Movie tycoon

Chapter 739 Fans Are Crazy, Too!

Chapter 739 Fans Are Crazy, Too!
As we all know, Britain has always produced gentlemen and ladies. Many people are amazed by the British style created in the golden age of the empire on which the sun never sets.But few people know that the British dance country dance is also very wild.

This British country dance is called “salsa,” a Latin-inspired dance that’s as passionate as the rumba and cha-cha, but easier to get started with.Compared with Latin dances such as rumba and cha-cha, salsa dancers have more room to play freely. Therefore, salsa dance is not only popular in Latin America, but also loved by people in other parts of the world.

It is said that salsa dance first appeared in Cuba.At that time, Cuba was a transit point for African slave trade to North America, and those slaves with poor physical fitness were left there.Although these slaves had to wear shackles to work, they did not forget to dance. They often danced some simple dance steps while farming.At that time, the musical instruments they used for accompaniment were also very simple, just some daily utensils.After continuous evolution, in the 19s, salsa dance basically formed the current dance movements.In the late 20s, salsa dance became more entertaining and expressive by incorporating jazz dance styles in the United States, and began to become popular all over the world.
Salsa is a double dance with strong rhythm, which pays attention to the cooperation and tacit understanding of two people.In the eyes of people around, men and women who are dancing salsa seem to be falling in love, so some people call salsa dance "the magic dance that gives birth to love". They dance wildly and passionately.Chen Xiaotang used to practice hip-hop, and was no stranger to this style of dance, and was immediately fascinated.

The biggest feature of the British Christmas Eve is the joy of the whole people. Take off the gentleman's coat and the lady's mask on weekdays, release the wildness and enthusiasm in the heart, play the Scottish bagpipes, dance salsa, and on the street, men, women and children can dance. Those who can't dance will go wild on the street once.

Ye Zimei, who was traveling with Chen Xiaotang, couldn't help applauding under the influence of this atmosphere.On the dance floor, a handsome British guy saw her and ran over to invite her with a gentlemanly bow. Ye Zimei glanced at Chen Xiaotang, as if asking for his intentions. Chen Xiaotang nodded, and Ye Zimei happily joined the dance floor.

As the annual Christmas Eve, many foreign tourists come out to have fun tonight, and many people who don't know how to dance awkwardly twist to the rhythm of the dance music.No one will laugh at them, such a scene can reflect the joy of Christmas Eve.

Chen Xiaotang has been watching from the sidelines, appreciating salsa dance with the eyes of an expert, appreciating the similarities and differences between it and hip-hop dance, and becoming addicted to it for a while.

Because Chen Xiaotang was fascinated by watching it, he didn't notice it at all. Since everyone joined in the carnival, he stood quietly by himself, which seemed rather abrupt.

If you were among the crowd singing and dancing vigorously, no matter how handsome Chen Xiaotang was or how much a star he had, he probably wouldn't get much attention.But he was so solitary, away from the revelers, that he was immediately noticed by many.

When Chen Xiaotang came out, he dressed up a bit, and his image of a typical oriental handsome man also aroused a burst of amazement at this moment.However, Chen Xiaotang was obsessed with the study of salsa dance, so he didn't notice this abnormality.

Chen Xiaotang's state was finally interrupted by an unexpected guest.Suddenly found a blond beauty dancing in front of him, Chen Xiaotang was stunned, but also found that he was out of tune with the whole atmosphere.

"Hi!" The beauty greeted, and then asked tentatively, "Japanese?" She spoke very authentic English.

"No!" Chen Xiaotang replied decisively, and then said seriously: "I am Chinese." Of course, he also used English.

"Oh, China, a mysterious country." The beauty obviously didn't recognize Chen Xiaotang's identity as a superstar, with rippling eyes, she said yearningly: "I like China."

After hearing this sentence, Chen Xiaotang's original unhappiness caused by being regarded as a Japanese dissipated.

