Rebirth of the Southern Drift Era

Chapter 233 Not seeking the best, but seeking the most expensive

Chapter 233 Not seeking the best, but seeking the most expensive

If you hold a banquet at home, all kinds of dishes needed for the banquet must be prepared in advance according to the menu provided by the chef you invited, and you can use them directly at the wedding banquet.

For this reason, Liu Chang's parents prepared four big fat pigs for the family early on, raised dozens of chickens and ducks, and ordered dozens of grass carp in advance with a fish farmer in the village.

Some things can be prepared at home, but some things cannot be prepared at home and can only be bought.Going to the city to buy is naturally the best choice. There are many types and the price is cheaper than in the countryside.

"Xiao Chang, do you think real estate has a future?

When Liu Chang arrived at Zhang Xue's house, Lao Zhang was at home. Seeing Liu Chang coming, the two said hello and asked this sentence.

"What's the matter? Uncle Zhang wants to develop into real estate?"

Liu Chang was stunned by Lao Zhang's words, and asked curiously.

"Well, don't I have a cement factory and a mixing plant in my hand. These two places have been unable to sell, and the products produced are not very easy to sell except for road construction, so I thought, should I just do it myself? Let’s engage in real estate and sell our own production.”

Zhang's cement factory and mixing plant used to produce two cement roads in the city. Now that these two roads have been repaired, how to sell the products produced in the future has become a headache for Zhang.

Originally, he wanted to sell the cement plant and mixing plant, but no one bought them.These days, neither cement nor concrete is very easy to sell.

The real estate development in the city is very slow, and there is no large-scale construction.As for the cement products that are out of the city, there are not many other places that recognize them. This business has strong regional protection.

Knowing that Liu Chang was coming back, Lao Zhang wanted to hear what Liu Chang thought.In Lao Zhang's eyes, Liu Chang's opinion is very important.

Liu Chang earned [-] million yuan this year, and he has heard about this matter from Zhang Xue.

After Lao Zhang was shocked, he believed in Liu Chang's vision in his heart. This child's vision is very vicious!
The change in the coal mine at home was also due to Liu Chang. Now that Lao Zhang has new ideas, he wants to hear Liu Chang's opinion.

"Real estate is about to become a huge profit industry, and it will also spawn a lot of rich people. It's just that it's more complicated, and it's highly dependent on rights..."

After listening to Lao Zhang's words, Liu Chang carefully chose words to explain the future development of real estate.

This will really be the most profitable industry in the future, and it is also the darkest industry.

In order to improve political performance, officials and developers will try their best to raise housing prices in order to make more money.

As long as you have enough connections and can get the land, you can basically earn money steadily.

And the real estate companies that are not strong enough and not strong enough will either make a small fortune along with them, or be eliminated or annexed because they can't grab the land.

Become a small fish and shrimp in the mouths of those real estate giants and lay the foundation for them to rule the country.

In the future, seven of the top ten real estate tycoons in the world will come from China.

Those companies in developed countries are incomparable with the Great Heavenly Dynasty.

If real estate can rejuvenate the country, then the whole world will tremble under the crotch of the Celestial Empire.

It's a pity that apart from boosting the economy, this will not prosper the country.

Of course, this is just Liu Chang's personal idea.

Perhaps poverty limited his imagination and vision. He couldn't see the benefits of the boom in the real estate industry. Instead, he was full of bitter words because he was a house slave.

If he owns dozens of houses, maybe he will also say that the real estate development is good, the real estate rejuvenates the country, and the people in the country are very happy.

"Really? So, you are very optimistic about real estate? What do you think should be done?"

After hearing this, Lao Zhang asked curiously. When Liu Chang said that, it seemed as if he saw the result with his own eyes, which made him curious.

Why is Liu Chang so optimistic about real estate development?I really didn't see how good this prospect could be.

Real estate in Tianya Province was booming before, but now it is cool, and Liu Chang thinks that real estate development has a bright future.

As for rights, their Zhang family has channels.

From the local area to the province, and even to the capital, there are quite a few people who have ties to their family, and this old Zhang is not worried.

Therefore, the problem Liu Chang mentioned does not exist compared to Lao Zhang. The rest is how to make money, which is very important.


Liu Chang really wants to say that he is not optimistic about real estate. Although the bubble in Tianya Province has burst, in the future, the domestic tycoons will blow the bubble even bigger, so big that even the government will bow down for them.

The so-called strictest restrictions on purchases in history and these methods ended up being nothing.Then quietly untie it, and then raise the house price to a better price.

Jinshanyinshan is not as good as green water and green mountains, and it will only become a slogan hanging everywhere, but in the end it will become tall buildings rising from the ground instead of green water and green mountains.

Those who tell the truth and expose lies will be silenced in the end, leaving only a group of people who sing praises but desperately make money.

Liu Chang didn't want to do it himself, and he didn't want to see people around him do it.

