Movie tycoon

Chapter 631 Best Director

Chapter 631 Best Director

Not to mention the hard-working Chen Xiaotang, who has always been a lucky star, but this time he left the treasure, and said that with the award of the best actor award, the award ceremony is getting closer and closer to the end.

At this time, the two hosts, "Fat Sister" Shen Dianxia and "Wireless Flower" Wang Mingquan, were already talking on stage.

"Sister Fei, do you like makeup?" Wang Mingquan asked solemnly.

"Joke, this lady has always been born beautiful, do you still need makeup?" Shen Dianxia pushed her glasses and stroked her hair, making an expression of "I'm very beautiful".It made everyone laugh non-stop.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Dianxia said: "It's just that some people don't know how to appreciate my lady's round and beautiful appearance. They can only say that he has no knowledge and vision!"

However, Chen Xiaotang found that her eyes were always looking to the other side, and following her gaze, it was Zheng Shaoqiu sitting there awkwardly.

It turned out that last year, the flirtatious Zheng Shaoqiu met and fell in love with the Taiwanese actress Guan Jinghua who was in the same crew when filming "The New Biography of Chu Liuxiang".The straightforward Shen Dianxia broke into Zheng Guan's filming scene one day because she couldn't hold back her anger, and slapped the beautiful official official so hard that the media hyped up the news.

Later, in order to quell the matter, Zheng Shaoqiu spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but Shen Dianxia uncharacteristically accepted an exclusive interview with media reporters, in which she wantonly exposed her "love history" with Qiuguan.

The original text is as follows: I have been called "Fat Fat" by my relatives and friends since I was a child. In my early 20s, I had starred in three TV series, hosted two TV shows, and formed a "couple choir" with Luo Wen, a Hong Kong music talent at that time, touring around the world.Since then, I have been known as an "international policeman" in the Hong Kong entertainment circle, because the sisters always tell me all kinds of hidden worries in the boudoir, and the male artists also treat me as a buddy and drag me out to drink to relieve stress. If there is any conflict between husband and wife, I will also ask me to mediate.I think it’s probably because I’m more bold, and my appearance is not outstanding. Everyone has a sense of superiority when facing me. They don’t think I’m a competitor, and they’re willing to let go of their psychological defenses and treat me as one of their own.
Things are funny, the only marriage in my life was actually "wrapped" into my arms like this.In the mid-70s, Zheng Shaoqiu, Li Linlin, and Chen Hao and I went to Malaysia to film a movie for two months. During this period, I took a few days off to go back to Hong Kong to promote another movie. Send a letter to "Aqiu".I thought it was a sweet talk, and when I saw Ah Qiu, I excitedly said to him: "Please drink tea, I brought you a love letter." After that, no one could find him until dinner. Hiding in the kitchen and crying, that's when I realized that the letter was not a love letter, but a breakup letter.I felt a little guilty. Afterwards, I told Li Linlin and Chen Ziqiang that I was afraid that Aqiu would not think about committing suicide. We invited him to go shopping and eat every day, and we even invited him to watch movies. If it is not explained, what is going to happen will happen.I have been in contact with him a lot, and found that he is very caring and filial, and has a serious work attitude. He reads scripts all day long, so I feel relieved to follow him...
It can be said that after the fat sister Shen Dianxia exposed her "love history", Zheng Shaoqiu had to restrain her love affairs directly, so as not to be accused of being an irresponsible bad man.

Sister Fei thought that she had won this time, and she could finally tie Zheng Shaoqiu to her side, and let the whole people supervise him, so that he would not dare to mess around again.

But only Chen Xiaotang knew that Sister Fei had completely damaged Qiu Guan's dignity by doing so.Let me ask, which man would be willing to have his shortcomings exposed like this? !Being supervised and tied to the waistband by his wife, how can he survive such a life? !

It can be said that Sister Fei's behavior has already laid the groundwork for the breakdown of her relationship with Qiu Guan.

