Gan Family Instructions

Chapter 20 Finalization

Chapter 20 Finalization
The dead are a part of human beings, and it is inevitable.In the nineteenth year of my life, the Liang family was in turmoil, during which there were many generations of people who worked with the white sword; fortunately, I have inherited the remaining blessings and have been able to survive until today.The ancients said: "Fifty is not young." I am over sixty, so my heart is calm, and I don't think about dying.First of all, there is a disease of etiquette, and I am often suspicious, and I have always been pregnant when I talk about books, thinking that you are admonishing me.

None of the first emperors and wives returned to the old mountain of Jianye, and they were buried in Dongguo, Jiangling.At the end of Chengsheng, he has already started seeking to raise the capital, and wants to move the camp.A hundred liang of silver was given by the imperial edict, and bricks were fired in the northern suburbs of Yangzhou.Even though they are mixed today and their families are poor, why should they pay the camp fee?Moreover, Yangdu was polluted and destroyed, and there were no relics left, and it was still wet, which was not a plan.Self-blame and self-blame, deeply rooted.Brother Ji, I don't deserve to be an official; but because the family is weak, the flesh and blood are weak, and there is no one in the five uniforms, so that you will not be able to return to the shadow of your capital; you will sink into slavery and feel the shame of your ancestors; so you are ashamed of the world. , dare not fall.It is also because the politics and religion in the north are strict, so there are no recluses.

This year, the old disease has invaded, and it is suddenly dying. Do you want to prepare for etiquette?Let go of your arms for a day, just take a bath, don't work hard, and wear ordinary clothes.When the late wife abandoned her back, the world was in famine, the family was in straitened circumstances, the brothers were young and weak, the coffin utensils were thin, and there were no bricks in the collection.I should loosen the coffin by two inches, and the clothes and hats have been removed. I can't take it with me. I can only use seven-star boards on the bed; it is necessary to stop saving the genus such as wax crossbow teeth, jade dolphins, and tin people. It is not allowed to camp. , The inscription on the stele is not clear, but it is beyond words.Carriages are carried by turtle armored carts, lining the soil, and there are no graves on the flat ground; if you are afraid of worshiping and sweeping the unknown area, you should build a low wall on the left, right, front, back, and follow it as a private ear.Do not set up a few pillows for the spiritual feast, and the moon and moon will be auspicious, but there will be white porridge, clear water and dried dates, and there will be no sacrifices of wine, meat, cakes and fruits.All friends and relatives who come to dine will be rejected.If Rucao goes against my heart and has a concubine, I will fall into my father's unfilial piety. Is it safe for you?Its inner merits.Do what you can, don't exhaust your living resources, and let the cold starve you.Sacrifice at four o'clock, as taught by Zhou and Confucius, don't kill your relatives if you want others, and don't forget filial piety.It is useless to seek all the internal codes.Killing for it will increase the crime.If you want to repay the virtue of Wangji, the sorrow of frost and dew, sometimes fast offerings, and the Yulan basin in the seventh and half month, I hope you will.

Confucius' burial of relatives also said: "The tomb of the ancients is not the tomb. People from the east, west, south, and north of the hills cannot be known." So he was named Chong Sichi.However, when a gentleman behaves according to the world, there are also times when he does not guard the grave, and what is more, he is forced by circumstances!I am now traveling, my body is like floating clouds, and I don't know where is my burial place; only when the breath is exhausted, I will bury my ears.Ru Cao should use the name of the business to pass on the industry, not to care about the decayed soil, to get rid of it.

Attachment: Preface to Yan's Family Precepts

Yan Zhitui, the servant of the Huangmen in the Northern Qi Dynasty, was talented in learning, with high mountains and deep seas.Chang Yuhuang imperial court, Pinzao figures, seven volumes of books, model Qianye, titled "Yan's Family Instructions".Although it is not Zishi Tongbo, it is Wang Yangaidai.Among them, it is on the right side of "Guang Ya" to dispel doubts and doubts; it is on the left side of "Shi Shuo" to mirror the wise and candle the foolish.Only one article about Buddhist affairs is exhausted.Yu used to discuss the production of Hongao in the official residence.The crowd may be troubled, and Yu said: "What is the meaning of the little ear?" Yu asked the master for a pen and paper, and recorded (Wu Huanfan), (Xuan), 熭 (year), <; plain spoon>; ), 獡 (口), 嫕 (Yu Jifan), 扊 (焦), 扅 (Shift), 秠 (疋来反) and other nine characters to show it, Fang Shi was horrified.Yu said: "Every character is used to explain the meaning. I still don't know the characters, but I can see them in Yi'an? The whirling clouds are small, and it's quite a hurry." Everyone thanked Yu and ordered them to understand.Yu Sui made the sound and meaning to understand it, how can I be ashamed of the theory of the law, it is determined;

(End of this chapter)

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