Chapter 64 Camping
Ling Younan also recovered his usual calm at this time, looked at Mo Zhiyu and said: "Don't let other people know at this time, you go down and find out if it is the same poison, and besides, during the days when I am away, you yourself Be careful and don't trust other people."

Mo Zhiyu bowed and said, "Yes." Then he withdrew.

Nishang looked at Ling Younan still a little depressed, waved his hand and dismissed everyone in the room, just quietly accompanied Ling Younan.The two did it quietly for a long time.

Ling Younan opened his mouth suddenly, seeming to be talking to himself, or confiding to Nishang. "Yanran's parents died when Yanran was very young, and the emperor brought her into the palace to raise her under the knees of my mother and concubine. The mother and concubine liked Yanran very much because she had no daughter. At that time, Yanran was very simple, and I liked it very much. Until my mother Concubine and I had an accident, and Yan Ran was taken back to Pingjin Palace. She also gradually changed, and began to avoid me, and did not come to see Concubine Mother for the last time. I don’t want her to be the one who happened today, after all, Concubine Mother and I Poisoned together, the concubine mother treats her as her own."

Ling Younan's last sentence was trembling a little, and he said it with red eyes, but he didn't speak again.

The silence in the room was broken by the red clothes who came to report that they could eat, and Nishang's stomach groaned twice at the right time.Hearing the voice, Ling Younan looked up and saw Nishang winking and patting her stomach and muttering, the haze that surrounded her just now dissipated in an instant, maybe she was the only one who could always bring her warmth.

Ling Younan stretched out his hand and pulled Nishang into his arms, and then said to Hongyi: "Bring the meal." The two took their lunch leisurely and rested for a while before setting off.

This trip was all in plain clothes, Nishang wore men's clothing for convenience, and did not bring any entourage, a group of people, a master: Ling Younan, a wife: Nishang, a maid: Huiqi, and a coachman: Ling Yi.The rest are accompanied by four servant girls to take care of daily life.

This time Ling Er did not accompany him, since Ling Er was more familiar with the affairs in the city, he was left behind, after all there was still a hidden danger in the mansion.Nishang is still in a good mood. After all, he has been here for so long and has not traveled far. Ling Younan is happy to see Nishang, and of course he will not be unhappy.

After the carriage left the city, Nishang raised the curtains, and breathed hard into the outside of the window, Ling Younan was amused by that exaggerated appearance.Ling Younan laughed and said: "Does it smell so good outside? Tell me what you smell when you look like this?"

Nishang pushed away his hand touching his head, continued to look outside the carriage without turning his head, and said, "Don't you think that? The air outside is much better than that in the palace."

Ling Younan messed up Nishang's hair with his hands again after hearing this, Nishang shook his head like a puppy, frowned, and pouted, "Don't touch me. Let me tell you, I'm not only breathing Not only the fresh air, but also a kind of freedom. It's not like the stiff feeling of staying in the palace all day, do you understand?"

Ling Younan put down the hand that was playing with her, straightened her hair carefully, pinched the bangs that he pushed to the front behind her ears, and murmured: "Freedom?" It seemed to be a question, but also seemed to be thinking by himself.

Nishang looked at his appearance, raised her hand and knocked him on the head and said: "Mother sent my soul to another world, where there is no imperial power or hierarchy, where men are superior to women, where people are free to go in and out of all places, Each of them lives independently for themselves, and they do everything by themselves. Everyone can exchange for wealth and dignity through labor and knowledge, and there is no need to bow down to others."

Ling Younan listened to what Nishang was saying, and listened with great interest. Although he couldn't fully understand the world Nishang was talking about, it must be great to see Nishang's yearning appearance.If possible, he would be very willing to take her to live in such a world.Nishang loves Ling Younan like this very much, he believes everything he says, even if it is just something deviant to others.

The sky gradually darkened, but Nishang and his party did not find the inn. Ling Younan and Ling Yi were a little worried, but Nishang was excited. It was a pleasure to meet camping for the first time.

After getting off the carriage, Nishang immediately became active, and directed Xiaosi to find some wood or bamboo poles of different lengths, and directed the maids to gather all the cloth products except clothes for this trip. After getting ready, it was still dark and half of Xiao Si and the servant girl were left behind, under the command of Nishang, who didn't know what to build. The rest of Xiao Si and Ling Yi went to collect firewood, fish and game.

After Ling Yi and his party came back, they were all surprised to see the cloth house rising from the open ground. Everyone went around the house a few times curiously. The amazing thing is that although the house is simple, the interior space is not small. And it was extremely firm, and everyone couldn't help being a little curious about this side concubine.Everyone chattered around the side concubine and asked each other, was it lively for a while.Looking at them at this moment, Ling Younan couldn't help but think of Nishang's words "freedom."

