Movie tycoon

Chapter 543 "Ip Man" is one of the top two

Chapter 543 "Ip Man" is out of the ordinary

In the cinema, the premiere of "Jing Wu Heroes" is still going on.

The development of the movie story that followed came to the first highlight of the movie-Chen Zhen broke into the Hongkou Gymnasium angrily!

The content of the story is basically familiar to everyone. The Japanese ronin came to Jingwumen to make trouble, but was beaten away by Huo Tingen, but left a plaque of "Sick Man of East Asia".

As a member of the Fist of Fury Sect, the newly returned Chen Zhen saw the plaque, his eyes burned with raging anger again, he suddenly stepped forward and carried the plaque on his shoulder, and then strode out of the Fist of Fury Sect.

This scene was very attractive from the very beginning, and many viewers off the screen were moved. Thinking of the wonderful performance of Chen Zhen's angry rushing into the Hongkou Dojo in the film and television works seen by later generations, they couldn't help being excited in their hearts.This kind of scene, which makes all the Chinese people excited, will begin immediately. How can we not let them look forward to it? !
The camera switched, and did not immediately enter the Hongkou Gymnasium, but aimed at the night view of Shanghai Beach.

But the night in Shanghai is still full of traffic and people coming and going.The streets are full of feasting lights, and the girls dressed in fancy clothes send charming smiles to the passing pedestrians, trying to attract them into their warm nest.The beggar was lying on the corner of the street, watching all this enviously.Occasionally, a few drunkards swayed, and their swaying steps made people worry that they would fall headfirst to death.

In other words, in order to shoot this night scene of "Shanghai Beach", Chen Xiaotang used his contacts in the mainland. After shooting on-site in Shanghai, he mailed back some "sample tapes" of the night scene, and then edited and designed it to make it appear like this "Realistic" effect.

On the screen, the story of "Jing Wu Heroes" continues.

"Chen Zhen", played by Chen Xiaotang, carried the plaque of "Sick Man of East Asia" on his shoulders, ignored all this, and walked firmly and powerfully towards the Japanese Concession.

All the audience off the screen were sweating for him, and at this moment, Chen Xiaotang and the director Xu Xiaoming were also slightly excited. After all, this was the first climax of this drama, and it was also the most exciting of all "Jing Fu Men" versions. A wonderful part, if it hits the street, it will be a big embarrassment.

Close-up shot, in the Hongkou Dojo in Japan, there is loud shouting, obviously the disciples of the Hongkou Dojo are practicing boxing inside.

Chen Zhen kicked it away, and the Japanese door, which was not strong in itself, immediately shattered.

In the Hongkou dojo, hundreds of disciples were all dressed in white uniforms, lined up neatly, practicing karate, sweating profusely.The sound of the door shattering made their movements stop in unison, and they turned their heads in astonishment, just in time to see Chen Zhen walking in with a stern expression carrying the plaque.

Seeing this, a Hongkou Daoist disciple hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Who are you?"

"Fist of Fury, Chen Zhen!" Chen Zhen replied sternly.

The disciples of the Hongkou Dojo scolded angrily: "Only the noble Yamato people can enter the Hongkou Dojo, and Chinese pigs are not allowed to step in here! How dare you break the door and break in, get out immediately!"

Chen Zhen said coldly: "This is the territory of the Chinese. The Chinese have the right to enter their own place. You Japanese, go back to your own country!"

The disciples of the Hongkou Dojo cursed angrily when they heard the words: "Ba Ge!"

A palm slapped Chen Zhen.

In the close-up shot, Chen Zhen was as fast as lightning, and slapped him on the forehead, and the man fell to the ground immediately!

In the camera, those Japanese samurai were stunned, showing unbelievable expressions.

In the close-up shot, "Chen Zhen" played by Chen Xiaotang took down the plaque on his shoulders, pointed to the four characters "Sick Man of East Asia" on it, and said to the disciples of Hongkou Dojo: "I will return this plaque to you!"

All the disciples in the Hongkou Dojo changed their colors, and one of them, who looked like a teacher, shouted: "Ba Ge, give me a shot, kill him!"

After a few shouts, the disciples of Hongkou Dojo rushed up to Chen Zhen.

