Movie tycoon

Chapter 720 The Great Storm

Chapter 720 The Great Storm

It is said that as soon as the charity gala started, Chen Xiaotang took the initiative to sing the theme song of his new movie on stage.Whether it's his singing skills or the design of the entire dance scene, everyone is mesmerized.

After the curtain call ended and the applause continued, Chen Xiaotang tried his best to calm down the whole scene, and then said solemnly: "With great ability, comes great responsibility. There are still many people in need of help in the world, and they can help others with their own abilities." , for me, that is very proud of me. I can even say that it makes me happy to be able to help people. This fund was established in my name to achieve this purpose. In addition, there is another purpose I just hope to reward some people who have made their own contributions to world peace and human progress, because they make our world better. Finally, I want to say that although I am not really a superman, I have a superhuman heart. This heart inspires me to continue to dedicate and struggle! Because I believe that as long as everyone puts in their own efforts, our society will be more prosperous and our world will be better. Thank you for coming today and let Let's work together for a more beautiful world!"

Such words are naturally suspected of being commonplace, but Chen Xiaotang's words are not annoying at all.On the one hand, it was because of Chen Xiaotang's natural and sincere attitude, and on the other hand, it was because of Chen Xiaotang's behavior.Chen Xiaotang has been doing charity work since his debut, and this time he spent a lot of money, donating 80 million US dollars for charity.You know, it's only the [-]s now, and [-] million US dollars is equivalent to [-] to [-] million in the future. This amount is definitely not trivial.It can be seen from this that not everyone can achieve this kind of attitude of being bearish on money and courageously assuming one's social responsibility.

What Chen Xiaotang said may not be convinced by everyone, and not everyone is willing to act on it, but it is inevitable that Chen Xiaotang's own attitude and behavior will win unanimous approval.So, after Chen Xiaotang finished speaking, there was a burst of warmer applause from the audience.

After Chen Xiaotang finished speaking, he immediately retreated to the backstage of the stage.There are still many stars waiting to perform, so he can't waste too much time.Except for the fact that Chen Xiaotang's remarks seemed a bit too serious, the atmosphere of the whole performance was relaxed and lively. The stars took turns to take the stage, and there were endless exciting programs. Whether it was the audience watching the performance live or the audience who could only watch the live broadcast on TV , After watching it, everyone exclaimed that it was wonderful and enjoyable.

The influence of this performance is so great that almost even the live TV stations did not expect it.Looking at the ratings after the fact, they were all record highs, and the result was sensational news for a while, causing a lot of noise.

period.As the special guest of this charity concert, Mike, the king of heaven, can be said to be very beautiful on stage, especially when he sang and danced on the stage, and took out the spacewalk again, all the audience screamed again and again.

Facing the enthusiastic audience, the king of heaven, Mike, learned to be smart this time. He will not drag Chen Xiaotang to the stage to dance with himself like last time, and Chen Xiaotang almost steals the limelight in the end.This time he directly invited the queen Madonna to come on stage and sing a song with the queen of heaven with him.

Even so, King Mike was almost robbed of the limelight, because this queen Madonna is not a good person, not to mention how sexy her dress is, but her tricks of boobs~breast~fat~hips on the stage make us crazy King Mike was a little overwhelmed.With no other choice, Tianwang had no choice but to use his milking energy to dance the hip-hop created by Chen Xiaotang, Thomas full spin, and one-armed top, which made Mike Tianwang vomit bitterness and go straight to cheating.

But the Heavenly Kings and Queens competed for splendor on one side, but on the other side, the audiences were engrossed and relished, especially when they saw the excitement, they even stood up and swayed to respond to each other on the stage.

After a string of great shows, the charity show came to an end, and it was a different kind of show for all.

After the charity performance, according to the meaning of the chief director Lucas the Beard, a charity party was arranged, and the participants were either celebrities or rich people.The purpose of arranging this party is to make Chen Xiaotang's "Lafite Fund" recognized by everyone, and at the same time, it is also hoped that these rich people can get some money from their own pockets.

This party was held in the name of Chen Xiaotang, and Chen Xiaotang was naturally the host.Although it was the first time to participate in this kind of gathering in this capacity, but with the superstar temperament honed by Chen Xiaotang, and being familiar with this kind of scene, he was able to deal with everything without revealing anything.

Most of the celebrities were Chen Xiaotang's acquaintances, so they didn't need to be introduced, and Chen Xiaotang answered casually.On the contrary, Chen Xiaotang had only heard of many wealthy people in the Los Angeles area before, but had never met him before. It took a lot of time to introduce and greet each other.However, Chen Xiaotang has been known for being good at socializing since his debut, and he naturally performed perfectly. Everyone felt that Chen Xiaotang paid great attention to him, and immediately felt close to Chen Xiaotang.Moreover, given Chen Xiaotang's status and prestige today, his attitude was always modest, and wherever he went, everyone was like a spring breeze, and the audience had a good time.

