Movie tycoon

Chapter 596 Return of the King

Chapter 596 Return of the King (Part [-])
Hong Kong's "Quick View of the World" --- "The king is back! The big star Chen Xiaotang was released from the hospital for the first time after being shot and went home. His whereabouts are strange and unpredictable. But what is the future plan?"

Taiwan~Taiwan "Entertainment News" --- "According to reliable news reports, Hong Kong superstar Chen Xiaotang was quietly discharged from the hospital, making the media frantic!"

South Korea's "Chosun News" --- "The most watched Asian king, Chen Xiaotang, Smecta, has quietly been discharged from the hospital. The majority of movie fans are looking forward to his next work, Smecta."

Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" --- "Private Marseille, Asian superstar Chen Xiaotang, has been confirmed to be discharged from the hospital yesterday. The Japanese fans and movie fans who love him sincerely wish him good health. Now we will play a song by Chen Xiaotang to reward everyone!" ...

Who would have thought that even if Chen Xiaotang was discharged from the hospital without a sound, he would still be able to create huge waves in the Asian entertainment industry.

Whether it is Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, or South Korea, the major media reported enthusiastically on his quietly discharged from the hospital. For a while, the frequency of Chen Xiaotang's news even surpassed that of the Japanese Prime Minister and the South Korean President, reaching an outrageous situation.

Faced with such a situation, people with high morals stand up to criticize the decline of the world. People will only blindly follow the trend and praise these clown stars who are active on the stage. Rather than blindly chasing stars.

Then he criticizes certain celebrities as potential cancers of the society. With their own words and deeds, they have led a large number of young people to ruin, twist their buttocks, and sing a song to become popular. This is simply unreasonable, and it is a social value. A harbinger of a complete collapse of outlook on life!
Although this great moralist didn't mention who "a certain star" is by name, everyone knows that the tree is so big, so Chen Xiaotang was shot while lying down, and became an invisible poisonous weed, a potential cancer.

This made some guys who had envied and hated Chen Xiaotang feel very happy, look, let you be popular, after being shot, let's get shot now!

But before these people finished their fun, a group of fans of Chen Xiaotang's fans stepped forward one after another.

"Is Lafite a cancer? He set up a charitable fund and donated 22 China Hope Primary Schools in the mainland. Who knows? Regarding these, he has never done any publicity for himself!"

"Is Tangzai a poisonous weed? He anonymously donated 300 million to the Children's Welfare Institute. Who is he poisoning?!"

"What we need is not only a celebrity, but also a moral model, so we can be sure that Chen Xiaotang is a role model for us to learn from!"...

Who would have thought that some of Chen Xiaotang's hidden good deeds were dug out by his fans, and even an old man from the mainland said to the reporter, "At first I didn't know who Chen Xiaotang was, we are so poor. There is no TV, let alone a movie. He only knows how to donate money to build schools and dig wells for people to eat. He is a big boss in Hong Kong... I have never met him. I didn't know until I read the Hong Kong newspaper you brought. It's a star!"

The reporter interviewed a little girl who came out of the China Hope Primary School donated by Chen Xiaotang, and asked her: "Little sister, do you know what Chen Xiaotang looks like?"

The little girl tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "He must be a kind grandfather with a white beard, just like Santa Claus!"

What plain words.

Yes, in the eyes of these unschooled children, Chen Xiaotang, an invisible charity star who has been doing charity for three years without asking for anything in return, is a "grandpa with a white beard", like Santa Claus, who gives them the most beautiful things...

The situation was reversed, and those original "moral people" were ashamed and capsized directly.

Compared with their high-profile charity yelling, Chen Xiaotang's invisible charity actions are more precious and sincere.

Comparing the two, Chen Xiaotang slapped these guys hard, and made people realize that celebrities can also be a role model of morality, not just singing with their farts twisted.

Chen Xiaotang established a new soul for stars in the entertainment industry.

But at this moment, this guy who is always on the cusp of public opinion has no choice but to insert himself into the Magic Shadow Entertainment Company, and re-enter the intense and busy work, ignoring the outside news.

In other words, Chen Xiaotang, who came back from the rivers and lakes, will go to Moying Entertainment Company, first inspect the work of various departments, and then announce the holding of a temporary meeting.

In the big meeting room, Fatty Wang Jing, the old man Huang Zhan, Gu Jiahui, the great director Xu Ke who just joined the movie "Once Upon a Time" series, the action director Cheng Xiaodong, and the former directors Li Lichi, Liu Zhenwei, Wang Jiawei, etc. Waiting for people, the big guy is sitting on the chair, looking like a primary school student listening to a lecture.

In the boss chair in front of them.Chen Xiaotang, with a solemn expression, was expressing his opinion.

"First of all, as the person in charge of the company, I would like to thank everyone. During my hospitalization period, it was you who worked hard to carry the affairs of the entire Moying Entertainment, and developed it in an orderly manner. I am very pleased. "

"Especially the establishment of Moying Fund has pushed our company's diversified development to a new level. Here I would like to thank everyone, especially Mr. Wang Jing!"

