Confucius businesswoman: proud of the world

Chapter 17 Linglong Horse Training

Chapter 17 Linglong Horse Training
Early in the morning, the porter was a little hesitant to report to Kong Linglong: "Miss, there is a person at the door."

Yu'er was doing Kong Linglong's makeup, and when she saw the young servant's aggrieved expression, she subconsciously said, "It's the ladies of the Liu family again? Hurry up and get out, our lady doesn't want to see them."

Kong Linglong felt a little headache: "The marriage certificate has been returned to them, what else should I do?"

The young man blushed and said, "It's not from the Liu family, it's a young man. He said he intends to be your husband-in-law."

Kong Linglong felt that she didn't understand, and Yu'er stared blankly at the boy, did someone come to make a joke this morning?

Kong Linglong asked slowly: "What do you think that young master is going to do?"

The boy became even more embarrassed, bowed his head and said: "The young master said that he heard that the young lady is recruiting a husband, and he said he is willing."

This time Yu'er immediately screamed, and even dropped the comb in her hand, she was already too excited.

Kong Linglong looked in the mirror. Fortunately, her hair was already combed. She used her fingers to pull up the broken hair on her forehead, and asked in a calm manner, "What kind of person is it? The room was sent out."

At this time, Yu'er also said in a voice: "Yes, you said you are a young son, what does he look like?"

Kong Linglong glanced at Yu'er, Yu'er obviously endured a lot of hard work, maybe she wished to rush outside the door and see for herself what the other party looked like.

Mentioning the appearance of the other party, the young servant was a little excited, looked at Kong Linglong and said: "That young man looks very young, wearing white clothes, he looks very handsome when he is young."

Yu'er's eyes lit up: "Is what you said true, so you are not an ordinary person?"

The little servant also became energetic, shook his head and said: "No way, although the young one is clumsy, his style is by no means ordinary. The young man also held a gold-painted fan in his hand, and it was worth at least a hundred gold. .”

The Kong family is a small disciple, and they also have the ability to observe things and find out prices.

If a person can have such an expensive fan with him, then his other outfits will only be more expensive.Kong Linglong became even more defensive in her heart. It would be reasonable to say that the other party was excited to come to watch the people after hearing what she said in front of the rice shop. However, if the other party has such a status, how could he come? Looking for something like this?

Her Kong family is rich, but if the other party's status is so extraordinary, she wouldn't bother to sell her status for money.

Having made up her mind, Kong Linglong said coldly: "Whoever it is, let's go." No matter who it is, it's all trouble. She hasn't gained a firm foothold yet, so she doesn't need any extra trouble.

Although the boy felt a little pity, he obeyed the order and went.

Kong Linglong stood up from the dressing table, looked at Yu'er and said, "You really need to change your frizzy temper."

Yu'er blushed when she saw the comb she threw on the ground, and quickly bent down to pick it up.

"Miss, since the young master sounds good, why don't you meet him." After tidying up the dressing table, Yu'er returned to Kong Linglong and said.

Kong Linglong sat down at her usual desk, and flipped through a book: "What I said at Mipu was only for the Liu family. They definitely don't want Liu Shao to be the son-in-law of the Kong family, so they will give up completely. It's fine if you understand, you are my personal girl, don't you understand even this little thing."

Yu'er said eagerly: "But this servant really hopes that Miss can marry a good husband."

Kong Linglong laughed a little: "Do you know what a good husband and son-in-law are? You just feel that the other party is a good husband and wife just by hearing the other party's handsome appearance and holding valuables. Do you know that people in this world can't use Outwardly."

Yu'er rolled her eyes, and sighed imitatively: "This servant knows that Miss is hurt by the Liu family."

Thinking back when Yu'er heard that the Liu family was going to propose to the young lady, she was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear, but who would have thought that the subsequent behavior of the Liu family would be so contemptuous of others, since they discriminated against the young lady as a merchant, so why bother to pretend Propose marriage.

Kong Linglong smiled: "They still won't hurt my heart."

Even if she is sad, it is because she has been hurt in her previous life. In this life, she will never be able to break any heart for the Liu family again.

The Liu family has long been unworthy.

"Go and prepare. I'm going to the south of the city in the afternoon. There are some turnover problems at the shop of the last shopkeeper Li Da. I have to go and check it myself to be relieved." Kong Linglong told Yu'er.

The turnover of the store is not working well, and it needs to involve the issue of appropriation. Although the shopkeeper Li Da has been a confidant of the Kong family for decades, and the store he runs is also a time-honored brand, Kong Linglong knows that he is not his grandfather. In many things, his grandfather may be able to deter the store by relying on his prestige. She is far from qualified.

Yu'er also forgot what happened just now, and turned around to give Kong Linglong's order.

