polar demon

Chapter 499 Tumo Thanks to the book friend "丨Guanghanxin丨" for the reward!

Chapter 499 Tumo ([-]) Thanks to the book friend "丨Guanghanxin丨" for the reward!

Jiang Yuan raced against the clock in such a strange state, he himself was in danger, and he ordered Duan Shangjun Yu to be in danger.

As long as he hasn't been pulled back to the original time and space, the demons and gods can't kill him.

Before he was pulled back, he had to find a way to devour more parts of the demon and capture more ghost energy to strengthen himself.

In this weird space, the expansion of time is beyond Jiang Yuan's imagination, so that Jiang Yuan doesn't know how much time has passed.

But he couldn't relax, he calmed down and devoured dangers and burdens methodically and step by step.

The power of gods and demons over him is also growing, and Jiang Yuanhe begins to feel that he has gradually left this weird space.

"Huh? This is..."

Soon, Jiang Yuan felt that the curvature of time and space around him increased, and in this weird space, he could clearly feel such changes.

He immediately understood that this was because his mass was growing.

The larger the mass, the larger the gravitational force will be.

And the increase of gravity will naturally lead to the curvature of space-time becoming more and more severe.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan is also very clear that he is being forcibly pulled back to the original time and space by the gods and demons.

Jiang Yuan's own quality will naturally not increase out of thin air, all this is caused by the speed of the gods and demons when they pull themselves back.

Velocity and mass are directly proportional, the faster an object is, the greater its mass.

The mass change of Jiangyuan gradually increased rapidly from a few billion tons, and soon reached tens of billions, hundreds of billions, trillions, quadrillions, trillions of trillions of tons!
The body in the form of a dragon is extremely strong, otherwise Jiang Yuan would not be able to withstand this huge increase in mass.

Its mass is constantly increasing, and it is almost equivalent to the mass of a small planet.You know, the mass of the earth is only 60 trillion tons.

"The power of gods and demons is so terrifying?!"

This time, Jiang Yuan couldn't help being terrified.

According to the famous mass-energy formula, there is a close relationship between mass, energy, and velocity.

To make Jiang Yuan's mass so large, it requires extremely fast speed, and at the same time consumes a terrifying amount of energy.

And this terrifying energy undoubtedly came from the gods and demons.

Fortunately, the gods and demons can't kill him now, they can only pull him back to the original time and space, and then he can kill him.

Otherwise, with such terrifying energy alone, no one can survive under it.

Jiang Yuan was so horrified that he continued to gnash his teeth and swallow, not daring to relax for a moment.

If you don't eat enough, if you don't persist long enough, then when you return to the original time and space, you will die.

At this time, Jiang Yuan began to see even more bizarre things.

In this weird space, Jiang Yuan could see himself.He can see himself as a spectator, and can see himself front, back, side, above, below, inside and outside at the same time.

He could see his muscles, his bones, and the blood flowing in his veins, as if he had been dissected.Strangely enough, though the blood was flowing right in front of his eyes, it wouldn't spill.

Similarly, in this weird space, if Jiang Yuan looks at an object, he can see all sides of the object at the same time.

Even in the most tightly sealed safe, Jiang Yuan can still see all the contents inside from one "side".Not only that, but he can even see how each screw inside is coupled.

All the walls in the world are useless to Jiang Yuan, because as long as he wants, you can bypass them from another "side".

The strange thing is that when Jiang Yuan looked at himself from the perspective of a bystander, he found that his body was actually shortened!
And the degree of this shortening is increasing rapidly, getting shorter and shorter.

However, Jiang Yuan himself did not notice any changes in himself. When he looked at himself from the perspective of a bystander and looked at himself from his own perspective, everything was as usual.

Jiang Yuan quickly figured out everything, and his heart sank.

This is a sign that I am going to be pulled back. The law of the original time and space has already begun to appear on me, and I will return to the original time and space in a short time.

This phenomenon is called the scaling effect, and the length of the object in the direction of motion will shrink, which is caused by the shrinkage of space.

Any object in motion shrinks in length.

If a high-speed train with a speed of [-] kilometers per hour passes by a person, its length will shrink by about ten minus thirteen meters.

And if the speed of this train reaches 220 times the speed of light, then the train will be reduced by [-] four times. Observed from another reference system, there is no difference between the high-speed train and a toy train at this time.

But using the perspective of the passengers in the train as the frame of reference, I don’t feel like I’m shrinking.

So at this time Jiang Yuan can look at himself from another perspective. When he finds himself shrinking, he understands that the original time and space are gradually approaching.

And the extremely fast speed caused by being pulled by the terrifying energy of the gods and demons caused the scaling effect to become obvious on him.

Jiang Yuan became anxious, he hadn't fully adapted to this light cone where cause and effect were reversed, and he didn't know how long he had passed, and how he had eaten the demon's responsibility and danger.

Everything is changing rapidly, and such changes are beyond Jiang Yuan's control.