Fatty Wang, who always liked to play, nodded his head in a gentlemanly manner, accepting Chen Xiaotang's thanks.

Pick, you are a blessing to be hospitalized, but I am tired, have I lost a round of weight without seeing the fat man? !Thank you for this!
Chen Xiaotang continued, "Now we have sufficient funds, and we are engaged in entertainment, so I hope to speed up the pace and vigorously develop independent production in the three aspects of film and television songs."

"First of all, in terms of songs, we must strive to cultivate our own singer-songwriters and idol singers. In order to cultivate them, we can carry out brand-new packaging and training for them... Lao Huang, what suggestions do you have for this?"

Huang Zhan coughed and said: "It's not easy for a singer to develop in all aspects. Our company can complete the packaging. The big deal is to spend a lot of money to select excellent shape designers from Japan, the United States and other places, and make independent designs for them; On the one hand, I asked them to study hard and create their own songs; on the training side, I have already discussed with Lao Gu, and I will invite dance masters and singers with a lot of money to come and give guidance in person!"

"Well, very good. Remember, it's not important to spend money, the important thing is to spend it wisely; and, either don't look for it, or find the best teacher if you want to look for it!" Chen Xiaotang added.

"Secondly, I think we should increase our efforts in the production of TV series. What do you think?" Chen Xiaotang asked.

"The competition in the production of TV drama series is also fierce now," Fatty said, "For example, those fashion dramas you wrote for ATV, "Silver Fox" and "King of Show Kings" have good ratings, and ATV can feel proud and beat TVB. It's a kick, but in this way, our company won't have any good subjects to shoot!"

It turned out that the fat man complained in a roundabout way that Chen Xiaotang gave good TV drama scripts to ATV instead of entertaining his own Moying.

Others seemed to agree with this, and they all looked at Chen Xiaotang with the expression "Fat and water shouldn't flow into outsiders' field".

Chen Xiaotang said with a smile: "I understand what you mean, but ATV and us are also regarded as a cooperative relationship, we should not cherish our brooms, and share good things together, right?"

"Sharing is sharing, but what should we do now? What else can we shoot, martial arts dramas, fashion dramas, or old-fashioned Cantonese dramas?!"

"It's very simple, we shoot idol dramas!" Chen Xiaotang said firmly.


What is this stuff?You look at me and I look at you, but you don’t understand.

Chen Xiaotang explained: "In fact, idol dramas are a kind of youth dramas. There are not many episodes. We can use handsome actors, fashionable costumes, idol artists suitable for young people, and focus on delicate love dramas. Teenagers are the main audience..."

Chen Xiaotang narrated the characteristics of idol dramas in his previous life, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Nowadays, Hong Kong TV dramas are developing very fast. There are costume dramas, modern dramas, martial arts dramas, fashion dramas, police and gangster dramas, and rich and powerful grievance dramas.But these are not what Chen Xiaotang is interested in. He is tired of making martial arts dramas, not to mention grievance dramas. Since Chen Xiaotang created "Rogue Tycoon", now the streets are full of feuds between sons and daughters... so Chen Xiaotang had to make a kind of drama in advance. When a new type of drama is created, that is—idol drama!
As we all know, idol dramas were born in the early 90s. Japan began to produce a very beautiful emotional drama for teenagers. Most of these dramas have the theme of "love", and many elements such as fashion trends are incorporated into the shooting. Whether it is The selection of scenery and costumes are very meticulous, even reaching the realm of aesthetics.And as male and female protagonists, the same category, either a handsome guy or a pretty girl, has the flavor of a fairy tale.

Since then, there have been idol dramas in Japan, Takuya Kimura's "Beautiful World", Yuji Oda's "Tokyo Love Story", and later developed to South Korea, with "Blue Life and Death", which is popular in Asia, and "Winter Sonata"...

It can be said that idol dramas became very popular in the late 90s. It can be said that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. All men, women, and children hold tissues and watch the hero and heroine abuse each other, the stepmother abuses the stepdaughter, the mother-in-law abuses the son-in-law, and the father abuses each other Himself...then wept in a mess, with tears and snot running down my nose.

Therefore, some people say that idol dramas are Xiaobai dramas, bad dramas without standards, and relying on the pairing of beautiful women and handsome men to engage in self-abuse is an unhealthy and immature psychological manifestation.

It is not.There is a saying that is good, existence is reasonable.

The emergence of idol dramas is similar to a woman's aunt, who needs to come once a month, because people need to use laughter or tears to drain the depression in their hearts.It doesn't require too much brain thinking, the more novice the better, and it's OK to be able to impress.

Therefore, idol dramas have super vitality like Xiaoqiang. In the midst of various dramas, in the alternation of times, and in the rampant travel, they are enduring and still strong.

(End of this chapter)

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