Chapter 89

Huo Tianxiao shook his head vigorously to shake off the bad thoughts in his heart, just like he came quietly and left quietly, no one was disturbed.

However, what Huo Tianxiao didn't expect was that just after he left, a court lady hurried towards Huo Tianchen, leaned over and said a few words in Huo Tianchen's ear.

When Huo Tianchen heard that, he quickly looked up at the gate, but he didn't even see a corner of his clothes.


On the second day, Huo Tianchen, who had been absent for several days in a row, went up unexpectedly.

And this day, Yin Fengche, who went to the southern border, also hurried back.

It's just that the time was just missed. When Yin Fengche first entered Kaitian City, the court had already retreated, and Huo Tianchen left Huo Tianxiao behind to talk in the study.

Without exception, they were all political affairs, which Huo Tianxiao never paid attention to in the past, but now he listened with an unprecedented patience.

Huo Tianchen was really running out of time, and he also knew about the failure of Bodhidharma's body, so at this time, there was really no hope of survival at all.

After talking about political affairs, and talking about Zhao Wuji and Li Mu, Huo Tianchen smiled and said, "Xiao, how are you doing recently?"

Huo Tianxiao frowned slightly. Huo Tianchen never asked about his private life. He didn't know why he would ask such a question today, but he still replied, "It's okay."

"Is it really okay? Why do you look so bad?" Huo Tianchen asked.

"I didn't sleep well last night."

"Hehe... I can guess, why didn't you sleep because of something?"

"You can't guess." Huo Tianxiao said coolly.

"Maybe, maybe I got it right the first time I guessed it?" Huo Tianchen said with interest.

Huo Tianxiao didn't know what happened to Huo Tianchen today, so he said casually, "Then you guess."

Huo Tianchen said again, "If I guess correctly, you promise me one condition."

"Okay." Huo Tianxiao said without thinking.

Huo Tianchen laughed, "Xiao, last night, it must be because of An Huan that you tossed and turned and couldn't sleep."

Huo Tianxiao's face changed slightly, his first reaction was that Huo Tianchen found out about his going to Muyun Palace yesterday.

However, soon, the strange look on his face disappeared. This was not a glorious thing, and he didn't want to be laughed at by Huo Tianchen.

However, Huo Tianchen's seemingly random remarks were destined to cause some waves in his heart.

Indeed, when he saw Huo Tianchen and An Huan together yesterday, he felt unspeakably depressed and depressed. He didn't know where this emotion came from, but it was hard to dissipate.

He thought about it all night and didn't understand what was going on. He went to court early the next morning and his complexion was bad, that's for sure.

Seeing that he pursed his lips and said nothing, Huo Tianchen knew he had guessed right, and then smiled, "You really are thinking about her."

"I didn't miss her." Huo Tianxiao said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, even I was slightly taken aback by such a fierce reaction.

When did his mood become so easy to fluctuate.

However, Huo Tianchen didn't seem to be surprised or annoyed, instead a narrow smile appeared on his face.

It was really guessed by him, this Huo Tianxiao did have strange and inexplicable thoughts about An Huan, but maybe even he himself didn't realize it.

Huo Tianchen smiled faintly, "I guessed it right, now fulfill the request just now."

"What do you want to say?" Huo Tianxiao said angrily.

It was obvious that he was taking advantage of the loophole, but he just went right in.

"The request is very simple, Xiao... from now on, treat An Huan better!" Huo Tianchen said seriously.

"What?" Huo Tianxiao was shocked, thinking he had heard wrong.

"I told you to treat her better." Huo Tianchen said again.

"Impossible." Huo Tianxiao sternly refused.

"I would like to bet and admit defeat, but you can't do that." Huo Tianchen was also annoyed.

"I admit defeat, but this condition is an exception." Huo Tianxiao's voice became louder and louder.

"That's the only condition I have." Huo Tianchen was also stubborn.

"Hmph... Then I'm sorry..." Huo Tianxiao was about to leave after finishing speaking.

Huo Tianchen stopped him loudly, and said angrily, "Xiao, why are you so crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, you're the one who's crazy." Huo Tianxiao thought he was justified, "Chen, I really don't know what's going on with you, to defend that woman like that, tell me, what is she doing? Is there anything better?"

After learning that Huo Tianchen hid An Huan privately in the palace, it was just an exchange of terms with Yin Fengche, and the instigator was Yin Fengche, Huo Tianxiao put it down and did not pursue it any further.

However, after seeing Huo Tianchen and An Huan appearing close together over and over again, and hearing Huo Tianchen begging An Huan again today, no matter how good Huo Tianxiao's temper was, he was about to explode, not to mention that his temper had never been considered good. .

"Xiao, you said I was crazy, I think you are deceiving yourself, how long are you going to deceive yourself?" Huo Tianchen said angrily.

"I have never deceived myself or others." Huo Tianxiao said disdainfully.

" said you didn't deceive yourself, then tell me, what's wrong with Anhuan that made you hate her so much?" Huo Tianchen asked back.

Huo Tianxiao immediately choked on his words. Calculated, he and An Huan have not been together for a long time, and when the two of them are together, they always wear a mask, pretending to be fake, and confronting Maimang. To be specific What's wrong with An Huan, I really can't tell for a while.

