right?What's the matter with running away like this?Thinking of Lin Wenfang, who was named at the high-level meeting of the military department, among the people who attacked this time, he felt eager.If Lin Wenfang can be killed, military ranks, medals, and more important positions, everything can be obtained.

After thinking about it, he asked Dwyane for instructions to pursue him.

Dwyane agreed without much thought.In his opinion, it shouldn't be too dangerous for the tank division to pursue the mecha unit, and there are only four mechas.Now in front of you is Ruian City, there should be no federal troops, this kind of pursuit is sure to make money.

Tai Qingyuan never fired, he was still lurking on the flat rock, waiting for an opportunity with his gun.Just now Lin Wenfang and the others attacked resolutely and decisively, and cooperated tacitly.Due to their high speed, contact was disengaged after only a very short fight, and there was no potential enemy to threaten them.Tai Qingyuan didn't shoot either.The mech's size is relatively large, which is actually not conducive to lurking, but hiding on the rocks and wearing a camouflage net, no one noticed him when the enemy was in chaos. The 29th Division's current attention is on the 4 mechas in front.

Lin Wen, Fangran, Zhu Zhi and the others ran in front, and cut off behind him, keeping the distance between himself and the enemy's tanks rushing to the front at less than 300 meters.This is a very dangerous distance.Basically, as long as the main gun of the opponent's tank is really aimed and fired, he has no time to dodge at all.The opponent's main battle tank has only two calibers, 125 and 145... Whatever caliber, he will die with one shot.Huoyu undertook the heavy calculation work. She observed the enemy's tanks and reminded Lin Wenfang of various distances and angles, so that the enemy always had only one or two tanks with a shooting range to shoot at him.Huo Yu has been marking these firing lines on the virtual map, letting Lin Wenfang run outside the enemy's firing line, advancing...

This is an extremely dangerous game, but Lin Wenfang seems to be able to handle it.

Lin Wenfang felt that he had never done anything to himself, and as he dodged the enemy's shooting time and time again, a strange feeling seemed to emerge slowly.As long as the enemy's artillery can pose a threat to him, a strange chill will emerge from the back of his neck, as if his hairs stand on end in an instant.He has heard of this kind of thing, it is said that it is called crisis awareness, called battlefield intuition, only veterans who have experienced many battles can cultivate such a feeling, so that they can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.Often with this feeling of being unclear, many crises can be avoided.

"Where is the Air Assault Division?" Lin Wenfang roared.There was already a hint of anxiety in his tone.crisis awareness?Can you stop having such a sense of cheating?He has only fought a few battles, how can he be "experienced in hundreds of battles"?

Lin Wenfang would not have imagined at this moment that many of the so-called veterans who have experienced many battles are very worthy.Maybe it's a one-time job if you go to the battlefield and come back after a shot of soy sauce.This is not an exact number.As for him, almost every time he attacks, he is facing a superior enemy, facing a life-and-death choice, and the gold content of each battle is ridiculously high.The inspiration of this choice between life and death came into being.

Zhu Zhi said with concern: "The estimated time of arrival is 5 minutes... You should speed up and leave. They won't be able to escape."

With a bang, Lin Wenfang didn't say a word, a shell passed over his shoulder and hit the hillside in front of him.The huge kinetic energy of the armor-piercing projectile shook the accumulation of earth and rocks on the hillside, and there was only a rumbling sound, as if the entire hillside was about to topple over.

"It's hard to get away now. Let the Air Assault Division launch anti-tank missiles, all, unguided, and let go of Link 9. Quick."

Lin Wenfang roared, he could no longer care about the firing of the tank gun behind him, if he was not careful, he would be buried alive at the bottom of the hillside and crushed to powder.He squatted deeply and immediately stood up, leaping up to a height of 7 to 8 meters. This is already 90% of the height that can be theoretically reached according to the current total power of this mech. If A's designer saw this height, he would probably faint with excitement.But Lin Wenfang, at this moment, was sober and felt extremely painful.It is precisely because of his sobriety that he knows that jumping can avoid the overturned hillside and find the first support point. He knows that he has to use his hands and feet together, so he quickly finds the second and third support points and climbs over the torn mountain Or simply climb to the top of the hill, so that you can get out of danger.It seemed that during the whole process, he could no longer take into account what posture the tank behind was going to take to hit himself as a living target.He was sober enough to order Huo Yu to calculate the probability of being smashed in the air according to the opponent's shooting level.

The probability is 37%.The probability of being damaged is 59%. The shooting level of the tanks in front of the 29th Division is quite good.

If you want me to die, how can it be so simple?Seeing this probability, Lin Wenfang didn't feel pain and despair, but thought, so what?He was already used to the dangerous atmosphere full of red on the screen, and he was used to solving things that everyone said he could not do.Now, what's the difference?
300 meters... Lin Wenfang chanted the distance number softly, then stopped suddenly, and rushed towards the tank troops. The distance of 300 meters is only a few seconds to him. It is also a risk, and the probability of survival is not more than 50%, so of course it is more profitable to gamble.

"The missile has been launched!" Zhu Zhi shouted, "Lin Wenfang, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Lin Wenfang turned around and rushed back, escaped the landslide but put himself in a more dangerous situation, Zhu Zhiyi gritted her teeth and said, "Follow me back. You Lintou have gone crazy again."

Without any hesitation, the other three immediately turned around, drove the mech to extreme speed, and rushed up.

"What the hell are you doing? I'm here, you all get out of the way, I'll come..."

A strange voice came from the radio.Callsign display: Air Assault Division.

"Where's the missile?" Zhu Zhi didn't have time to exchange pleasantries, so she asked loudly.

" should be able to see it, it's on the top of your head." The man was stunned by the yelling: "Little girl, you have such a bad temper, you don't want to get married anymore."

"You..." Zhu Zhi's words were held back.She can't shout: My man is about to be beaten to death...

Also, that's not true either.Lin Wenfang rushed into the armor group, even though he was hit by almost 100 machine guns.The entire frontal armor was hit with dents everywhere, the right shoulder camera was damaged, and the leg armor was cracked, but he did not die.He plunged into the tank group, at least winning him more than 20 seconds.Then, the missiles came...

Huo Yu, who had been waiting for the missiles to enter the control range from the beginning, took over all the missiles in an instant, and consciously assigned the target without waiting for Lin Wenfang's order.With a flurry of missiles, the terminal acceleration was immediately activated, and it fell rumblingly towards its target.Lin Wenfang quickly lay on the ground with his head in his arms.Huo Yu is too ruthless... The closest target she has locked on is less than 2 meters away from her, so it is no longer a problem within the killing range of the missile. 2 meters... That's the maximum allowable error range for the anti-tank missiles mounted on the armed helicopter, okay?What if it misses?
In the next second, Lin Wenfang felt as if he was being sucked into the typhoon, and the bombardment waves and flames from all directions pressed him to the ground and could not move.This time lasted for nearly 20 seconds...

He didn't even know if he was still alive... This feeling was really complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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