The vicious stepmother in the chronology

Chapter 239 Little Fatty Was Blamed

Chapter 239 Little Fatty Was Blamed

Because Xiaopangya's house is almost next to Lu Chen's, the two children can sometimes walk together.

However, Lu Chen always went home with Lu Ye and the others, and it was rare for the little fat girl to go with Lu Chen.

Now not only can I go home with Lu Chen, but I can also do such interesting things, the little fat girl is very happy.

"Look, look, I've picked up five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Isn't it amazing? You don't pick up as much as I do. I'm much better than you. Now, should you Praise and praise me, what about such a powerful person like me?"

After the little fat girl finished picking up the bottle, when she gave the bottle to Lu Chen, she also praised herself incidentally, saying that she is very capable now.

Lu Chen naturally knew that the little fat girl wanted him to praise her, so Lu Chen also praised the fat girl for her good eyesight without hesitation.

In some places, Lu Chen didn't even see it himself, but the little fat girl saw it instead.

"Your eyes are too sharp, you can find them in these places."

"My mother said that eating carrots is good for your eyes. She often lets me eat them. How about I bring you some too."

"This is not very good, it was prepared by your mother for you."

"We're all friends now. Between friends, what's the difference between you and me? You're welcome. I'll bring you two carrots when I pick up dinner tomorrow."

The little fat girl directly expressed her thoughts without waiting for Lu Chen to refuse.

When the little fat girl was about to turn to the fork in the road, she handed all the bottles in her hand to Lu Chen, and then waved to him, saying that she would see you at school tomorrow.

Lu Chen pursed his lips happily, and told her to see you tomorrow.

Little Fatty is very happy to be able to work with Lu Chen today.

After playing all these, the little fat girl was very happy physically and mentally, and went home bouncing around.

After returning home, Xiaopangya came back a little late because she and Lu Chen were reducing plastic bottles together.

Xiaopangya's parents asked her why she came back so late.

The little fat girl directly told about the fact that she and Lu Chen picked up plastic bottles together. She thought her parents would praise her, but she didn't expect her parents to blame her this time.

The little fat girl's mother was very angry, and frowned directly.

"You are not allowed to play with Lu Chen anymore. Who are you and who is he? If you still play with him, you won't be afraid that he will spoil you.

Like that kind of person, he doesn't deserve to play with you at all, don't look for him anymore, just look at him for yourself, he spends all day picking up plastic bottles, do you know why he does this?

Because their family has no money and their family is poor, so they want to pick them up. Our family does not lack your food or clothes, so why do you pick them up?

Do you know that this is embarrassing, if others find out, do you know how others will laugh at us?Well, you are not allowed to play with him in the future, if I find you playing with him again, I will beat you. "

Xiaopangya's mother severely reprimanded Xiaopangya.

This time, the father who loved Xiaopangya very much also stood on the side of mother and criticized and educated Xiaopangya.

Even Xiaopangya's father didn't support her, instead saying that playing with Lu Chen had no way out.

And children like Lu Chen, they deserve to stay in the fields all their lives, and they must be herding cattle and farming when they grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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