polar demon

Chapter 365 Chapter trace Thanks to the book friend "andycheung" for the reward!

Chapter 365 Backtracking ([-]) Thanks to the book friend "andycheung" for the reward!

Seeing that the little ghost was subdued, Jiang Yuan asked:
"Who are you and where do you come from?"

The little female ghost kneels to answer:
"I was originally the daughter of the Zhang family here, and then died of illness a few days ago. I didn't know anything about Chaos, but I suddenly became enlightened last night. I couldn't help it... I wanted to eat people, but I couldn't bear to eat myself parents. So I hid here and waited until I met the King of Ghosts..."

"The Zhang family?" Jiang Yuan just remembered that the house on the side of the lane seems to be the Zhang family.

When I just passed by, the Zhang family seemed to be having the first seven funerals, and it turned out that their daughter died.

When Jiang Yuan made ghosts back then, he had already discovered that once a person died, his soul would leave his body and hover around the body without leaving.

This kind of soul is muddled, dull and lifeless, without the slightest reaction to the outside world, as if immersed in the memories of his own life.

They are harmless to humans and animals, and will dissipate in the world in a short time.

And if such a soul is attacked by ghost energy, it will turn into a wandering soul similar to that produced by a person killed by a ghost.

This kind of wandering spirit can swim within a certain range, and as long as the living people don't get close to the range where it swims, they won't respond to the outside world.

And when there is a stranger's breath within their swimming range, they will rely on instinct to pounce on people.

And once the wandering souls that have eaten people are nourished by living souls, they will open their minds and completely turn into ghosts.

Such ghosts use cannibalism as a means of existence and power, vicious and vicious.

And the little female ghost in front of her had originally died of a natural disease, so she shouldn't have had the chance to turn into a wandering spirit and then become a ghost.

Unless, during the period when its soul dissipated after death, it was infected by ghost energy.

Especially during this period of time, there seems to be a large-scale outbreak of demons and ghosts in Taiping Town. The previous Taiping Town was not so chaotic.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but think of the upcoming sacrificial field. It seemed that the outbreak of ghosts and ghosts seemed to be related to the sacrificial field.

And tonight, the haunting of ghosts will reach a climax in Taiping Town.Tomorrow night will be the day when Taiping Town will be destroyed.

Jiang Yuan squatted down and asked the little female ghost some questions about how she became a ghost.

But this little ghost is completely ignorant of everything. He doesn't even know how he became a ghost. He doesn't even remember whether he became enlightened because he ate it.

This made Jiang Yuan a little disappointed. It seemed that if he wanted to know the answer, there was not much hope from this little ghost who had just turned into a ghost.

"Don't you want to hurt your parents?" Jiang Yuan asked.

The little ghost nodded:

"I dare not get close to them. Once I get close to them, I can't help it... I don't want to eat people, but I just can't control myself... I just hate, hate why I died so young, and The others are alive and well?!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said:
"Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal in the world. Although you died at a young age, it seems unfortunate, but you live and you die, and you die and you live. Life and death are the same. Let me tell you a story:
Zhuangzi's wife died, and Huizi went to Zhuangzi's house to express her condolences.

But Zhuangzi spread his legs apart, sitting on the ground like a dustpan, beating the pot and singing songs.

Huizi angrily accused: "Your wife lived with you, gave birth to children, and died of old age. It's fine if you don't cry when you die, but you even knocked on the pot and sang. Don't you think it's too much?" '

Zhuangzi replied: "No, when my wife died for the first time, how could I not feel sad!"However, at the beginning of the investigation, she was never born, not only never born but also never had a body, not only never had a body but also never formed breath.Mixed in the state of trance, change and breath, breath change and form, form change and life, and now change back to death, this is the same as the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.The dead person laid her quietly between the heaven and the earth, but I cried along with it, thinking that this was not able to understand the destiny, so I stopped crying. '

You see, isn't life like a big empty dream?Since you are dead and you don't want to hurt your parents or others, why don't you choose to rest in peace? "

The kid shook his head nervously:
"I don't understand……"

"I don't really understand, I heard others say that." Jiang Yuan said, "I never talked so much with other ghosts before I killed them. But you are an exception, because you are very important to me." special."

With that said, Jiang Yuan stretched out his hand to grab the little ghost's neck, and the suction of ghost energy in his hand suddenly arose.

Bitter resentment appeared in the kid's eyes:

"After going around for a long time, you still want to kill me!"

Jiang Yuan replied calmly:
"You tried to hurt me twice, can I forgive you?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuan's hand surged with suction.

The little ghost, who was already very weak, was completely absorbed by Jiang Yuan at this moment, and disappeared completely.

After killing this little devil, Jiang Yuan was not as happy as before, but rather melancholy.

Many things will be experienced again, and the state of mind will be very different.

Jiang Yuan shook his head, then walked out of the deep alley.

The passers-by around him didn't pay much attention to him, after all, there was no ghost handprint on his face this time.