The plaque flew up and bumped heavily into the two Hongkou dojo disciples rushing forward, and then Chen Zhenfei kicked on the plaque.

Plaque shattered!

The two disciples of the Hongkou Dojo who were carrying the plaque were kicked upside down by the huge force of the kick, knocking down several people behind them.

At this time, Chen Zhen had already rushed into the disciples of the Hongkou Dojo, and swung his piercing fist. Immediately, two disciples of the Hongkou Dojo fell out with blossoming faces.

Rapid shooting began to appear on the screen, and I saw Chen Zhen's feet were as fast as lightning, kicking sideways in a series, kicking in all directions. In the symphony composed of bone fractures and screams, disciples of Hongkou Dojo kept flying upside down. After going down, no one can stand up.

One hit kill.

The effect of this scene is absolutely amazing, especially this scene does not use any fancy stunts, but directly shoots with the real movements of the actors, combined with the foley rhythm in post-production, it presents a very enjoyable experience to the audience. visual enjoyment.

It can be said that at this moment all the audience were basically stunned.

This is true one hit kill!

Under Chen Zhen's astonishingly lethal fists, the disciples of Hongkou Dojo basically lost their combat effectiveness after only one blow.Moreover, the accuracy of Chen Zhen's punches and kicks is extremely adaptable, and he can hardly fail in every move, but none of the disciples in Hongkou Dojo can hit Chen Zhen with a punch.

Perfect for outnumbered battles.

Accustomed to watching Bruce Lee's "Fist of Fury", the Hong Kong audience at this moment suddenly felt that Chen Xiaotang's version of "Chen Zhen" was so powerful that it was completely unexpected!
In fact, the audience was shocked by the "real" action choreography designed by Chen Xiaotang.You must know that when Bruce Lee dominated Hong Kong, filming was not such a "fist to the flesh" actual combat. There were some fancy action arrangements. To show the hero's kung fu is so strong, it is a cruel shooting technique, so the effect is even more surprising.

Because they were so excited, some audience members even stood up from their seats, and then sat down in embarrassment amidst the roar of the audience behind.And Chen Xiaotang, who has been paying attention to the surrounding situation, sees that the audience's emotions have been gradually controlled by him, and feels extremely happy in his heart. At least, this small ~climax~ tide has been created successfully.

"Excuse me, I'll go outside to smoke a cigarette." After greeting the people beside him, Chen Xiaotang got up and left the seat.

On the balcony, it was extremely quiet, Chen Xiaotang casually took out a cigarette, just put it in his mouth, before taking two puffs, he snatched it with his slender hand.

"Smoking less, it's harmful to your health!" Zhao Yazhi looked at him with twinkling eyes.

Chen Xiaotang was stunned, "Why did you come out?"

"It's too stuffy inside." As she spoke, Zhao Yazhi snuffed out the cigarette butt, "What about you, why did you come out?"

"Didn't you see it, smoke a cigarette and have a good time."

"This habit is not good. Listen to Sister Zhi and smoke less in the future."

"Okay, listen to Miss Zhi!"

"Don't laugh at me!" Zhao Yazhi gave him a blank look.

"No, I'm very serious, can't you see it?" Chen Xiaotang was very wronged.

Zhao Yazhi didn't care about him, she squinted her beautiful eyes and said, "Are you busy recently?"


"I asked you if you were busy?"

"Of course, I'm so busy that I don't even have time to sleep."

"Hehe, no wonder your eye circles are so dark!"

"Miss Zhi..."


"I suddenly really care about me!"

"Who cares about you, Huaxin Daluobo!"

"What? Wrong, I explained it, that..."

"Needless to say—" Zhao Yazhi suddenly covered Chen Xiaotang's mouth with her fingers.

Chen Xiaotang was stunned, and only felt that the finger covering his mouth was slippery and fragrant, which made one couldn't help but want to kiss it.

Trying to suppress this impulse, Chen Xiaotang asked: "Sister Zhi, what are you looking for me for? You don't come to comfort me, do you?"

Zhao Yazhi rolled her eyes and said, "Of course not, I just want to ask if you are free in a few days?"

"Ah? What's the matter?" Chen Xiaotang was surprised.

"Well, I..." Just when Zhao Yazhi was about to speak, a voice suddenly said: "Boss, so you are hiding here!"