After all, the power of gods and demons is too powerful and terrifying.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan felt that his mass was decreasing rapidly, and the shrinking effect was gradually fading.

This made his heart lift up again, and he knew that he was about to be pulled back.

All the changes turned upside down, and the world shrank rapidly in Jiang Yuan's eyes.

Various familiar laws began to take effect on Jiang Yuan. He could no longer see himself from the perspective of a bystander, nor could he see all sides of an object at once.

He has been quickly pulled back by the gods and demons, and the light cone rushed towards him at the speed of light, and he quickly entered the light cone.

And everything returned to normal at this moment.

Jiang Yuan suddenly came back to his senses, he was still in the sky above Fengbei City, and everything around him remained unchanged.

"I am back……"

Everything around him suddenly made Jiang Yuan feel extremely oppressed and cramped.

After feeling the vast space that can expand everything here countless times, the world today seems so small, short, and narrow, making people feel that the surroundings are full of frozen air and the pressure accumulated in their hearts.

"Did I return from the four-dimensional space to the three-dimensional space?"

Jiang Yuan quickly woke up from the dizziness. He raised his head, and the huge and deep black hole in the night sky was still slowly surrounding the top of his head.

All the gods and demons looked down at him from the edge of the giant hole, their eyes still cold and full of killing intent.

However, this time, Jiang Yuan also saw the fear, disbelief and unwillingness in their eyes.

Jiang Yuan laughed loudly:

"The gods and demons will be angry, so it turns out that the gods and demons will also tremble!"

The huge and deep black hole well is already shrinking, and the sacrificial field is about to end.

Jiang Yuan finally supported until this moment, he was finally safe.

Rao is the boundless power of divine magic, penetrating mystery, as long as they can't come to besiege him, Jiang Yuan won't be afraid of them at all.

"By the way, what about negative?"

Jiang Yuan inspected the demon opposite, but there was no sign of negative.

Not only the negative, even the danger around it disappeared.

Jiang Yuan suddenly began to understand why gods and demons have fear:
"Could it be that……"

At this moment, Jiang Yuan already felt a huge amount of ghost energy in his body.

These ghost auras are more than ten times stronger than those of the corpse of the scoundrel, and at some point, they have begun to be digested by him.

As the digestion progressed, Jiang Yuan's dragon form quickly matured, and finally fully matured!
The transition stage from the dragon form to the god form has finally ushered in.

And some changes began to take place in Jiang Yuan's body.

The surrounding blue lightning is gradually subsiding, and the darkness is gradually fading.

The dark night sky is cold and dull, but if there is light in Jiang Yuan, there will be light shining from the sky.

It was a strange and dazzling red light, which suddenly appeared in the cold night sky, shining all over the earth.

This red light is like blood, like red flame, like the morning glow, like the afterglow, like molten gold, like the golden glow of the setting sun.

In the red light, the clouds are like a burning sunset, like red-hot steel, like surging flames.

The red light illuminates the land in the far west, floods across the Central Plains, and then dyes the endless mountains in the far south, the boundless sea in the far east, and the thousands of miles of ice in the far north.

Everyone was woken up at night, and many people only got up at dawn in the morning, tired and confused.

However, when they went out, they saw a strange red light all over the sky but did not see the sun, and they began to notice something was wrong.

But everyone was terrified and dazed, and no one knew what happened.

And in the far west, high above Fengbei City, a slender and huge figure gradually appeared.

This figure does not seem to have a body, but is formed by the condensation of countless red lights.

In other words, it is not red light.

According to the concept of philosophy, there are only two things in this world: matter and consciousness.

Now this slender figure exists but does not exist, it looks like matter and consciousness, as if it is in a strange state between the two.

His essence is beyond words.

But fortunately, he has an appearance that can be observed with the naked eye.

His height has reached about a thousand kilometers. On this planet, there is no mountain that can be higher than him.

The red rays of light became soft and curved, weaving like gorgeous needles and threads, forming a large area behind the figure, like burning wings, and like a red cloak.

His body, however, only has the shape of a two-thirds man. His body is slender and straight, presenting an absolutely symmetrical shape. The left and right sides are consistent without the slightest error. Even in the curved time and space, he can still present absolute perfection.

There is only a straight tail under his body, and the end of the tail is sharply and ferociously spread out, forming a fan shape.

And on his upper body, there are no arms anymore, some only have eight straight spear-like objects extending towards the sides like arms, the top and bottom are absolutely parallel to each other.

On the neck, there is a face made of gold, that is Jiang Yuan's face, the facial features are not much different, only the eyes are full of bronze light, solemn and majestic, looking down at the world.

On the top of the head, there are two straight horns that extend straight to the two rows, parallel to the eight limbs on the body. The two horns exude golden light, dazzling in the strange red light.

The entire huge figure was bathed in a strange red light, sacred and majestic, and looked solemn, but there was no mercy or pity in it, but it faintly revealed an extremely cold indifference.

(End of this chapter)

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