Movie tycoon

Chapter 715 Calling "Superman"

Chapter 715 Calling "Superman"

In the bedroom of the big hotel.

Men's and women's clothes were thrown casually on the ground.

A big soft bed, spoiled in a bad way.

At this moment, the woman lying on the bed half exposed her snow-white shoulders, which looked even whiter and smoother under the moonlight. If one looked to the side of the collarbone in the bright moonlight, a light red hickey was faintly visible.

The woman's body was facing away from the window, as if the moonlight outside the window was too bright.The pretty face with her back to the moonlight was a little tired, but it also faintly gave people a feeling of being satisfied.She closed her eyes, and only slightly inflamed her nostrils as she breathed. Her exposed arms hugged the pillow, and her hands were slightly clasped, which only seemed to give people a peaceful feeling.

Behind the woman, the Hollywood superstar Chen Xiaotang was only covered with a thin blanket. He glanced sideways at the sleeping Lin Qingxia. Chen Xiaotang opened his eyes and looked at the brightly lit Los Angeles at night. A not-so-clear outline appeared on the ground.

I don't know how long he stared at it, Chen Xiaotang wrapped his body in the blanket, sighed, closed his eyes, and began to worry about the company's big show again.

The content of "Superman: Man of Steel" flashed through Chen Xiaotang's mind.I have to admit that despite the scores scored by Rotten Tomatoes, the previous life drama is definitely a magnificent heroic epic.

As the screenwriter and producer of this play, Christopher Nolan's name is so popular in Hollywood that people have to be convinced.

The series of classics such as "Memento", "The Dark Knight", "The Prestige", and "Inception" have created Nolan's golden signature. In Hollywood, countless directors are eager to cooperate with him. The reason is very simple. Known as the "Hollywood Golden Boy screenwriter", the young man broke through all kinds of shackles and created legends one after another.

If the current Chen Xiaotang is a legend in the screenwriting world in this time and space, then Nolan in another time and space is definitely a legend among legends.

"I am Christopher Nolan, a typical British person. Like my predecessor Hitchcock, I am not only a screenwriter, but also a person with whimsical ability." This is Nolan's evaluation of himself.

It is undeniable that Nolan is definitely a wonderful work in the world of Hollywood screenwriters. With his unique creativity, he interprets what a Hollywood screenwriter should do, which is to break all constraints and carry out a good story to the end.

Starting from this point of view, Chen Xiaotang's thoughts drifted far away.Suddenly he understood why he felt depressed recently, Chen Xiaotang also had a sense of depression at this time, but he was able to look at this problem rationally.His depression is not because his superman proposal was rejected by Fatty Wang Jing and others, but because of the film culture issue that he has been considering before.

Why do Hong Kong movies always wander in the small circle of Kung Fu themes?Why don't our Chinese films have blockbusters like "Superman"?Why can our screenwriters only play tricks and copy each other?Why can't we have original giants? !
With the precipitation of time, Chen Xiaotang has gained a deeper understanding of film culture.

To put it bluntly, no matter how powerful the film culture is, it actually bears a kind of culture of its own country itself.

For example, American culture, they advocate freedom, democracy, and epic heroism, so there will be a series of heroes such as "Superman", "Spiderman", "Die Hard", "First Blood" and so on. doctrine movies.

In these movies, violence is not the theme, but the spirit of helping those in need.Every hero has flesh and blood, and every rescue of the world is moving.

In contrast, we, who claim to have a 5000-year civilization, have experienced various splendors in Chinese culture in the long river of history.In the pre-Qin period, there were already a hundred schools of thought contending, and since then there have been Tang poetry, Song poetry, Yuan opera, and Ming and Qing novels, all of which are representative of the glorious periods of Chinese culture.And no matter what the form is, its deep cultural spirit is inherited in one continuous line, and the difference in form is just a reflection of this spirit in different times.

But all this has now changed.After thousands of years of going around in circles, the Chinese nation fell into a vicious cycle and could not escape, and finally became a politically and economically backward nation in the late Qing Dynasty.With the spread of Western learning to the east, the original culture was almost completely abandoned, and the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture was cut off from then on.

In today's Chinese society, it can be said that there are two kinds of thinking. One is the thinking of traditional culture, which has not been inherited and carried forward. This kind of culture coexists with essence and dross.The other is a kind of advanced thinking that goes beyond the actual conditions.No matter which one, it does not conform to the image and spirit of today's Chinese people.

In a word, the current weakness of Chinese culture is precisely due to the lack of a cultural spirit that keeps pace with the world and can show the true face of the Chinese people today. The Chinese people lack an overall abstract positive image.Among the various forms of culture, there is a lack of images that can truly represent contemporary Chinese people.

Without such spirit and image, many people worship foreign countries and believe that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in China.This is sorrow, the sorrow that has been precipitated for 5000 years.

