Movie tycoon

Chapter 792 The Legendary "Ancient Billion"

Chapter 792 The Legendary "Ancient Billion"

The world's entertainment king, Chen Xiaotang, decided to come back out of the arena, return to the show business circle, and start filming "Havoc in Heaven", which is based on a Chinese classic. Be an actor, but a director!
To be a director?Filming "Havoc in Heaven"? !

Although such a decision surprised the media from all over the world, it also made many fans of his fans feel a little unacceptable-how everyone hopes and expects him to come back to the big screen, instead of simply being behind the scenes.It's like when the future star Zhou Xingchi announced that he would not appear in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", but when he appeared as a director, everyone who loved him felt disappointed and hopeful.Lost that he failed to show his face on the screen, I hope he can bring everyone a good movie.

In any case, Chen Xiaotang's comeback set off an irresistible storm in the world film circle.

French "Paris Times":
"It's hard for us to imagine that there are more than one billion movie fans around the world waiting for Lafite Chen's comeback. And his comeback this time marks a big step for Moying Entertainment to enter the world movie world, because his upcoming movie Known as a magical masterpiece that surpasses film technology! As for the future of this film, please wait and see!"

British "Times":
"Rafi Chen's return to the film industry as a director this time undoubtedly dropped a depth bomb on the world film industry, making everyone who likes him cheer. Although he will not appear on the big screen this time, he will act and The tradition of directing Youze makes us look forward to the release of his masterpiece. As for how this movie will turn out, it is no longer important, the important thing is Lafite Chen, he is back!"

American "Time Magazine":
"We can only use the term "Return of the King" to describe Lafite Chen's return. For more than half a year, fans who loved him deeply prayed to God for his return as soon as possible. Now, everyone's wish has finally come true. But for With Lafite Chen’s comeback this time, we pay more attention to the oriental magic masterpiece "Havoc in Heaven" he is about to direct. I have to say that Lafite Chen chose a very interesting topic, which is very interesting to many It is also very attractive to Westerners. After all, as one of the four ancient Chinese classics, "Journey to the West" is also heard all over the world. Now we are curious about how Lafite Chen will shoot this film , You know, the real computer special effects are in Hollywood, not Hong Kong in the East, but this movie will start shooting in the East, we are looking forward to what the future will hold!"

The world's media made a fuss about Chen Xiaotang's comeback, but Chen Xiaotang, the person involved, lay very leisurely on the balcony of the Qingshuiwan villa, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

In fact, he has not been idle these days, let’s not talk about Weng Meiling, Guan Zhilin, Wang Zuxian and other gangs of fans besieging and intercepting him and squeezing him on the bed, just talking about Fa Ge, Hua Tsai, Liang Chaowei and the cheap brother-in-law Zhou Xingchi who just came back from honeymoon With so many siege around him, he was too busy to deal with it.Fortunately, a family with an old man is like a treasure, and mother Li Shuzhen felt sorry for her son, and directly deported these cronies from the country, which allowed Chen Xiaotang to relax and study the current situation.

I have to say that Chen Xiaotang is really helpless to announce his comeback at such a time. The ten-year golden period of Hong Kong movies has almost come to an end. According to the trajectory of the previous life, at this time, Hong Kong began to shoot martial arts movies on a large scale, and Wia was so annoying. Numbness, such as "Once Upon a Time", "Invincible in the East", as soon as a good film hits the market, follow-ups rush out, resulting in rampant bad movies, single and boring movies, and no new ideas.That’s not to mention, because filmmakers made more bad movies, and they lost more money as they went on, so that in the middle and late 90s, a large number of film companies faced bankruptcy, actors had no movies to act in, directors had no movies to shoot, and lost their jobs. The number of people has risen sharply. In Hong Kong, which originally belonged to Eastern Hollywood, the film industry began to suffer a great depression. It was not until the rise of mainland films that it recovered by relying on co-productions.

There are several reasons why Chen Xiaotang chose to shoot "Havoc in Heaven" at the 90s mark.

