Movie tycoon

Chapter 489

Chapter 489
It is said that the presence of the Governor of Hong Kong made the venue of the establishment banquet of the entire Film Association quiet down.

All eyes were on the entrance, waiting for the arrival of the great god.

Wu Siyuan even secretly spit on the palm of his hand, making his messy hair neat like a dog licking it.eagerly watching...

Finally, footsteps sounded, and Governor Youde, who represented the highest authority of the British Hong Kong government, walked in under the crowd of stars and moon.

The old guy is five or sixty years old this year, with gray hair, but he is very energetic.After all, he is also a high-ranking person. Although he has a smile on his face and has the gentlemanly demeanor of a British man, there is a murderous intention hidden in this demeanor, like the future movie "Men in Black", but it gives people a sense of calmness and prestige Stance.

At this moment, Sir Yod walked in with a straight waist, and the people around him began to greet him, and he also nodded and smiled in greeting.

Wu Siyuan is not willing to be an "observant guest", he is the protagonist, so he stood up very cleverly when everyone was greeting the Governor of Hong Kong and his old man, he looked so dazzling and outstanding, and then he had a smile on his face. A smile that is enough to melt the glaciers of the North Pole welcomes the Governor-General——
The Governor of Hong Kong seemed to have seen him too, and walked over with a smile.

Wu Siyuan was excited inside, like a horny bitch who finally saw his own splendid spring, and shouted in his heart, tonight he will fuck his shitty world upside down.

The others looked at him rather enviously.

Wu Siyuan felt that he was even more powerful, his whole body was full of aura, and he was full of arrogance.

Just when Wu Siyuan's hand was about to touch the hand of the respected and beloved Governor of Hong Kong, he saw the Governor of Hong Kong slipping away, avoiding him and getting behind him, then holding someone's hand and saying, "Oh dear, I finally see you Already!"

The thunder is rolling, and the five thunders are hitting the top!

Boss Wu's hands were stiff in the air, and his face had a funny and slightly sad expression.

Yes, very sad.

It's like a beautiful woman who thinks she is very beautiful wants to throw herself into her arms, but is kicked away by someone.

The others around looked at him like they were looking at a clown.

Pity and disdain.

Boss Wu's heart is bleeding, this governor of Hong Kong is too cheating!Why don't you shake my hand?

By the way, who is that brat shaking your hand? !
Boss Wu turned his head sadly, but he saw an even more heartbreaking scene.

That bastard is Chen Xiaotang! ! !
That's right, at this moment, Chen Xiaotang and the Governor of Hong Kong are shaking hands cordially, and the surrounding cameras are crackling.

Envy, jealousy, all kinds of eyes.

No one thought that the first person to shake hands with the beloved Governor of Hong Kong was not from Shaw Brothers, not from Golden Harvest, not to mention the awesome Boss Wu, but the upstart in the film industry - Chen Xiaotang!
Lost your sister, did you make a mistake? !

This is the voice of many people.

It is undeniable that at this moment Chen Xiaotang has become the highlight of the highlights, the star of the stars!

At that moment, Wu Siyuan, Boss Wu's heart was completely broken, like a poor guy who stole his horse.

Great talent Ni Zhen, Xiang Huasheng and others are even more envious and jealous of Chen Xiaotang!

Jiahe, Zou Wenhuai, the three giants of New Art City, as well as the Shaw Brothers Shao Daheng and Fang Yihua all looked at this scene in astonishment, wondering why Chen Xiaotang knew the Lord Governor of Hong Kong.

Chen Xiaotang, who was the person involved, was actually quite stunned, he didn't expect old man Youde to be so powerful!
He ignored no one as soon as he entered the door, and even shook hands with himself, an "unknown pawn", and picked it. It seemed that 300 million yuan was not in vain!
Youde was also laughing in his heart, hehe, did you see that, we are very upright, we use people's money to eliminate disasters with others, and we have to return it when we come out to mess around!

It has to be said that Hong Kong Governor Youde's move by the old man pushed... the car, oh no, pushed the boat along the way, which made Chen Xiaotang's identity and status in the eyes of everyone risen by N grades in an instant.

What Chen Xiaotang felt was that he played games by cheating, and got countless gold coins and props, and the people around him were drooling enviously. All in all, he was very evil and powerful.

Of course, when it comes to acting, you can’t go too far. The Governor of Hong Kong let go of Chen Xiaotang’s hand and said with a smile, “Oh, God, I’m a fan of your movie. I like your movie very much. You! Hehe, dear Chen, you are much more handsome than those in the magazines!"

These words have meaning.

First, it shows that the reason why I was the first to shake hands with him is because I am a fan of him and a fan of his movie.

Second, don't spank or chew your tongue. The governor of Hong Kong is also a human being and has the right to worship idols.

Third, our relationship only ends here, you bastards don't think about it, especially those who think we are gay, I will give you asses!

In short, after the governor finished speaking, he exchanged some simple greetings with Chen Xiaotang, and then formally shook hands with other people.

This time, we can see who is important in the heart of the Governor of Hong Kong.