If Chen Xiaotang's previous reputation and influence were still limited to the Hollywood film and music circles, then through this gathering, his influence can be expanded to a relatively high level.Among other things, it can be seen from the generous promises of all the rich people that they are willing to do their best for the Chen Xiaotang Fund.It is said that it is a little effort, but the overall number is staggering.

The next day, the effect of Chen Xiaotang's charity concert finally came out.

Most of the media around the world have given high praise.

The Los Angeles Times reports --
"Hollywood superstar Lafite Chen held a grand charity gala at the gymnasium last night. The stars were shining, and celebrities from all walks of life joined in. And Lafite Chen also promised that all the donations will be used for those in need. This kind of high-spirited and honest Sentiment, let us have to lament the greatness of this Chinese superstar, perhaps, he deserves his name to play Superman!"

British "Entertainment Weekly" reported ---
"What is charity? Rafi Chen explained all this with his charity gala. Yes, on this star-studded night, we not only enjoyed the wonderful singing and dancing, but also the kindness behind the scenes that helped others and helped others in danger. We were moved by the spirit of poverty. Looking back, we can’t help but ask ourselves, what should we do for this kind of charitable cause?”

French "Liberty Times" reported ---
"Superman? What is Superman? From comics, movies, or people in real life? Hollywood star Rafi Chen tells us all this with his actual actions. Yes, Superman is someone who can help others! For example, he established The Lafite Foundation will help those in need all over the world! We are very touched by this. As for whether Lafite Chen can play the role of Superman, we don’t know; what we know is that at least Lafite Chen is absolutely A filmmaker with a conscience!"

Compared with the relatively neutral or friendly reports on Chen Xiaotang by the media in North America and Europe, in Asia, where Chen Xiaotang is based, various media have given very positive praise. Fei Chen is also proud of being "Asian", ho ho, La Fei Chen has earned money for Asians, is a friend of the Japanese, and is the most popular movie superstar in Yamato. He is the best.

Those Korean stickmen couldn't wait to dig out Chen Xiaotang's ancestral blood, and tried their best to prove how many percent of his Korean blood he had. It seemed that as long as Chen Xiaotang could get a little bit of the Republic of Korea, even if they sold their stick's ancestors OK.

As for Hong Kong and Taiwan, let alone, no matter in teahouses or restaurants, or in the streets and alleys, everyone is talking about Chen Xiaotang's amazing move in Hollywood, especially after Chen Xiaotang established the Lafite Fund, the first It is the children in the orphanages in Hong Kong who announced the rescue at the right time...How can such a kind deed not be admirable? !

Of course, entertainment public opinion around the world is not one-sided. Since there is praise, there must be criticism.

"MGM Entertainment Weekly" in Los Angeles, USA ---
"Haha, setting up a fund and donating [-] million US dollars, what a generous hand, if we don't know what his purpose is, we will definitely applaud him. But dear friends, is he really so great? We doubt, Yes, I just suspect that some people with ulterior motives rely on this kind of charitable activities in disguise to make a sensation and gain everyone's attention. What is their purpose? Don't forget, the summer movie war is about to start, and many people will fight for the box office Take a risky move, full of tricks!"

Warner America's "New Film Era" --
"As we all know, Warner Bros. is the official owner of the movie "Superman". We shot the popular "Superman" one, two, three, three series, which received rave reviews. Now we are working hard to make this one. In the fourth episode of the movie, the cast will be created by the original cast. Its starring Christopher will still bring you new surprises."

"In contrast, a certain film company even vowed to start filming this film, and shamelessly adapted our dear Superman into a mess. First of all, the big S in the symbolic Surperman was actually tampered with by them into ' Hope'! Oh God, isn't this just talking nonsense? Where did Superman come from? It's because of this big S, but now, even this word has been tampered with, how embarrassing is our old club?"

"Secondly, it is said that Superman no longer wears his red trousers this time... Oh, Christ Jesus, Superman doesn't wear underwear outside, is this still Superman? Are you going to wear a battle suit instead? What a fart... Please forgive me My rudeness is really because I love the character of Superman so much, I have a collection of superman clippings from different eras, and of course his cute red underwear, but now you tell me that the underwear is out of date, this How can I be embarrassed again?!"

"Finally, everyone on the earth knows that Superman is derived from our comic book image. Although the Superman in the comics has black hair, he has blue eyes. He is an American through and through. Why did he come into the hands of a certain company? Became a Chinese in a blink of an eye?! Oh, my Virgin Mary, is this considered a robbery? Snatched away our favorite Superman, and packaged them into their own appearance. How can I embarrass me again? ?!"

