The male god of fast wear strikes the host and touches porcelain quickly

Chapter 104 Young man, take you to the Zhang family

Chapter 104 Boy, Take You Home

Nan Qingqing didn't care what the vendor thought, and happily paid the money.

Pulling the scenery and leaving, I saw that Nan Qingqing had just left, and the vendor at the stall next to him joked: "Heijun, not bad! Empty glove white wolf!"

The black army was not happy: "How can it be a white wolf with empty gloves? Even if I picked it up by the river, I have worked hard to bring it back!"

"It's so honest, I didn't expose you! You said it yourself, shouldn't you give me some rewards?"

Looking at Nan Qingqing, who looked like he had just won a baby, he was speechless: "Nan Qingqing, you feel a sense of accomplishment with 5000 yuan to buy a brick? Are you happy?"

"Scenery, don't talk! I said there are really surprises in it!"

Jingjing was not happy about it, so Nanqing bought it too, and what's more, she used what she earned.He had a headache thinking about how to make money!

Nan gently held the stone, followed Xiao Qi's instructions, and returned to his home.

Jingjing frowned and looked at Nan Qingqing: "What if they stay here and wait for the rabbit?"

"Haven't you heard that the most dangerous place is the safest place?"

The scenery silently stared at the place in front of him, yes!Who will sit and wait in a pile of ruins?

Looking at the ruins in front of them, I wonder how they should sleep today?
Nan Weiwei walked ahead holding the brick in his hand carefully.Jingjing was afraid that Nanqing accidentally fell down, so he followed closely!

All the way forward, Nan Qingwei brought the scenery to a wall of roses.

He took out the key and opened the rose door in front of him. It turned out that there was a door behind the rose, because the yard was full of roses, but the door was completely surrounded!
Nan gently pulled out the rose vines blocking the way with his hands!

The scenery is seen.Also hurry over to help!It was cleaned up quickly, and the wooden door at the back was also exposed. Nan Qingqing quickly opened the door and walked in!

Jingjing looked at the small door, hesitation flashed in his eyes, but he bowed his head and went in after a while.

It was the basement of her building that Nan Qingwei came in with the scenery!

This basement cannot be entered from the building, only from the rose wall!

As soon as he entered the basement, Nan gently turned on the lights inside. Although the top was smashed like ruins, the electricity in the basement was still on!

The basement is not ventilated and lighted all the year round, the air is a bit cloudy, and the smell is not very pleasant.

But Nan Qingqing didn't care too much because she had more important things to do now!

Looking around calmly, it seems that no one lives here!
The basement was empty, with an old desk and a big bed!The bed is covered with a cloth cover that looks like a quilt!
After looking around, he didn't feel anything bad, after all, he just thought that he would end up on the street tonight, and it would be nice to have a place to rest.

Watching Nan Weiwei obsessively take out a small knife and draw some pictures on the rock she bought herself, but he doesn't care about her!

I lifted the quilt cover on my own, and found that not only the quilt was covered under it, but also pillows and sheets!

Scenery made the bed in a pleasant surprise, then lay down tiredly and stared at the roof of the basement in a daze!

He has to think about what to do next?There is no way to escape like this. Looking at Nan Qingqing, who was sitting at the table not far from the bed and earnestly cutting bricks, maybe he shouldn't trouble her, he should go back and talk to his father!
Nan Qingqing is currently concentrating on cutting the gems in his hand.Because, Xiaoqi told her that this is a jade spirit stone, which belongs to the fairy family, and there is a yellow dragon jade inside!It is the best of the best!
As long as she cuts this thing out and puts it up for auction in the largest and most authoritative auction house, she will be able to get the start-up funds for the scenery!This will definitely fetch a sky-high price!
After Nan Qingyuan transformed into an adult last time, her physique is like a leap. Not only is her strength infinite, but her five senses have also improved a lot.

Not only the ears and eyes are much smarter, but even the nose is also much more sensitive!
The hands and feet are much more flexible. Although it is a bit difficult to cut this extremely hard diamond shell at this time, Nan Qingqing is still cutting bit by bit!
She carefully cut off the thick layer on the outside, and the entire brick-sized stone was reduced in size!

But the length is still so long, but the width is reduced by half!
Remove the outer layer of stone and the inner texture looks much better!
Nan Weiwei looked at the stone in his hand in surprise and accelerated the speed of cutting the stone again!

Before I knew it, the sky was already bright.Jingjing wakes up from the bed, only to find that Nan Qingwei still maintains the same appearance that he slept last night.

Immediately, he stepped forward unhappily.I saw Nan Qingwei carefully carving something on a yellow shiny long stone with a knife!
Jingjing said angrily: "Gentleman, you have been working on this all night? Go and rest!"

Nan gently put his hand to his lips, and gave a soft "shh", signaling to Jingjing not to speak!
It seems that if you say something serious, you will startle something away.

The scenery witnesses a miracle in these 10 minutes.

I saw that Nan Qingqing's every knife was extremely precise, and the knife would definitely take away the excess broken stones on the yellow stone.

Just when the scenery was amazed by Nan Qingqing's superb knife skills, he saw that the yellow stone with a special yellow color turned into a small yellow dragon about 30 centimeters under Nan Qingqing's careful cutting!

The little yellow dragon was lifelike, as if it was about to come alive.

It has a golden soft light all over it.There seems to be a faint golden circle of light, looking majestic.

If he hadn't watched Nan gently carve her out, he would have thought that there really was a dragon in this world, and it was a little golden yellow dragon.

The well-informed and well-informed landscape immediately realized that the little yellow dragon in Nan Qingqing's hands would definitely be snatched up by big names in the collectors' circle as long as it was put up for auction.

The thing in her hand will be auctioned for a sky-high price!

It turned out that when she said that she wanted to help him return to the pinnacle of life, she was not just talking, nor was she trying to comfort him, but she really had that ability!

An irrelevant outsider can work hard for himself to live well!So, why do you want to give up yourself?What qualifications do you have to say that you don't want to stand up and cheer up?

It turns out that when she said that life is full of surprises, she meant this!However, you don't know that my biggest surprise is that God let me meet you!
Nan gently held the carefully carved little yellow dragon and examined it carefully.She found out that she really made a profit this time. She couldn't put it down just by looking at this little yellow dragon, not to mention that it was a little yellow dragon that was self-generated by the top spirit jade. She couldn't estimate its value!

This little yellow dragon was self-generated, she just removed the layer of gravel wrapped around it, so this little yellow dragon has no trace of carving at all.

It is because it is self-generated that every cut must be precise, so in order not to affect its value, Nan Qingyuan directly maintained a high level of vigilance for several hours.Until all the gravels were peeled off from Xiaohuanglong's body.

She was just about to show Jingjing the fruits of her labor when she saw Jingjing standing behind her excitedly!

Nan gently approached the scenery, proudly stretched out his hand to show the little Huanglong to the scenery.

Jing Jing smiled and said nothing, and when he stretched his arms hard, Nan gently bumped into his arms!
(End of this chapter)

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