Chapter 237 Results
Jiang Rongan nodded, stood up and looked, and decided to start from the bookshelf on the right side by the door, but the first book he picked up was the Tao Te Ching, but after looking at the sentences and their opinions, many of them were already familiar to him. Read differently.

Obviously, the book in his hand should be Lao Tzu's real thoughts, and after reading it, Jiang Rong'an also had a lot of thoughts, re-recognized the world, and his three views were also being changed.

The books in the outside world are mainly Confucianism, and there are very few other books, or they are not in circulation. Maybe the royal family has a collection of books, but it is not easy for people to see.

Hearing that Zangshuge can collect all the books that appeared in the past, Jiang Rongan desperately hopes that he can read all the books in his world, including the real history. Think about it, writing a real history always makes people feel excited Yes, being famous in history is probably one of the dreams of all literati.

Jiang Rong'an's memory was not bad at all, he recited the Tao Te Ching silently twice, and then took down the next book.Just like Gu Qingya used to read books, the bookshelves go from top to bottom, from the beginning to the end of the first floor, and take the next book after reading one, regardless of the content.

So, after Jiangjia Village, Jiang Rongan and Gu Qingya meditated in the house and entered the library, wandering in the ocean of books. Jiang Wuyan felt a little strange, so he didn't ask any more questions.

All the people in Mr. Jiang's room were brought over, including Mr. Jiang. They all had a look of shock on their faces, but the people in Mr. Jiang's room were much calmer.

Perhaps with the exception of Jiang Rongan, the rest of the Jiang family knew that if the guards of the family temple were dispatched, it would be a big deal.

Jiang Rong'an didn't care much about the trial. Now he still has no feelings for the Jiang family. He might have been a little angry before, but now he only has peace in his heart.

"After investigation, the branch of the Jiang family in Fucheng abandoned the eldest son of the third house for no reason. As a result...the abandoned person Jiang Rong'an asked the family temple to punish his branch. After discussion by the family temple, the resolution is as follows."

"The branch of the Jiang family in Fucheng has to hand over 1000 taels of silver to the family temple, and his biological father has to personally hand over his wife's tomb to plead guilty, and then send him to the family temple for a one-year punishment. In addition, as the head of the family, Jiang Cheng disregarded the safety of his descendants. , obsessed with female sex, has hindered the Jiang family's reputation, and entered the family temple for three years to cultivate themselves..."

"...the third concubine of the Bai family has poor morals, and she entered the family temple to study for a year. The second daughter did not learn morality, and she was disciplined when she entered the middle school for women in the clan. The second son never persuaded his parents to love his elder brother. a year..."

"The above judgment, if you have any opinions, you can refute it. If it is true, it will be dealt with separately." Jiang Wuda looked at the family in front of him with different expressions.

Although Jiang Sanye felt a little guilty in his heart, he also knew that the side of the family temple must suffer, and he was willing to submit there, so he couldn't help crying, "Clan elder, you don't know, this child is a disaster star, born to be a restrained child." If the father beats the mother, he is a big disaster in the Jiang family."

"It's nonsense, my ancestors entrusted me with a dream. If Jiang Rong'an hadn't been wandering outside and hadn't worshiped his ancestors for many years, and his filial piety was compromised, how could he return empty-handed this year? It's good to check. It turns out that you, the elders, are making trouble. Ancestors Under the spring, I am so angry with you unworthy descendants."

Jiang Wuyan frowned. As the oldest of the clan elders, he was often dreamed by his ancestors. No one doubted what he said. I heard that Jiang Rongan passed by the top three in the spring this year, but it was a pity. Looking at Jiang The third master and the others couldn't look friendly either.

The people living in Jiangjia Village are not ordinary. On the surface, they are villagers, but they are sometimes guards, and they have small rights.

"How is it possible?" Jiang Sanye shook his fat body, looking in disbelief at the direction where Jiang Rongan and Gu Qingya were standing.

"Could it be that I'm going to lie to my ancestors?" Jiang Wuyan stared back angrily.

Jiang Rongan made up his mind not to speak. Anyway, he had already told the elders what he wanted to say, so the rest didn't matter.The branch of the Jiang family in Fucheng is indeed too arrogant, if it is not repaired properly, there will be disasters, and he doesn't want to be affected at all.

"What you mentioned does not conform to the facts, so I dismiss it." Jiang Wuda said with a cold face, and said to the people around him, "Take everyone down."

With her two daughters, Bai's eyes were like poisonous sharp arrows, and they shot at Jiang Rong'an and Gu Qingya who were standing beside them, making the people on the side frown. The woman's thoughts are too vicious, it seems that she needs to be disciplined.

People will be poisonous, and they must feel that they have nothing to fear. If so, let them be afraid, dare not act rashly, and dare not even think about it.

"I don't accept it. Why is the family temple? Jiang Rong'an is my son. How can a boy sue me? The family temple is showing favoritism. I don't accept it." Jiang Sanye twisted his fat body and tried to break away from the guard's hand. shouted loudly.

"The father is unkind and the son is unfilial. You haven't fulfilled your righteousness yourself, but you want others to fulfill their filial piety? Based on what you have done, even if Jiang Rongan doesn't mention it, the family temple will still have to deal with it. Do you think you can escape? Except Xiang Yuan Aside from his wife apologizing and pleading guilty, Jiang Rong'an has never said a single word for himself, and I will always say it so that you don't wrong him."

"The rights of the family temple, no matter how old or young they are." Jiang Wuda's last words came to the fore, without rules, there is no circle. When the family grows up, people will have inflated hearts and cannot recognize themselves. The family temple is the one that wakes people up. wooden club.

The people in Mr. Jiang's room were taken away at every turn, even Mr. Jiang was no exception. But at this time, Mr. Jiang was full of romantic affairs and was distressed about parting. It's been a long time since I've lived a life of innocence.

On the other hand, the elders of the Jiang family watched the speed and strength of the family temple’s execution. They were terrified. As a sister-in-law, she didn't love her sister-in-law well, and she didn't take good care of the Jiang family's descendants.

Uncle Jiang and Jiang Ronggui didn't escape either, and they had to go to the family temple to receive various educations every once in a while. In short, it wasn't necessarily better.

Jiang Sanye was pushed to Lu Mu's tomb by Jiang's guards, and he didn't know what the family temple was doing. Jiang Sanye didn't seem to dare to protest.

He was holding incense and worshiping in front of the tomb, but Jiang Sanye suddenly knelt down on his knees, "I am sorry for you, let me beg you to do it, entrust your son with a dream, let us leave the family temple, that is simply not human What a day!"

Jiang Rong'an didn't say anything, lit the incense, knelt down with Gu Qingya and kowtowed, said a few words in a low voice, after getting up, he watched Jiang Sanye on the ground telling how hard the education in the family temple was Sad, I couldn't help snorting in my heart.

If Lu's mother knew to seek the shelter of the family temple back then, would the ending be different now, but there is no if.

(End of this chapter)

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