Dominate the midfield

Chapter 184 Chapter 184: The Celebration Ceremony!

Chapter 184 Chapter 184: The Celebration Ceremony!
The place to celebrate is in the square in front of the Molinex Stadium. Wolverhampton is just a small city with a population of just over 20 and there are no large parks.

Wolves won the League Cup, and word spread throughout the small town last night that many bars were drunk by excited fans.The 60-year-old old man vaguely remembers the celebration 28 years ago. The memory is long gone, as if it happened when they were young, but they were already adults at that time.

Middle-aged fans, they still vaguely remember how old they were, crawling on their father's neck, singing songs, coming out of every corner of the small town, gathered together, and headed to Molineux Stadium.It was a real festival, with laughter and laughter in the square at Molinex Stadium.

As for the fans under the age of 30, there is no memory of the Wolves winning the championship at all.They can be seen on TV every year, and fans of several giants gather in a fixed place to celebrate.

The Wolves won the championship after 28 years. For this small town that has been silent for many years, it is the biggest excitement and the biggest good news in decades!

Today is a grand holiday!

They knew this morning that the Wolves would be back around 12 noon, so they came out around 30:[-].Use lanterns and festoons to describe this small town.Maybe a little exaggerated, but there were flags flying everywhere and laughter everywhere.The child who was several years old was held on his neck by his father, and laughed like a silver bell...

The bus drove very slowly. Several children around ten years old chased the bus and happily called out the names of the players they were familiar with.There are some bold teenagers who get jerseys and signature pens and hand them to the open car window. Wolves players will happily take them and sign their names on them...

These teenagers did not forget to ask the players to sign the date.Peter was at a loss, why did he have to sign the date?

Oakes put it bluntly: "The preciousness lies in this date, because this is the time when we just won the championship."

These teenagers who got the signed jerseys let out a strange cry of joy, and ran somewhere to show off to their companions.

In fact, it is less than four kilometers from Chengkou to Molineux Stadium, but the bus has been driving for more than 40 minutes, and this is still in the case of police cars clearing the way.

When the bus drove into the square of the Molineux Stadium, the whole Wolves team was terrified by the situation in front of them. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a sea of ​​people!
It was pure orange and everyone who came to celebrate was wearing a Wolves home jersey.It is said that early this morning, the Wolves jersey store at the Molinex Stadium was sold out in just three hours.

You know, the shrewd Morgan urgently transferred [-] Wolves jerseys last night, plus [-] in stock, [-], and they were sold out in three hours!
If Wenner, the second largest shareholder of the Wolves, knew the news, he would laugh wildly, Qian Cheng, Qian Cheng!
Thousands of fans cheered loudly as the bus pulled into Molinex Stadium!
"we are the champion!"

"we are the champion!"

"we are the champion!"

Proud and excited shouts sounded, and the Wolves players who were close to the car window stretched out their hands to high-five the enthusiastic fans outside the car window.Several bold girls looked at Wang Rui and shouted loudly: "Wang, I love you!"

These voices made Peter very dissatisfied and asked Wang Rui to change places with him.

"Damn it, let me sit and enjoy the love of these passionate fans."

But Peter soon realized that some things cannot be compelled. Those girls completely ignored him, looked directly at Wang Rui who was sitting inside, and screamed.

Peter shook his head in pain, and said angrily: "Our family's Dai Li is better, these are not my type..."

The crowd made way for the bus, which ended at a temporary square platform in the middle of the square, with a surface of more than 100 square meters.

The bus stopped under the stage, the door opened, and Ince was the first to get out of the door.

Thunderous applause!

Whether they watched the game on the spot or on TV, they were all deeply impressed by Ince's performance last night.His superb on-the-spot command is the guarantee for the Wolves to beat Tottenham and win the League Cup trophy!

The Wolves players filed down, and Oakes and Craddock, the two old Wolves, walked at the end with the shiny silver League Cup.When they appeared, the applause was even bigger!
The applause was accompanied by screams, whistles...

It was the first time for many of them to see the trophy with their own eyes, and it was so close to them.A few bold teenagers stretched out their hands to touch the trophy, and then screamed: "I got it! I got it!..."

The Wolves walked up and down the stage, and a man in his 30s held a microphone and said loudly: "Our hero is back! Please use your warm applause to express your joy!"

The warm applause almost made Wang Rui deaf.