But who is Huo Tianxiao, how can he be so troubled by such a question so easily, he pondered for a while, and said coldly, "Chen, have you forgotten what happened in Moling other courtyard ten years ago?"

Huo Tianchen sighed, knowing that Huo Tianxiao would never forget this, he sighed, "Xiao, it doesn't make any sense to pursue this matter, does it? The real murderer is Da Zongba."

"But she is the executioner who carried out the order." Huo Tianxiao admitted his death.

"But you also have to think about whether she is willing to do that thing, and whether she has any unavoidable difficulties."

"I don't care about these things. No matter how big the difficulty is, it can't be a reason to kill someone. Do you understand? You haven't experienced what happened ten years ago, so you can let it go easily, but I can't forget it. I will never forget it." I can't forget it, so I hate her and everyone related to the events of that year." At the end of Huo Tianxiao's speech, his voice was stern, and the chill was overwhelming, making Huo Tianchen feel as if he had been wrapped in a chill, which was extremely uncomfortable. Comfortable.

Huo Tianchen was shocked by Huo Tianxiao's fierce attitude. He knew the shadow left by the events of that year on Huo Tianxiao's heart, but he didn't expect that the shadow would be so heavy. It was heavier than he imagined. How many times heavier.

And today's conversation seems to have greatly deviated from his original intention. He originally wanted to downplay the grievances between Huo Tianxiao and An Huan, but he didn't know that it was counterproductive. On the contrary, it stimulated Huo Tianxiao even more and aroused his heart The resentment between her and An Huan grew bigger and bigger.

Huo Tianchen gave a wry smile, which touched his heart, and then he coughed uncontrollably.

He coughed intensively for a long time, and when he stopped, the handkerchief covering his mouth was already stained with blood.

At the same time, some meat-like debris on the handkerchief was clearly visible, which was coughed up by the broken internal organs.

The shocking scene made Huo Tianchen crumbling, and Huo Tianxiao's face instantly became extremely pale.

He stepped forward to support Huo Tianchen, and said in a trembling voice, "Chen... Chen... are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Wiping the blood stains from the corners of his mouth normally, Huo Tianchen seemed to be a normal person. In fact, he had almost adapted and become numb to this level of coughing at least three times a day.

"How could it become so serious, you..." Huo Tianxiao said in disbelief.

He originally thought that there was still time, but at this moment, a strong sense of crisis came over him.

He knew that maybe all along, he had thought too much about the consequences, and Huo Tianchen had been trying not to show his defeat in front of others during this time, but in fact, he was already at the end of his rope and dying.

"It's okay if you say it's okay." Huo Tianchen slapped his hand away, and continued with the question just now, "Xiao, I need your promise, you know that."

"That thing again?" Huo Tianxiao's face became extremely livid.

Could it be that An Huan really has such a charm that Huo Tianchen wants to protect her even if he doesn't care about himself?

Why?Could it be that the so-called resentment and anger all this time were all his fault, and it was just his fever.

So what's the point of what he did?

No, things are definitely not like that, and it is far from possible to let go of what happened back then, otherwise, how could he be worthy of so many dead people, and what's the point of his survival?

To deny what happened back then is to deny his hard work for so many years, and it even denies half of his life.

This point, how willing and acceptable he is.

As for his struggle, how could Huo Tianchen fail to see it, but it was precisely because he saw it that his heart was full of worry.

A life maintained by hatred is really too negative and too dark. If Huo Tianxiao really ended the matter of the year with his own hands, then what will he rely on to maintain his life for the rest of his life?
I'm afraid, there will be regrets and regrets left.

And those are exactly what Huo Tianchen doesn't want to see. When will the grievances be repaid? The real life is already tragic and cruel enough, so why add to it?

Therefore, Huo Tianchen still gritted his teeth and insisted on his own opinion, "Xiao, the past is long gone, what's the point of you still obsessing over it, let it go, just let it go, it's good for everyone."

"Impossible." Huo Tianxiao said violently.

This time, Huo Tianxiao directly called two maids, handed Huo Tianchen to them, and then left straight away.

He naturally didn't want to have a conflict with Huo Tianchen because of this matter and embarrass Huo Tianchen.

Of course, on the other hand, deep down in his heart, he didn't even feel it. He was actually a little afraid to mention An Huan.

Afraid to bring up the events of the year, afraid that I would lose control of my emotions.

However, after leaving the imperial study, Huo Tianxiao's heart immediately became empty again.

Is it true that you can't forget the hatred you had back then so confidently like when you were talking to Huo Tianchen?Do you really wish you could put An Huan to death?
Why do these obsessions for so many years dissipate so much during this period of time?

If you don't try your best to recall the pictures of that year, and don't remind yourself all the time, in many cases, you won't hate so much in your heart, right?

And most of the time, what comes to mind is An Huan's unparalleled beauty but extremely stubborn little face.

There is no doubt that An Huan is the most peculiar woman he has ever seen in his life, and the time he lived with An Huan in Xiaoyao Palace was also a very unique experience.

Although that period of life can't be said to be very happy, but bumps and bumps, I always feel that there is such an unforgettable person hidden in my heart, filling his empty heart full.

(End of this chapter)

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