"Now that "Superman 4" filmed by Warner is about to be released, I hope that those who love Superman, love the United States, and stand firmly by our Warner, please use your actual actions to support us and resolutely resist the clumsiness of a certain company. Movies, watch our new movies actively, here, as an American, as an American filmmaker, I thank you all and hope you have a happy day! Finally, let us pray together, may God bless America!"

It has to be said that these two major film companies can definitely turn black into white and good into bad with their sharp tongue and sharp words.At least the upcoming "Superman: Man of Steel" by Monster Entertainment has been greatly affected.

Especially those American racists who fear the world will not be chaotic, even use this incident to hype up, clamoring to drive the cultural invaders out of the United States, resolutely boycott the new movie of a certain Chinese star, and so on.

Although the group didn't name them, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the "Chinese star" they called is actually Chen Xiaotang.

If it is said that Chen Xiaotang has won the goodwill of many Americans through the charity gala and the Lafite Fund, then Warner, MGM, and the demonic waves caused by American racists have reached even greater heights, stirring up the entire Hollywood. No peace.

Especially with the beginning of the summer movie war, this situation intensified, and unconsciously, a gradually expanding whirlpool storm was formed...

A Chinese tea restaurant in Los Angeles.

Lao Suntou is an authentic Chinese chef who is best at cooking Sichuan cuisine. He has been in the United States for almost 30 years. When he first came, he had nothing but to help others clean the dishes.However, he worked very hard and was able to endure hardships. He saved enough money in washing dishes, and rented a small shop to start a tea restaurant.

At the beginning, Chuancai tasted too spicy, and many Americans couldn't stand it, so Lao Suntou improved this Sichuan cuisine, making it suitable for the palate of Americans.Unexpectedly, his business is booming day by day.Up to now, he married his wife and gave birth to a child. It can be said that he is a relatively successful generation who traveled across the ocean to America to find gold.

Today, as usual, Lao Suntou was cooking in the kitchen and making his best "pickled fish". At this time, Xiao Li, who was in charge of Shuncai, ran in and said nervously: "It's not good, something happened outside. Already!"

"What's the big deal that makes you so flustered?" Old Suntou has been in the United States for so many years, and hasn't seen any storms. He just thinks that Xiao Li is a little too rough.

"There's a ghost out there who pay the bill, and looks fierce!" Xiao Li stammered.

"What am I supposed to do? This kind of person just wants to get a discount. Just give him a discount!" Old Suntou was still cooking his specialty "pickled fish".

"No, he's about to leave, and I can't hold him back!"

"And this thing? I've seen Bawang's meal, but I've never seen it so hung up. Let's go, have a look!" Lao Suntou put the spoon down, asked his apprentice to watch, and then he and Xiao Li went outside the restaurant.

When I came to the restaurant, there was a lot of noise outside. A strong white man was pushing and shoving a short waitress, cursing constantly: "Shit, what kind of egg fried rice are you? Money? You idiot!"

The waitress didn't expect him to be violent, and her face turned pale with fright. Just as she didn't know what to do, she saw the boss coming and hurried over, "Boss, he didn't pay the bill, and even hit people."

The old grandson has never seen anything in the world. Seeing this, he comforted the waitress casually, and then said to the big white man with a smile: "Friend, if you are short of money, it's okay. Let's make friends!"

Generating wealth through harmony is the purpose of the old grandson's business. Seeing that this big white man obviously wanted to find fault, he took a step back, hoping to have a brighter future.

According to common sense, since the old grandson gave the big white man the steps, he should go down the steps.

But who ever thought that this big white man would not take this kind of thing at all, he glanced at the old grandson with disdain, and then said arrogantly: "Who the hell is your friend, you think I have no money to eat your meal Food? Shit! I have plenty of money, but I just won’t give it to you!”

The old grandson was stunned, this man is a fur, he is shameless, and obviously wants to save his own face.

"Ahem, sir, I think there is some misunderstanding between us? I have been in the shop for many years, and I know some people inside and out. How about we go inside and talk about it?"

"Shit! Don't do this with me! Do you know why I do this? Tell you, I just look down on you Chinese shit! Not only took our jobs, but now even Superman wants to take them away, tell you, no way!"

Old Suntou was stunned, of course he knew what was going on with "Superman". For Chen Xiaotang, a Chinese superstar who never liked listening to music and watching movies, Lao Suntou, who only liked cooking and making money, was also famous for a long time. Very admirable.But I didn't expect that today's matter would involve him.

"My friend, you may have made a mistake. Lafite's acting has nothing to do with me running a restaurant. You can just let it go, or I will call the police!"

