Chapter 157

"It's better to say that he values ​​friendship." Master Guanyin laughed, "Isn't that what you want to prove?"

"Wait and see." Jin Chanzi still said the same old saying.


After moving to Gusu, I still lived in the old house.Xu Xian's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and she was about to give birth.

Xu Xian rubbed his stomach, looked at Bai Suzhen who was watching over him, and asked with a smile, "Xiaobai, what should we name our child?"

Bai Suzhen frowned and thought about it seriously, but there was no answer for a long time.

"Then I'll take a nickname first. How about calling it Roudun?" Xu Xian chuckled.

Xiaoqing rolled her eyes at the side: "I said Xu Xian, can you be a little pursuing? You just know how to eat. When your child grows up and knows that he has such a name, it's no wonder that he doesn't hate you as a mother."

"Really? I think this name is pretty good." Xu Xian's serious tone made the corners of Xiaoqing's mouth twitch.

Roudun is a good name?Only Xu Xian thought so.

What Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen didn't know was that more than one party was waiting for the birth of the child in Xu Xian's belly.

Xu Xian is about to give birth, and Bai Suzhen looks like an enemy.

"Brother, can you stop turning around? Everything is ready." Xiaoqing said helplessly to Bai Suzhen who was wandering outside the house, "The fruit of the Lingyin tree is ready, and Wen Po is the most beautiful girl in Gusu City. OK."

Bai Suzhen still looked into the room, as if she didn't hear Xiaoqing's comforting words.Instead, he asked eagerly: "Xiaoqing, what do you think is going on? Why is there no movement at all when Xu Xian gave birth?"

Xiaoqing was also a little puzzled, it seemed that giving birth would scream loudly, why didn't Xu Xian make any sound?Nothing really happened, right?
Seeing that Xiaoqing didn't speak anymore, Bai Suzhen became more anxious and wanted to rush inside.But Wen Po yelled inside: "Hot water, put some hot water at the door."

Bai Suzhen hurriedly coaxed Xiaoqing: "Go quickly and get some hot water." After she finished speaking, she was about to push the door open and enter.Wen Po blocked the door and reprimanded her.

"Men are not allowed to enter the delivery room." Wen Po was full of momentum.

Bai Suzhen got impatient and wanted to push away Mrs. Wen and go in.

Xu Xian's weak voice came: "Xiaobai, I'm fine."

"Really? But I didn't even hear your voice." Bai Suzhen asked worriedly.

"It's all right, I'm not complaining because I'm afraid of wasting my energy." Xu Xian's voice was almost squeezed out between his teeth.Giving birth is such a pain.The pain was getting worse and worse.Her forehead was covered with beads of sweat a long time ago, but Wen Po wiped it again and again, but it was still sweating non-stop.

Xu Xian knew that the amniotic fluid had already broken, and it was almost there.Now wait until the cervix is ​​fully opened.The birth of a child in ancient times is no better than in modern times, you can only rely on your own strength.

"Mrs. Bai, it's all right, let's use your strength. Follow my instructions." Granny Wen was confident.

Xu Xian gritted his teeth and nodded, but wailed in his heart: "I'm so hurt, I don't want to have a second child anymore, this one is enough."

Xu Xian ate the fruit of the Lingyin tree, and according to Granny Wen's instructions, within an hour, there was the loud cry of a newborn baby in the room.

"Madam Bai, congratulations, you're a fat boy." Granny Wen quickly cut the umbilical cord, disposed of the placenta, and brought the bloody baby to Xu Xian.

Xu Xian looked weakly at the crying baby with a smile on his face.At this moment, she really felt like a mother.

(End of this chapter)

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