Movie tycoon

Chapter 518 Messing With Men And Women

Chapter 518 Messing With Men And Women (Part [-])
It is said that Chen Xiaotang suddenly received a call, but it was from the song god Xu Guanjie.The relationship between Chen Xiaotang and the God of Songs has always been neither close nor far.But generally speaking, Chen Xiaotang is still very grateful to the God of Songs Xu Guanjie, without the invitation to the God of Songs concert, he would not be as powerful as he is now.Although there have been a lot of rumors recently that the God of Songs is not happy with him being promoted so quickly, and that he has been named the new king of the music scene has touched his pain, but Chen Xiaotang believes that those are all rumors and troubles caused by people with a heart, and the God of Songs should not be so Careful.Sure enough, now that the song god's character has exploded, he took the initiative to call.

"Brother SAM, why is it you? I was thinking about when I have time to visit you!" Chen Xiaotang said with a smile.

"Come on, you are such a busy person, you are filming and releasing records, how can you have time to see me!" Xu Guanjie smiled on the other end of the phone.

When the two sang together, they "laughed" away the occasional unhappiness they had before.

"Okay, brother SAM, you are also busy with your affairs, so if you have nothing to do, you will definitely not look for me. Tell me, what's the matter?" Chen Xiaotang laughed.

Xu Guanjie obviously hesitated there, and finally said: "I didn't want to trouble you with this matter, but I really need your help..."

After a pause, Xu Guanjie continued: "Have you heard about some gossip about me recently?"

Chen Xiaotang was taken aback by asking this question, "Your scandal?"

Xu Xiaoming next to him picked up a newspaper and pointed it to Chen Xiaotang.It didn't matter if Chen Xiaotang didn't look at it, but he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw it, because he was too familiar with the girl who had an affair with Xu Guanjie, a pair of slender beautiful legs, long hair and beautiful eyes, sweet smile, not the "Millennium Banshee" that Chen Xiaotang knew, but Wang Zuxian who?

Xu Guanjie on the other end continued: "It's me and know that girl, she is the long-legged beauty in the fight you had last time...Wang Zuxian, the rumors about me and her are messy recently, and she didn't start filming , I heard that the "Jing Wu Heroes" that you are going to launch still lacks a heroine, I think she is quite suitable..."

In fact, since the last time she came to Hong Kong from Taiwan~Taiwan to shoot commercials, it has already heralded that this sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl will officially enter the Hong Kong entertainment circle.

But this time she is no longer relying on relatives who are interested in money. These relatives are too unreliable. The last lesson made Wang Zuxian disheartened. "Resigned".For her daughter's stardom, Wang Zuxian's mother went to the battlefield in person and accompanied her daughter on another "expedition" to Hong Kong.

In order to take care of her, Ms. Wang quit her job at all costs.Like most star mothers, when the daughter is a talisman, she will rush to answer when the daughter is interviewed; the photographer asks Zu Xian to lower the neckline of the clothes, and she will yell: No.A woman who is not difficult to get along with is a little different when she bears the identity of "star mother".
After Wang Zuxian officially came to Hong Kong, due to his good looks and luck, he made two films in succession. The first film "Blessing of the Heavenly Official" was accompanied by Er Dongsheng (Xiao Bao), and the filming of "Goodbye for Seven Days" started. It was Xiaobao again, and Ms. Wang said, "The two who ignored each other are getting together again?" It turned out that Ms. Wang said that when Xiaobao was filming "Blessings of Heavenly Officials", he didn't talk to Zu Xian, and Zu Xian was a girl. There is no reason to strike up a conversation, the hero and heroine are strangers.

Later, Xiaobao explained: "It's not that I don't want to talk to her, but that I can't talk. I asked her: 'How many movies have you made before?' Her mother has already answered: 'One'. How can we continue talking?"

Originally, this kind of drama was filmed one after another, relying on such popularity, Wang Zuxian would become popular sooner or later, but no one thought that she would become popular so quickly, but the way she became popular was unimaginable, because it was based on gossip!

It turned out that not long ago, Wang Zuxian appeared in a public place driving a golden Porsche sports car.The reporter asked her: "Will you be promoted to car owner?" She said: "No." The reporter asked again: "Was it given by her boyfriend?" She shook her head and remained silent.
In this way, gossip people calculate the net worth of this 3-year-old actress who has only made 18 movies in Hong Kong, thinking that she still cannot afford such an expensive sports car, and it must be a gift from Xihua.The person who presented the incense car to the beauty is said to be Xu Guanjie, the song god who co-starred with Zu Xian in "The Migrant Emperor".

When the rumors were flying all over the sky, the reporter told Wang Zuxian the rumors on the phone for verification, and she said, "Who made such a joke with me?"
The reporter said that this is not the first time I have heard about her rumors. When she filmed Zhang Jianting's "Goodbye for Seven Days", it was also rumored that she was close to him, and there were some other names...

