The power of the mind of beauty

Chapter 32 The Distress of the New Generation Superhero Spider-Man

Chapter 32 The Distress of the New Generation Superhero Spider-Man

Seven days a week is not short, but it is definitely not long either.

However, this period of time is enough for many things to happen. Taking Sean himself as an example, he personally proved how much these seven days have changed people.

In fact, it can be seen only from his belly that has been lost in a circle, and besides that, it is also a huge achievement to completely wipe out the borders of the Russian gangster territory. Below, a total of thirteen locations, nearly a hundred gangsters, and thirteen boxes of different types of ammunition have all become his achievements. At this time, he has sunk all the firearms and ammunition into the Hudson River. Never see the light of day again.

And this successive situation has completely awakened the Russian gangsters. Just yesterday when he went to eradicate the No. 14 location, he was caught in an ambush after all. Although he managed to escape in the end, he was also completely exposed. In the eyes of those vicious people, there will undoubtedly be many more variables in future actions.

But for him, this will always come. He didn't expect to be able to eradicate such a huge force at the top of the criminal group like the Russian gang without any danger, although he had such an idea.

In addition, New York City finally ushered in a friendly new neighbor, that is, Spider-Man wearing a red and blue grid tights and rippling between tall buildings.

This new hero who has no holidays and does not ask for anything in return shuttles through the streets every day, doing all kinds of small things to help others, and sometimes helps the police catch a few dangerous criminals, although these police officers do not like it very much. The little guy who made them look a little incompetent, but after a few days, this new superhero has gained extremely high popularity among the crowd. After all, compared to that high-profile and cool playboy, this little spider Undoubtedly, it seems to be much closer to life and more simple.

However, although this brightly dressed hero frequently appeared in major newspapers and was loved by people, only Sean, an insider, could know what kind of life Peter Parker lived these days.


Getting up early in the morning to exercise has become a habit, but it is precisely because of this habit that now he has to run a few laps on the campus playground after running to school before he sweats profusely like before. With a somewhat contoured face, his physical strength has obviously improved a little. Although his ability has nothing to do with his physical fitness, it undoubtedly makes his fighting style more formed.

"The tenth lap, oh! Finally finished!"

Taking the last step with his tired thighs, Sean fell directly on the soft lawn, regardless of the sweat dripping all over the ground, just gasping for breath, breathing calmly and jumping fast heart.

At this moment, a pair of feet came in front of him, and then the whole person sat down directly, and then there was a soft chewing sound.

"Pizza!" Sean's nose trembled, he could vaguely smell the smell of bacon pizza, raised his head slightly and saw a square pizza box supported by a hand.

"Want a piece?"

The pizza box was removed, and Peter Parker's chin was exposed. His voice sounded a little heavy, not because he was eating, but because of his low mood.

"Of course." Sean turned over and sat up.

"Good morning, Shaw." Peter Parker opened the pizza box and placed it in front of Sean.

"Good morning, Peter." Sean was not polite, he took a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, saying that he overslept this morning because of the battle last night.

He raised his eyelids, and then he was taken aback, because that nerdy Peter Parker had long since stopped wearing glasses after he became a spider-man. The genetic enhancement of the cross-species spider not only strengthened his body, but even his Myopia has also been completely corrected.

Of course, superheroes do need something to disguise themselves when pretending to be ordinary people. It's no different, just like the superman in the superman comics that can also be seen in this world.

But wearing sunglasses is a bit too much!
"What's going on here? Pretending to be cool?" Sean chuckled, stretched out his hand and took off the sunglasses from Peter Parker's nose, and then he was taken aback again. How could this be a bug?It is clearly a national treasure!
"How about it, cool! Whoops!" Peter Parker felt a light touch on the bridge of his nose, and saw his sunglasses float into the air, he hurriedly snatched them back, and at the same time put them back on the bridge of his nose resentfully, but it was obviously too much force , When I touched the sore spot, I yelled out.

"Don't be angry, you are a hero's medal!" Xiao En said with a smile, but he was secretly glad that his ability can protect himself, otherwise he would definitely become like Xiao Chong staring at a pair of severe dark circles every day go to school.

It may be a secret to others that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, but it is not to Sean, and since the day after Ben Parker entered the hospital, Peter Parker told him that he wanted to be a superhero Ideas, and even the suit is his advice and drawings.

"Oh! Speaking of this matter, I really feel a little tired." Peter Parker sighed, licked his fingers, raised his head and lay down on the lawn with his head in his hands. He looked up at the clear sky The white clouds slowly drifting in the sky, well, he found that even through the sunglasses, the white clouds are still white, he said sadly: "Just now I was late for the takeaway again because I wanted to catch a guy who robbed a convenience store."

As he spoke, he glanced sideways at Sean who was stuffing pizza into his mouth, curled his lips and said, "So what you're stuffing into your mouth now is my salary for the past two days."

"Hey." Sean smiled shyly, but said, "It's not the first time anyway, this is the third time you've been fired, but at least you've settled the daily breakfast fee."

"Hehe!" In this regard, Xiaochong only watched Xiao En make two meaningless low notes, then turned his head and continued to look at the sky.

"Yesterday I was invited by Gwen to her house for dinner and met her parents. I never thought her father would be a sheriff before that. Well, dinner was good, lemon fish, The taste is really good, but it’s not so good after that.” At this point, Peter Parker sat up directly, looked at Sean with puzzled eyes, and asked, “Did I do it wrong? Didn't think Mr. Stacy would turn against Spider-Man and think he was a criminal who didn't obey the law, I was... oh!"

(End of this chapter)

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