This man and his voice are very familiar to Wolves fans. He is Wolverhampton TV football commentator Andy Keogh!

Wolverhampton TV moved the live broadcast here today, where they will conduct a unique interview with the Wolves.

Wolves players lined up in a row, facing east, with Oakes and Craddock holding the trophy standing in the middle, followed by Ince, Peter, Wang Rui...

Andy Keogh, standing on the far side with a microphone, said loudly: "Today is a very happy day for Wolves and Wolverhampton City, because Wolves played at Wembley last night. Stadium, won the League Cup after 28 years!"

There was a scream.

"Then let's listen to Ince's thoughts at this moment!"

Andy Keough came to the center with the microphone and handed it to Ince.Before Ince could speak, there was applause from the audience.

Ince took a step forward with the microphone, but the first thing he did was not to speak, but to bow deeply to the fans in the audience.

The applause is bigger!
"Without you, there would be no trophy!"

"This trophy belongs to the Wolves, it also belongs to this city, and it belongs to you!"

Morgan and Winner, who were sitting in a room at the Molinex Stadium at the moment, were smiling happily.Wenner sighed: "Letting Ince take over the coach is the most correct decision you have made in so many years. Listen, listen to this... Those fans still pay for the game tickets obediently to come to the scene to fight for the wolf. Come on team..."

Morgan moved his gaze from the TV to Wenner, looking at him strangely.Wenner was taken aback, then smiled and said: "I was wrong, you have been wise all these years, it was wise to build that hotel, and it was wise to bring the king here..."

Wolves' two largest shareholders were not present at the welcome ceremony.They know that the biggest stars are not the two of them now, and fans want to hear the voices of Wolves coaches and players.


After Ince spoke, Andy Keogh walked up to Wang Rui and motioned him to take a step forward.Wang Rui stepped forward nervously, he had never spoken in front of so many people.

Before Andy Keogh could speak, the fans in the audience burst into applause, accompanied by screams and whistles...

After these voices died down, Andy Keogh said with a smile: "We all watched the game last night in different ways, and we were deeply moved by the performance of the Wolves players!"

"It was they who used their bodies in front of the penalty area to block Tottenham's intensive artillery fire, and they used their goals to help us realize our dream again after 28 years!"

"Every player in the Wolves team is good, they are the heroes of this city!"

"And the king is the representative of this group of heroes!"

Andy Keough turned to look at Wang Rui and asked, "Wang, what are you thinking at this moment? What are you going to tell the fans at this moment?"

Wang Rui took the microphone nervously, not knowing what to say.The fans in the audience quieted down, they wanted to hear what this young man who was elegant and unrestrained on the court, killing enemies and being invisible had to say.

At this time, a voice made Wang Rui's nervousness disappear.

"Brother! Be bold, you can do it!"

Wang Rui followed the sound and saw his younger sister standing with Aunt Mary and Uncle Mullin. Standing beside them were two people that Wang Rui was very familiar with. One was Wang Ting's classmate Tom, and the other was Lidis !

Aunt Mary and Uncle Mullin gave him encouraging looks, Tom looked at him adoringly, and Lidis gave him a thumbs up.

Previously, the Wolves came from the other side of the table, so Wang Rui didn't see them.After taking the stage, he was a little nervous, so he didn't notice them.Seeing them now, his nervousness slowly disappeared.

Wang Rui nodded to them, exhaled a long breath, boldly looked at the thousands of fans, looked at the pure orange, and said to the microphone: "After the last game of last season, the coach and I had a meeting on the turf. An exchange. Both of us think that such a relegation experience is enough once in a lifetime, and we will fight for the championship in the future!"

I don't know who took the lead, the applause continued again, this time there were no screams and whistles, the epic relegation had already been deeply engraved in their minds, and the Wolves' never giving up moved them.

Wang Rui took a deep breath and said loudly into the microphone: "Now we have done it!"

"We won the League Cup, and the next step is to win the League One championship trophy!"

The slobbering man shouted in the crowd, "Okay!"

So the applause became one!
Lidis looked at Wang Rui with her beautiful eyes, and she remembered that early summer afternoon, and the big boy who jumped into the river to save him.In less than a year, this big boy has become the hero of the city and the pride of the city.

And this city is where she was born, her hometown.

Lidis felt that her fate had merged with Wang Rui's!

This kind of integration may become more and more in-depth as time goes by...


(End of this chapter)

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