Now, at the Academy Awards ceremony, the two reconciled on the surface, but the inner rift has already begun to emerge.

But now is not the time to talk about the relationship between the two, but to prepare for not giving out the best art award.

Wang Mingquan's mention of "makeup" can be said to have something to say, and then extended to the aspect of film art and art. Shen Dianxia let go of her mood and talked with her, and finally the award ceremony began.

This best art award may seem unimportant, but for movies, it can be said to be very important.If a film is compared to a woman, then art and art workers must dress her up beautifully, including costumes, sets, and related shooting backgrounds, etc., must be meticulous and in place without any mistakes.

And this time, the ones who were honored to be nominated for the best art direction are:
Zhang Shuping's "The Year Like Water"; Ou Dingping's "Love in a Fallen City"; Yan Zhanlin's "Girl's Diary"; Ouyang Xingyi's "Shanghai Night", and Li Jingwen's "The Tang Dynasty Unrestrained Girl".

In the end, this award was won by "Time Like Water", and "The Tang Dynasty Woman", which everyone had high hopes for, failed again, which also proved that the Hong Kong Film Awards favors mainstream art films and tertiary films. contempt.

The best art director awards are over, and according to the procedure of the awards ceremony, it has come to the end.

In order not to leave the audience alone and set up a buffer opportunity for the final grand prize, the host once again came to the stage to announce that the song and dance performance began.

To be honest, in the current situation where the awards are being presented, the best actor and actress have already been announced, and the only thing that attracts everyone to watch is the two heavyweight awards of best director and best film, so everyone is not very interested in the song, no It was as strong as Chen Xiaotang's performance before.

But the next song came up, and it turned out to be Chen Huixian, a female singer Chen Xiaotang was very familiar with in her previous life.

As soon as her classic song "A Thousand Thousand Que Songs" came out, no matter the audience at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, everyone could appreciate the charm of Hong Kong's popular female singer and the taste of Hong Kong pop songs.

It also made the originally deserted scene and the yawning scene a little warmer.

The singing is still going on, maybe many people can't understand Cantonese, but the tune of a song can still be understood by everyone, and it is precisely because of this that many singers from Hong Kong and Taiwan will go to the "Golden Image Awards" in the future The podium is regarded as the best way to quickly become famous.

Finally, the singing and dancing is over.

The tense atmosphere resumed on the stage, and just as everyone was waiting for the awards to continue, a very discordant voice said: "We all don't like commercials, but we have to advertise it, OK, next is the commercial time, everyone Don't go away, it will be even more exciting when you come back!"

Damn, everyone couldn't help roaring.

Especially those directors who are looking forward to the final awards are even more crazy.Deep down I hate advertising.

The host Zeng Zhiwei didn't care about this, and walked off the stage straight after speaking. At this time, all the cameras were turned off in a timely manner, leaving up to 3 minutes for the TV station.

Speaking of the advertising sponsorship fee of the Golden Image Awards, there is a story. Originally, the Organizing Committee of the Golden Image Awards was not prepared to accept additional sponsorship from the outside world. After all, this represents the supreme honor of Hong Kong movies and cannot be profaned. Trivial shit commercials, isn't that ruining the glorious image of the Academy Awards? !

But TVB, which is the live broadcaster, doesn’t think so. In Shao Daheng’s words: “The Golden Image Awards Ceremony is a ‘non-profit’ organization. Although there are selfless sponsors from film companies and filmmakers, it can be popular.” It’s going to be a prosperous event, but what if one day everyone can’t sponsor it?”

Therefore, under Shao Daheng's promise, the advertising sponsors of the Academy Awards were all taken over, and he sold 3 million yuan for the 300 minutes of advertising time, and the profits were shared equally between the TV station and the Organizing Committee of the Academy Awards.

Although it was sold for a high price, Shao Daheng was still dissatisfied, because in his opinion, such a grand ceremony definitely attracted the attention of the world, even if it sold for double the price, it would be a matter of course.

