Movie tycoon

Chapter 789 The Return of the King

Chapter 789 The Return of the King

In 1989, one of the most active things in Hong Kong's business circles recently was the anniversary celebration held by Hongda Real Estate, a subsidiary of Moying.As the CEO of this company, Mr. Lei Junjie is even more in the limelight. As an outstanding talent in the Hong Kong business community, he accepted an exclusive interview with Hong Kong wireless media.

on the TV screen.

Lei Junjie was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, sitting elegantly in front of the reporter. The young female reporter looked at this young talent with admiration.It is undeniable that a successful businessman like Lei Junjie, coupled with his handsome appearance, is definitely the object of admiration by many women.

"Hi, Mr. Lei Junjie, I am Lu Xiaoya, special correspondent of TVB TV. It is a great honor to invite you to come for a private interview today."

"It's also my honor, thank you, Ms. Lu." Lei Junjie replied with a smile, his eyes were smiling, and his eyes were absolutely electric, which made reporter Lu, who was used to seeing the big world, blush a little.

"Then let's get to the point. First of all, the first question, we really want to know what the theme of this year's Hongda Real Estate Anniversary Celebration is?" The female reporter asked after finally sorting out her emotions.

"The theme is very simple: Hongda Real Estate in the glorious years; lead the trend, who else can I!" Lei Junjie said very boldly.

"Hehe, it sounds like this theme is very domineering. It leads the trend. If I am the only one, it may make other real estate companies unhappy."

"Hehe, Ms. Lu really likes to joke. But having said that, in fact, the competition in the mall is like this, you must be aggressive! This is like a war. The comparison is not how many soldiers and horses you have, but how strong your aura is. How big is it? The three armies confront each other, the strong come out, and the brave win when they meet! Especially in a place like Hong Kong where every inch of land is expensive, the development of the real estate industry is even more intense than the Warring States. As the president of the company, I have the responsibility and obligation to lead my The team cut through the thorns and hurdles, and marched forward bravely!"

"Then I would like to ask Mr. Lei, some people say that Hongda Real Estate can develop so fast because it has a big backer like Moying behind it, and because of Moying's strong economic foundation support, the company can rise rapidly. Is this really the case?"

"This is a very good question. In fact, the relationship between our Hongda Real Estate and Moying Group is like a rich man and a rich man. If the rich man behaves better in front of everyone, many people will Ask the rich boy, brother, the reason why you are successful is because you are rich, right? Or you can ask, prosperity depends on your father, not real skills. The questions are the same, but my answer is, as long as you have the ability and talent, No matter what is going on in your home, you will be successful! Hongda Real Estate is the same, because the employees of this company are willing to work hard and work hard, so in just three years, they have surpassed many companies and become one of the new stars in the real estate industry. "Lei Junjie talked eloquently. Although there was no merit in his answer, it gave people a sense that there would be no Hongda without me, and he directly threw aside the ghosts behind the scenes.

The female reporter was very satisfied with Lei Junjie's answer, and was even more satisfied with his cooperation until she flipped through the manuscript, "Then, I would like to ask Mr. Lei the next question, who are you planning to invite to this Hongda anniversary party?"

"First of all, I invited all the bosses of our Moying Group, such as Mr. Huang Zhan, Mr. Gu Jiahui, and Mr. Wang Jing, etc. Unfortunately, the founder of our Moying Group, Mr. Chen Xiaotang, was unable to attend the ceremony due to some special reasons, but I then invited the Governor of Hong Kong, and Sir Yifu Shao, etc. If they can come then, the celebration will be even more grand."

"It will definitely be very grand. Hearing so many celebrities, even I am a little moved. I hope to be able to enter the venue to do interviews then."

"Hehe, it depends on the specific situation at the time... But if it's you, I will try my best to find a way!" Lei Junjie looked at the female reporter and said with a smile.

The female reporter couldn't help but blushed, "Last question, what do you think about being selected as one of Hong Kong's top ten outstanding youths this time?"