I saw Liu Zhenwei and Wang Jiawei, the "tall and short duo" from Moying Entertainment, walking over.

Seeing the two of them coming, Zhao Yazhi hesitated to speak, and then said: "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." She nodded to Liu and Wang, smiled and left.

"Hey, aren't you Feng Chengcheng—Zhao Yazhi?" Liu Zhenwei tilted his head and said.

"Yeah, she's more beautiful in person than on TV!" Wang Jiawei took off his sunglasses and took a look, before whistling.

"Why did you come out?" Chen Xiaotang asked them.

"Hehe, we came here specially to find you!"

"Find me?"

"Well, just now we watched the movie you made, and we had a sudden inspiration, and felt that it is necessary to study it with you, the boss."


"That's right..." Liu Zhenwei laughed, "When I watched Chen Zhennu break into the Hongkou Dojo just now, my heart was surging and my blood was boiling. I felt that Kung Fu movies are really powerful, so I thought, after I finished filming "The Gambler", I want to Learn from you, shoot a kung fu comedy, but my film is not a traditional kung fu movie, but the protagonist has supernatural powers, one arm is infinitely strong, so I can..."

"So you can compete with all kinds of masters and be invincible?"

"Hey, boss, how do you know?"

Nonsense, Chen Xiaotang said in his heart, I have watched the classic "New Fist of Fury" N times in my previous life!

Immediately afterwards, Liu Zhenwei compared his thick lips, and told Chen Xiaotang the plot of the story that came up in his mind.

Sure enough, as Chen Xiaotang expected, this story is basically the same as that of "New Fist of Fury" in the previous life: a young hero with a right arm born with supernatural power, after many twists and turns to learn from a teacher, he finally became the champion of the ring and won the beauty back .

Judging from the general framework of the story, it is almost impossible to tell that this is a "Star School" movie.But it also needs to be known that the "Star School" film wins with details, and the story frame is irrelevant.Naturally skilled and stupid, this character image is a typical protagonist of the "Star School".The most interesting thing is the learning process of the protagonist. The four old men who have lost their teeth want to train him to compete for the prize money in the competition, and the "unique skills" taught are all master Wei's special skills. .This idea is really good, coupled with the "full help" of "Brother Chic" Zhong Zhentao, it's hard to think whether the film is funny or not.

It is precisely for this reason that Chen Xiaotang was deeply impressed by this drama. Listening to Liu Zhenwei's narration, the story of the whole drama appeared in his mind unconsciously, which can be described as vividly in his mind.

"What do you think, Boss, about this story?" Liu Zhenwei was panting with a red face.

"Well, it's pretty good!" Chen Xiaotang laughed, "This movie is worth filming!"

"Ha, boss, that's what you said. I'll start writing the script later!" Liu Zhenwei was extremely happy. As a director, the happiest thing is to be able to start filming one play after another.Especially in a new company like Moying Entertainment, everyone is working hard and showing positive performance, and those idlers are even scratching their heads, hoping to find an opportunity to start the show.As for myself, the last "Sacred Gambler" is almost finished, and now it has been personally affirmed by Chen Xiaotang, so with the start of filming of the two films, my popularity will increase greatly, and my position in Moying Entertainment will be further consolidated.

In fact, the relatively active competition mechanism of Moying Entertainment comes from the "catfish effect" in the legend of the previous life.

It is said that Norwegians like to eat sardines, especially live fish.The price of live fish in the market is much higher than that of dead fish.So fishermen always try their best to make the sardines return to the fishing port alive.But despite all the efforts, most of the sardines died of suffocation halfway.But there is a fishing boat that always makes most of the sardines alive back to fishing harbour.The captain strictly guarded the secret.The mystery was not revealed until the captain died.Turned out to be the captain put a catfish fish as a staple food in the trough filled with sardine fish .After the catfish entered the fish tank, they swam around due to the unfamiliar environment.The sardines were very nervous when they saw the catfish.In this way, the problem of sardine hypoxia is easily solved, and the sardines will not die.In this way, the sardines returned to the fishing port happily.This is the famous "catfish effect".

It is precisely because of the competition mechanism of Moying Entertainment that many actors and directors who joined the company have put in all their efforts to serve Moying Entertainment wholeheartedly.