Especially this year, with Chen Xiaotang as a peerless magic weapon, the ratings broke the record at the beginning. Next year, the 3 minutes will definitely be sold to at least 800 million, and those merchants will definitely break the threshold for this.

After all, of course, advertisements must be placed when the ratings are the highest, and the Academy Awards has a ratings of hundreds of millions of people. This is a massive guarantee. Which businessman will not be tempted? !

After 3 minutes, the entire gymnasium suddenly went dark, and it was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.And just when everyone was wondering, a beam of light was turned on, and four hosts stood in a row on the stage, facing the audience and saying, "The important moment is finally coming!"

"Yeah, there may be a lot of people looking forward to the next award now!"

"The next awards are important."

"It's the best director award!"

"What is a director?"

"He is the commander in chief of a play!"

"He is the founder of cinema!"

"So the best director is very important!"

"Are you looking forward to it?!"

The four hosts sang together and immediately aroused the emotions of all the audience.

"Okay, I think the audience must be looking forward to it now... even scolding us for being too wordy."

"Hehe, yes, I also feel that I am quite long-winded."

"No way, the program is arranged like this, we will have nothing to eat if we don't talk too much!"

"Okay, let's stop rambling, now let's invite the guest of honor for the best director, the famous Hong Kong film director, the forever happy old man Mr. Chu Yuan!"

Who is Chu Yuan?

If you like old movies, old movies from the 70s and [-]s, you will definitely know him.

Of course, if you like to watch TVB TV series, you will definitely know him. His kind appearance and kind dubbing make people feel very cordial. He has played the role of the boss in "Delicious King", and the most impressive one is Xuan Xuan's father, Justice, in No. [-] Court.

It is such a kind old man who appears in TVB dramas, who would have thought that he is actually a famous director in the era of Cantonese films, so he can be said to be a real person without showing his face.He has directed hundreds of films, among which "1973 Households" directed in 72 broke the highest box office since the opening of Hong Kong at that time, amazing!

It is precisely because of Chu Yuan's outstanding achievements in the Hong Kong director circle and his unparalleled box office appeal that the Hong Kong Film Awards Organizing Committee invited him to be the guest of honor for this year's Best Director in Hong Kong. Without him, it is only because of him Enough strength, enough qualifications.

When he was discharged from the hospital, it was the same as on the movie and TV screens, with a smiling face, round face and ingot mouth, just like an old urchin.

Standing on the stage, because he was not too tall, he tiptoed to the host Wang Mingquan and said, "Please, can you wear flat shoes next time when I present an award? Is it my begging you?"

These words immediately made everyone laugh.

"Okay, everyone, stop laughing. To be serious, I am really honored to be the award presenter for the best director this time. When I told my wife the good news, she still didn't believe it and said that I I was lying to her, so I said, you think you are seventeen or eighteen years old, beautiful as a flower, what good is it for me to lie to you? My wife said, in this case, you take me with you on the day of the awards, I have grown so big I have been hiding behind you to watch you filming, and I have never given awards to others! After hearing this, I almost fainted. Isn’t this too childish? Like the lofty honor of the Academy Award, you said that you allow me to bring my family with me Is there an award?"


"Bring sister-in-law here!"...

people said loudly.

Because everyone knows that the relationship between Chu Yuan and his wife is very sincere, especially his wife once almost went bankrupt in order to support him in filming a novel "The Sword of the Three Young Masters" by Gu Long. word of mouth.

Where can I find such a wife? !
"Thank you, thank you all so much!" Chu Yuan said gratefully, "I have never known how to repay my wife, now I can, wife, come up, and we will present this best director award together !” Chu Yuan said loudly.

Following Chu Yuan's words, his wife was crying with joy off the stage.Everyone encouraged her to step onto the stage with their eyes.

The old wife was obviously not in the circle, she was at a loss, and also a little apprehensive. Seeing her appearance, Chu Yuan simply walked off the stage and took her hand and walked up.

