dream bubble

Chapter 162 Buddhism 3

Chapter 162 Buddhism 3
Suddenly waking up, Xie Xiaoyu impatiently moved the table by the corner.

There is a big hole under the table, more than ten feet deep, which he dug after he moved in. There is a secret room underneath, where he usually cultivates.

In the blink of an eye, he was already in the secret room, it was pitch black, and the smell of gold and iron was everywhere.

A hazy white light came out from Xie Xiaoyu's body, and the surroundings were all silvery white. In only ten days, the rusted and decayed scrap iron turned into this appearance. The reason is the same as that at the beginning. Mouth Geng Jin Lingyan is almost the same.It's just that what's filling the secret room at this moment is not Gengjin essence, but black magnetic essence.

There was a futon in the center of the secret room. After Xie Xiaoyu sat down, he made a final seal on the surroundings. Immediately, the surroundings shone with white light, sealing the secret room tightly.

From now on, no matter what happens inside, there is no way for the outside to detect it.

This is different from the above layer of restriction, that layer of restriction needs to be maintained by mana, at most twelve hours, that layer of restriction will disappear, it is different here, what seals the surrounding area is filled with black magnetic essence , he is equivalent to moving a stone to block the gate, as long as he does not move the stone away, the gate will always be blocked.

After finishing this preparation, he carefully took out the three relics.

Letting out his spiritual thoughts, he penetrated into the three relics little by little, and after a while, Xie Xiaoyu showed a look of joy and hesitation on his face.

These three relics are all right, he can refine them all, and each relic contains a lineage.

Being able to penetrate the spiritual thoughts so easily has something to do with his practice of "Six Ethics".

"Six Ethics" is a Buddhist thing, and it comes from the same source, so the degree of fit is naturally extremely high.

In addition, he has another discovery.

In the past, he had been cultivating in the way of Taoism. Buddhism and Taoism belonged to the same family, so there was no hindrance, but this time, he inserted his spiritual thoughts into the three relics, and "Six Rufa" suddenly produced a different kind. Changes have evolved into infinite magic.

This is the difference between Buddhism and Taoism.The former is from the inside out, and the latter is from the outside to the inside.

Taoism pays attention to the law of nature, and seeks the Dao between heaven and earth. The practice is equivalent to the general outline, which needs to be understood by oneself, so the final level of cultivation depends entirely on personal understanding and chance, but Buddhism only asks the original heart, thinking that the heart has its own The Dao, so the inheritance of Buddhism is also the same. Once there is a thorough understanding, the corresponding magic will naturally appear.

Each of these three relics contains a lineage of inheritance, namely, the red lotus of crossing evil, the king of Yasha Ming and the light of Liuli Baoyan Buddha.

The Du'e Red Lotus is the inheritance carried in the relic of the Taoist in red.

What surprised Xie Xiaoyu the most was that it was actually the best of the three inheritances.

Ferry Red Lotus is a very special inheritance. Although it is miraculous and mysterious, it is not something used for fighting, that is, the kind where Tao is more important than law. The Dharma is the most valued, and it is the only way to ascend to the world of immortals and Buddhas.

The "Lishi Jing" has not been handed down completely, and all the existing ones are incomplete. Even if there is a complete copy, the cultivation of the "Lishi Jing" requires tempering the body with elixir. Those elixirs were easy to find ten thousand years ago, but now Impossible.

Crossing Evil Red Lotus is different, not only is it complete, but most of the Buddhist exercises do not need to rely on external objects.

Once you practice this method, you will be free from cause and effect, karma, and disaster free.

If Buddhism wants to ascend, it must settle all the causes and effects and repay the debts owed in the past, and crossing the evil red lotus is actually a method of repaying debts. As long as the meritorious deeds are complete, it can immediately ascend to the Buddhist realm, and even the catastrophe of ascension can be avoided. .

Xie Xiaoyu was both excited and hesitant because of this inheritance.