Not long after, a scene familiar to Jiang Yuan came from the street.

"Mother Xuantian took pity on the people of the world, and sent her disciple, Daoist Yuheng, down to earth to subdue demons and save the world. You ordinary people, why don't you quickly kneel down and worship the true god?!"

The suona is sharp, and the gongs and drums are loud.

Jiang Yuan looked at everything in front of him indifferently, as if watching a familiar movie again.

Following a fluttering yellow flag, a group of uniformly dressed people with serious expressions came slowly down the street.

There are more than [-] of them in a group, all dressed in yellow, some of them hold copper bells, some hold mahogany swords, some throw yellow talismans, or hold large banners.

In the middle of the team, there were four people carrying a dharma altar, on which sat cross-legged an old man with closed eyes and a high crown and yellow robe, white hair and childlike face.He closed his eyes and kept his mouth shut, his hands and his chest were sealed in seals, and he was extremely solemn.

The team marched and chanted:
"The world of mortals is like a prison, all living beings are suffering, the cycle of reincarnation is endless, and sorrow is endless!

Pity me and the world, there is a god descending from heaven, real Yuheng, save the common people! "

In the originally lonely and deserted street, many people poured out in an instant, and bowed their heads to this group of people one after another:
"The real person has a kind heart, please save us!"

"I beg the real person to give me a talisman, and keep my family safe!"

"As long as the real person is willing to save my family, I will pay any price! I beg the real person!"

Following the pleadings of the people, two boys holding wooden boxes walked out of the middle line.

They said expressionlessly to the people who bowed down one after another:

"The talisman of a real person is made with the consumption of divine power. If a mortal wants to be blessed by a real person, he has to be sincere! Those who donate ten taels of merit silver can get a talisman to protect the safety of their homes!"

When the people heard this, they shouted, "I donate! I donate!"

They swarmed up, stuffing the silver into the wooden box while receiving the yellow talisman.

Jiang Yuan's originally indifferent expression finally changed at this moment:

"It's so...interesting..."

This time, looking at the real Yuheng on the altar again, Jiang Yuan found something else.

On the body of the real Yuheng, there is a ghostly aura that is deeply hidden.

The anger of living people and the ghostly aura coexist, Jiang Yuan has seen such a situation in many Yijiao monsters.

At that time, Jiang Yuan only thought that the real Yuheng was just a magic stick pretending to be a ghost, but now it seems that he is really a member of Yijiao.

This is where things get interesting.

After seeing the real person Yuheng for the last time, Jiang Yuan turned and left.

The real Yuheng's strength is not strong, but it is equivalent to Zhaojing's level.In such a realm, Jiang Yuan could easily kill him.

Jiang Yuan can answer many questions slowly, after all, there is a lot of time.

He still walked in the direction of the home in his memory silently. After leaving the street, the surrounding area was already extremely deserted.

The location of the home is near the edge of the town, which is also an area where poor people live.There are crumbling ruins everywhere, weeds growing in the cracks of the tiles, and broken pottery in the corners.

The dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker, the dusk has passed, and the night has come completely.

Although it had just entered the night, it was already too dark to see the slightest light.


The torrential rain finally poured down, not only did not wash the world, but made more filth flow out with the rain.

After returning home, everything was the same as what Jiang Yuan saw back then, the roof was leaking, and the corner of the bedding on the bed was already soaked by rain.

Jiang Yuan dug out two steamed buns at home, hesitated for a while, and carefully ate them one by one.

Although this is Jiang Yuan's home, Jiang Yuan still feels very strange, without any sense of closeness.

On the contrary, he somewhat missed the Jiang Mansion in Pengcheng. Back then, there were four children, Princess You Yue and Yu Ling were there, and Lin Yulin did not fall into a deep sleep.

Life at that time was still very easy and comfortable.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly thought of his cousin in Taiping Town, the girl who pointed out a way out for him.

So Jiang Yuan got up, pushed open the door and walked into the rain.

He braved the heavy rain and headed towards his cousin's house.

The cousin's house is a few streets away from Jiang Yuan's house. At this time, there are no pedestrians on the street on a rainy night.

Among the houses on both sides of the street, many lights can be seen.

On a wet and cold rainy night, the common people huddled in their homes to gather with their relatives, and the voices coming from the houses were also different, such as laughter, noisy tossing, or chattering and arguing.

Jiang Yuan has been drenched by the heavy rain, and now his physical body is not afraid of the cold of the rain, nor will he get sick from it.

The torrential rain was pouring, and the rainwater gathered in the streets, spreading and surging, and the depth could not exceed half of the soles of people's feet.

As soon as the night wind blows, the rain will drift randomly, adding to the cold air.

After walking not far, Jiang Yuan suddenly stopped.

He raised his head and looked at the dark night sky.

The night sky is thick with dark clouds, neither moonlight nor starlight can penetrate, it is as black as the bottom of a pot.


(End of this chapter)

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