Chapter 318

Of course Lu Sanya heard what Sheng Fei said to the teacher. She was very confident in herself and said that she would definitely be able to earn a lot of money in the future.

Because the teacher said that money is coming in quickly in this line of business, and money is earned very quickly, so Sheng Fei won't have to work so hard to earn money outside.

If she can earn money, Sheng Fei can spend a lot of time with her.

Because Sheng Fei is a very responsible mother who knows how to respect her children.

Just like their classmates, the mothers of many classmates will restrict them from making friends, and say that they are allowed to play with good academics and not to play with poor academics.

Sometimes I want to bring my children home as a guest, but their mothers don't allow it.

Said that those children are good at stealing and rummaging through things, and never give the children any face in front of outsiders.

But Sheng Fei was different. She could easily communicate with Lu Sanya as an adult.

Every time when Lu Sanya has friends coming to the house, Sheng Fei will show a very good attitude to entertain Lu Sanya's classmates. She is beautiful, gentle, generous and decent, and Sheng Fei is ingenious, and the snacks she makes are delicious. It's delicious, so sometimes during holidays, Lu Sanya and some classmates and friends who have a good relationship come to Lu Sanya's place to eat and drink every day.

Anyway, the relationship was relatively good, so Sheng Fei didn't criticize too much, instead, she was there, helping them entertain Lu Sanya's friends together.

To give Lu Sanya enough face, in front of Lu Sanya's classmates, Sheng Fei and Lu Sanya have a very close relationship.

Even in private, sometimes when Sheng Fei felt that Lu Sanya had done something wrong, she would first tell Lu Sanya that it was wrong, and then ask her to correct her previous mistakes.

Sheng Fei's education method can be said to be relatively new.

Because in their place, children are the private property of their parents, they are beaten and scolded at will, they can be beaten as much as they want, and they can be scolded as much as they want, no one will respect children like Sheng Fei.

Sheng Fei knew that children also wanted to save face, so Sheng Fei did it. Not only Lu Sanya's older brothers and younger brothers, but even Lu Sanya's classmates and friends knew that Lu Sanya had a very gentle and virtuous stepmother.

Buy her so many snacks, shoes and clothes every day.

Telling them those bedtime stories, even going out, will give Lu Sanya great respect and face.

In fact, many adults have entered a blind spot.

It's just that they think that children are shameless, and children can be shameless.

But in fact, the younger the people, the more they want face, and the more they want to gain face in front of their classmates and friends. On the contrary, the people who are stalking now are all older people.

The reason why they are so thick-skinned and seize some public resources is because they are getting older and taking advantage of it indiscriminately.

Most of the time, face is not considered that important, as long as they can gain some benefits, even if they are embarrassed in front of many people, they will not care.

It is because of this that Sheng Fei pays more attention to the self-esteem of children.

She treats the children all out of sincere love, and she is never selfish.

Strive to treat all five children equally.

The five children, regardless of their age, no matter what they have, Sheng Fei will distribute them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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