Isn't the purpose of training for ascension?For eternity?This practice is aimed at the ultimate goal.

It is difficult for E Honglian to cultivate without transition, and she is neither good at attacking nor defending. It is definitely useless in battle, and she can only suppress her opponent with her realm.

Now he vaguely understood why the Taoist in red made trouble for them.

That person is so ambitious, he chose this exercise at the beginning, and finally practiced to the realm of the real king, he must feel the distress of being useless in other aspects.Therefore, he made troubles and wanted to seize the Nine Lights Biography in Fa Qing's hands, and at the same time plotted his "Six Rufa".

Wanting to understand the original plan of the red-clothed Taoist, and thinking of the impending catastrophe, Xie Xiaoyu finally abandoned this inheritance.

Among the other two inheritances, Yasha Mingwang Zhan and Du'er Honglian are just the opposite. They exist for fighting, and they focus on attacking. They are powerful, and they are also very fast in cultivation, but in the later stages, their stamina will become less and less powerful. It can be said to be the best example of the importance of law over Tao.

Liuli Baoyan Buddha Light is a typical example of peace and mud, with equal emphasis on Taoism and both offense and defense. It seems to be perfect, but if everything is there, it means everything is loose. practice.

But this time Xie Xiaoyu didn't hesitate for too long, and directly chose Liuli Baoyan Buddha Light
Again, he has no shortage of ways to attack.

Besides, as long as it is Buddha's light, it can suppress the inner demons, and as long as it is Buddha's fire, it can purify karma.Moreover, Buddha's light and Buddha's fire specialize in suppressing evil ghosts and ghosts. He is not sure whether the ghost race has also entered this world?In case of a match against the ghost clan, the Liuli Baoyan Buddha Light will be of great use.

Putting away the other two relics, Xie Xiaoyu held the last relic in his hand.

This relic is very beautiful, the surface is crystal clear, and the inside is full of brilliance and colorful.

Xie Xiaoyu hung the relic above his head, silently reciting Buddhist mantras, and his spiritual thoughts once again penetrated into the relic, but this time the sword essence in his body also penetrated into it.

In an instant, the relic shone brightly, illuminating the entire secret room brightly.

After a little resistance, the relic accepted the sword essence he penetrated into it.

He injected more and more sword essence into it, and began to refine the relic.

At this moment, Xie Xiaoyu was a little lucky, he turned all his true energy into sword energy.

Although Buddhism and Taoism have the same origin, there is still a big difference between the two sects. If he still has true energy in his body, then the power of Buddha and true energy will conflict with each other. No one can have both true energy and practice Buddha power. force.

Jianyuan is different, it is not only different from the real yuan, but also different from the Buddha's power. It is closer to the real yuan in essence, but it does not rely on external force, but relies on its own strength. This is somewhat similar to the Buddha's power, so both sides can be combined.

As time passed, the relic gradually became smaller, and the pure Buddha power was gradually absorbed into Xie Xiaoyu's body.

At this moment, the dominance of the sword essence is revealed, and the Buddha power that has been continuously flowing in has been forcibly transformed into sword essence, but the influence of the Buddha power is still there, and the increasingly powerful sword essence is gradually revealed The characteristics of going out of Buddhism.The sword energy is no longer as sharp as before, but has become gentle and soft.

I don't know how long it took, the relic became the size of a soybean, and the Buddha power it emitted was negligible.

Xie Xiaoyu slowly opened his eyes, his pupils turned into a strange glaze color, and the brilliance flowed inside, his body was also shrouded in a layer of glaze-colored flames, and as the flames rolled, countless golden lights could be vaguely seen inside. Flowers flashed, and pieces of golden clouds and mists suddenly appeared and disappeared.

"Amitabha." He put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name. In an instant, many Buddhist principles that he hadn't figured out before became clear.At the same time, he felt as if something in the dark was calling him, and there were bursts of Sanskrit sounds and Zen singing from that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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