Dominate the midfield

Chapter 194 Chapter 194: Ten Thousand Girlfriends!

Chapter 194 Chapter 194: Million Girlfriends!
At the end of June, the Wolves started training intensively to prepare for the new season.The amount of training Ince arranged was very large, and he began to "torture" his players again, and the devil's training began.

The "old men" of the Wolves trained without saying a word according to the old Ince's arrangement. The newcomers saw that these "old men" didn't complain of suffering or tiredness, so they could only train with the big team.

The training camp has two important goals. One is to build a solid physical reserve for the entire season, and the other is to make players familiar with each other and increase a sense of tacit understanding.

Bell and Kenting performed very well in the training camp. They chased after each other and tried their best to compare each other.In the short-distance sprint practice, others only used 80.00% of the speed, and the two of them definitely used [-]% of the speed.

The two of them brought up the training atmosphere. The new players wanted to occupy a good position in the new group, so they showed [-]% professionalism.

The "old people" of the team know the importance of physical reserves. If they don't train seriously now, they will not be able to withstand it in the middle and late stages of the season.

Kenting's position has changed, moving forward to become a defensive midfielder. It is said that this is the last few games of last season. Ince saw his offensive power and wanted to train him into a defensive midfielder with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Bell's arrival has enriched the Wolves' offensive methods on the left and also enhanced the attacking ability of this side.As if intending to compete with Bell, Kenting approached to the right intentionally or unintentionally when attacking.

Before the start of the new season, the Wolves played warm-up matches with several League One and the British Championship, and the games were won or lost.If it was last year and lost the game, Ince would definitely be furious.But now Ince didn't do that, he just found out the reasons for the failure and made demands on the players.

The four of Wang Rui whispered together, and Kenting asked suspiciously, "Could it be that Ince has changed his sex?"

Peter frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that he has no desires this year, that's why?"

During the training camp last year, Ince said the most words: "Brothers! Come on, we will stand in the final of the cup!"

This year, Ince didn't use these to motivate his players, and he didn't seem to pay as much attention to the outcome of the warm-up match as he did last year.

Wang Rui thought for a while and said: "It's impossible to have no desires, maybe he is changing. Have you noticed that he paid more attention to the results last year in the training camp, and this year he pays more attention to the process."

Kenting and Peter nodded after thinking for a while. Bell was a newcomer and didn't know what the training camp was like last year, so he had no right to speak and watched the three of them quietly.

"Crack!..." Wang Rui jumped, turned around and saw that Oakes had patted him on the shoulder.

"What are you talking about? Tell me if you have any secrets!"

Oakes said in a low voice.

This year the Wolves left a lot of people, almost half of them chose to leave.We went through last season's double championship together, and those who chose to stay have a very good relationship with each other.

Peter looked at Oakes mysteriously, and whispered, "I saw a man in the Kiygfer bar last night with his arms around two girls. Guess who he is?"

Oakes blushed and asked, "Why didn't I find you in the bar?"

Peter was stunned at first, then laughed out loud, and the other four looked at him puzzled.Soon, Oakes knew why Peter was smiling so happily. He grabbed Peter's neck and said viciously, "Damn it, you lied to me..."

Peter knew that Ochs liked to spend at the Kiygfer bar, so he said it by the way, who knew it was really right.After the two had finished fighting, they returned to the topic just now.

Oakes said with a smile: "Actually, this is easy to understand. This is the mature performance of Ince. A mature coach should pay more attention to the process, not the result.

A mature coach can soberly view the outcome. No team can win or lose for a long time, because there are too many factors that affect the outcome of a game, and no coach can control all the factors. "

"This is a good thing for us. The more mature Ince is, the stronger his control over the game and the brighter our future will be."


One night in July, Wang Rui had just had dinner and was sitting on the sofa when someone knocked on the door.Wang Rui opened the door, and Lidis' pretty face came into his eyes.

Lidis is wearing a little makeup today, with slender eyebrows, a pair of charming blue eyes under long eyelashes, waist-length hair, a purple dress that highlights her figure, and a pair of white high heels.