Wang Zuxian said perplexedly: "Why are there such rumors? Whether it's Ah Sam, Ah B, or Zhang Jianting, they are all big brothers, and they all take care of me like a little sister."
When the reporter mentioned the golden Porsche sports car again, Wang Zuxian explained: "The car was lent to me by a friend. My mom often goes to the fitness center to do exercises, and this car was lent to me by a sister she met there. .I just can't figure out how anyone would give away a car so casually."
The reporter continued to ask: "If SAM is really sent, will you accept it?"

Perhaps because it was after 8 o'clock in the morning, Wang Zuxian was woken up by reporters in his sleep, and his thinking was not clear. She hesitated for a while and said, "I think, most of them will not accept it."
Talking about her impression of Sam, she said, "It's like a brother." Do you find him attractive? "I don't think, really, he's never attracted me at all, I never felt that way about him..."
The reporter asked again: "If you fell in love with someone, would you mind if the other person has a wife and children?"

Wang Zuxian said: "I never thought about it...I think most of me would not do it, but I'm not so sure..."
After the reporter's interview, the scandal between Wang Zuxian and the singing god SAM was immediately spread, saying that they were messing with the relationship between men and women.Apart from Chen Xiaotang's gossip news in the entire entertainment industry, this piece of news is the most irritating.Only Chen Xiaotang, who is an outlier like Chen Xiaotang, can't figure out his own gossip, why would he care about other people's gossip, that's why when Xu Guanjie asked him, he was a little confused.

Now, Chen Xiaotang finally figured out the situation, and his first reaction was that this thing is really cheating!

The second reaction is that this thing is tricky!
Why do you say that?If it wasn't tricky, Xu Guanjie didn't have to pay attention to this girl who was rumored to have an affair with him. If it wasn't tricky, he wouldn't have to ask Chen Xiaotang for a role in his busy schedule. What does this mean?It shows Xu Guanjie's excessive "concern" for Wang Zuxian, and it shows that even if there is no such scandal between the two, at least something special happened.

Chen Xiaotang is not a gossip person by nature, but this does not mean that he has no curiosity, not to mention that a beautiful woman like Wang Zuxian, as long as she is a man, will not be tempted. Chen Xiaotang really wants to know whether the song god SAM is interested in this kind of fairy beautiful women are immune.

"Brother SAM, you are offended by saying that. Originally, I lacked a heroine here, and Wang Zuxian is a beautiful woman. I can't be realistic about letting her join my drama, but... I am very curious, this matter Why didn't she come and ask me herself..."

Xu Guanjie was very embarrassed when asked, and said: "Ahem, I brought up this matter, because of those scandals, she can't get any dramas recently, and she was called a goblin. I feel very guilty, so I just asked for your help..."

You must know that the current Hong Kong entertainment circle is not the future entertainment circle. Whether it is a scandal or a gossip in the future entertainment circle, as long as you are popular enough, someone will ask you to make a movie, like Baizhi and Gillian, even if "***** "It can't stop them from making a fortune as a heroine.In the current Hong Kong entertainment industry, there is still a kind of public morality as the bottom line. As a star, you must keep yourself safe and be a good example of what a star should do. Otherwise, everyone will "impeach" you, "boycott" you, and not buy your account .

For example, Chen Xiaotang was popular enough, but he was almost embarrassed because of the "beating incident".Now because of Wang Zuxian's scandal with married SAM, she directly bears the notoriety of "vixen".With such a female star, which movie company dares to use it? !
Seemingly aware that such an explanation was a bit "to cover up", Xu Guanjie simply became cruel, and said to Chen Xiaotang: "A Tang, let me tell you the truth, I really like her!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiaotang was immediately stunned.

So powerful!

SAM actually engaged in an extramarital affair? !
"Don't get me wrong, it's my own thing that I like her. When I first saw this girl, I was attracted by her eyes. She is so pure and kind, and she is as pure as the little sister next door. Cute... Men, more or less, will have some seven-year itch, and I am no exception... I know that I feel sorry for my wife for doing this, but, oh, how should I say it, when you get married and reach my age, I guess I can understand..."

Chen Xiaotang has already been overwhelmed by the words of the song god Xu Guanjie, pick him up, make a mistress, you're right!
"Then do you guys..." Chen Xiaotang suddenly felt that he was a bitch.

"Where are you thinking! I just cheated mentally, and she and I are innocent!" Xu Guanjie explained hastily, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have introduced her to act in your play. Besides, you don't know about this matter." Don't tell others, or none of our friends will have to do it!"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it!"

For some reason, when Xu Guanjie said that there was nothing between him and Wang Zuxian, Chen Xiaotang felt relieved.

"Brother SAM, how about this, let Wang Zuxian come over tomorrow, go through the procedures, try out the mirror, if possible, let her join the filming crew."

Xu Guanjie didn't expect Chen Xiaotang to be so straightforward, he was taken aback for a moment, and said happily: "Well, we've made a deal!"

When Chen Xiaotang put down the phone, Xu Xiaoming joked, "SAM wants to go through the back door?"

Chen Xiaotang nodded: "However, we may find a treasure!"

"Oh, you're so confident?"

"Hehe, whether it's true or not, you'll know tomorrow!" In fact, Chen Xiaotang was also full of curiosity about Wang Zuxian.

(End of this chapter)

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