The police in Tang's world

Chapter 143 What Enmity?What's the blame?

Chapter 143 What Enmity?What's the blame?
Yan Yu is not planning to go to Kobayashi Xingnai with Qin Feng now, he is going to get some information from Noda Hao, and then act alone, not wanting to waste time on Kobayashi Xingnai, a die-hard murderer.

First of all, Yan Yu asked about Watanabe Katsuki. He really wanted to know what Watanabe Katsuki did to make Kobayashi Xingnai kill him at the expense of a thousand.

Noda Hao’s answer exceeded Yan Yu’s expectations. The sixth generation of the Black Dragon Club had a blank record in Japan before the age of 38. How is this possible?
Watanabe was born in 46. At that time, after Japan was defeated in the war, it was occupied by the United States in the name of the Allied Forces. Although the United States later gained benefits from Japan due to the Korean War and the Vietnam War, it relaxed its economic and economic relations with Japan. political control.

At that time, Japan, due to the previous nearly 20 years of militarism, was very miserable after the defeat. Countless Japanese soldiers who fled back to Japan from the battlefield lived in Japan like ghosts. At the same time, many war orphans ran around in the streets. , that time was indeed a very chaotic period.

Moreover, Japan does not have a unified identity certificate until today. Anything such as a driver's license, national health insurance card, and resident certificate can be used as an identity certificate.

The reason for today's situation is that in Japan at that time, no matter men, women, old or young, they would be issued a number by the government, and then they needed to sew the number on their clothes with white cloth. With this number, they could be conscripted. possible.The headquarters of Japan in World War II was not safe. For those who do not need to go to the battlefield, this white cloth is the same as the dog tag of the US military.People often take the white cloth of the deceased and go door to door asking if the white cloth just taken off the body of the deceased belongs to their family.This has also led to the fact that Japan is very afraid of a unified identity certificate. Knowing that today, Japan's my number cannot be implemented.

But even so, there is no official record before the age of 38. If it is in Japan, how can there be no official records in 1984, such as birth certificates, medical records, and employment?He wanted no identity records, either farming in the countryside, or wandering the city like a stray dog.

The Black Dragon Society is also an alternative gang among the Japanese gangs. Other local Japanese gangs generally have no history. They are basically a group of defeated veterans and reclamation groups who fled back to Japan. As I said, many gangsters in Japan have this background.But the Black Dragon Society is not. You can guess that Watanabe, who is more than 70 years old, is still the sixth generation of the Black Dragon Society. The history of the Black Dragon Society is at least longer. They also played a disgraceful role in the war of aggression against China.

How could it be possible for a person who does odd jobs or farms in the countryside to fall in love with the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Club at the age of 38? It is impossible at all?
At that time, Japan paid more attention to being well-matched than China. Yan Yu was sure that the conditions of Watanabe's family should at least meet the requirements of the Black Dragon Club.

Yan Yu and Noda Hao learned about the situation of Katsu Watanabe's parents. There is very little identity information about his parents, but they were able to find out that his parents had traveled to Northeast China with the pioneering group.

Speaking of pioneering groups, Yan Yu also knows that Japan sent farmers to China during the war. With the help of the garrison and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce, they occupied the fertile fields of Chinese farmers. By the end of the war, there were about 34 pioneering groups in Northeast China and NMG. These people are not only farmers, but also invaders. They caused about 500 million farmers to be displaced and homeless.

Since the young and strong of the pioneering regiment put on military uniforms and became the reserve force of the Kwantung Army, the main force of the Japanese invaders, when the battle was tight in the later stage, a large part of these pioneering regiments who fled in the end were old, weak, sick and disabled.

Like Watanabe's parents, they were exempt from enlistment and were not captured by the Soviets to work in Siberia as coolies, but escaped back to Japan smoothly, so they must be people with status.

But the newly born Katsuki Watanabe must not be able to bear the bumps and fatigue all the way, so it is very likely that he was abandoned by his parents, and was raised as an abandoned baby by kind Chinese farmers.

In 79, Sino-Japanese relations eased, and a large number of Japanese orphans were found by their families, and then returned to Japan through repatriation. This Watanabe may have been repatriated to Japan after being found out to be Japanese at that time.Of course, many Chinese gangsters also forged their Japanese identities, were sent to Japan, worked illegally, were bullied, and became gangsters.

Yan Yu thought about it again, Xiaolin Xingnai is 40 years old this year, counting her age, if Watanabe Katsura strictly followed the policy of late marriage and late childbearing when she was in the Northeast, it would be entirely possible.

Yan Yu suddenly wanted to thank the countless domestic dog-blood TV series he had watched when he was a child in his previous life. He didn't watch the two kids next to him who only read detective novels, so he really didn't think about it at all.

Take a trip to the Northeast to verify your dog blood guess, Yan Yu is not so free yet.

However, Yan Yu began to sigh, the gangsters in Tokyo are too easy to mess with, they really don’t have the skills and intelligence to mess with gangsters, no one is looking for Katsuki Watanabe’s black material, if Kobayashi Anna is really guessed by Yan Yu In that way, then what a useful chess piece it is, what a waste to keep it by your side as a private secretary, train her well, and then send her to the Black Dragon Society when she was young, can the Black Dragon Society last until today?

No wonder the not-so-elite Chinese who smuggled to Japan to work illegally can also make a name for themselves here. Katsura Watanabe was able to rise strongly in Japan at the age of 38 and inherit the Black Dragon Club.

But after thinking about it, his opponents are all players who thought Su Chawei's plan had a fatal loophole and finally played himself to death. It is not surprising that Watanabe can lead the Black Dragon Club to this day.

But if people like Uncle come to Japan, can these people hold on?It is estimated that it is choking enough.

Yan Yu didn't want to go to the Northeast to verify his unfounded conjecture, because he had an easier method. He asked Kobayashi Xingnai to talk to her to see if she could speak Chinese, and it would be over.Yan Yu had already read the information about Xiaolin Xingnai. She was born in an orphanage and had never been exposed to Chinese. If she knew Chinese, her guess would be pretty close.

Moreover, although I came here to mediate conflicts, which is my fundamental purpose, and helping Watanabe get rid of the suspicion is only a means to achieve the purpose. As long as the purpose remains the same, can't the means be changed at will?All roads lead to Rome.

Thinking of this, Yan Yu didn't want to be separated from Qin Feng and the others, so he asked Noda Hao to find someone to keep his car safe, while he hurriedly typed the message with the nine keys blindly, and sent it to his uncle. His plan still needs his uncle's help helpful.

From Bangkok to Tokyo, it takes at least 8 hours, I hope I can make it in time.

 Thanks to the book friend Tiandi Xuanhuang 1916 for the reward, I am going to start making crazy changes to Tang Tan 3

(End of this chapter)

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