polar demon

Chapter 524 Life Thanks to the book friend "It is true" for the reward!

Chapter 524 Life ([-]) Thanks to the book friends for "it is true" for the reward!

The last day.

Tomorrow is the moment of the ultimate battle.

Jiang Yuan did not choose to spend this day in the palace. King Xue's palace is majestic and luxurious, but it is not a place where people can relax.

He chose Pengcheng, the place he remembers the most.

Jiang Yuan recruited most of the people he wanted to see, except those who needed to accompany their families.

He wanted to have a good look at them, talk to them, chat.

Let this last day be spent with ease.

After today, life and death are unpredictable.

If this is destined to be your last day, why not make it meaningful?

Jiang Yuan didn't know how to live to be meaningful.

But when he looked at his old friends, relatives and children, he suddenly discovered that the ordinary time that he had been neglecting before was the most meaningful.

Pursuit of power, pursuit of fame and fortune, pursuit of power, pursuit of wealth...?
Chasing chasing chasing chasing chasing chasing, how tiring is that?

So obsessed with the goal, it is inevitable that some precious things will be overlooked.

Fortunately, I am not alone, nor have I betrayed my relatives.

What could be more fortunate than this.


Yu Ling is here, it should be said that she has been there all the time.

With her, Jiang Yuan is very warm, comfortable and relaxed.

He thanked her, sincerely.


The four adopted sons and daughters came, and they did not choose to accompany their family members this day, or rather, Jiang Yuan was their family members.

This made Jiang Yuan very happy.

"Father, this is the peace talisman we made! I wish my father a victory and a triumphant return!"

They are no longer children, they have grown up.

But when they get together, they still chirp like a group of lively sparrows.

"Thank you!" Jiang Yuan accepted the safety talisman.

The four cried:
"Father, you must come back alive... definitely!"

Jiang Yuan reached out and took them into his arms, rubbing their heads.


Lu Junsheng also came, he was still handsome.

As soon as he saw Jiang Yuan, Lu Junsheng began to tease:
"Brother Jiang, I always thought that I was the son of destiny who shouldered the heavy responsibility of saving the common people, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Facing his old friend, Jiang Yuan laughed loudly:
"If it wasn't me, then it must be you. By the way, did you use the Lacking Moon God Bi to see what will happen tomorrow?"

Lu Junsheng shook his hand:

"The future will change. If you can't see it, it's better not to see it."

Jiang Yuan nodded, then suddenly asked:
"By the way, you and that banshee...what's your name? How's your development going?"

"It's called Yinque!"

Lu Junsheng replied, and then felt a little disappointed:

"As for Xiao He... I see it, and I can let it go... If I can win tomorrow, it will be a new life for all living beings and for me. At that time, I will decide to marry Yinque."

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly:

"I remember that girl has a bad temper, you...you want to marry her?"

Lu Junsheng made an angry look on purpose:

"You can marry Yu Ling, why can't I marry Yinque!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuan raised his palm, "After everything is over, our two couples will get married on the same day!"

Lu Junsheng also raised his palm and took a picture with Jiang Yuan:
"A word is settled!"


Su Mo is here.

"Tomorrow, please win."

She looked at Jiang Yuan and said:

"You must also protect yourself...Cousin Jiang Yuan and you are one, I don't want you to be hurt."

Jiang Yuan nodded:
"Thank you, cousin."


Princess You Yue is here.

"I have nowhere to go," she said, still as cold as frost, "so come and walk around."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said:
"Thank you."


Lin Yulin also came with the steamed bun.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, remember our agreement!"

Lin Yulin smiled charmingly, and Jiang Yuan discovered for the first time that the expression "charming" would also appear on her face.

Jiang Yuan immediately smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I have a very high success rate in one hit. If it doesn't work once, then try again until you are satisfied."

Mantou wagged his tail and stuck out his tongue:

"Wow woof—! woof woof!"

Jiang Yuan touched Mantou's dog head, Mantou looked happier than himself.


Xun Yu Zhu Zhu also came.

"Master, Zhu Zhu had a dream last night!"

Xun Yu Zhu Zhu waved the little red umbrella:
"Zhu Zhu dreamed that the master would kill all directions, and kill those gods and demons to the ground!"

Jiang Yuan laughed and said:

"Zhu Zhu is still so cute, with such a sweet little mouth!"

"Really?!" Xun Yu said happily, "Master is also very powerful!"


Fei Qianqian also came.

"Jiang Yuan...I call you this..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she felt something was wrong.

"It's okay," Jiang Yuan replied, "Qianqian, I'm glad you can come."

Only then did Fei Qianqian relax:
"You are everyone's hope. I am humble and can't do anything, I can only pray and bless you."

"Thank you."


There are many more people coming.

Jiang Yuan was very happy, he was busy on weekdays, and there was no chance for such a crowd to gather together.

Today, it's all here.

Everyone eats, drinks, and has fun together.

People were speaking lighthearted words, and their faces were full of joy.

The same is true for Jiang Yuan.

Anxiety and uneasiness are deeply buried.

Laughing, chatting, bragging, playing around...

It wasn't until late at night that the excitement gradually subsided, and the mansion became quiet.

The fireworks are easy to be cold, and the feast ends at last.

In the bedroom, there were only Jiang Yuan and Yu Ling.

That night, Yu Ling was very considerate and gentle.

Jiang Yuan vented on her frantically.

Before the battle, or even before death, this kind of panic and depression needs to be vented.

Yu Ling's softness seemed to be able to accommodate everything pouring down.

She is doing her best to relax and serve Jiang Yuan attentively.

After the lingering end, the two blew out the candles and fell asleep.

Jiang Yuan didn't sleep, and many people are bound to toss and turn on such a night.

He lay quietly with Yu Ling in his arms, waiting for the time to come.

This process was very tormented, but when that moment came, Jiang Yuan realized that it passed so fast and came so abruptly.

He still has a lot to do, a lot to say, a lot, a lot...

I really don't want to go...

But he has to go.

He got up softly and finished dressing.

Before leaving, he kissed Yu Ling's forehead softly, and whispered softly, not wanting to wake up the beauty:
"Thank you, Yu Ling..."

Then he left the bedroom and gently closed the door.

In order to prevent myself from being distracted during the war, everyone stayed in Pengcheng and waited. This was already discussed.

As Jiang Yuan left, the bedroom returned to silence.

Yu Ling, who had been lying on the bed, had tears falling from the corner of her eyes:

"Young master, you live and I live, and you die and I die. Regardless of life or death, I will be by your side..."

Jiang Yuan left the mansion, left Pengcheng, and headed towards the teleportation array.

At this time, it was Mao time, and the sky was not yet bright.

In the vast night, there is silence.

The mist floated in the air, and when Jiang Yuan's body touched it, they would disperse in panic.

After walking for a while, Jiang Yuan stopped, looked back at Peng Cheng, and smiled.

He could naturally feel that many people had already woken up, and they didn't want to put pressure on him, so they didn't show up to see them off, but hid in the dark to watch them off.

Only that dog bun can bark without knowing it.

"Thank you..." Jiang Yuan muttered to himself, "Thank you, everyone, everything in the world, this world...thank you!"

The teleportation array outside Pengcheng has already been prepared, and Lin Yulin is also waiting.

Jiang Yuan and Lin Yulin stood on the stage and stepped into the portal.

What awaits them will be the battlefield of the ultimate battle, the Far East.

(End of this chapter)

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