Emperor Jin

Chapter 223 Palace Change

Chapter 223 Palace Change
At five o'clock, the morning morning began as usual.

The emperor ascended the throne in full attire and stayed up all night, and there was a heavy shadow under his eyes.Seeing several old ministers coming out and wanting to advise on the New Deal, he waved his hand impatiently, and ordered: "From now on, the New Deal clauses will be temporarily terminated. After identification, choose the good ones and use them, and discard the rest."

The veterans were overwhelmed with surprise and couldn't believe their ears—although the emperor also disapproved of the new policy, he kept his attitude silent because of the queen's insistence, but now he came here with a bold move to sweep away the bad policy.

The emperor looked around, and said another shocking sentence, "From now on, the Queen's seal will only be used in the harem, and the ministries of the previous dynasty will not be allowed to follow orders."

There was an uproar in the hall, although everyone heard that the empress and empress had a lot of rift recently, they never thought that they would come to such a place, He Yuan stood bowed at the bottom of the steps, secretly wiped his cold sweat, but couldn't help admiring the empress's foresight.

When the hall was full of commotion, He Yuan had sharp eyes, but saw one of his subordinates running in a hurry, and the commander of the forbidden army who was not far away didn't care and rushed straight to the hall.

"You are so presumptuous—"

The anger of the courtiers was melted by the subsequent report——

"There is a group of people coming towards the imperial city, and the flag they are flying... yes, it is the red dragon flag of the previous dynasty!"

Most of the people in the palace are civil servants, many of whom are newcomers. Hearing these words, his complexion changed drastically.

Someone's face was ashen, and he said tremblingly: "At the feet of the Son of Heaven, how could it be...how could it be..."

Under the discussion among the people, the commander of the imperial army had already come to the emperor to whisper the report, and those who got close could only vaguely hear some words, and they were already frightened.

Liu Xun's heart tightened, and he took the lead to play: "It happened suddenly, it is really dangerous, please live long and stay away from the other hall."

The emperor was sitting high on the tower, and everyone couldn't see his face, they just heard him snort coldly: "The matter has come to this, what's the use of dodging?!"

The solemn tranquility by the Jinshui River was broken, and the shouts of killing could be heard in the distance of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The faces of all the courtiers were earthy, and some timid ones had already shaken into sieves.

"What a flag of the Red Emperor...what a treasure brocade of the Yuan family..."

Everyone in the court heard this, and their expressions were different——When the Taizu of the Yuan family was humble, he once cut off the white snake while walking in the middle of the night. Red, this dynasty is newly established, the red dragon flag has been completely destroyed, and now this flag is erected again, how can it not make everyone's hair stand on end? !

The sound became louder and louder, and the screams gradually approached my ears. A little Huangmen hurried over and said anxiously: "The thief is approaching, long live, please retreat..."

The emperor slowly descended from the high tower, his voice was not loud, but with irresistible determination, "Since I started the army, I have never had the habit of fleeing in embarrassment, and I will not be like this today."

He glanced sharply and coldly at all the ministers, and unexpectedly smiled, "There is an old saying: the world is chaotic and loyal ministers are known, and I have never failed you. If you don't want to stand under this dangerous wall, you can change it as soon as possible."

The faces of all the ministers were earthy, but Wei Wei didn't dare to whisper anymore, the emperor took down the sword beside his seat, and pulled it out with a clang, it was like cold light and snow, shining on the skin.

He strode down the high tower, step by step, to the sixteen gold-plated dragon gates extending to the sky and the earth, pushed it outwards, and the cold wind blew straight in. At the end of the steps, the cold light of knives and guns can be seen in the distance.

The emperor squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. The familiar leopard-tailed ax fluttered on the top of the steps like a sharp knife, cutting a bloody path in the chaotic crowd. I once thought that betraying me for this ridiculous righteousness is really unexpected..."

Having said that, there is still no fear in his gloomy eyes, and where the eyes flicker, there is a cruel and chilling smile——

"Baojin... How many chips do you have in your hand? It's really exciting..."

He clenched the door frame with both hands, and his long black hair was still flying unrestrainedly under the restraint of the crown. When he mentioned the name whispered countless times on the tip of his lips, it seemed that there were countless hazes entwined, letting the morning light fade, but It cannot be weakened at all.

The ranks of the Imperial Army were gradually disrupted, and the emperor remained expressionless, watching the rebels gradually approaching, his eyes calm.

At this time, the side road from the harem to the Hall of Supreme Harmony was barely opened, and the empress brought some family members and stumbled inside, bringing countless bloodstains along the way, but the clothes were stained blood red.

Although the queen's face was a little pale, she still remained calm. She walked in slowly, then took off her warm cloak, and said decisively to the family members behind her: "Today's event is very dangerous. If there is something unbearable to say, please be kind." You should measure yourself, and don't fall into the hands of the enemy, it will tarnish your reputation."

These words sounded very frightening, and all the girls were terrified for a moment, and they all fell to the ground and wept.

But the queen ignored her, walked lightly with her embroidered shoes, walked to the back row of the crowd, faced a concubine with plain face, and said sinisterly: "Your uncle is also ambiguous with that witch, don't you feel happy now?!"

This woman raised her head slowly. Although her face was haggard, she still couldn't hide her beauty, but she was Xu Jieyu Yinghua who was in the midst of filial piety. She lowered her head and didn't look at the queen, but said in a low voice: "My dearest relative. A tragic death, how can I have the slightest pleasure in my body?!"

The queen sneered and said: "You are blaming me and Wansui—no wonder, your uncle is leading the army, and what happened today must have something to do with him..."

Xu Yinghua didn't raise her head, but still said in a low voice: "Empress and Commander He are also very close to each other, in time, maybe you will also do what you do today..."


The emperor stood by the door, and when he heard the two men's swords, he shouted in a deep voice without looking back: "Shut up, all of you!"

The two women stood up and knelt down, and they were silent when they heard the words.

On the wide square, crowds of people rushed in like water, and those who kept retreating like ripples were the retreating Imperial Army. Blood and stumps were constantly arousing on their bodies, and they shouted in panic, retreating helplessly.

The sky was getting brighter and brighter, and when the last trace of darkness receded, the approaching soldiers in black armor silently retreated to both sides, and a group of people appeared in front of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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