Compared with Liu Zhenwei's shrewdness, Wang Jiawei, the King of Sunglasses, seems to be more honest and friendly. The most important thing is that this guy's filming speed is too slow. Now that "Carmen in Mong Kok" is still in labor, you can even give him ten movies Quota, he can't complete it either.

However, this does not mean that this gentleman did not use his brain and was not touched when watching this "Jing Wu Heroes".

So when Chen Xiaotang asked him, how do you feel, Sunglasses King made no secret of his talent that was about to burst forth.

"Boss, I found that your play is so wonderful, especially in the field of kung fu, it has the essence of materialist kinematics where postmodern criticism and reality cannot coexist. It puts traditional martial arts and modern kung fu in contradiction and conflict, between abstraction and realism. Inside, let the audience experience the orgasm in the backyard in the spirit of masturbation..."

Chen Xiaotang heard that one head was two big, "Ahem, Jiawei, your boss, I don't study much, I don't understand what you said."

"The simple explanation is——this drama is very good!"

Chen Xiaotang was depressed, since it looks good, why are you talking so much!
But there is one thing that Wang Jiawei is right. Filmmakers, in fact, have the same virtues as nightclub girls and producers of sex-interest products. They are all to satisfy people's self-consolation wishes, but what filmmakers satisfy is spiritual. Self ~ comfort only.

"Ahem, Jiawei, you are a talent, I have known this for a long time, but can you say something meaningful and constructive, like Liu Zhenwei, at least through my movie, he has a Very good creative concept, how about you, do you have any ideas?"

Chen Xiaotang had no choice but to guide this guy who likes to be jittery in depth, you can be jittery when filming, but you can't expect to be so jittery when talking.

"If you don't mention it, I don't want to say it. Since you have mentioned it, boss, then I will briefly talk about my sudden inspiration." Wang Jiawei said deeply, "I think Huo Yuanjia is good, and Chen Zhen is also good. , Chen Zhen played by Bruce Lee is even better. Of course, you, the boss, are not bad... But people often pay too much attention to these heroes themselves, while ignoring the real masters behind them, such as Bruce Lee. Therefore, it is not due to him alone to be able to achieve such a great feat, and let the ghost write the word "Kung Fu" into the dictionary, but it can be traced back to his boyhood, youth... As far as I know, Bruce Lee once Ip Man, a great master of the Wing Chun school, is his teacher. After learning Wing Chun, he created his own Jeet Kune Do! Therefore, behind these heroes, there are some big figures at the master level. If we can take the slant Write out the stories of these characters behind the scenes, it will definitely reflect strongly! Of course, I am mainly thinking about you, the boss. If you can act in such a play, you will definitely be able to break through the current realm of drama and achieve the original. situation!"

Just when Sunglasses Wang Tumo Xingzi was talking freely, Chen Xiaotang was dumbfounded. Bruce Lee's master, great master, Ip Man?

No way, I'll fuck you up!
Would the king of sunglasses want to make "The Grandmaster"? !
Chen Xiaotang was terrified, very terrified, because he knew very well that King Moji had spent more than ten years in order to film this drama before he succeeded in filming it.

I have just started Moying Entertainment, but I don't have so much time for him to grind!

What's more, I'm still young and pretty, so there's no need to thank all the people he spoiled, such as Lao Zhuhuang, for the filming of such a movie!

So Chen Xiaotang immediately stopped him and said: "Your idea is very good, but the plot of the story is immature..."

"No, boss, I haven't told the storyline yet!" Sunglass King Tumo Xingzi flew across.

"Stop, I already have the storyline, so you don't need to say it!"

"No way, boss, are you so amazing? There will be a story soon?" King Sunglasses couldn't believe it.

Chen Xiaotang didn't dare to give him another chance to compare his words, and immediately narrated the storyline of the first part of "Ip Man" in his previous life briefly.

Let alone Wang Jiawei this time, even Fatty Liu Zhenwei was stunned by Chen Xiaotang's words.

No way, so divine?Lao Wang just proposed a concept, so the boss can make up a story? !
Could it be that he is full of talent? !

Liu Zhenwei stared at Chen Xiaotang's belly in a daze, and then looked at his own big belly, which was also a belly that outshone everyone else, why did it contain different things? !
(End of this chapter)

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