As everyone can see, the old wife belongs to the kind of real "dross", she is definitely not beautiful, and she doesn't have any charm, but Chu Yuan is like a baby, caring for her, holding her hand, step by step. Stepping onto the stage, in his eyes, it seemed as if what he was holding in his hand was the most beautiful fairy in the world.

People were moved by this sincere couple's emotion.

Men thought to themselves, could they meet such a woman who supports their work? !
Especially those women wondered in their hearts, can they meet a lover who will not dislike them when they are old? !
On the stage, Chu Yuan took his wife's hand and said loudly, "We announce that the nominee for the Best Director Award at this year's Hong Kong Film Awards is—"

Following the voice, on the big screen behind them, four edited movies were played in turn. They are:

Yan Hao's "Time Like Water"; McDonald's "Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers"; Liang Puzhi's "Waiting for Dawn"; Li Xiuxian's "Public Servant".

Originally, Chen Xiaotang, who was the director this time, was also on the nomination list, but was temporarily replaced by Wu Siyuan of the Academy Awards Organizing Committee. Nominated for Best Screenplay, Best Actor, and Best Movie. If nominated for Best Director, it would seem that the Academy Award is their home. It’s too childish. We want to give the audience and the media a feeling that the Academy Award It is very difficult to be shortlisted, but it is definitely worth looking forward to!"

Not to mention, his words really convinced the members of the organizing committee. For all the reasons, everyone felt that Chen Xiaotang's talent was too "sharp" and should be suppressed appropriately.

Because of this, Chen Xiaotang, who directed the play "Uncle" as a director, was not nominated for best director.If not, maybe he will really kill the Quartet.

Chen Xiaotang didn't care that he wasn't nominated for best director, because in his opinion, he was still young, and there were many opportunities like this, not to mention that he had already won the best actor title.

Among the few nominated plays, Chen Xiaotang is most optimistic about two plays, namely Macdonald's "Provincial and Hong Kong Flag Soldiers" and Liang Puzhi's "Waiting for Dawn".These two dramas, one taking the route of realistic cops and robbers, and the other taking the route of literature and art history, have their own characteristics.

But Chen Xiaotang clearly remembered that in the end the big winner of the best director should still be "Time Like Water", a literary film full of petty bourgeois sentiment.After all, Hong Kong society is based on the middle class, and it is most suitable for fascination with petty bourgeoisie things. This is why Hong Kong is so obsessed with the former "Shanghai Bund", likes to talk about Shanghai's glitz and luxury, and shoots it into film and television dramas to show.

Just when Chen Xiaotang thought he had grasped the result, Chu Yuan and his wife, who were the award presenters, announced: "The best director of this year's Hong Kong Film Awards is --- Liang Puzhi's "Waiting for Dawn"!"

How can it be? !
Chen Xiaotang had a big question mark in his heart.

Has history changed? !

This is actually the case, because of the instigation of Chen Xiaotang, a butterfly, many historical tracks have had new traces.

At the moment, besides the director of the film, the happiest and most excited are undoubtedly the brothers Xiang Huasheng and Xiang Huaqiang from Yongsheng Entertainment. "Waiting for Dawn" is a masterpiece of their bloodletting. They don't even need the box office to win awards Yes, it can be said that he sacrificed a lot, and now, he has finally won a heavyweight award.

At this moment, the two brothers who were born in the community were honored to be congratulated by everyone, and they were extremely excited, and they almost cried with joy, crying like a bitch.

The director Liang Puzhi is also knowledgeable and interesting. As soon as he came on stage, he first thanked the Xiang brothers, saying how they supported his work.

These words praised the Xiang brothers cheerfully, and they couldn't keep their mouths shut. Looking at those filmmakers, they felt that they had also washed out their charms and upgraded.

Damn, we are no longer a gang~ society, we are also filmmakers!

A filmmaker with culture, connotation, and know how to package and act!
(End of this chapter)

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