Maybe just like now, they have no distinction between superiority and inferiority, they are equally curious about one thing, work hard for one thing, learn and progress together, talk and laugh together.Thinking about it, Ling Younan showed his teeth, and the smile from the heart stunned Nishang who had just raised his head.

It turned out that he was so dazzling.

Nishang noticed that Ling Younan was also looking at her, and blushed instantly. She coughed a few times and said to Ling, "Let's build a fire in the middle of the open space. Everyone sits around. The girls are in charge of cleaning the food, and the boys are in charge of lighting the fire." Said Nishang took the lead and stood up, took a fish and went to the water that Ling Yi and the others had prepared in advance to clean it up.

The maids came to their senses and quickly went to pick up the fish in Nishang's hands. Annoyed that the things in Nishang's hands were snatched away, they pinched their waists and said, "It's really weird for you to be so lazy to take so much food, but you just grab it." Mine? Let me tell you, today we don't distinguish between superiority and inferiority, we don't pay attention to etiquette, and we will have a different night."

When Ling saw this side concubine, he couldn't help thinking of the princess, and the princess was also such a person.But, is it the same person?Suddenly Ling Yi shook his head again, after all, a face like a princess cannot be concealed, and there is no reason for the princess to do so.After thinking about it, he got up and went to light the fire as the side concubine said.

Everything was ready, and everyone sat in a circle according to Nishang's suggestion. First, some maids who volunteered went up to grill food, but each of them only watched the princess bake a few times. How could they know how to control the heat? Undercooked or burnt.After eating Nishang sighed and couldn't bear it, he went into battle.

When everyone was almost full, Nishang suggested that everyone play a game. Originally, Nishang wanted to play truth or dare, but he was afraid that the ancient people would be too feudal to accept it for a while, so it became a childhood game of throwing handkerchiefs .After all, people in ancient times were multi-talented, maybe you can still find artists among these people.

Encouraged by Nishang, all the members participated, and everyone was eager to try.In the first round, Nishang showed everyone that she was throwing a handkerchief. She took out her own silk handkerchief, walked around the circle solemnly and sang, "Throw, throw, throw the handkerchief, gently put it behind the children." , everyone, don't tell him..." The handkerchief lightly slipped down behind Ling Younan, but he didn't know anything.

Hui Qi, who was sitting opposite Ling Younan, winked at Ling Younan, but Ling Younan only had eyes on the elf-like woman jumping around at this time, how could he think that he was about to suffer.

After the song ended, Nishang returned to her seat and sat down, looking at Ling Younan solemnly.When everyone turned around and saw that there was no veil behind them, they all heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at Ling Younan.Ling Younan turned his head, saw the handkerchief floating on his wheelchair, and turned to look at Nishang.Nishang shrugged her shoulders and stuck out her tongue at him.Ling Younan turned his head and said to the crowd: "This king means that I don't know how to be talented, so you will let me go?"

It looks like a question sentence, but the last word has an accentuated tone, and the eyes full of threats swept around, and when they arrived at Nishang, they quickly changed, and asked softly: "Shang'er, is it okay?"

Nishang looked at this unscrupulous Ling Younan, annoyed and funny, but he didn't give him any favors, and said righteously: "If you want to play, you can show your talent, if you don't, you can bark a few times like animals, what kind of dog, cat? Wait, if you can't do it, then I won't take you to the end."

Ling Younan looked at Nishang's serious and unnegotiable appearance, and decided to use the beauty trick to try again.I saw him put on a warm smile, gently holding Nishang's face, and slowly approached, about to stop at the place of two fists, suddenly smiled brightly at Nishang, and then blinked his eyes.

Everyone saw that their prince worked so hard for a talent show, and they all took another look at this side concubine.

I saw that my side concubine had a nympho look on her face first, and she was almost drooling.Everyone thought that the side concubine would agree to the prince.Instead, the side concubine wiped her mouth, and then said shamelessly: "No, no, are you acting or learning how to bark? Don't waste everyone's time."

"Play, how could this king not play." Ling Younan gritted his teeth, looked at Nishang and said.

Nishang took the initiative to clap her hands, using her internal strength, gently pushed the unprepared Ling Younan to the middle position, and then said cheerfully: "Okay, next we welcome Master Ling's talent show, oh, by the way, Master Ling is How about a talent show, or bark like a dog?"

Being winked at by Nishang, Ling Younan actually blushed a little.He slowly took out the piccolo from his sleeve, put it to his mouth and began to blow.

The sound of the flute was low and deep at first, as if confiding, and then as if complaining, then gradually became lighter and lighter, and then stopped suddenly.Ling Younan raised the corners of his lips, and said with a mischievous smile: "This is the end of my talent show. After all, it's just a performance, and I didn't mention the full performance."

(End of this chapter)

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