Chapter 299 Storytelling

I thought the rainy season would stop soon, but I didn't expect that it would still be flooded after a few days and nights.

It blocked everyone's way, and even the door was covered with shallow puddles.

Because the terrain on Sheng Fei's side is relatively high, while the terrain on the other side of the village is relatively low. Many villagers heard that their pigpens were flooded, and they also said that the village chief and the village branch secretary took people there. save people.

Sheng Fei and Lu Ting were at home, so they could only take care of these children at home with peace of mind.

Sheng Fei already liked to save things before, and there was enough rice, noodles, rice, oil and salt at home, even if he was trapped for a few months, it would be enough to eat, so Sheng Fei didn't think there was anything wrong.

Because of the heavy rain, the schools around the school have been closed, and now some people want to eat, so they have to send people from the village to buy it, and then deliver it door to door.

After all, it is inconvenient for people to walk under such a heavy rain, and there are many potholed pools and caves in the village. If someone who is not familiar with the road accidentally falls into the cave, he will drown, so they just Can be here first.

These few days, Sheng Fei was at home with a few children. Although the children were not happy to go out to play, they were still willing to have Sheng Fei tell them stories.

Over there, Lu Ting sat with the children, quietly listening to Sheng Fei's storytelling.

Sheng Fei knew that the children now often listened to the stories of the four great classics told by the elders in the village. They probably got tired of listening to the four great classics, so Sheng Fei told them about One Thousand and One Nights when the children had nothing to play. s story.

It is said that there was a kingdom in the past, and the king had a habit of taking a new queen every day, and after the next day, he would kill the new queen and marry another woman, and so on.

But one day, after the king married a woman, the woman told the king a story. The two told the story all night. When the king hadn't heard enough, the rooster crowed.

The king hadn't had enough of listening to it yet. After seeing that the woman stopped talking, he didn't kill the woman, but let the woman continue to tell the story.

In this way, day after day, year after year, the woman told many stories, which finally moved the king.

The king stopped killing the woman, and Sheng Fei told the children one by one the story of the thousand and one nights told by the woman.

Lu Ting has never heard of it. His parents told him stories. When he was young, his parents didn't love them, they only loved his eldest brother. Now Lu Ting really hopes that his parents can tell them stories, so Lu Ting told Sheng Fei and everyone listened to Sheng Fei telling stories.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Fei's stories were one after another, which was very attractive, so Lu Ting devoted himself to listening to Sheng Fei's stories with the children.

When the six children sat together, Sheng Fei pursed her lips and smiled. She didn't expect Lu Ting to be so cute.

Listening to Sheng Fei telling stories there, sometimes Lu Xiaowu felt strange and would ask Sheng Fei why, and Sheng Fei would patiently tell the children the reason.

So in these days, as long as everyone is bored after eating, or weaving baskets and sewing shoe soles, the children will sweep the house and clean up the yard. This home still has a special atmosphere of life.

"Sheng Fei, where did you hear these stories? I haven't heard the story of the Thousand and One Nights yet."

(End of this chapter)

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