With an apologetic smile, the beauty continued: "I haven't seen many Asians, so I can't tell you apart. Please forgive me if I made a mistake." She was very smart, and found out from Chen Xiaotang's attitude that this mistake was serious.

What else could Chen Xiaotang say?Not to mention that this mistake is human nature, the attitude of the beautiful woman also made him feel good, so naturally he could only repeatedly express that he didn't need to care about it.

The beauty smiled again: "My name is Susan, welcome, my friend from mysterious China."

Chen Xiaotang hastily reported his Chinese name, intentionally hiding his English name "Lafite".Susan said again: "Why? Don't want to feel our British Christmas Eve? Please allow me, as a new friend, to solemnly invite you to join us and experience the joy together." Then, Susan made a dance invitation posture.

Chen Xiaotang was naturally happy to accept the beauty's invitation, not to mention, he really wanted to try this kind of intense dance.

Seeing that Chen Xiaotang just stood aside in a daze at first, Susan thought he didn't know how to dance, and invited him just out of curiosity.But as soon as Chen Xiaotang started dancing, Susan couldn't help admiring.

At the beginning, Chen Xiaotang's movements were not skilled enough. After all, this was the first time he danced this kind of dance, and the rhythm was not perfect, but Susan could tell at a glance that Chen Xiaotang's skills were those of a first-class dancer.

Moreover, after a short period of adaptation, Chen Xiaotang soon danced as well as a salsa veteran.With his hip-hop skills and his natural sensitivity to music, Chen Xiaotang quickly won unanimous praise from the audience.

Susan is obviously also a good dancer. Seeing that Chen Xiaotang is so brilliant, she also used all her best skills. The two began to dance to the rhythm of salsa music.

Handsome and beautiful, with such superb dancing skills, it is difficult for Chen Xiaotang and Susan not to attract attention.Especially there are many tourists around, even if they are not excellent performers, they are at least qualified critics. Seeing the performances of Chen Xiaotang and Susan, they were all amazed.

Soon Chen Xiaotang and Susan became the focus of this group of people. Those who thought they were superb dancers centered on them and danced with them, while those who were inferior stopped to cheer for them.The scene was extremely lively for a while.

The song is over.

Chen Xiaotang and Susan came down from the dance floor, but seeing Ye Zimei being flattered by several handsome guys, Chen Xiaotang couldn't help shaking his head, who said the French are the most romantic, and the British are not bad.

Seeing Chen Xiaotang and Ye Zimei looking at each other, Susan couldn't help asking: "Your girlfriend?"

"No, my ordinary friend."

"Hehe, do you have a lot of women chasing someone as handsome as you?"

"Is there a lot of people chasing a beautiful woman like you?" Chen Xiaotang asked back.

Susan shrugged, "Boys are troublesome!"

Chen Xiaotang nodded in approval, "Especially those who think they are great lovers..."

After the two talked and laughed, and started to get to know each other more deeply, Chen Xiaotang couldn't help being surprised by Susan's identity.It turned out that Susan was a student at an art school in London, England. She was very good at singing and acting, and she was well-known in the London entertainment circle.She frankly said that her biggest wish is to go to Hollywood in the United States, so she has been studying hard, otherwise her dancing skills would not be so good.

Now that they know that the other party is from the entertainment industry, the relationship between the two has become much more harmonious.And Susan looked at Chen Xiaotang, and began to doubt his identity, especially such a familiar face, for Susan who was determined to go to Hollywood, she was very familiar.

"You look like a human being!" Susan said suddenly.

"Is it Lafite Chen?" Chen Xiaotang laughed.

"It's him! How do you know?"

"Because I am him!" Chen Xiaotang no longer concealed his identity, and directly revealed his identity.

"Wow! God, isn't this true?!" Susan couldn't help herself with excitement.Fortunately, everyone around was having a carnival, so it didn't seem too abrupt.

Seeing Susan covered her mouth in excitement, Chen Xiaotang couldn't help smiling, "Shh, please, keep your voice down, I don't want everyone to know."