First, Chen Xiaotang wants to tell all Hong Kong filmmakers that the themes of movies can be learned from our own traditional culture, not necessarily plagiarized and followed.We have "Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin", "Red Mansions", "Journey to the West", these four major masterpieces, and there are also inexhaustible magical masterpieces such as "Feng Shen Yan Yi" and "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio". , as well as Jin Yong's novels, Gu Long's novels, Ni Kuang's novels, these are all themes that can be photographed, why do you have to copy others, follow others, and eat buns chewed by others? !
Second, Chen Xiaotang wants to tell everyone that apart from the popularity of police and gangster movies, martial arts movies and zombie movies, Hong Kong movies can also produce magical masterpieces like Havoc in Heaven.Why can Hollywood movies run rampant in the world for decades and win global dominance?The reason is that they shoot a wide range of movies, including action, science fiction, horror, suspense, and romance, but what about us? What do we have?Only Jackie Chan who can fight, and Liang Chaowei who is an undercover agent!
Third, Chen Xiaotang can completely disregard the life and death of Hong Kong movies and just take care of his Moying Entertainment. He doesn't need to make a comeback full of gimmicks, and he doesn't need to be a director to make any films. According to his current status And status, as well as the wealth of the enemy, you can lie on the beach in Hawaii and bask in the sun.But why did he do this? There is only one reason, because he loves Hong Kong movies!

For a long time, Chen Xiaotang has taken it as his own responsibility to assist the rise of Chinese-language films, and has been working hard to make Chinese-language films have a place in the world film industry.But to revive Chinese-language films, or to shape the image of Chinese-language films in the world, is not something he or a film company can do. Chen Xiaotang is very clear about this.Originally, he considered using monopoly means to control the direction of Hong Kong films, but soon he realized that it was just a short-term quenching of thirst by drinking poison. Chinese films without competitors, even if they really achieved glory and were recognized by filmmakers all over the world, would not Flash in the pan.What Chen Xiaotang wants is the long-term prosperity of Hong Kong movies, not short-term glory. He understands this, and so do the people around him.For example, Shao Daheng once said to others that if Chen Xiaotang wanted to, he could directly defeat Shao Brothers and Jiahe and take them under his control. I love it so much.
At this moment, Chen Xiaotang is drinking coffee leisurely, reading the newspaper, not to mention France, England, and the United States are making a fuss about his comeback.Just talking about Asia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Hong Kong, they all regard the news of his comeback as a gold mine that is constantly being mined, and it is so hyped that even Chen Xiaotang himself is blown out of his head when he reads the newspaper .But what made Chen Xiaotang feel unbelievable was that the story of his comeback was even broadcasted by the mainland's mainstream media, CCTV News.The comeback of a celebrity has attracted the attention of the country so much, and it has been reported for 2 minutes at [-] o'clock in the evening, which is absolutely rare!
No matter what, Chen Xiaotang felt that he had dug a hole for himself, and now he had to bury his head in it, but the problem is, this "Havoc in Heaven" is his comeback work. Destroyed once!
Therefore, in a sense, Chen Xiaotang's comeback this time is an extreme adventure. Whether people can accept his sudden change of identity depends on this drama.

Yes, after all, this play is still the key!
Chen Xiaotang has been asking people to revise the script day and night these days, and even watched the domestic cartoon "Havoc in Heaven" dozens of times, but he still hasn't grasped the inspiration.

So, Chen Xiaotang felt very miserable, but the one who was more miserable than him was Fatty Wang Jing.

Because this guy has already ran over with his panda eyes up, "Forgive me, Ah Tang, I haven't slept for three days and three nights, and I am helping you to change the script. In fact, I think your writing is already very good. Lively and lively, the monkey in it is very loving, of course, there are also some shortcomings, but the flaws do not hide the advantages, I think it’s okay as it is!”
"No!" Chen Xiaotang said firmly, "This script is not perfect, we must do our best! Don't forget, this is our first comeback drama!"

The fat man whispered: "It's you who came back, not me. According to my opinion, we can just drop everything and go to Huolulu Mountain for vacation. The mountains and rivers are beautiful, and there are bikini girls, how cool it is!"

