Movie tycoon

Chapter 673 Resignation to fate

Chapter 673 Resignation to fate (second update)
It is said that everyone was shocked when they heard that Chen Xiaotang planned to join forces with everyone to acquire Fox Company.

Xiang Huasheng, representing Eternal Life Entertainment, has always disliked Chen Xiaotang. His brother Xiang Huaqiang even taught him a lesson for this, and now is a good opportunity to ridicule him.

"20 billion US dollars, Chen Xiaotang, do you think we are opening a bank, who dares to guarantee such a large investment?! You are whimsical. If you fail, you, a so-called big star justice of the peace, can afford this responsibility?!"

Chen Xiaotang just glanced contemptuously at Xiang Huasheng's sarcasm, which made Xiang Huasheng even more upset, as if his self-esteem had been dealt a huge blow. !

"Everyone, what do you think?" Chen Xiaotang ignored Xiang Huasheng's dark eyes and looked at Zou Wenhuai and Lei Juekun.As for Pan Disheng, Chen Xiaotang knew that as long as everyone voted, he would follow along. If the decision failed, he would not take such a big risk for the so-called "friendship".After all, friendship is friendship, and business is business.

Zou Wenhuai took a puff of a big cigar, and then said to Chen Xiaotang: "This is a big matter, especially with such a big investment, I think we should discuss it carefully."

"Yeah, the risk is too great, and it's not worth the risk." Boss Lei, who has always been reticent, even raised objections.

Chen Xiaotang might as well let everyone be so hesitant, and looked at Shao Daheng again. Among all the people, Shao Daheng had the oldest qualifications and the most experience. As long as he opened his mouth to say a word, it would definitely carry enough weight.

Daheng Shao pondered for a while, and then asked Chen Xiaotang vehemently: "Ah Tang, now that the film studio is under construction and the business is starting up, I really don't understand why you want to buy this Fox again?"

The meaning is very simple, creating a film city is already very troublesome, what are you still playing? !One thing more is worse than one thing less, understand? !
Chen Xiaotang said firmly: "I just think the opportunity is rare. Especially Fox, as a veteran Hollywood film company, has always had a good reputation. This brand alone is worth hundreds of millions; if our Hong Kong films want to quickly open up in Hollywood, we must establish our own. A Hollywood company, and after the company is established, it has to do a lot of things, including the integration of theaters, resource management, and early publicity work... Roughly speaking, it will not be successful in three or four years. On the contrary, if we With the acquisition of Fox, we can use the brand effect of this company to directly promote our Hong Kong films to the mainstream Hollywood market, and let them gradually accept us."

"So, the acquisition of Fox is an important opportunity for our Hong Kong films to really rise and gain respect in the world film industry! It is an indispensable and excellent key to open the door of Hollywood! A big gamble, once and for all!"

What Chen Xiaotang said was loud and sound, and the reasoning was very thorough. All those present were big shots who had worked hard in the Hong Kong film industry for decades. After listening to these words, they couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Yes, this is indeed a good opportunity.

Hong Kong movies really need a good entry point to break into Hollywood.

Fox has a long history and strong brand effect. If it can be acquired, it will be done once and for all.

But the question is, what if such a huge amount of money is invested and lost?
If Fox couldn't turn over and drag everyone into the abyss, wouldn't that be a terrible death? !
Dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel; don't push yourself into the abyss of cruelty just for your dreams.

This person, as he gets older, he will inevitably think too much about things. To put it nicely, it is called "deliberation", or to put it bluntly, it is "fear of wolves in front and tigers in back".

When you were young, who hadn't been ambitious and swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger?Thinking of becoming a movie tycoon, looking down on Xiangjiang, smiling proudly in Hollywood, and leaning on the red and nestling in the green in the world movie world, it is very unrestrained; no return...

In particular, the meat stuffing of the meat buns this time is a real 20 billion... and return him~mom dollars!
Everyone was silent for 3 minutes.

What a tough 3 minutes.

Chen Xiaotang knew that he had to work harder, otherwise, this matter would probably go wrong.

"Actually, I said that the investment is 20 billion, but if you calculate carefully, it's only one billion." Sure enough, Chen Xiaotang's sudden change caused those "contemplative" bigwigs to look up at him, with eyes revealing: What do you mean? !

Chen Xiaotang continued, "Everyone is used to doing big business. How many of them have seen people risk their money to invest? Most of them use the bank's money to make their own money..."

Chen Xiaotang pointed out a little bit of the theme, that is, "borrowing money from the bank" to play, this is the most common game in the business circle.

But how to play?

Chen Xiaotang: "Let's make a time lag to get the contract to acquire Fox, and then mortgage the contract to an American bank, that is, to mortgage the Fox company we got. I preliminarily estimate that we can borrow at least one billion US dollars. First, we only need to pay half of the money to obtain the right to operate Fox. Although this company is mortgaged to the bank, it will not affect our management of it at all, and it will not affect our development of Hong Kong films through Fox. Strategy. At that time, Shaw Brothers, Golden Harvest, New Art City, etc., can all take the films they have shot to Hollywood for release, and exchange them for high dollars at a low cost. Isn't this a very good deal?"