As Napoleon said, China is a sleeping lion, and until now, this lion has not really awakened.China is not so powerful that it can see all mountains and small things at a glance, nor is it weak in the eyes of some people who blindly admire the oceans. It has great potential, but there is a long way to go to truly win the status it deserves.Seeing one's own status clearly and determining one's own goals are what the Chinese need to do now.

Since the 80s of the twentieth century, the Chinese have created many miracles, but this is far from the strength of the Chinese people. Once the lion wakes up, China can be strong.The key point is to reshape the spirit of the Chinese nation culturally and regain confidence in our own culture.Chen Xiaotang firmly believes that although the United States is currently the most powerful in the world, the Chinese are the ones who truly represent the direction of human development.China is the true leader of the world in the future, and this is the creed that every Chinese should adhere to.

Chen Xiaotang's idea is not groundless, but obtained through rational thinking based on what he knows.In his mind, this idea of ​​representing the future of the world is definitely not Westernized. Western culture is indeed excellent today, but it definitely cannot represent the future.What really represents the future is Chinese culture.

However, this does not mean that all foreign cultures are excluded.A strong culture must not only have a strong influence, but also be able to influence the people of the country, be universal, and also need to be compatible. The advantages and strengths of other cultures can be absorbed and then integrated into the national culture.Ancient Chinese culture once had such characteristics, but since modern times, this characteristic has gradually disappeared.And when Chen Xiaotang considered a Chinese culture that represents the future, what he thought of was that such a culture, first of all, in terms of inheriting and developing traditional culture, not only should the essence of traditional culture be abandoned and inherited, but also absorb other cultures. The advantages of culture form a unique culture.

We don't worship heroism, because we have advocated "the mean" since ancient times, asking us not to engage in individualism, but to be proud of the collective, which greatly dampens the enthusiasm of individual heroes.Perhaps in a certain sense, this kind of cognition is good, after all, the team is more important than the individual, but in a certain sense, people are all fantasy animals, with the nature of self-expression, you use this so-called moral restraint , To bind this nature, wouldn't it violate the laws of nature? !

In other words, why don't we have Superman, Spiderman, and Batman?It’s not because we are poor in creativity and imaginative, but because we are bound by ourselves. Our traditional culture and current mainstream morality require us to be mediocre and good children. , don't dream, individuals obey the collective, everything must fight for the collective honor, this is the moral weathervane, and it is the general trend.

But is this restraint really effective?
wrong!Why can a series of Hollywood hero blockbusters break through hundreds of millions in China and become super blockbusters? Are "Iron Man", "Spiderman" and "Batman" on the big screen one by one?
The reason is simple, we need them, we crave them!

We don't have any "heroes" of our own, so we have to rely on these "foreign heroes" to masturbate and find our own heroic dreams...

I have to say that Chinese people's imagination and creativity are bound by our own culture, so we rarely have Nobels, so we rarely have personal heroes, lonely heroes; it's like our poor children go to school , It is required to be excellent in all disciplines, to become an all-rounder, and not to be unique in one discipline.But in fact, how many people can be all-rounder?Edison failed several subjects in the college entrance examination, Newton was even more unresponsive, and Einstein was extremely biased.

Fuck the ghost college entrance examination!
Go to his old mother's ghost!

This kind of ghost system that only asks for scores but not quality has obliterated how many geniuses!
With more than one billion people in the vast Greater China, is the probability of being a genius lower than that of the United States?
No, in the final analysis, our own education problem is too cheating!
We long for Superman!

We long for heroes!

We are eager to change ourselves and change the world!
But the cruel reality, the cheating system is so oppressive that we cannot stand up.

However, this does not mean that we are sinking here, because we still have hands and feet, and a brain that has not been washed away. We know how to learn. As long as it is a good thing, it can be used for our own use!
This point has been clearly stated in Mr. Lu Xun's "Bringing Doctrine".

The so-called absorbing the advantages of other cultures is completely different from blindly accepting other cultures. The key point is that the absorbers must have their own core cultural spirit.Just like a big tree, if you want to have luxuriant branches and leaves, you must have a strong and strong trunk.China's 5000-year long history and the miracles it has repeatedly created in recent years have proved that the Chinese people have such a spirit, but unfortunately, this spirit has not been expressed through various art forms, that is, various concrete manifestations of culture. And presented.

Specifically, Chen Xiaotang is not clear about this kind of culture, what this spirit should look like, but Chen Xiaotang has already vaguely felt its power, which will be the foundation for the Chinese nation to stand tall among the nations of the world.In the final analysis, culture is the root and cohesion of a nation.

The prosperity of culture cannot be determined by one person, it needs at least one generation or even several generations of efforts to achieve it.Although Chen Xiaotang is only a filmmaker, not a cultural giant, he also knows that his own efforts will not have much effect.On this issue, he deeply felt his own powerlessness, but he was not depressed, because he saw hope. In reality, he had already seen the spirit that such a powerful culture should have.

