Gao Lengmeng emperor loves fierce concubine

Chapter 570 Another appointment

Chapter 570 Another appointment (1)
"Because it's going to snow!"

According to Master Juoneng Shengun, it snowed for several days and nights, and it was so cold that the Lishui River was frozen, how could the Flower Competition Festival be held there?Even if those girls don't want their lives, the people in the capital don't want to suffer that crime to see it!
After her words came out, Jiu Lan looked at the sky outside, and really couldn't bear to hit her, so she said that in this good weather, at least seven days, nothing will happen. In the capital, although the winter is severe, the snow is still Very few, especially now that winter has just entered, let alone the capital, it is very possible in the north.

Unexpectedly, at night, the sky will change, and a certain one really hit the mark.

The sky changed very suddenly, it seemed that it was still sunny in the afternoon, which made a certain one angry, but after dinner, it seemed to be cloudy all of a sudden.

The wind was so cold that it hit the face like a knife, and the people in the capital were startled. All night, the wind outside the door was roaring, and it never stopped. Then on the second day, pushing When I opened the door, I found that a thick layer had accumulated at the door, and the original color could no longer be seen on the roofs of every household, and the snow was still falling tirelessly, showing no sign of stopping.

The old man with gray hair was full of emotion, "It has been many years since the capital has seen such a heavy snowfall."

For the common people, the heavy snowfall is actually a good thing. The auspicious snow heralds a good year, and the children even played around a lot. For a while, the whole capital city was full of joy.

Except for the girls on Fengyue Street, what will they do when it's time for the competition because of the snow?Everyone is dressed in cool clothes, so they don't have to freeze through?

Frozen?A certain snorted, if you dare to go out to compete, you will be a ready-made ice sculpture, okay?
What she said was indeed true. It snowed heavily for three days and three nights, and almost all the people in the capital were mobilized to clear the snow. Otherwise, it would be impossible to walk on the streets, and the snow was as thick as people's knees.

Three days later, it cleared up, but the temperature when it cleared was even more bitterly cold.

The people are all wearing thick cloaks and thick cotton-padded clothes inside, wrapped airtightly, like a rice dumpling. Even so, they still feel cold, and they don’t want to go out unless they can. They all guard their own stoves to warm up. Even the rich young men who like to have fun are honest, the streets are suddenly deserted, and few people walk around.

Fengyue Street, which has always been the busiest in Beijing, seems to be gentle and quiet.

Seeing this rhythm, the girls on Fengyue Street became a little anxious. I heard that the Lishui River was also frozen.
Everyone is also waiting to see the government's attitude. What will happen to the flower competition festival that only comes once in three years?
Next, an imperial decree directly made the girls who had been preparing for nearly half a year completely desperate.

The imperial decree announced to the world that the north was hit by the biggest snowstorm in a century, so the mountains and roads were closed. Many people living in the deep mountains were trapped and urgently needed the help of the court. on the people who need help.

As soon as the imperial decree came out, the people sighed and sighed with emotion. What is the reason?It is reasonable to say that it is reasonable. After all, the disaster in the north and the bustle of the capital seem to be chilling, but... the heavy snow in the north does not happen once or twice, almost every year. Why is it canceled this year?

For a while, some people with big brains thought too much, but they couldn't understand it after much deliberation.

A certain smug smile, you will gradually understand, but before that, there is one more thing she wants to do!
(End of this chapter)

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