Chapter 2
The superior wisdom is formed without teaching, the inferior foolishness is useless even if it is taught, and the mediocre person does not know without teaching.In ancient times, the sage kings had the method of prenatal education: in the third month of pregnancy, they should go out to other palaces, not to look at wrongly, not to listen to wrongly, and to taste the sound with etiquette.The jade version of the book is hidden in the golden chamber.Give birth to a child and cough <mouth yes>, the teacher Bao Gu Ming filial piety, benevolence, propriety and righteousness, guide and practice it.Even if ordinary people can't do it, they should be as young as infants, know people's colors, know people's happiness and anger, and then teach them, make them do what they do, and make them stop when they stop.When you are a few years old, you can save flogging and punishment.Parents are majestic and compassionate, and children are fearful and filial.I have seen the world, love without education, it is not always possible; eat and drink, do as one pleases; admonishing and rewarding, should laugh instead of laughing, until you have knowledge, it is called the law.Arrogance has been learned, only to copy it, beat it to death without prestige, anger grows day by day and resentment grows, catches up with growth, and eventually becomes a moral failure.

Confucius said that "success is like nature, habit is like nature".As the saying goes: "Teaching the first-time woman, teaching the baby." Sincerely!
Ordinary people who cannot teach their children do not want to fall into their sins; but it is more important than He Nu.It hurts its color, and it is unbearable to hurt its skin and ears.When the disease is used as a commandment, how can it be cured without decoction and acupuncture?Also, those who think diligently to supervise and train are willing to torture their own flesh and blood?Sincerely have to.

Mrs. Wei, Wang Dasi's mother, is very serious.When Wang was in Pancheng, he was a general of 3000 people. He was over forty years old.During the reign of Emperor Liang Yuan, there was a scholar who was intelligent and talented. He was favored by his father, but he lost his teaching.Nian became a married official, and his arrogance grew stronger day by day, and he used unscrupulous words to provoke Zhou Ti's guts.

The strictness of father and son cannot be sex; the love of flesh and blood cannot be simple.Jane is kind and filial, but neglect is born of infidelity.It is not a simple way to suppress itching and pain, and hang a quilt and a pillow.Or ask: "Chen Kang likes to hear that a gentleman is far away from his son, what is that?" Confrontation: "Yes. It is also because a gentleman does not teach his son personally. There are ironic remarks in "Poems", and suspicious admonitions in "Li" , "Book" has things that are contradictory and chaotic, "Spring and Autumn" has ridicules of evil and out-of-the-ordinary things, and "Yi" has signs of preparation: none of them can be communicated by father and son, so they don't teach them in person."

The son of Emperor Wucheng of Qi Wucheng, King Langye, the mother and younger brother of the crown prince, was born with intelligence, loved by the emperor and empress, and his clothes and food were consistent with those of the Eastern Palace.The emperor called it on every face and said: "This is a crafty son, and he should achieve something." When the prince ascended the throne, the king lived in another palace, and the etiquette was excellent, not like other kings;He was about ten years old, arrogant and unrestrained, and played well with utensils and clothes, so he must plan to take advantage of it; he tasted the South Hall, saw that Dianyu entered the new ice, and offered early plums with hooks and shields, but he couldn't ask for it, so he was very angry, and he said: "My lord I already have it, why do I not want it?" I don't know how to divide it, but the rate is the same.Many people who know it are ridiculed by Uncle Duan Zhouyu.Later, he disliked the prime minister, so he pretended to kill him, but feared that he would be rescued, so he reined in the soldiers under his command to guard the gate of the palace;

People's beloved sons are rare and can be equal. From ancient times to the present, there have been many disadvantages.The virtuous and handsome should be appreciated and loved, the stubborn should also be sympathetic, and those who are partial to favor, although they want to favor them, they will be even more disastrous.The death of the common uncle was actually caused by the mother; the killing of King Zhao was actually caused by the father.Liu Biao's clan collapsed and Yuan Shao's land was divided and his soldiers died, which can be a lesson for the spirit turtle.

There was a scholar-bureaucrat in the Qi Dynasty who said to me: "I have a son who is seventeen years old and is quite ignorant of books. I taught him Xianbei language and how to play the pipa. I want to understand it a little bit, so I can serve the public. I love it and do things. .” I bowed down without answering.Strange, this man's godson!If you do this, you will send yourself to the prime minister, and you don't want Ru Cao to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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