Dominate the midfield

Chapter 554 Chapter 554: He underestimated my ambition!

Chapter 554 Chapter 554: He underestimated my ambition!
Capello leaves, leaving Girard alone.

Gillard almost turned from a hero to a sinner today. He broke the goal of the US team in the first 3 minutes.

If it weren't for the twin stars of the Wolves who came off the bench and shined in the audience, he would definitely fall into deep self-blame.

"We got off to a fantastic start today, but because of my mistakes, I put the team in great difficulty.

Wang and Peter came on and changed everything. It is hard to imagine that this is their World Cup debut. Thank you for everything they have done for the team!
We will adjust as soon as possible and return to the best condition, because the opponents behind will become stronger and stronger! "

Gillard admitted very frankly that his mistakes caused trouble for the team, and the reporter left a very good impression.After answering reporters' questions, he left the scene.


If the two warm-up matches allowed the England players to see the value of Wang Rui, then the game against the US team showed them that Wang Rui has the energy to change the outcome.

The attitude of the teammates towards Wang Rui has changed and they have become closer. This feeling is the same as in the Wolves.

When he was still a rookie on the court, he helped the team miraculously avoid relegation, and his teammates slowly accepted him.

When he slowly matured and led the Wolves to win championships one after another, the attitude of his teammates changed again, and he became the core figure and spiritual leader of the locker room.

Wang Rui still has a long way to go to become the spiritual leader of the England dressing room. This requires not only the accumulation of time, but also the accumulation of records.

Back in the hotel room, Peter couldn't wait to call Dai Li, who was thousands of miles away, to report on his performance.

"Honey, I scored a goal today, you should consider flying to South Africa..."

Wang Rui didn't bother him, took the mobile phone to the balcony, and dialed Lidis's mobile phone.A moment later, the voice he had been thinking about day and night came from the phone.

"Honey, congratulations, congratulations on your successful debut!"

Wang Rui smiled and said, "You even know about the first show?"

Lidis is an out-and-out fake fan, which is hard to imagine, her father is the fourth largest shareholder of Manchester City.After falling in love with Wang Rui, she still hasn't changed her pseudo-fan nature.

"That's what Ting told me." Lidis said honestly: "She said that the first show is very important to a player, and she also said that many players are prone to nervousness in the first show, but I didn't find you feeling nervous. "

Wang Rui said with a smile: "There will definitely be tension, but I have more important things to do, and those tensions will soon disappear."

Lidis obediently didn't ask Wang Rui what was important, and he would tell her if he wanted to.

Wang Rui asked with concern: "Is the living condition okay? Are you all used to it?"

Lidis replied: "You don't have to worry about these. The hotel we live in is a five-star hotel with good conditions. Ting misses you a little."

Wang Rui asked: "Don't you miss me?"

Lidis said in a low voice: "Think about it, think about it every day, every second, every second, even dreaming..."

"Pong, pong, pong..."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and Wang Rui said softly, "Honey, someone is visiting, I'll call you later."

"I love you!"

The person who came was none other than Beckenham.When Wang Rui saw him, he knew what he was going to do.After the game, Capello once told him in the locker room that Beckenham had something to say to him.

Peter hung up the phone and brought Beckenham a glass of mineral water.

Beckenham took the water glass and congratulated him again: "Peter, congratulations!"

Peter accepted his congratulations frankly, nodded and sat down.Beckenham turned his eyes to Wang Rui, looking at the handsome, sunny and young face in front of him, he remembered his youth.

I once had such a magnificent age, and I was once the dream lover of hundreds of millions of girls...

Wang Rui's face started to burn. He couldn't stand being looked at by a man, a handsome and messed up man like this.Peter's eyes kept turning back and forth between the two of them, and the more he looked at them, the more he felt strange, damn it, are you a pair of glass?

One has burning eyes, the other has a shy face...God, did I find something?
Could this be why Beckenham praised Wang at the airport?

Peter seemed to have discovered a new world.

Beckenham walked out of his own thoughts. He noticed the weird atmosphere in the room and said with a smile, "Sorry, I was distracted just now."

Peter smiled and said, "It's okay, Wang is indeed handsome. If I were a woman, I would keep my eyes on him."

"Oh... I mean, you are also handsome, and you have a mature smell on your body. You are definitely a young milk killer."

Beckenham likes this atmosphere very much, and it makes him feel like returning to his youth. At that time, the golden generation of Manchester United in 92 often joked and laughed together.

"Young milk killer? This word... is very novel."

Peter quickly explained: "In layman's terms, the young-milk killer is the dream lover of a mature woman."

Beckenham laughed out loud.

Then they got to the point, and Beckenham spoke eloquently, expressing Capello's thoughts.Wang Rui fell into deep thought, Peter thought for a while and said, "So, we blamed Capello by mistake?"

Beckenham nodded and said: "I wanted to communicate with you before the game, but he disagreed and said that this would better stimulate your fighting spirit. He has worked so hard for this game, and he did not hesitate to let himself be misunderstood by you. "

"I didn't expect your reaction to be so strong that he couldn't step down at all. Have you ever thought about what those reporters will write tomorrow?"

Wang Rui shook his head and said, "He doesn't know me, if it was Ince, he wouldn't do this."

Beckenham nodded and said, "That's right. After all, you haven't been together for long, and you still don't know each other well. However, you should understand his painstaking efforts."

"Can Lennon play as an attacking midfielder? Why did he arrange it this way? It's just paving the way for you. This shows that you have a very high status in his heart."

Wang Rui shook his head and said, "You misunderstood me."

"In fact, he didn't need to use these methods to stimulate my fighting spirit. He underestimated my ambition. How many World Cups can one person experience? Four times, it should be the ultimate."

"I will cherish every chance I get to play, because one game is one game less."

"In addition, today is my World Cup debut, and I certainly don't want to use a bad state to welcome my debut. After setting foot on the land of South Africa, I said to myself that this World Cup will definitely belong to us. World Cup!"

Peter nodded seriously and said, "Yes, this is our World Cup!"

Beckenham came out of surprise, his blood boiling, and then he had endless regrets in his heart, if he hadn't been injured, if his condition hadn't declined so badly, if he had been born a few years later...

Beckenham had a wonderful dream that night, dreaming that he lifted the Hercules Cup!
(End of this chapter)

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