The Kong family also has a separate stable, which houses the thousand-mile BMW that Mr. Kong bought at a high price from a merchant in the Northland. He usually keeps it in the stable, especially when Mr. Kong is old. Heart, but after all, never once rode.

When Kong Linglong was ten years old in her previous life, with the help of Mr. Kong, she tamed this fierce horse. Everyone said that the BMW recognized its owner, but Kong Linglong never went to see it again.

When Kong Linglong came to the stable, she saw that the brown horse was wagging its tail, and the groom was struggling to hold the rein to make the horse move.But obviously the brown horse didn't appreciate it, and neighed after a while, just ignoring the groom's tugging.

The groom was also tall and big, but unfortunately he looked short and powerless in front of this fine horse, Kong Linglong stepped forward and said to the groom: "Give me the reins."

The groom turned his head and saw that it was the young lady, he was startled, and hastily handed over the reins with both hands, while asking, "Why did the young lady come to such a place without notifying the young lady in advance?"

Kong Linglong said, "I want to go out on a horse."

The groom was obviously surprised. He looked at Kong Linglong and saw that the eldest lady didn't intend to make a joke, so he stammered, "Then, the lady will help you harness the horse."

Kong Linglong had already taken the reins, and said calmly, "No need, you can step back."

The groom looked worried: "But miss, this horse is very wild, I'm worried about hurting miss."

The corner of Kong Linglong's mouth curved slightly: "I have ridden with this horse since I was ten years old, so I am not afraid of it now."

The groom is also an old groom of the Kong family, and it was with this BMW that he came to the Kong family together.I know about Kong Linglong and Mr. Kong who once tamed horses.

But since then, several years have passed, and Kong Linglong never came again. If she came suddenly today, would the horse still be as obedient as it was a few years ago?

But Kong Linglong had given the order, and the groom hesitated to leave, but Kong Linglong glanced at him again.

The groom knew the young lady's heart, so he didn't argue anymore, and left the stable with his hands clasped.

Kong Linglong looked into the eyes of the fierce horse, and her heart suddenly felt agitated. What she didn't expect was that in her last life, she was devoted to being a "lady of a famous family", and she didn't even practice horse riding after the age of 12. In the end, she just ended up like that fate.Now, with the memory of rebirth, she has a deeper affection for this fierce horse.

Kong Linglong pulled the rein, and approached the horse involuntarily. Suddenly, the horse, who had been docile with its head lowered just now, raised its head and neighed when Kong Linglong approached. !
Yu'er screamed: "Miss!"

Kong Linglong was alert just now, but her dodging movements could not keep up with the speed of the horse's kick, so she only had time to turn around, and when the horse kicked, she quickly used the momentum to roll out.

Yu'er screamed and ran to her, screaming continuously: "Miss! What's wrong with you! What's wrong with you!"

Kong Linglong hugged her legs and fell to the ground. After the initial pain passed, she had the strength to respond to Yu'er's words: "I'm fine, don't say anything."

Why don't you say anything?Yu'er said anxiously: "My maidservant, go and invite a doctor for you!"

Kong Linglong grabbed her hand, held back the pain and said, "Don't go!"

Yu'er's tears swirled in her eyes, and Kong Linglong took a few breaths: "Help me up first."

Yu'er quickly used her hands to help Kong Linglong stand up again.Kong Linglong felt the injured left leg, it seemed that no bones were injured, and the injury on the outside of the thigh was not fatal.

Kong Linglong said, "Help me over there." His eyes were on the direction of the fierce horse.

Yu'er couldn't believe it: "This horse kicked and injured Miss just now, Miss, why did you go over there?"

Kong Linglong stared at the brown horse. The brown horse was still neighing endlessly under the bridle. Kong Linglong seemed to see an emotion from the cloudy eyes of the horse.

It is said that BMW recognizes the owner, because this kind of top-grade horse is the most spiritual. If a spiritual horse is abandoned by the owner it recognizes for a few years, will it feel angry like all spiritual things? .

The horse is blown out by this irresponsible owner.

Kicking the master's non-fatal kick is also a punishment for negligence over the years.

Kong Linglong felt similar emotions from the horse's eyes at once. She broke free from Yu'er's hand and started walking towards the horse alone.

Yu'er was in a panic: "Miss can't go there!"

But Kong Linglong was still walking forward, Yu'er raised her foot to follow, but Kong Linglong raised her hand to stop her: "You are not allowed to come here."

Yu'er stopped abruptly, but tears were about to fall from her eyes. She couldn't understand why the eldest lady would go forward knowing that there was danger.

And Kong Linglong approached the brown horse step by step, the brown horse neighed again, its eyes were fixed on Kong Linglong, and the horse's hooves were also walking restlessly.

Kong Linglong looked at it lightly, as if she was looking at a human being like herself. Humans are not the only ones who can communicate with each other. As long as there is an emotional connection, there can be a mind-to-heart connection at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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