Shao Daheng, who also holds the title of jazz, was invited as a guest by Hong Kong Governor Youde, followed by Jiahe Zou Wenhuai, the master Lei behind the New Art City, and some other business tycoons...

Seeing that the establishment ceremony of the Film Association is about to begin.

As the chairman of the campaign, Wu Siyuan, Boss Wu, had already forgotten Chen Xiaotang, the enemy, and was busy soliciting votes.

"As long as I become the chairman of the film association, the future of Hong Kong film will be even better!"

"Ann, if you know how to do it, I will do it too! As long as I become the chairman, I will pay for the rich man tonight!"

"We, Siyuan Company, will consider investing in your movie, hehe, let's help each other!"


In fact, the main reason why Wu Siyuan was nominated as the chairman of the film association is the check and balance strategy of the major film companies.

New Art City doesn't want Golden Harvest to be big, and Golden Harvest doesn't want New Art City to rise. Shaw Brothers' film production is reduced, and it is very weak now, so it will not be considered. Besides, Shao Daheng is old and weak, and it is impossible to serve as the chairman of the Film Association.Looking around, only Wu Siyuan, a veteran in the film industry, has two talents and some qualifications to hold his ground, so he became the most popular candidate.

However, Boss Wu's performance just now was too embarrassing, which inevitably made many people feel a little contemptuous. In order to resolve this embarrassment, Boss Wu tried harder to help him shout, quite a bit of skill in selling Dali pills on the street.

Not to mention, when Boss Wu performed eighteen kinds of martial arts like a girl in a brothel, and practiced everything in playing, playing, playing and singing, some people "changed their minds" and decided that "this girl is doing a good job" and decided to vote for him. ticket.

Until then, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the ceremony was about to begin. In the hall where soft music was originally played, in an instant, only the sound of people's breathing remained.

When all eyes were on the stage, Ho Shouxin, the host of the founding ceremony of the Film Association, came to the stage in a suit and leather shoes, announced the official start of the ceremony, and invited Sir Youde, the Governor of Hong Kong, to speak on stage before the start.

The form still needs to be changed. Hong Kong movies cannot do without the support of the government, especially those ghosts who want to save face. If you don’t let him say a few words, he will be upset, and if he is upset, we will be upset. So, don't lose the big because of the small.Many people think so.

Hong Kong Governor Youde walked on the stage in a serious manner. Not to mention, this old man's official airs are not small. After all, he came from the officialdom of Great Britain. Facing the yellow-skinned and black-eyed Xiang who is different from himself in the audience~ Hong Kong people are not stage frightened either.

"First of all, on behalf of the Hong Kong British Government, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on the establishment of the Hong Kong Film Association! Secondly, on behalf of myself, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Hong Kong filmmakers present here, because you , that made Hong Kong movies so prosperous, and the prosperity of Hong Kong movies has driven Hong Kong's economy to soar, so you have contributed a lot, thank you!" Sir Youde bowed deeply.

Not to mention that this ghost official article is really well done. Although it is not full of brocade, it hits the nail on the head and wins a lot of applause, especially his last 45-degree bow, which is like a sword coming from the west in Gu Long's novel. Feixian directly stabbed the vitals of many people.

What a humble and prudent man this is!

As expected of a gentleman of the British Empire, enough Gentleman!
Yeah, nice guy and a nice friend!
This old man is a bit silly!


Next, some jazz used the rhetoric that they are best at as politicians, full of tongues, flattering and talking, why Hong Kong's economy cannot do without you filmmakers, without you, this place would be a desert of culture and a swamp of entertainment. Without you, the economy of Hong Kong~Hong Kong would be in a slump, weak~weak~no~you would urinate frequently at night...In short, you are the sky, you are the earth, you are my good are electricity, you are light, you Is the only myth, oh, super star!

In just 10 minutes of speaking on stage, Sir Youde used his unparalleled speech skills and his three-inch tongue to completely let all the audience feel the enthusiasm and sincerity in his heart.

For a time, the applause continued and the voice of praise overflowed.

What a man.

Yes, I didn't realize that the governor of Hong Kong cares so much about Hong Kong movies.

I misunderstood him before, I only thought that he came to Hong Kong to make money like other ghosts!

Hong Kong Governor Youde is also very cool. He has come to Hong Kong to give speeches so many times, but this time he is full of vigor and vitality, and he has accumulated a lot of energy to launch!
In the past, it was either to solve the housing problem for the caged people, or to solve the problem of food and housing for the Vietnamese refugees, or to strictly arrest the stowaways. It’s not the punching bag of those unscrupulous people. You just listen to my speech without paying, and you even hit me with rotten eggs. There is no gentlemanly demeanor that a big citizen should have!It is very SHIT!

So it’s good to be a cultural person. Look, not only is he dressed in a British style, but also in a tuxedo, and when he listens to my speech, he can’t take his eyes off his eyes and is full of affection, just like the shyness and admiration of my first love era.

Hong Kong movies must be supported!

Not only because it generates huge tax dollars, but also because it represents a group of high-class people who can be trusted!
(End of this chapter)

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