Chen Xiaotang's words are highly inspiring and tempting. Let me ask you, if a movie filmed at 400 million Hong Kong dollars is exchanged for 400 million US dollars in Hollywood, wouldn't it be a big profit? !

However, when the bigwigs were "deliberating" again, Xiang Huasheng, who likes to challenge Chen Xiaotang, sneered, "It's a dream, if it's so easy to do, why don't those Hollywood companies do it? Why would they take advantage of us? What's more, even if it's really possible After the acquisition is successful, what will happen in the future? If this company continues to lose money, will it also drag us into the water? Therefore, we must think twice and do things according to our ability. "

"Shut up!" Chen Xiaotang snapped suddenly.

When Xiang Huasheng was reprimanded, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ashamed and angry: "What did you say?"

"I tell you to shut up!" Chen Xiaotang stared at him with extremely sharp eyes. "If you don't want to participate, you can leave immediately, don't make people disgusting like a shit stick!"

Xiang Huasheng, who had originally clenched his fists and was extremely angry, softened involuntarily under the pressure of Chen Xiaotang's eyes.

"You... Sixth Uncle, Boss Zou, take a look, what's his attitude?"

"Asheng, if you really don't want to, just leave first, and we'll discuss it later." Daheng Shao said coldly.

Xiang Huasheng was speechless immediately, it turned out that he was so annoying.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving, you discuss it, I see what you can come up with!" Xiang Huasheng left unwillingly, and everyone ignored him.

After Xiang Hua Sheng left, Shao Daheng closed his eyes slightly, thought for a while, and then said: "Ah Tang, although Xiang Hua Sheng is a bit of a jerk, he is not completely wrong, even if we really have to put Fox After winning it, how will you manage it in the future? How will you repay the loan? Have you considered these things?"

"Don't worry, Uncle Six, I have a plan." Chen Xiaotang said calmly, "If we really have to acquire Fox, first of all, I will package the film sources in the company's inventory into a new format of videotapes-VCD discs, so as to Come to sell, its sales restriction strategy is 'new packaging, new nostalgia'..."

"VCD, what is this?"

You must know that VCDs did not appear in the mainland until the early 90s instead of videotapes, and then spread all over the world. Of course, Shao Daheng and others have never seen it.

Chen Xiaotang was already prepared, and he took out a very thin CD like magic, and said: "This is the product. I sent people to invest in this area before, and now the research results are showing initial results. I believe that in the next three years, This kind of optical disc will replace video tape as a new mode of movie projection; and I have applied for patents for the equipment, VCD projector, optical disc, etc., and it will definitely shock the entire technological world!"

Indeed, the invention of VCD is definitely a pioneering work, but the bad or sad thing is that we Chinese don’t know how to apply for a patent. The foreigners took it away, so that in the end, we produced the machines and had to pay the foreigners patent fees, which is really painful!
Now that Chen Xiaotang is able to learn it, he will firmly hold the patent right of this invention in his hands. In the future, if those Japanese ghosts want to produce this kind of VCD, they will make an offering to grandpa and pay the patent fee!
Facing the "ultra-thin" "video tape" thrown out by Chen Xiaotang, Shao Daheng, Zou Wenhuai and others only felt that it was extremely miraculous. If it was true as Chen Xiaotang said, then thousands of resources in Fox's film library could be changed instantly. into green dollar bills.

Seeing that everyone was shocked by his trump card, Chen Xiaotang continued his efforts: "In addition, I will re-adjust the proportion of Fox's films, focusing on low-cost horror and suspense films, and assisting one or two major dramas. Stew the beef brisket over a low fire and fight the tough battle slowly, I believe that within two years, Fox will be able to slow down, and the bank's loan will be solved by then!"

All of you present here are from film backgrounds, so of course they have some understanding of the tastes of people in Hollywood.The young people in Hollywood are a huge subject, and these people like new and exciting things, low-cost horror films or suspense films, which are most suitable for their tastes, such as the "Ghost Playing Man" series directed by young Hollywood director Sam Remy , is very popular in North America, Hong Kong and other places, and the investment of this drama is only a few hundred thousand US dollars, which is definitely a representative of small and big.

The strategy proposed by Chen Xiaotang now hits the hearts of Shao Daheng and others. They know that the acquisition proposed by Chen Xiaotang is not random, let alone a whim, but a large investment with a plan, preparation and strategy.

"It seems that you are really ready..." Shao Daheng seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be saying to Chen Xiaotang, "But it's still the same sentence, it's a big matter, we still need to discuss it carefully Just a little bit."

Chen Xiaotang smiled and said: "Of course, I don't dare to expect that everyone will agree to such a big matter immediately, but I hope everyone can think clearly, and the opportunity will never come again. If we want to go out of Hong Kong films, we must Be tough!"

Shao Daheng and the others nodded, but remained silent.

Chen Xiaotang knew that he had tried his best, as for whether the matter would succeed, he could only resign himself to fate.

(End of this chapter)

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