"I understand, hehe, I understand!" Susan was extremely happy, and looked around furtively, and then carefully sat next to the superstar Chen Xiaotang, looking at him, as if ten thousand years couldn't get enough of him.

Chen Xiaotang was depressed, "Does my face have flowers?"

"No no, you know, Lafite, you are my idol!" Susan said.

"But I hope you can regard me as your friend." Chen Xiaotang shrugged.

Susan understood, and said with a chuckle, "Okay, but you said it yourself, treating you as an ordinary friend... Don't blame us British movie fans for not being enthusiastic."

Seeing Susan's solemn expression, Chen Xiaotang couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, besides singing and dancing, Susan also had a great talent for acting. At least she returned to the way she was with Chen Xiaotang before.

The two began to talk about everything again, but knowing Chen Xiaotang's status as a superstar, Susan consciously or unconsciously expressed her desire for singing and acting, as well as her desire to go to Hollywood.

Of course Chen Xiaotang would not let her down, but he did not mention going to Hollywood, but claimed that if Susan wanted to, she could go to Hong Kong. There must be a way to give her a good script and a good role, which immediately made Susan overjoyed.

Chen Xiaotang's words were not just nonsense. Nowadays, Hong Kong movies are booming, and many foreigners also appear in the movies, but most of them are playing opposite Brother Cheng Long, or directly playing the role of the villain who fights and kills. There is a lack of role types like Susan, not to mention the close relationship between London and Hong Kong, so it would be beneficial for both parties to fool this talent into Hong Kong.

Of course, according to Chen Xiaotang's current strength and status, let alone introducing Susan to Hollywood, it would be no problem even if she made a movie for her alone, but the problem is that I don't know her very well. Huan, not to mention her true acting skills are still open to question.The most important thing is that she must not be given a direct ladder to Qingyun. This is definitely not a good thing for an actor. A good actor needs good training!
However, for many people, due to the dominance of Hollywood, the charm of Hong Kong movies is much less, including that there is a big gap with the United States in terms of remuneration, which is also an aspect that affects the development of Hong Kong movies.However, for a newcomer like Susan, it is also a good thing to be able to go to Hong Kong to film. If the script and roles are good, at least it is better than Hollywood.Susan thought so, that's why she was so happy and grateful to Chen Xiaotang.

What Chen Xiaotang is most concerned about is actually music issues. Through tonight's experience, he has become very fascinated by British culture. It is rare to meet an authentic London beauty who is also a person in the entertainment industry. Naturally, he will not miss this aspect question.

Like all British people, Susan is very proud of her country's culture. Seeing that Chen Xiaotang is interested in her country's culture, she naturally knows everything and can't stop talking.

As for music, Susan herself is also a music lover. She is familiar with famous British songs and sold a large number of albums to Chen Xiaotang.Chen Xiaotang listened humbly, memorized everything in his mind, and prepared to buy and listen to it whenever he had time.These are all good materials for studying Western music, and they are also some ethnic characteristics that you must understand when you hold a concert.

From Susan's introduction, Chen Xiaotang learned that British music is composed of four main nations: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and each nation has its own unique folk music.In addition, British music also incorporates the traditional music of immigrants from all over the world.

However, the most popular and famous is the British rock, which is popular all over the world today. In fact, since a group of musicians began to promote rock music in the 1960s, Britain has created many well-known new music fields, such as heavy metal, folk songs, drum and bass, Punk, etc., and the Beatles and Queen are the best of them.Susan also introduced some albums in this area, and Chen Xiaotang naturally would not let them go.

It can also be seen from Susan's pride in her country's music and culture. She is deeply proud of being a British, just like Chen Xiaotang is proud of being a Chinese.Chen Xiaotang suddenly discovered that the greatest charm and centripetal force of a nation comes from culture.

Culture, a very broad term, Chen Xiaotang thought about it, and his thoughts drifted away.

"What are you thinking, Chen?" Susan asked.

Chen Xiaotang came back to his senses, "Oh, I was wondering, would you like to be my guest performer at the concert?"

