Chapter 248
At the beginning of November, Yan Sujin was in pain, and after one day and one night, she gave birth to a boy weighing five catties. The addition of a child to the Wu family was a great joy.

Gu Qingya and Jiang Rong'an gave two chickens, a basket of eggs and a pig's trotter in accordance with the local customs, and saw the baby with wrinkled skin.

"It doesn't look very cute." Jiang Rongan whispered to Gu Qingya, this child will not be ugly when he grows up.

Gu Qingya pursed her lips and smiled secretly, "It's always like this when you're born, but when it grows up, it will look good, chubby."

"Really?" Jiang Rongan expressed doubts, "You said our children will do the same in the future?"

Gu Qingya's face turned red all of a sudden, she turned her head to look away, but there was no reply.

On the contrary, Mrs. Wu heard this sentence after passing by, she couldn't help laughing and said: "You two are also at the right age, and it's time to prepare to have a child. You have nothing else to delay while you are young."

Jiang Rong'an heard this, but he calculated Gu Qingya's age in his heart. It seems that the past two years are not so suitable, so let's procrastinate, and let the child's affairs take its course.

"Auntie, the matter of the child depends on fate, let it take its course." Jiang Rongan replied with a smile, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw that Gu Qingya's head was already lowering to her chest.

When the full moon came, the Wu family set up a few small tables, only invited relatives and friends, and celebrated the full moon for the child in a very low-key way. The custom here is that children can't make big things when they are young, and the birthday is the best , otherwise it will break the blessing and it will not be easy to feed.

Regardless of whether this custom makes sense or not, it is for the sake of the children, and they have always followed it. Even when they are one year old, even relatives and friends will not take things that are too expensive. Instead, they are proud of the things they made with their own hands.

Gu Qingya followed suit and made a small dress, which was not as delicate as other people's, but at least she gained a lot of experience, so she won't be in a hurry when it's her turn.

As the twelfth lunar month enters, the flavor of Chinese New Year becomes stronger. Everyone is making preparations early on. The Jiang family in Fucheng sent a batch of New Year’s goods. With the characteristics of Fucheng and other cities, the price is quite high.

Gu Qingya was immediately stunned by this, she knew how to return gifts when she moved between relatives, but it was rare to send gifts from the family, this was to curry favor with Jiang Rong'an.

Because Lu Shangqi and his family went to the capital at the end of June, so as early as October, Gu Qingya prepared all the annual gifts, including those for the Fang family and the Zhu family, and sent them through the car dealership. The time is almost up.

"My lady, you don't need to return the gift. These are just a sign of their goodwill. Please sort it out. We will give some to Uncle Qi, keep some rare ones for everyone, and send the rest to the Charity Hall." Jiang Rongan couldn't see Gu Qing. Ya looked troubled, and the way to deal with it was simple and rude.

Gu Qingya frowned slightly, "No matter what, let's return the gift, but the value must not be equal. Let's hurry up while there is still a boat to Fucheng."

Jiang Rongan was not very happy, and in the end he bought a lot of things with Gu Qingya, and sent them to Fucheng by boat.

Jiang Ronggui originally sent Jiang Rongan New Year's goods with the idea of ​​trying it out. He had no contact with him before and his relationship was not good, but this year Jiang Rongan made them sit in the family temple as soon as he went to the family temple. No matter what, I should be grateful I still want it.

What surprised him was that he received Jiang Rongan's gift in return. Jiang Ronggui couldn't help but look up at the sky. Is it going to rain red this day? It's really rare.

But Mrs. Wu could see it clearly, "Rong Anding is not happy, but those who marry a wife must listen to their daughter-in-law. This kind of human relationship is most afraid of being left behind. Giving a gift in return does not necessarily mean agreeing with us. "

"No matter what, the relationship has finally improved. The family temple seems to like him very much. We are cousins ​​with him. How can we be alienated from other people?" Judging from several contacts, Jiang Ronggui felt that Jiang Rongan was quite easy to get along with. As long as you don't offend him.

However, Mrs. Wu is very happy. There are a lot of unsightly people in the family. This year is getting better. Being restrained by the family temple, the whole family looks much refreshed and less smoky.

Jiang Rong'an and Gu Qingya didn't know what the elders of the Jiang family thought of them, they were packing their things and preparing to return to Tailai Village for the New Year.

He didn't think there was anything bad about celebrating the new year at his father-in-law's house, and he didn't lose face at all. As for the sacrifice, the houses in the city would worship early.

Except for the Xiayuan Festival, the ancestors of the Jiang family were not missed during the New Year's worship. Jiang Rong'an and Gu Qingya carefully prepared all the meals and paper money and other matters. No matter what, Jiang Wuyan's words still affected He, no one wants to bear a reputation of filial piety.

Jiang Rong'an knew that he still couldn't forgive Jiang Sanye. This was a difficult hurdle to overcome. In this regard, he could only provide material support after all, and there was nothing he could do in other aspects.

Yan Qinghe and Yan Qingpu parked their donkey carts at the gate of the yard and shouted inside, "Sister, brother-in-law, we are here, let's go!"

Gu Qingya and Jiang Rongan checked again to make sure that nothing was missing, including the stones in the box, and there were no other valuables in the house, so they locked the courtyard door and asked the neighbors to take care of them during the Chinese New Year, and the car left slowly .

It's just after the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, and just after the stove sacrifice, there are still a lot of delicious food. As soon as they arrived at the door, Gu Qingya and Jiang Rong'an were each stuffed with a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice and lotus root by Yan Qingcha.

"This is sweet, green tea, how much sugar and sweet-scented osmanthus did you put in it?" Gu Qingya doesn't like sweets that much, but Yan Qingcha's craftsmanship is good, this year's sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice lotus root and glutinous rice meat lotus are all in charge of her of.

"Is it very sweet, no, I don't think it's enough." Yan Qingcha chuckled, "Sister, brother-in-law, please sit down first, and my mother and I will go fry meatballs." After speaking, he went into the kitchen again.

Gu Qingya shook her head, and said to Jiang Rong'an: "Girl Qingcha, why do you love sweet-scented osmanthus so much?" It's okay to eat it once or twice once in a while, like Yan Qingcha's preference, she can't wait to eat it all at once.

"Everyone has a preference, don't you prefer crisper food?" Jiang Rongan said with a smile, and Yan Qinghe and Yan Qingpu moved the things in the car into the house.

"Brother-in-law, let's go to bore sweet potatoes." Yan Qinghe and Yan Qingpu came to ask Jiang Rongan to play together.

Because of the popularization of composting methods, the method of burning manure is rarely used in the village now, but at the end of the year, many children dig a hole in the ground and burn some branches and weeds to stuff sweet potatoes, as long as they are not near the foot of the firewood pile. , adults generally do not stop it.

Jiang Rong'an nodded, seeing Gu Qingya enter the kitchen, thinking that he couldn't be bored reading all the time, so he nodded, "Sure, let's go."

"Mother, are we planting water chestnuts this year?" Gu Qingya stretched out her hand and pinched a peeled one, put it in her mouth and gnawed it. It was sweet and crisp, which suited her taste very well.

(End of this chapter)

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