Chapter 72
Long ago, servants of Zheng's mansion spread white silk, set up food tables, and placed fresh fruits and vegetables in an open space in Lanjiang, waiting for the sisters-in-law from the mansion to arrive.

When the sisters-in-law got out of the car, they happily chirped and pointed at the flowers and plants, talking about something.It was like a bird released from a cage.

Zheng Ruo helped Liu Xu's hand to get out of the car, and took a fixed look at the upper reaches of the Lanjiang River.

"Why did you choose downstream instead of upstream?" Zheng Wan asked a servant arrogantly with a whip in her hand.

"Go back to Fifth Aunt, there are already people up there."

"Who is it? Let them move the place!" Zheng Wan said impatiently, she has always been used to being arrogant, and she was very unhappy when she heard that someone took the upper reaches first.

The servant said with some embarrassment, "Go back to Fifth Aunt, those people cannot be offended."

"What's there to offend?" Zheng Wan didn't believe it, "Let them move as soon as they want, how can there be so much nonsense!"

Zheng Ru took her hand and motioned her not to say anything, she did hear the voice of someone chanting from above, maybe some noble people came here to play like them.She waved her hand, and the servant immediately bowed and retreated.

"Aru, why are you pulling me?" Zheng Wan said dissatisfied, "Let them drive those people away, wouldn't it be better for us to go upstream? Now, we can only stay here downstream, drinking their footwashing water, How unlucky?"

"Awan, I saw Xie's carriage just now." Zheng Ru whispered in her ear.

"Xie Mansion?"

Zheng Ru nodded.

Zheng Wan frowned in displeasure, but didn't say anything more.

The sisters-in-law have already taken off their clogs, wearing white socks, walking on white silk, and sitting by their respective food tables.Although this is downstream, the servants also found a shaded place.In early summer, there is a cool breeze, but it doesn't feel too hot.

Zheng Ruo knows that this place is not as good as the large area of ​​shade upstream.Looking at the path that meanders up and into the woods, she knows that at the end there, the river is more than ten feet wider than here.In her last life, she heard from Zheng Wan that she had participated in a feast on this day, where celebrities from western Liaoning gathered.Most importantly, even Liu Sanbian came.

Liu Sanbian, in his sixties, is the dean of Bailu Academy.He is the most famous celebrity in western Liaoning.

If she can stand up for the elder brother today and get his evaluation, then there is hope for the elder brother to become an official.

"Liu Xu, bring me my lyre."


After taking the lyre, Liu Xu filled a glass of wine for her. These wines were all fruit wine, so she wasn't afraid that the sisters-in-law would get drunk.Zheng Ruo picked up the wine glass, stood up, smiled and said to all the sisters: "Ah Ruo is just a foil for today's banquet. Sisters, after drinking this glass of wine, A Ruo wishes everyone's talents and ideas to flow like a spring." After finishing speaking, she said: He covered his face with his sleeve and drank wine. "If you are not talented, I would like to entertain you sisters with piano music!"

Because Zheng Wan and Zheng Ru were able to get the hairpin, they didn't make things difficult for her.

As soon as Zheng Ruo played the qin music, a servant threw a wine glass full of wine into the river.The wine glass fell slowly.The sisters-in-law stared at the wine glasses, some were excited, some were nervous, and some were indifferent.And Zheng Ruo, who was sitting beside him, had a lyre on his lap, closed his eyes and faced the wind, and the sound of the lyre flowed out slowly under his hands like water.

The upper reaches of the Lanjiang River are lined with green trees.The open space is covered with thick white silk, and there are many people dressed as scribes sitting scattered.

"Huh?" Zhou Jue asked curiously, "Masters, have you ever heard the sound of the piano?"

Xie Sanlang and Xie Yan listened attentively, "It seems to be coming from below."

Lying on the white silk, with his chest bare and catching lice, Liu Sanbian closed his eyes and listened quietly for a while, then nodded, and said: "This qin skill has reached perfection, it's not bad." He quietly He listened quietly for a while, frowned, and said, "It's a pity that the sound of the piano is quite dull. It really failed the good time..." He turned his head and said with a smile, "Jiulang, how is this piano music better than yours?" ?”

"Hahaha... If the one playing the piano is a beautiful sister-in-law, she must be more fragrant than Jiulang!" Zhou Jue joked.

Wang Jinzhi shook his head with a helpless smile.

"Wouldn't it be easy to see who is playing the piano? Just go down in a boat and just go with the flow." Xie Yan also said jokingly.

"Not bad, not bad. There is such a wonderful song, but I want to meet this wonderful person for a while." Liu Sanbian patted his thigh and said, and got up while talking.

Reluctantly, Wang Jinzhi got into the small boat with them. He said it was a small boat, but it was just a raft made by people cutting down trees.Several people got on the raft, and the boatman pushed it lightly, and the raft left the bank and went downstream with the river.

Zheng Ruo, who was playing the piano with her eyes closed, suddenly felt a flash of light in her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, the wine glass stopped in front of her.She smiled slightly, and was signaling for Liu Xu to push the glass into the water and move forward.A sly smile flashed across Zheng Wan's mouth, she had never heard of Zheng Ruo's poems, it would be good to make her look ugly.Thinking of this in her heart, she said loudly, "Ah Ruo. Since the wine glass stopped at your place, why don't you compose a song too, and it's just to help you have fun." After she finished speaking, she gave Zheng Qi a wink.

Zheng Qi immediately echoed and said, "Ah Ruo, let's do a song too." The other sisters-in-law immediately booed.

Zheng Ruo picked up the wine glass from the water, smiled slightly, and said with some embarrassment, "Since all the sisters are so kind, Ah Ruo will not be disrespectful. All the sisters have the right to relieve their boredom."

Seeing what she said, Zheng Wan became even more certain that she would not know how to write poetry, and said with a loud smile, "Don't worry, Ah Ruo, the people here don't take it seriously, just like what you said, just to relieve the boredom, let The other sisters just have to prepare." It turned out to be a merciless sneer.

Although the other sisters-in-law didn't embarrass her face to face, they all covered their mouths and snickered.

Zheng Ru also looked at Zheng Ruo with a sneer on her face. Since she was a child, she had never heard of Zheng Ruo's poems.Ever since she woke up from the lake, this Zheng Ruo was completely different from before, as if her temper had changed.Seeing the person who used to be loyal to her, suddenly become very assertive, and still go against her everywhere, this feeling is like that person has betrayed you, which made Zheng Wan secretly hate.Now she looks at Zheng Ruo as if she is looking at a traitor, and she always wants to teach her a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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