"What did you say?" Susan looked surprised, her mouth was so wide that she could swallow an egg.

"Hehe, even if you don't want to, you don't have to react so much. It seems that I need to hire someone else." Chen Xiaotang joked.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!! I'm willing!" Susan said in a tongue-tied voice for fear of Chen Xiaotang's repentance.

You know, how proud it is to be able to show up at Chen Xiaotang's concert!Many big names in the British music scene may not be able to obtain this kind of honor, and they did not expect it to fall on themselves.

"That's what you said, so we've made a deal!" Chen Xiaotang lightly clapped Susan's hands to signify that the agreement came into force.

Susan was still in a daze in surprise.

After chatting for a while, some of Susan's friends ran over and insisted on dragging Susan to play elsewhere. Susan wished so much to be alone with Chen Xiaotang for a while, but she couldn't reveal his identity, so she had no choice but to talk to Chen Xiaotang. he said goodbye.

As soon as Susan left here, Ye Zimei came over with a smile, "Boss, what are you talking about, you look very happy!" There was a bit of jealousy in her tone.

Chen Xiaotang couldn't help laughing: "Let's chat casually, mainly about music."

"Oh, really?" Ye Zimei looked at him suspiciously.

Chen Xiaotang knocked her on the head, "Guess what, let's go, go somewhere else! It's too noisy here!"

Get up and leave.

Ye Zimei rubbed her head and muttered, "What a wooden boss! I don't know how to pity and cherish jade at all!"

After leaving this noisy street, the two turned into a bustling commercial street.

But the streets were brightly lit, and large posters of Chen Xiaotang's concert hung high on the walls of many buildings.

On the poster, Chen Xiaotang's intoxicating smile and that cool gesture of sweeping his eyebrows with his fingertips are very seductive.

"I didn't expect my poster to appear here!" Chen Xiaotang laughed.

"Yeah, it's just that the design is not very good, and it's not one tenth as handsome as you!"

"Are you flattering?"

"I'm telling the truth."

"To tell the truth, I am happy with the boss, and the year-end bonus is added!"

"Wow, boss, you are so kind!"...

Chen Xiaotang didn't have this kind of shopping experience yet, especially with his promotional posters hanging up and down all around, it felt rather novel.And Ye Zimei is like all girls, she always stops to watch and play with anything interesting and beautiful. Chen Xiaotang doesn't find it annoying, but like a super good boss, Ye Zimei can do whatever she wants.However, Ye Zimei's appreciation is for appreciation, and whenever Chen Xiaotang asks her if she wants to buy something, she always shakes her head.

The two happily walked half a street, both in a good mood.

"Lafite?!" A strange voice suddenly sounded beside Chen Xiaotang.

Turning around subconsciously, Chen Xiaotang immediately knew that things were going to get worse.

Sure enough, as soon as he turned his head, he was immediately surrounded by young men and women around him. The name "Lafite" seemed to have a magical power. The person who was probably a fan of Chen Xiaotang's song yelled, and immediately responded like a cloud, and Chen Xiaotang said regret again at this time , but it was too late.

"Is it really Lafite? No way? Why did he come here?"

"Aren't you too ignorant? Haven't you heard? Lafite is going to hold a concert in London soon!"

"Oh, he looks much more handsome in person than in photos and movies. This kind of demeanor has never been shown in photos and TV."

"Which girl is who? It can't be Lafite's girlfriend, right?"

After a group of young men and women surrounded Chen Xiaotang and Ye Zimei, they immediately began to chatter and comment, making Chen Xiaotang dumbfounded.And in the end, after the identity verification was over, all the men and women demanded in unison: "Lafite, we are your fans, please sign us!"

Chen Xiaotang secretly complained, but the reason was different from other stars, he never thought that signing autographs for fans was hard work, it didn't matter if he was alone, it didn't matter if he signed for a whole day, but his fame is too great now , Didn't you see more and more people rushing around?

(End of this chapter)

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