This is the first time for Wang Rui to see the dressed up Lidis, and he was obviously amazed, and stared blankly at her.Lidis looked at Wang Rui's slightly obsessed eyes, her heart was sweetened, and she asked softly with a little shyness: "Why, you are not going to let me in?"

Realizing that he had lost his composure, Wang Rui blushed and quickly said, "Please come in!"

After Lidis entered the door, she first went to say hello to Wang Ting who was cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen, and then sat on the sofa in the living room.Wang Rui poured Lidis a glass of mineral water. In order to cover up his gaffe just now, he intentionally avoided the eyes of the two meeting each other.

Lidis hadn't returned to Wolverhampton for a long time, and Wang Ting put down her apron and asked reproachfully, "Did you fall in love, so you forgot about us?"

"Look at this outfit, she must be in love..."

Wang Rui felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, and looked at Lidis nervously.Lidis blushed, glared at Wang Ting, and said, "I'm busy these days, so I didn't come back."

"I want to fall in love, but unfortunately I don't have a partner. Who should I talk to?"

After Lidis finished speaking, she glanced at Wang Rui seemingly casually.Wang Rui breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. He suddenly realized that there was something wrong with his emotional changes, and his face suddenly became hot. Am I tempted by Lidis?

Wang Ting glanced at the two, then looked at Lidis with a smile and said, "How about I introduce one to you?"

Lidis smiled and said, "Okay, tell me who it is?"

Wang Ting raised her eyebrows and said, "That person is by your side. He has been secretly in love with you for a long time, but he has never had the courage to confess!"

Wang Rui's face turned even redder, Lidis turned her head to look at him generously and asked, "Is that so?"

The two met by chance, without the old man Thomson's "help", it is difficult for their lives to intersect.

In the subsequent contacts, as they got to know each other better, the two had feelings for each other, but neither of them pierced the last layer of window paper.Tonight, Wang Ting will pierce this layer of paper.

Wang Rui didn't expect his first confession to be like this, he looked at Lidis, nodded and said, "That's right!"

Lidis's face started to turn red, and she became very charming, and there was a deer running in her chest...

"Have you thought about it, you really want to chase me?" Lydis asked.

Wang Rui nodded and said, "Think about it!"

Wang Ting shouted excitedly and applauded vigorously.

Lidis glanced at Wang Rui with watery eyes and said, "You can chase me if you want, just take 100 million!"

The two brothers and sisters were stunned, and then Wang Rui said with a smile: "One million is one million, sister, how much money is left in our family?"


With the emergence of the Internet, the network began to change people's living habits.Online shopping has gradually become one of the main ways for young people to consume.

Lidis is undoubtedly optimistic about this industry and plans to set up an online shopping platform by herself.This is starting a business. Of course, starting a business requires money. Lidis set her sights on venture capital, but the conditions raised by those venture capital were too harsh for her to bear.

For example, today, the venture capital that she was negotiating with told her that within one year, she must guarantee a profit, and after two years, she must recover the investment funds.This condition was too harsh for Lidis to agree to. Depressed, she thought of Wang Rui, so she took a car back to Wolverhampton.

Back to Wolverhampton, the main purpose is to relax. The so-called 100 million is just a casual talk, a joke.

Entrepreneurship is risky, and there is a possibility of losing everything, so Lidis did not tell her parents about her plan to start a business. She believed that this matter should be resolved by herself.

Wang Ting still knows about online shopping, because she can shop online when she has time. She looked at Lidis and asked, "Are you confident?"

Lidis didn't expect that one of her jokes would get a response. She nodded and said, "The future of online shopping is definitely bright. People will rely more and more on the Internet in their future lives."

Wang Rui said, "We believe in you."

Lidis asked: "Aren't you afraid of investment failure?"

Before Wang Rui could speak, Wang Ting said with a smile: "There is nothing to be afraid of if the investment fails, just treat the 100 million as buying a girlfriend for my brother."

"And in my opinion, Miss Lydis is definitely more than 100 million, we have earned it!"


(End of this chapter)

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