The vicious stepmother in the chronology

Chapter 174 Auspicious Ruyi Gone

Chapter 174 Auspicious Ruyi Gone

Suddenly the stomachs of the two started growling together, and Jixiang Ruyi looked at each other, and they realized that it was the other's stomach growling, as if they were both hungry.

"Brother, I feel so hungry, let's eat something."

"I'm hungry too, let's eat something together."

The two of them took out the remaining biscuits and ate them, crying while eating, even the tears and snot on their faces flowed into their mouths.

Lu Ruyi didn't feel it, because he was tired and hungry now, and he was itchy, numb and uncomfortable, and felt uncomfortable all over his body.

I didn't feel anything when I was protected by my parents before, but now I come out alone, it seems that the whole person is not right.

Auspicious Ruyi has been freezing outside in the middle of the night, and now the sky is dark, there is black dust, and there is no light at all, so they dare not go down or retreat, they can only stay here.

Lu Ruyi was so forced that he couldn't do anything, he couldn't sleep.

Seeing the darkness around him and the insects biting him, he wanted to leave, but he was so sleepy now.

"Brother, if my mother can find out that we are gone, she will come to find us. I am so hungry and sleepy now, I feel very uncomfortable all over my body."

"I also hope that grandpa and grandma can find us. It would be great if he could find us. I am also very uncomfortable. You can see that I have been bitten by bugs on my feet. Look at how painful the bumps on my feet are."

"But now I can't see anywhere, and I can't go home even if I want to go home. I really regret it. Even if my mother hits me, I don't want to run out alone again. Why doesn't my mother come to us? So scary and uncomfortable."

Jixiang Ruyi has been freezing here, hoping that Xu Yuxia and Lu Jiefang can find them.

In the afternoon over there, Xu Yuxia and Mrs. Lu finally rushed back from outside.

Xu Yuxia also picked a handful of leeks from Aunt Wang's house next door, saying she was going home to make leek buns.

When they got home and shouted for good fortune, no one said a word, and Xu Yuxia didn't care at that time.

I thought that Jixiang Ruyi was having a relationship with him, so I went to cook.

And Mrs. Lu went home to get some things, and then went to the next door to chat.

Lu Jiefang came home very late again, so no one noticed that Jixiang Ruyi was missing all afternoon.

When it was time for dinner at night, Lu Jiefang came back.

Lu Jianguo also woke up. At that time, Xu Yuxia went to the house to look for Jixiang Ruyi, only to find that Jixiang Ruyi had disappeared.

But Jixiang Ruyi is like this sometimes. After school, they play until midnight, and it is not uncommon for them to skip dinner.

Xu Yuxia herself was angry in her heart, and she was angry with auspicious wishes.

After all, they were so naughty that they cost me a large sum of money so I didn't say anything, and they were warned by neighbors and the village chief.

After all, it was their mistake that caused Jixiang Ruyi to knock over the kerosene lamp, which woke up the neighbors in the middle of the night and delayed their sleep.

Xu Yuxia was also taught by the village head and the others for a long time, and she became even more angry with Jixiang Ruyi in her heart, so she didn't go to look for Jixiang Ruyi.

Granny Lu, who always loved her grandson more, was also angry, so she didn't look for it, and neither of them looked for it.

After dinner, Xu Yuxia saw that the sky was getting late, and there was no auspicious figure, so she felt afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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