Chapter 319

On the first day back home from vacation, Bai Ziyue was exhausted. He went back to his room, took a casual shower, and fell asleep on the bed. The efficiency was frighteningly high.

For this, Grandpa Bai expressed his satisfaction and encouraged his granddaughter, "Keep going on~"

Bai Ziyue rolled her eyes and acquiesced, and then entered a crazy training period. Every day was nothing but training, so that her arms were sore and her legs were so weak that she couldn't even hold her son.

Every time I breastfeed my son, I have to sit on the sofa, and Grandma Bai supports the fat boy with her hands, lest I accidentally fall to the ground.

After a few days of hard work, I have gradually adapted to the high-intensity training. When I am resting, I can read books, embroider purses, handkerchiefs, and small screens, or go out for a stroll with the little bun who is rarely dozing off.

The newborn milk baby has seen the wind, and Ai Rulan has been well-raised. The little buns who are more than two months old are already in good shape. Wrap them tightly and wear a miniature thermostat. It is not impossible to take them out with you. Just lock people up at home all day long.

The only thing that makes Bai Ziyue unhappy is that she hasn't received a video call from her fiancé for several days, and when she dials, she always hears a voice prompting that the other party is not in the service area.

Xingwang said that the Imperial Army is ready to move, and it seems that they want to take advantage of the new year to provoke troubles, and the frontier star is now in a state of preparation.

Gu Jianan had just put the captain's hat back on his head, and he couldn't be free every day. Where there was time to send video messages to his wife and son, he could only send a few messages to his wife occasionally.

Bai Ziyue paid attention to the time when he received the message, it was probably two or three o'clock in the morning, presumably he took out the pitifully short rest time to send it.

In fact, it’s not impossible to make a video call if you really want to. Just set an alarm clock for [-]:[-] in the morning, watch for a few more nights, and call back immediately when you receive the message. There must be a signal at that time.

It's just that Bai Ziyue is reluctant, that person has very little rest time, how can she take it up selfishly.

So I suppressed my thoughts forcibly, and answered every message seriously.

She is also very busy herself, and she doesn't have much time to miss anyone. In the busy schedule, the calendar has turned to the end of January 89.

Seeing the dusty parents who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Bai Ziyue was shocked, "Why are you back?"

"Unfilial daughter," Bai Lun said angrily, "This is also my home, the reason why we can't come back without you."

Li Lin reached out and pinched the soft flesh on her husband's waist, saying viciously, "Don't talk about yin and yang, Yueyue doesn't mean that."

"That's right," Bai Ziyue nodded in agreement, "You guys said a few days ago that you will be celebrating the Blue Star Spring Festival this year, so I'm surprised you're not happy when you come back suddenly!"

Bai Lun was extremely wronged, why did he want to come back, he was urged to come back by his father's serial calls, okay?
"Ah Lun, you are enough. Dad specially asked us to go back to the Central Star for a reunion. You are not afraid of hurting his heart." Li Lin really felt that her husband was living and going back, and her eyes were so childish, she immediately changed the subject, "Yue Yue, where is your grandma? Is it upstairs?"

"Ang, she went out to buy groceries and will be back later," Bai Ziyue replied honestly.

"Grocery shopping?" Bai Lun and his wife asked in unison, "Does our family still need to go shopping?"

What an interstellar joke, there is a huge farm at home.

Although the Blue Star is far away from the Central Star, the current fresh-keeping technology is very good, and the flying speed of the small transport ship is much faster than that of the passenger ship. There is never a shortage of food at home, so there is no need to go out to buy food.

Bai Ziyue had an innocent face, "Grandma likes it, can I stop her from taking her great-grandson for a walk?"

It’s so cold outside in winter, even with a thermostat, a two-month-old baby can’t stay outside for too long. The supermarket is a big place with non-stop heating, so it’s the best place for a walk.

In order to take her great-grandson out for a stroll, Ai Rulan also took great pains.

"Okay, as long as she's happy," Bai Lun didn't worry about it, and told his daughter, "I heard that you have learned how to cook now, and the taste is not bad. Hurry up and cook some food for your mother and me."

It's unreasonable that outsiders can eat it, but parents don't have such a good fortune.

Bai Ziyue pouted, "I still have to train. Grandpa has assigned tasks, and I have to check and monitor when I come back from get off work every day."

Smelly father, he wants to make her a cook when he comes back, but there's no way!

Reasonably speaking, it is not difficult to cook for the elders, and Bai Ziyue is also willing.

It's just that my dad didn't even have a word of concern when he came back. She didn't say to send a video call to ask about the situation during the exam. Mom Li Lin did mention it. Before she could reply, my dad came out to make trouble, yelling that there was something to do. It was cut off, and it was obvious that she still didn't want her to go to military school.

Bai Ziyue trains hard every day, but her own father doesn't support her, and even throws a face at her, how can she lose her temper.

Immediately called Wei Jun who was waiting next to him, "Cook two bowls of noodles for my parents, one bowl of vegetarian one for my dad, and the other bowl with two poached eggs and the beef stewed in the morning."

During breastfeeding, you can’t eat chili and strong dishes, but there is enough meat, milk, and eggs at home, and there are no heavy dishes of chicken soup, fish soup, and pig’s trotter soup every day.

Bai Lun didn't expect his daughter to say that, he was stunned for a while, and after thinking about it, he saw the robot butler entered the kitchen, and his daughter had already slipped away. Suddenly he felt that his whole body was not well, and he was about to go to the underground training room He chased after him, but was stopped by Li Lin.

"You can't calm down," Li Lin scolded, "Yueyue training has been hard enough, and my father is not distressed and still finds trouble. Those who don't know think that I, the stepmother, deliberately instigated you to do something bad."

"How could it be?" Bai Bailun said, he didn't do it on purpose, it was that girl who was too bearish, "You said that I planned a relaxed and comfortable future life for her, but she didn't want to, and she worked hard to learn What mech?"

What a blessing, if you don't know how to enjoy, you deserve to suffer a great crime.

Li Lin rolled her eyelids, "Well, you're right, I deserve to suffer too."

It has been decided that I will eat all the poached eggs and beef later, and let someone who knows how to enjoy eat vegetarian noodles.

Well, let's go back to the room and change clothes. It's a little hot after entering the door.

"Daughter-in-law, wait for me," Bai Lun hurriedly followed.

When the noodles came to the table, Bai Lun held the tasteless plain noodles and laughed bitterly at his wife, "It doesn't even taste like meat, just a few small cabbage, this is too much."

What's the matter with Wei Jun, he really made plain noodles for him as the girl ordered, and he didn't know how to change it.

Li Lin swallowed a piece of delicious beef, "The intelligent machine butler originally obeyed the master's arrangement, and you didn't order it to add meat."

When Bai Lun thought about it, he really said, "I'm just patronizing to get angry with that girl."

He stretched out his hand to summon the guard, "Bring up the rest of the beef stew."

Wei Jun's electronic eyes flashed, and he replied sternly, "Sorry, Miss Ziyue just took away all the beef."

Bai Lun flipped the table.

(End of this chapter)

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