The vicious stepmother in the chronology

Chapter 313 We want to eat meat

Chapter 313 We want to eat meat

"If you think it's inconvenient to live in the village, let's go live in the county."

Lu Ting thought about it. The money he put in the stock market has increased by more than ten times, and his business is booming. Not to mention buying a house in a county town, it is more than enough to go to a first-tier city.

"Ah, that's fine."

Lu Ting is rich, and Sheng Fei is also desperately saving money during this time, just wanting to buy a house in a big city and wait for the value to rise in the future. Why is Sheng Fei missing such a good thing.

It is relatively easy for Lu Ting and Sheng Fei to buy a house now. The current house price is not soaring like in later generations, so if they buy a house now, there will be a lot of room for appreciation. In this way, Sheng Fei and Lu Ting decided.

After the rain stopped, after a while, they went to the city to look at houses together.

But where to buy a house, this made the two murmur, not knowing whether to move to another city to buy, or to buy in this city.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

For Sheng Fei, it must be to go to a big city to buy a house, so as to be safe.

She is working so hard to make money now, just to buy a house and give her children a good living space.

And Lu Ting's thoughts were surprisingly consistent with Sheng Fei's.

Because Lu Ting, Sheng Fei and the others are at home, they have made a lot of money recently, and Sheng Fei often likes to hoard food and eat food at home, so as long as the things in their house are kept well, and the weather is cold now, it is not Things are not easy to store in hot weather.

Especially those rice noodles, grains and oils are all at home, they are well stored, and they will not spoil, not to mention snacks, so their family can eat delicious meat every day.

Every time the scent floats to the next door, it makes Da Fang hungry.

Especially the two children of Dafang, auspiciously smelling that Sheng Fei is cooking today.

Now Sheng Fei cooks spicy diced chicken, hot kidney and chicken stewed with mushrooms, and the aroma wafts directly to Lucky Ruyi's nose.

They sniffed the scent of fragrant food and insisted that they wanted to eat too.

Why did Sheng Fei and his family have food, but his own did not.

The two children also cried, arguing that they wanted to eat, and if the adults did not let them eat, they would not eat.

For my own food, I only have a little bit of food every day, and nothing.

Eating is not enough, because their family's food reserves are relatively small, so when cooking, Mrs. Lu and Xu Yuxia put very little oil and water, because there is too little oil and water, so there is not enough food.

Jixiang Ruyi quarrels every day and wants to eat the food from the neighbor's house, which makes Xu Yuxia don't know what to do.

Now the relationship between the two families is not good at all, because of what happened last time, the faces of the two families were torn apart.

Now let her lick her face and ask Lu Ting what he wants to eat, let alone Mrs. Lu, even Xu Yuxia, who is so thick-skinned, can't bear it.

Unlike Jixiang Ruyi, who is disobedient all day long, he just clamors for food.

"I don't care, I'm so hungry, I just want to eat meat, I just want to eat meat, mom, go and ask for it, go and go with third uncle, you go and ask him for meat, I just want to eat Meat, you ask him, I'm so hungry."

"Me too, I'm so hungry, mom, why don't you ask for it? If you ask for it, third uncle will give it to you.

If he loves those five children so much, he must love us too. I also want to eat meat. "

(End of this chapter)

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