Think about a few people who are familiar with him, including Fa Ge, Liu Dehua, Liang Chaowei, and even the nonsensical Zhou Xingchi, all have their own personal dreams.And when these dreams come together, they form a common dream, that is, the power of Hong Kong movies and even Chinese-language movies, and by extension, it is the excavation and dissemination of Chinese culture and the growth of the spirit of the Chinese nation.It is precisely because of the efforts of these people that Chen Xiaotang is full of confidence in the future of Chinese film culture.

Everyone is united, and its profit breaks gold!
When every Chinese can be proud of and work hard for their own national culture, the strength of the Chinese nation will be just around the corner.

It was with this thought that Chen Xiaotang began to think about his responsibilities and goals again.Yes, it is impossible to rely on him alone to revitalize Chinese films and spread Chinese culture, but with his talent and status, he can play a leading role.Specifically speaking, Chen Xiaotang's role is also in music and movies. If he can drive the development of these two aspects and form a prosperous industry, then, with the wisdom and diligence of the Chinese people, a person who can represent the image and image of the Chinese people A culture of influence will also take shape.

Thinking back to "Superman: Man of Steel", the reason why Chen Xiaotang wanted to film this movie and play Superman himself was to use the American "hero culture" to create a Chinese version of "Superman image".

This superman has the traditional Chinese "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith", our 5000-year-old "chivalrous spirit" in China, and the "martial spirit" that we have always been proud of but has now been castrated.This is a symbol, a symbol of the new rise of the Chinese people, telling the world and the world that we Chinese also have heroes!

Then again, why did Chen Xiaotang do this?
Why take the risk of losing money and ruining your reputation to film this drama? !

The reason is simple, because the image of the Chinese people is too outdated internationally!Even many foreigners think that Chinese people still wear pigtails! ! !
Such contempt and disdain, and ignorance of Chinese people, made Chen Xiaotang, who has always been proud of his nation and proud of the descendants of the dragon, feel embarrassed?
I remember clearly that one time when Chen Xiaotang was interviewed by the media, the media asked a question, "Is there a McDonald's in China? Are Chinese people still hungry? Are there no cars in China?"

Such an idiotic question became the topic of that interview. On the spot, Chen Xiaotang only said one sentence, "You ask me so many, why don't you go to China to see for yourself?"

Chen Xiaotang still clearly remembers the contemptuous look of that reporter at that time, "Go to China? Oh God, you better kill me, I hate their pigtail braids!"

It is precisely because of these reasons that Chen Xiaotang wants to use the movie "Superman" to reshape the image of the Chinese people. Don't you all admire Superman? Well, let me show you the Chinese version!

From Chen Xiaotang's personal point of view, such a decision is very risky, and it is not something a successful businessman should do.But on the other hand, if I am timid about this drama, then I will regret it in the future.

Chen Xiaotang hopes to be a person who has no regrets, no matter whether this decision is right or wrong, but how many people can really understand his heart? !
Alas, the loneliest thing in the world is having no confidant when things happen.Chen Xiaotang sighed deeply. What he didn't know was that the moment he closed his eyes, Lin Qingxia's eyes, which were originally closed, moved slightly.


Lin Qingxia's sudden arrival in the United States gave Chen Xiaotang, who had started working non-stop, a reason to take a full rest.

In just two days, Chen Xiaotang accompanied her to watch a private art exhibition in Los Angeles. When Chen Xiaotang, a Hollywood superstar, introduced to those Americans that this is our Hong Kong actress and goddess in the hearts of many men, Lin Qingxia's eyes were obvious Very happy.

She doesn't care what others think of her, she only cares about her position in Chen Xiaotang's heart.

Soon, Lin Qingxia will leave Los Angeles, USA.When Chen Xiaotang saw her off, Lin Qingxia suddenly said to him: "Do what you think you should do."

"What?" Chen Xiaotang was taken aback.

"Although you have been with me these two days, you have a lot of things on your mind. I know that you have something on your mind..." Chen Xiaotang didn't expect her to say that.

"Ahem, just a little... something about movies."

"So I let you do it, do what you should do!" Lin Qingxia encouraged. "Sometimes filming is not necessarily for the box office, is it?"

Chen Xiaotang's heart skipped a beat.

"You're right." At that moment he had a decision.

Seeing Chen Xiaotang's brows stretched, Lin Qingxia was very happy, and said with a smile: "That's right, this is the Chen Xiaotang I know, no matter what happens, he is full of confidence. In this way, even if I leave, I can rest assured."

"Thank you, Miss Xia." Chen Xiaotang held her hand.

Lin Qingxia blushed and said suddenly, "It's time for me to get on the plane."

Chen Xiaotang: "Yes."

"Just a moment?"


Before Chen Xiaotang could react, Lin Qingxia suddenly stood on tiptoe, kissed him lightly on the cheek, and then said coquettishly, "Wood!"

Touching her cheek, she looked at Lin Qingxia, who was as beautiful as a flower.

Chen Xiaotang, drunk.

This chapter was written with a bit of anger, mainly because the education system felt too cheating and painful.Alas, everything goes without saying, everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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