Emperor Jin

Chapter 203 Human Heart

Chapter 203 Human Heart
Bao Jin resisted the turmoil in his heart, and smiled slightly, "I'm really surprised that Wan Sui said this..."

Now that the matter is over, she simply discarded all the pretense, even the word "concubine" is no longer used, "It is obvious that you and the queen empress knew the inside story and arranged this event, but now it is ridiculous to pretend like this. "

Seeing her smile, the emperor was not only beautiful but also charming. Hearing the provocative words, he didn't get angry. He just shook his head and said, "You're wrong..."

Facing her stunned gaze, the emperor held back the pain in his heart, and said word by word: "Although the queen told me the truth, and sent a letter from Gao Li, mentioning several witnesses, I never believed it."

The night wind blew from the corner of the hall and rolled up the sleeves of the young emperor's robe. The expression on his brows was no longer as severe as it used to be, only the incomparable sadness——

"Until these two people stand in front of you, until you admit it with your own mouth, I still believe in you... I have always believed in you."

His voice was almost gone in the end.

Bao Jin's complexion became extremely pale at this moment.

"I owe you an apology... I lied to you."

She said in a low voice.

Immediately, she raised her head high and said loudly to him: "But you, you took my Yuan family's century-old country, ruined my imperial sister's life, and made her die of torture, so what?!"

She suppressed the reluctance in her heart, and said with a sneer: "You said I lied to you, but why didn't you lie to my imperial sister, your sweet words, those vows of eternal love—"

"shut up!!"

She was about to continue talking, but the queen suddenly stood up, her pupils constricted, as if there were two balls of fire in her eyes, she held the emperor's arm with both hands convulsively, and scolded sharply: "It's useless to talk more, it's useless to talk about this!" Drag down the remnants of the past!"

As soon as the order was given, Jinwu guards entered the room, tied Baojin's hands behind his back, and dragged Baojin across the ground.

Mingyue watched from the side, her heart was about to burst, and she was about to rush forward, but Baojin yelled crisply: "Wait!"

I saw her push away the hand that was holding onto her, and slowly get up from the ground. Although she was in a mess, her face was still calm.

She glanced at Mingyue, which contained countless meanings. The latter was trembling all over, gritting her teeth tightly, but finally endured it.

Bao Jin stood up, her voice was still extremely calm, she glanced at all the seats around, no matter who met her eyes, they only felt clear and bright, making people unable to hide, and couldn't help but lower their heads.

"My Yuan family has ruled the country for a hundred years. In the past few decades, the decline of national power and the decline of people's livelihood are all the crimes of the royal family-but no matter what, the Yuan family has not owed everyone here a single iota. In a blink of an eye, you have climbed onto other people's walls, and you are not ashamed?!"

Everyone listened, many of them were red-faced, most of the guests at the banquet today were civil servants and foreign ministers, Bao Jin's words hit a vital point in their hearts, so under the annoyance and embarrassment, no one dared to answer.

"As for you, Your Majesty..."

She looked at the Ninth Five-Year Supreme on the high rank, and said word by word: "Yuanshi and you are sworn enemies, and the waters of three rivers and seven seas cannot be washed away."

Immediately, she turned her head, without the need for escort, and walked out with her head held high, followed by guards who were at a loss.

There were elbows and armpits in the main hall, but there were heavy searches inside and outside the six palaces—according to what the queen said, when the witnesses from Goryeo came to the palace, they could wipe out all the evil in the palace.

Ji Xin hid in front of the secret passage of the abandoned palace, hesitated to enter.

She looked at the dots of torches in the distance, and listened quietly to the faint cries and screams—they were the people outside the Chen Tower who hadn't had time to evacuate?Is it an old man in the palace who always yearns for the old dynasty?Or, some innocent palace people who were framed and arrested?
She was already powerless to think, her whole body was paralyzed, reason was urging her to enter the secret passage quickly, but there was a voice in her heart calling: I can't go like this, Baojin is still in the hall...

"Do not……"

She lowered her head, letting the dust on the ground stain her dress, she stared blankly at the distant sky in the dark, and only one thought came to her mind——

This night is really long...

There was a slight sound at the door of the ruined palace, Ji Xin trembled all over, unconsciously clenched the silver needle in her sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Who's there?!"

No one made a sound at the door, but the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. Ji Xin's whole body was tense, and the silver needle was about to be shot out, but the dilapidated door was pushed open with a sound. The fire folds illuminate each other's faces——

"It's you?!"

(I thought I could finish writing at the end of November, but now I find that the number of words is more than expected, MS I broke my promise again, everyone greet me with rotten eggs)

(End of this chapter)

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