"What are you mumbling about?"

"Oh, I'm saying I'm going to keep trying as hard as I can!"

"That's good, go get busy!"

The fat man nodded, and suddenly said: "By the way, there is something I almost forgot to tell you. When I came just now, there was a young man named Gu Tianle outside the gate who wanted to see you!"

"Gu Tianle?!" Chen Xiaotang suddenly laughed.

It is said that Gu Tianle is very unhappy these days, especially after Chen Xiaotang's identity was exposed, Gu Tianle brags when he sees people that he has been Chen Xiaotang's younger brother, how good his relationship with him is, and so on.Others don't know, but Brother Luo Tuo, the leader of the society, knows. The last time Gu Tianle brought Chen Xiaotang to celebrate his birthday is still vivid in his memory.Of course, in my impression, it wasn't how tall and mighty I was that day, but how extraordinary and extraordinary Chen Xiaotang was. As soon as his aura came out, he immediately shocked the audience, just like Zhang Wuji's decisive battle against Guangmingding, and even he had to prostrate and worship ...

Based on this fact, Brother Luo Tuo took a look at Gu Tian Lego, and no longer called him "Le Zi" in his mouth, but "Le Ge".

Gu Tianle is so proud, he has been around for so long, to be honored as "Brother Le" by the boss, death is enough!

Ever since, at a certain wine table, Gu Tianle boasted even more fiercely, saying that Chen Xiaotang was busy filming recently, and his "Havoc in Heaven" was also an idea given to him by himself, and Brother Tang promised that in the future, he would Praise him to become a star in the entertainment industry, and he will no longer be in the road.

Brother Camel said, that's right, it's good to sit next to a big tree to enjoy the shade, and whoever wants to be bald has hair.Now Brother Le, you have found a big backer, who is even thicker than our waists. If you follow Brother Le in the future, you will definitely make a fortune. Don’t forget the brothers!

This flattery made Gu Tianle dizzy, and immediately promised that in the future, we will have the same blessings and share the same hardships!

After waking up, Gu Tianle realized that, to be honest, he didn't know Chen Xiaotang very well either.Besides, what is my status and what is the status of others? I am just a little ruffian on the road, but he is a famous super rich man and star. help?But the cowhide has already been blown out, and I can't go back if I want to, and more importantly, I lose face.

After thinking about it, Gu Tianle finally made a decision, regardless of life or death, he had to go to Chen Xiaotang once to see if he was willing to take him in.

So on this day, Gu Tianle bought a good outfit, and came to the villa where Chen Xiaotang lived with anxiety, and waited outside, hoping to see Chen Xiaotang.

Wandering, wandering!
If you don't wait while wandering, you will fail while wandering!
Finally, the door opened, and someone told him that Chen Xiaotang wanted to see him!

surprise!Gu Tianle forgot everything, hurriedly took care of his appearance, for fear of leaving a bad impression on the other party.

On the balcony, Chen Xiaotang put his hands in the small pockets of his vest, looking at Gu Tianle who looked a little uneasy in front of him.

I remember well. In the future, Gu Tianle will continue to hang out on the road until he is sent to a labor camp because of a coordinated robbery. After he comes out, he goes to the disco to sing for others, and then he is spotted by the manager of the radio station and becomes a transfer student in the training class. , and then acted in a series of small roles as a white-faced scholar, such as the handsome guy in Ekin Cheng's "Marriage Story", the handsome boy in "Heaven and Earth Man", and it was not until the remake of "Full Moon Scimitar" that Gu Tianle gradually gained popularity .However, being popular is not necessarily a good thing. At this time, when he was picked up for robbery and imprisonment when he was young, his popularity immediately fell into a trough.During this period of time, his life was the most difficult. Gu Tianle, who used to like to talk and laugh, became taciturn. He was afraid of people pointing at him while walking on the road.Fear that the paparazzi will come after him for his past mistakes.