For this industry, Liu Chang's favorability is very low, because he was also trapped in it once, and he was burdened with a heavy burden, which he slowly repaid.

If he is asked to comment on the benefits of this industry to the country, Liu Chang is not an expert, so he will not comment.

As a former poor person, poverty limited his imagination, he could not keep up with the times, and maybe he would only become an exploited brainless person.

But as those who have become rich, because they have made a fortune, they will feel that this is the right way.

Whether it is right or not will be known after many years.

It's just that when Lao Zhang asks now, he can't fool around casually.

This is my future father-in-law, can you fool me?
In a few years, even a pig will know that real estate is very profitable. Otherwise, why are so many rich people in China engaged in real estate?

After thinking for a while, Liu Chang replied.

"It's very simple to do a good job in real estate. Enclose more land. When you see the land around big cities, you can first enclose a large area while it's cheap. For the time being, develop less. Once developed, the construction of the community does not seek the best, but the most expensive. Create several model projects in major cities.”

Thinking of these, Liu Chang couldn't help thinking of a passage he had heard:

When engaging in real estate, you must choose the best prime location, hire French designers, and build the highest-end apartments!

The elevator directly enters the home, and the minimum apartment size is [-] square meters. What broadband, optical cable, and satellite can be connected to him.

There is a garden on the upper floor, and a swimming pool inside the building. There is an English butler in the building, wearing a wig, a gentleman.

As soon as the owner enters the door, no matter what is going on, he has to tell him: may I help you, sir?

With an authentic British London accent, he has more face!

Another aristocratic school will be built in the community, and the textbooks will be from Harvard, which will cost tens of thousands of dollars a year.

Build another American clinic with 24-hour consultation.Just one word - expensive!

You have to spend thousands of dollars to catch a cold!
The neighbors around are either driving BMWs or Mercedes-Benz. If you drive a Japanese car, you will be ashamed to say hello to them.

You said, how much do you have to sell per square meter for such an apartment?

I think it will cost two thousand dollars anyway?
Two thousand dollars?That's the cost!
From $[-]!
Don't think it's too expensive, there is no discount.

You have to study the owner's shopping psychology. The owner who is willing to pay two thousand dollars to buy a house does not care about paying another two thousand dollars.

Do you know how to define the successful people?

Successful people buy whatever they want, always buy the most expensive, not the best!

Therefore, our slogan in real estate is:
Not seeking the best but seeking the most expensive

If you say this at this time, or when the movie is released in two or three years, it’s really nothing, no one will take it seriously, they will only think that group of psychopaths are funny.

But ten years later, when I look back at this passage, the only thing left is shock!
No one would have thought that what a few lunatics in a lunatic asylum said in a movie would eventually become a real phenomenon.

And those who used to laugh at the group of psychopaths, finally found themselves being exploited by the psychopaths.

This is too ironic, but it is the way it is.

What Liu Chang said about multiple circles of land is also true. At this time, if more circles of land are used, when the land price rises in the future, the net worth will double.

And after acquiring the land at this time, you won't be urged to build a house for a long time. There is no problem at all, and you can just stock up on the land.

It is not wrong to seek the best, but the most expensive.

Once the community is built, all kinds of supporting facilities are complete, and then the advertisement is swiped to give you a five-star home.

It doesn't matter whether the quality of the house is the best, but the housing price must be the most expensive, so that it looks tall, and there will indeed be many people who buy it.

"Don't seek the best, but seek the most expensive? What's the meaning of this?"

The big-name movies haven't come out yet, and Lao Zhang doesn't like watching movies very much, so he doesn't know what Liu Chang said.

"Uncle Zhang, if you really want to do something, you can go to Biyuan in the south to have a look, and refer to them for everything. That is the most typical way of not seeking the best, but seeking the most expensive."

"There are many coal mine bosses in our city, and there are no decent real estate in the city. You know the mentality of those coal bosses. They are not short of money, but they are short of approval."

"If Uncle Zhang develops the most expensive real estate in the city, then spend money to advertise it. Those coal bosses will definitely be willing to come and buy a house, so as to match their status as an outbreak. The most expensive thing is the best thing."

Of course, the words in the movie cannot be used directly, but it doesn’t take much effort to explain to Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang knew much better than Liu Chang what the mentality of the coal mine bosses in the city was, and he dealt with these people almost every day.

Hearing Liu Chang's explanation, Lao Zhang's eyes lit up, and he felt that what Liu Chang said seemed to be really tricky.

At this time, housing prices in the city were roughly a few hundred yuan per square meter.

Liu Chang is not clear about the specific price.

Anyway, when he was reborn, the house price in the city was only about three to five thousand and one square meters.

It seems that the most expensive house to buy is Biyuan’s house, which costs more than 5000 square meters, and the others are about [-].

However, Biyuan's house does not seek the best, but seeks the most expensive to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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