"Hehe, it's just a nomination right now, and I haven't been selected yet. If I do get selected by then, I will be very happy to convey this good news to everyone. Of course, I am looking forward to this day!"

"Thank you for the interview."

"You're welcome, it's my pleasure!"...

On the TV, Lei Junjie was personable, not only captivated the female reporter, but also captivated many female viewers who were watching the TV program.

"He's so handsome!"

"So wise!"

"So stylish!" and so on.

But Huagu and A Duo are exceptions.

"Is this guy the boss of Hongda Real Estate? He wants to take over our shop?" Hua Gu asked while looking at the TV screen.

"Of course it's him, and he's going to be selected as one of Hong Kong's top ten outstanding youths, unscrupulous businessmen, those judges are all blind!" A Duo said indignantly.

Chen Xiaotang shrugged: "It's simple, don't you want to ask him to judge? Then go to him!"

"How to find it?"

"Go to the Hongda celebration!"

"Dream, how can we get in that kind of place?" A Duo gave Chen Xiaotang a white look.

Chen Xiaotang smiled: "It's not easy. I've been playing tricks at Wireless over the past few days, and I can get a lot of props. I can dress you up as noble ladies and rich daughters. Just mix in!"

"That's okay?!" A Duo was surprised.

"Yeah, it won't be that easy, right?" Hua Gu hesitated.

"Then you still don't want to continue the business?"

"miss you!"

"Then go all out, you have nothing to lose except this shop!"

Huagu glanced at her daughter, A Duo glanced at her mother, and they nodded together, "It's all about it!"


Decorated with lights and festoons, it was very lively.

This is the scene of the anniversary celebration of Hongda Real Estate under Specter.

On this day, almost all the media reporters in Hong Kong gathered here. On the one hand, they wanted to interview the big names from all walks of life who came to the celebration, as well as celebrities from the business and political circles. .

"Wow, isn't that Brother Fa? I didn't expect the big star Zhou Runfa to join us!"

"Look, that's Hua Tsai! The way he walks is the most special, very modern!"

"That's the female star Wang Zuxian, she is so beautiful!"

"Also, and, look, it's the big star Zhou Huimin!"...

In front of the red carpet, those entertainment reporters were chattering and desperately pressing the shutter of their cameras to record this glorious moment.

Since Hongda Real Estate is nominally a subsidiary of the Magic Shadow Group, and the Magic Shadow Group is mainly engaged in entertainment, so it makes sense that there are so many entertainment stars present to congratulate.

But for these paparazzi, it's a blessing!
The stars who usually like to hide from them show their faces on the red carpet one by one. If you don't take the opportunity to take a good photo, you will be too sorry for your career.

The reporters here were busy taking pictures, and the people who liked to watch the excitement over there joined the ranks of movie fans, calling out the names of their favorite celebrities loudly.

"Brother Fa, your acting skills are amazing!"

"Hua Zai, I don't want to marry you!"

"Wei Zi, I really like your electric eyes!"...

"Wang Zuxian, you are so beautiful!"

"Zhou Huimin, I love you, I love you to death!"

"Guan Zhilin, you are the only goddess in my heart!"...

In addition to so many celebrities, there are also many great directors, such as ghost Xu Ke, Du Qifeng, Gao Zhisen, and Lan Naicai, Chen Jiashang, etc. who have worked with Moying Entertainment. It can be said that almost all the three generations of talented old, middle-aged and young directors came to support .

There were also many bigwigs from the business and political circles, film tycoon Shao Yifu, rich and talented man Dickson Poon, and Chinese superintendent Ren Darong from the police circle.

Lei Junjie, who is in charge of the seat, is even more proud of his spring breeze. Although these bigwigs are here for the face of the Moying Group, Lei Junjie is still a little surprised. These people can't be invited normally. I didn't expect that they would show up in such a group today. , It seems that God is not mean to him, his confidant A Yong and others next to him are even more envious, it seems that he has followed the right person, look, how much face Mr. Lei has, so many celebrities came to congratulate him.