"Call the police? Threat me! Shit!" The big white man slammed the table, "Guys, come over and see, these damn Chinese are threatening me on our land? Is this still America? Is it me? The America I love?! Stealing our jobs, stealing our wealth, and now trying to steal our American hero, Superman, even dared to call the police, have you ever seen a robber like this?!"

It has to be said that the extremely distorted remarks of the white man have received some responses from American customers.

"Yeah, damn it, my favorite Superman no longer wears underwear!"

"Smash this store and kill this damn Chinese guy!"

"They are robbers who have taken our jobs!"  …

It can be said that in any country, there will be those who have nothing to do, at least two or three stand up in front of them, clamoring, and supporting that big white man.

Seeing that the situation was on his side, the big white man became even more arrogant, "Old man, if you're sensible, you can pay for the money, or I'll smash it!"

"Yes, take the money out!"


Old grandson: "You can't!"

Before he finished speaking, the big white man punched him with a punch, and the old grandson felt his front teeth fly out.

At that moment, what he felt was not pain, but the filling of his teeth again. In the United States, dentistry is very expensive!

A martial arts gym run by a Chinese in Los Angeles.

Inside the martial arts hall, everything is complete, all are decorated in Chinese style, a large vase, a table of eight immortals, and a screen of eighteen arhats; there is a large plaque in the middle, with four golden characters written on it: "Longwei Martial Arts Hall".

There is a pair on both sides, the first couplet: the southern boxing and the northern boxing are both Chinese boxing; the second couplet: the new and the old are all descendants of the dragon!Hengpi: Show me my glory!
In the whole hall, a group of students are practicing boxing, with constant haha, looking very imposing.

The person in charge of this martial arts gym is called "Leopard Head". The reason why he is called "Leopard Head" is not because his surname is Lin Mingchong, but because he likes to play dice and rolls "Leopard" every time.Over time, people simply called him "Leopard Head".

"Leopard Head" is from Hong Kong and opened a boxing gym when he was in Hong Kong. However, the competition in Hong Kong is fierce, and there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. "Leopard Head" knows where his roots are and can only fool around. So they got married and came to the United States.After she finally worked part-time to collect enough money to give the old ugly woman ten thousand dollars, she finally got her green card.Then it seemed that good luck came, he was appreciated by an old boxer here, and married his old daughter to him, and then let the flow take its course, after the old boxer hiccupped his fart, he took it for granted. Gym, that is, this Veyron Boxing Gym.

Leopard Head is very contented. He knows that his ability is limited, so he never thought of expanding the boxing gym. Even so, because the boxing gym has been in operation for a long time and there are many regular customers, he has enough food and clothing, and has no worries about food and clothing.

At this moment, the leopard head was lying on the wicker chair, biting the purple sand teapot in his mouth, drinking oolong, looking very comfortable and unlimited.

Suddenly, there was a noise, and a group of policemen came in, yes, a group of American policemen in uniform.

"Stop, you all stop!" the policeman yelled.

Leopard jumped up from the rattan chair with a trickle of his head, and said with a smile, "Men, police officers, what's the matter with you?"

The white policeman at the head gave him a disdainful look and said, "Someone reported that you are having an illegal gathering here, so come and have a look."

"Misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding, this is a serious martial arts gym, where is there any illegal gathering!" Leopard head hurriedly explained.

"I hope so. We are also doing business... Take out the ID cards and check them carefully one by one." The white policeman said loudly.

"Oh God, we didn't break the law, why should we be checked?"

"We are here to learn martial arts, why should we be treated like this?"

"Damn it, it's too insecure here!"...

The students shouted.

Leopard's head was in pain, so he could only smile and said: "Officer, please be merciful, we still have business here, this inspection... can you give me some face first?"

"Face? Why should I give you face?" The white policeman glanced at Leopard's head contemptuously, "You yellow-skinned Chinese people will beg for mercy to save face. Since you want to pretend to be a superman, you must have the awareness to accept punishment!"

"What Superman, I don't quite understand."

"I don't understand? Heh, isn't your Chinese obviously going to shoot Superman? Don't you guys feel very proud? Well, today, I want to let you know that Superman is not so easy to localize!"

After finishing speaking, the white policeman waved, "Start checking! Check carefully, don't miss anything!"

Immediately, crackling, the screen was pushed down, the vase was broken, and the whole martial arts hall was messed up.

Faced with this innocent disaster, Leopard Head couldn't help but mournfully, "Who am I provoking?!"


Who would have thought that Chen Xiaotang, the big star who has made countless Chinese Americans proud, would bring some compatriots extremely bad luck because of a work he is about to star in.

And this is just the beginning, some American racists began to target the premiere of "Superman: Man of Steel".

(End of this chapter)

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