However, the TV station that praised him felt that this was a good opportunity. No matter if it was a scandal or not, as long as it was news, it was OK. High exposure can increase the ratings. This is the last word.So the TV station once again made efforts to let him star in a TV series and act as the leading actor, and this drama is "The Legend of Condor Heroes"!
"The Legend of Condor Heroes" was not popular in Hong Kong, but it caused a sensation in mainland China, especially Yang Guo, the leading actor played by Gu Tianle, has become the favorite idol of many boys and girls.

Gu Tianle became popular, and finally became popular, but being popular does not mean that you have strength.Only stars with strength can shine to the end.Gu Tianle knows that his popularity depends on his appearance, not acting skills or other things.When he was very distressed, he met a fortune teller who gave him a fortune telling him that as long as he tanned himself, he would be able to transform successfully.

So our white-faced Gu Tianle took the initiative to tan his skin and turn it into a healthy bronze color. Not to mention, the change in appearance made his acting career broaden. Back then, he played a very good movie "Serious Crime", and then, His stardom began to become popular all the way, and he received various types of movies with soft hands. By 2012, he was able to shoot more than a dozen movies a year, and the total box office reached an astonishing one billion yuan, so he was nicknamed "Gu Billion"!
This is Gu Tianle's star journey, full of twists and turns, bumpy and legendary.

But Chen Xiaotang's deepest impression on Gu Tianle is not how bumpy his star journey is, but because of his low-key celebrity charity.In that impetuous and flashy era, there were almost no celebrities who didn’t like to expose charitable causes. Donations, books, etc. would be done with great fanfare. However, Gu Tianle is an alternative. He donated 27 primary schools by himself, but little is known. After being exposed by the media, he was also the last to know. When the camera captured his stunned expression, it was like slapping those fame-seekers hard.

Chen Xiaotang likes Gu Tianle like this, at least he feels real and kind!
At this moment, Gu Tianle was obviously embarrassed by Chen Xiaotang's sizing up.

"Brother Tang, oh no, Mr. Chen, I'm really happy that you agreed to see me!"

"Call me Brother Tang, Mr. Chen listens to the birth." Chen Xiaotang said with a smile.

Seeing him say that, Gu Tian was relieved.

"Tell me, why did you come to me today?" Chen Xiaotang asked.

"I want to be with you!" Gu Tianle said without hesitation.

Chen Xiaotang smiled, "Follow me? You treat my place as a society and want to worship the boss?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean, what I mean is, I want to study hard with you!"

"What to learn?"

"Learn how to be an actor and how to develop in the entertainment industry." Gu Tianle scratched his head.

"Have you made up your mind this time? No more half-hearted?"

"Well, I made up my mind."

"Could it be bragging in front of the big guys, and it's hard to get off the tiger?"

"Ahem, nothing! I just think that I will have a better future if I follow you."

"Being an actor is very tiring. I get up early and stay late, but I'm not as comfortable as you are now."

"I've figured it out a long time ago. Only by suffering and suffering can I become a master!"

"But I don't raise idlers here!"

"I know that, you can ask me to do anything, as long as you don't drive me away!"

"It's quite determined!" Chen Xiaotang smiled, then pointed to the fat man Wang Jing, "Do you know who he is?"

"I know, the famous director Wang, I really like his "God of Gamblers"."

Wang Jing is so proud, there is no other way, because he is famous outside, even if he wants people not to know him.

"Well, it's good to know him. From now on, you will work under him, and you can do whatever he asks you to do. Don't rush to become an actor, you can work behind the scenes first, and learn more acting skills when you have time. Your image is good. There will be opportunities in the future!"

"Yes, Brother Tang, I will remember your words!" Gu Tianle was excited, this is considered to be on board, and there will be a long-term meal ticket in the future.

Chen Xiaotang turned around and said to the fat man: "I'll leave Le Zai to you, and you give him a good training. Didn't he say he wants to be a master, so give him more trouble!"

The fat man chuckled, and took a malicious look at the thin-skinned and tender Gu Tianle, "I can't do anything else, it's my specialty! Lezi, are you ready, I'm going to perform hell on you train!"

"Ah, hell-style training?" Gu Tianle suddenly felt that he seemed to be on a thief ship!
(End of this chapter)

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