In fact, so many big names and celebrities appearing at a real estate anniversary celebration together seems nothing unusual, but in fact it is very strange, but Lei Junjie, who has been dazzled by surprises, did not notice this at all.

When the master of ceremonies who greeted the guests shouted "The Governor of Hong Kong is here", the prelude to the whole celebration reached its climax.

Today's Hong Kong Governor is no longer Sir Edward Youde, but Baron Wilson, who is familiar with Chinese affairs. He was responsible for drafting the "Sino-British Joint Declaration" with China in the 1980s, and later served in the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group. He served as the first chief representative of the British side.In December 1986, the then Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Youde, died suddenly, and the British government decided to take over as Governor of Hong Kong with Wilson.It can be said that this old man is an out-and-out China hand, and he has more love for Hong Kong than his predecessor, Sir Youde.

The arrival of the Governor of Hong Kong obviously boosted the popularity of the entire venue. This time Lei Junjie could no longer suppress his excitement, and went to greet the Governor of Hong Kong in person.

The cameras around were crackling, taking this shot was considered a good answer to this young hero.

At that moment, Lei Junjie was absolutely high-spirited, so big that he meant nothing but me.

Huagu Tea Restaurant.

Today, according to the previously discussed plan, Chen Xiaotang went to collect vehicles, clothes and other items, while Hua Gu and A Duo were waiting here.

Looking at the time, the celebration over there must have started, but Chen Xiaotang has not yet appeared.

"Mom, do you think that Ah Tang is playing tricks on us? You took him in when he first came, how can he have any abilities?" A Duo couldn't help asking.

"I don't know about this...but we've already discussed it, so let's wait. Maybe he's still stuck in traffic!"

"Traffic jam? What good car can he borrow? It would be great to borrow a Mercedes!" A Duo pouted.

At this moment, an ultra-luxury silver-gray car drove up to the store, A Duo and Hua Gu opened their eyes wide, wow, what a nice car, look at the fairy shape on the front of the car, a typical Rolls-Royce!

Just as the mother and daughter were looking at the luxury car, a head poked out from the car, "Hey, Aunt Hua, how is this car?"

The person shouting turned out to be Chen Xiaotang who appeared Shanshan!
A Duo and Hua Gu were completely dumbfounded.

They had already raised Chen Xiaotang's ability a lot, thinking that he would be thankful that he could borrow a Mercedes from the crew, but they didn't expect to borrow a Rolls Royce!
A Duo ran over in disbelief, looked at Chen Xiaotang who got out of the car, looked at the genuine luxury car in front of him, and couldn't help saying: "I'm not dreaming, am I? This is... Rolls Royce?!"

Chen Xiaotang shrugged: "That's right, it's okay, right?"

"It's not only possible, it's amazing!" A Duo hugged Chen Xiaotang excitedly, "Haha, I never thought I could ride in such a luxury car!"

Hua Gu came from here, although she was very excited, she still asked Chen Xiaotang: "It must be very expensive to rent a car like this?"

Chen Xiaotang nodded, "It's not too expensive, 1000 yuan an hour!"

When Hua Gu heard the price, she could bear it in her heart.

A Duo said: "A car like this, let alone a thousand, is worth even ten thousand!"

"Where's the driver? Why didn't you see the driver?" A Duo asked suddenly.

"Oh, I'm the driver." Chen Xiaotang pointed to his nose.

"You? Are they so relieved that this luxury car will be handed over to you?" A Duo looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief.

Chen Xiaotang nodded, "Yes, who told me to be honest!"

"Are you honest?" A Duo rolled his eyes.

"But what about the clothes? My mother and I can't wear these clothes, can we?"

"Don't worry, I've prepared for it!" Chen Xiaotang said, and took out two sets of clothes from the car, "No, this is tailor-made for you! And this thank you bag, pick whatever you want!"

"Armani, LV...there are so many jewelry..." A Duo and Hua Gu were dumbfounded, "Are these imitation props? They are too real!" A Duo touched this with his hand, touched it That, feels like a dream.

