Chapter 275
The elders in the family couldn't help but get a headache when they thought of Shen Zhen trying every means to rush around in front of those seniors.

Well, it's time to send it out for some hard work.

To be naive is a good thing, but to be too naive is stupid.

They don't want Shen Zhenzhen to be so naive as to cause trouble for the family in the future.

It is impossible for them to watch, but it is also impossible for them to pay attention all the time.

Everyone agrees on this point.

As soon as Shen Zhen left, the senior behind, that is, Zhao Youyi, was persuaded to leave by the school.

The school's reason is also very simple, that is, they feel that Zhao Youyi doesn't study hard at school and spends all day with female students. Many students have reported this, and their parents have heard about it. Due to these reflections, the school's approach is to Zhao Youyi persuaded him to quit.

Zhao Youyi was reluctant at first, but he had to be willing if he didn't want to. His father was transferred by the company, and his family relied on his father's salary. Naturally, they would follow his father wherever he went, so Zhao Youyi just left.

Wu Miaoyun, Shen's family, and Qin's family are not that aggressive. It's good to transfer people away for this kind of thing, and it's not a deep hatred, so they won't resort to drastic measures.

Of course, Wu Miaoyun knew something, but she wouldn't deal with an underage child.

Even if there is any entanglement, only Shen Zhen can make a decision.

If Wu Miaoyun in this life was not because of Shen Zhen, she might not have known a student named Zhao Youyi at all.

Of course, it is not a world in the first place, and you can deal with it at any time if you want to. This is the fundamental reason why Wu Miaoyun doesn't care at all. Have you ever seen an elephant care about an ant?

Shen Zhen entered the military camp pitifully, and started a hard life of training. Of course, he still couldn't relax after training, and he had to learn everything in the course.

In Wu Miaoyun's words, the military school has to take the exam, the brain is a good thing, don't just focus on training.

What else can Shen Zhen say, of course, he is obedient.

She was originally an obedient and good girl.

Although I wanted to rebel occasionally, I found that I couldn't do it.

The nature is like this, the nature is hard to change, Shen Zhen thinks, it's so difficult.

Sometimes I envy my old mother for being chic and domineering.

In Shen Zhen's heart, her mother is the person she admires the most, not one of them.

Not long after the new year, the streets are full of smiling people. When the days are good, everyone can make a comeback.In addition, the cold winter has passed, and now it is a vibrant spring, and you can take off your thick cotton jacket immediately, and then go for a spring outing.

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, so-and-so Internet technology is about to enter the Shanghai stock market, and the boss behind the scenes is a lady. Selling newspapers, the identity of the female boss of such-and-such Internet technology is exposed."

If you want to say what is the most discussed during this period, it must be a certain network technology.

Once this company was unknown, but suddenly it seemed that the whole country knew about this company.

Then everyone knew that a certain brand of computer belonged to her family, a certain mobile phone they had heard of belonged to her family, and what other equipment did she have?
Anyway, this store is sold by ordinary people who don't know much about it.

But if they don't know much about it, they don't know much about it. Although they don't know much about it, it doesn't affect them thinking that this Internet company is amazing!

You must know that just a single mobile phone can amaze ordinary people, so there is such a thing.

It is amazing to be able to carry it on your body anytime, anywhere, and chat with people thousands of miles away anytime, anywhere.

These days, not every household can afford a telephone, and the worship of mobile phones is beyond belief.

Come to think of it, the company that can manufacture this kind of thing must be very powerful.

Yes, that's right, Wu Miaoyun became known to everyone through her mobile phone.

As for why he exposed his identity with such a big fanfare, a businessman only has one purpose, for profit.

What's more, it has been 2000, and the Internet information will be more transparent in the future, and the speed of news dissemination will be faster.Now that you know what will happen to future generations, then take the lead and spread your company's reputation.

As for whether he will start another company, Wu Miaoyun said no.

Her money is enough for her to eat and drink spicy food in her life, and she may not spend her whole life squandering it all.There are many profitable projects like that, but she also identified network technology and medical research.

Network technology is not that kind of virtual economy, but the real research on chips and high technology. It is called the network, but it has nothing to do with the network.As for medicine, what Wu Miaoyun thought of was the infection of two epidemic-diseases in the future, and being able to participate in and quickly develop vaccines was the fundamental reason why Wu Miaoyun spent a lot of money to establish these laboratories.

She doesn't need to rely on the laboratory to make money, anyway, there are other investments that can make money back.All she wanted to do was just want to do it, and then she did it.

In 2000, the end of 2002 was only two years away.

But don't say that Wu Miaoyun is kind because of these, she is still her, she is a businessman, and kindness has nothing to do with it.Doing this is only to satisfy the wish of the businessman. To put it bluntly, it is for oneself.

The news that a certain network technology is about to settle in the Shanghai stock market is circulating in the streets and alleys, and everyone is discussing eagerly, from the fact that the boss of a technology company is a lesbian, to now that women really hold up half the sky, and to their local big companies.

Don't underestimate the people at the bottom, their news is sometimes better than anyone else.

After all, seven aunts and eight aunts or a friend of a friend's friend may be a certain leader, or a certain high-level person.

Of course, they naturally welcome, especially welcome, a certain network technology to enter the Shanghai stock market.

"I'm afraid I'm recruiting here, so I just want to be recruited."

"I thought too, why don't you try it together? I heard that the company's benefits are very good, and the boss is rich."

"It's very rich. I heard that the boss made his initial capital by selling land."

"Land sales in Guangzhou and Shenzhen."

Everyone showed a meaningful smile.

That must not be ordinary rich, it is very special rich!
These are the most discussed topics at the lower levels, and naturally the upper-level business circles in the Shanghai Stock Exchange cannot avoid discussions.

Even in front of Xu Ming, someone came to him to talk about this certain network technology.

"Mr. Xu, do you think that the coming of certain Internet technology will impact our market?" At the banquet, the boss who was fairly familiar with Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

Now everyone is talking about this technology company, including the background of the company, and the boss behind the company. Everyone knows this information and knows that the female boss is not without background.

I really don't know if it's a blessing or a curse for such a business tycoon to come in, and it's only human to be worried.

(End of this chapter)

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