"It doesn't matter, try it first!" A Duo couldn't wait to pick up a set of clothes and gestured.

Hua Gu also chose a set here.

After a while, when A Duo and his mother Hua Gu came out from the tea restaurant, everyone around them were amazed.

Let's not talk about how charming A Duo is, let's say that Aunt Hua is wearing a famous brand, a famous bag, and a diamond necklace around her neck... the whole person is full of jewels, which is jaw-dropping.

"Mom, you are so beautiful!"

"You too, my A Duo is so beautiful!"

The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled.

Here, Gu Tianle is habitually biting a straw and drinking soda, bouncing over, when he suddenly sees A Duo's attire, puffs, and the soda in the straw spurts out.

"A Duo, why are you dressed like this? Where are you going?" Gu Tianle asked anxiously.

"We're going to the banquet! As for the clothes, I'd like to thank Ah Tang, he borrowed them from the crew! And this car too!"

"Ah? Does the TVB crew have these good things? Why don't I know?" Gu Tianle looked at this awesome luxury car with four zeros on the license plate in surprise.

Before he could open his mouth, Chen Xiaotang, who was afraid of revealing his secrets, hooked his shoulders, "There are many treasures in the crew that you don't even know... Do you want to go together? Let's see and see!"

Gu Tianle was still amazed at the authenticity of these "props". Seeing Chen Xiaotang inviting himself and being able to be with A Duo again, Gu Tianle could not close his mouth happily.

"Okay, okay, I want to see it too, but my clothes..."

"This is easy to handle, it's OK for you to be the driver!"


"Why, don't you want to?"

"No, to be able to drive such a luxury car, not to mention being a driver, it's worth touching it!" Gu Tianle couldn't wait to get into the car.

Come to the anniversary celebration site of Hongda Real Estate Company.

This Rolls-Royce immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Wow, what a magnificent car!"

"Who is it, so arrogant?"

"What a beautiful car!"  …

Listening to those envious praises outside, A Duo sitting in the car couldn't help feeling elated, this is the life that this lady should have.

Hua Gu was heartbroken, she remembered the promise made by the man who lied to her: One day I will pick you up in a Rolls-Royce!
Now, I seem to be sitting in a Rolls Royce.

As for Gu Tianle, he was even more excited. He never thought that he could drive such a car in his life. "Dream, are you dreaming?" He pinched his face, it hurt.

The door of the Rolls-Royce opened.

Hua Gu and A Duo, mother and daughter, appeared on the red carpet like two delicate and rich flowers.

Those cameras were all crackling and filming the mysterious mother and daughter.

"Who are they?"

"I don't know, it's such a noble dress."

"Look at that diamond necklace, isn't it the pearl of light at the Paris auction?"

"Yes, that is a luxury worth more than 1000 million!"


Listening to the people around her enviously talking about the fake necklace on her neck, A Duo felt proud, "A bunch of idiots, I'm not real! I've fooled you all, hee hee!"

Looking at those media reporters, they are constantly snapping shots, one for you, one for me, very busy.

"Have you got any news? Who are these two mysterious women?"

"I don't know. I have searched all the wealthy families in Hong Kong, but there is nothing that matches me!"

"Could it be that they are the family members of an invisible rich man?"


"Then go check it out again, you must find first-hand information!"...

The beautiful mother and daughter ostentatiously dazzled all the way on the red carpet until they were stopped by someone at the entrance of the ceremony site. The person in charge of the reception asked politely: "Excuse me, do you have an invitation letter?" ?”

Invitation card?!
Hua Gu and A Duo were taken aback, there is a fart!

Even this outfit is rented.

The receptionist was also an old man, and he knew something was wrong just by looking at the other person's expression.

In the past, he would politely explain the reason and then refuse the other party to enter, but now... the diamond necklace on the other party's neck is really dazzling.

"Ahem, how about this, please wait a moment, I'll ask for instructions first." After the receptionist finished speaking, he walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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